Class Binded To A DataGridView With A BindingSource?

Jul 19, 2011

I have this class binded to a DataGridView with a BindingSource, what I'm trying to do is make the _SelectedMethod property a ComboBox in the GridView, and then make the items people are able to select from the ComboBox come from is my class which is binded to a DataGridView via a BindingSource.


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VS 2008 Have A Datagridview Binded With A Bindingsource With All The Options Of Editing,saving,deleting Enabled?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a datagridview binded with a bindingsource with all the options of editing,saving,deleting enabled.But i am unable to understand the problem that is why the data from my datagridview is not getting saved.This is the code which I am using

Private Sub frmDvdMovieData_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Library.category' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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Getting BindingSource And DataGridView To Work In A Seperate Class?

Feb 19, 2010

Basically I try to get a DataGridView and a BindingSource working inside a class. I define them by:

Dim TempDGV3 As DataGridView = New DataGridView
Dim TestBinding As BindingSource = New BindingSource

When I manually add columns to the DataGridView, it works perfectly, but when I set it's DataSource to a bindingsource from a base class, it doesn't load data and keeps throwing 'object does not exist' errors. The bindingsource mentioned here did, however, work on other DataGridViews that are defined in the base class (and implemented in the form to which the base class belongs)

Same for the BindingSource(not the above mentioned, but the one I try to create inside the class in the beginning of this post). I try to use it in the following way:

TestBinding.DataSource = TempDGV3
TestBinding.Filter = filterString()
SourceDataGridView.DataSource = TestBinding

But the BindingSource keeps returning 'Nothing' for it's datasource and basically doesn't work. However, the SourceDataGridView mentioned here gets filled with 63 columns with "AllowUserToAddRows" and other properties when the columns names are asked.

So my question is: how do I get the BindingSource and the DataGridView to work in this class? I'm getting the feeling I'm missing out on something very obviously here. If that's not the case, I can report back with more code?

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DataGridView Binded To DataTable - Now Sorting DataGridView?

Jan 20, 2011

At the moment I have a DataGridView (bindet to a DataTable) and some labels. If DataGridView's event SelectionChanged occurs,the labels should be filled with the information of the selected row -> No problems.But if I sort the DataGridView and click on a row, the informations in the labels are wrong.


Private Sub DGVMain_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DGVMain.SelectionChanged
If DGVMain.SelectedRows.Count > 0 AndAlso Not Me.DGVMain Is Nothing Then[code].....

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Alpha Numeric Sorting For Binded DataGridView?

Dec 9, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2005 and my problem is to sort binded DataGridView using numeric sorting (but for strings). As i understand problem is the same as in:http:[url].......or in http:[url].......My DataGridView.Datasource = DataTable. I want DataGridView to be able sorting numericaly when Column headers are clicked. This common function must be very easy, but unfortunately it is not :(. How can i get write sorting? I don't find answer in internet.Link1 is without explanable and i think it is for unbinded DataGridView and link2 is for for C+ or C#.


Real Sorting when clicked on "Ports" header (other columns need write sorting too):

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Refreshing A DataGridView Binded With A Access Database?

Dec 14, 2010

I have created in Visual Basic .net a new DataGridView in my form. I have used the wizard to show some fields of a table in my access database.I would like to add a refresh button and force the datagrid to load the data again from the database, but I'm not sure how to do that. I have tried several refresh method but it does not work.

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.net - Sort Datagridview Columns When Datasource Binded To List(Of T)?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a datagridview with its datasource binded to a List(Of T). Now i would like to sort on any of the columns.My code:

'Database access : items = List(BlogPost)
dgBlogPosts.DataSource = items
'My BlogPost Class
Public Class BlogPost


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Removing Multiple Selected Rows From DataGridView That Is Binded To List(Of T)?

Dec 8, 2011

I have a datagridview binded to a list of objects... I have a column named Selected containing a checkbox. When these checkboxes are checked and a button is clicked, I want those particular rows to be removed. I initially set it out to iterate through the grid's rows and RemoveAt(SelectedRowIndex) but of course when it removes an object from the List of objects at the selected row (IE Row 1, 4 and 6), the list indexes change and it fails to work properly when it goes to remove the next row since Row 4 is now row 3 in the list...? What is the best way to do this?

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Using A Datagridview To Update A Database And The Datagridview Is Bound To A Bindingsource

Dec 12, 2010

If using a datagridview to update a database and the datagridview is bound to a bindingsource which has its datasource as the table to be updated: where dshould you place the tableadapter.update(mydatarow)

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Is BindingSource Class Makes Use Of Threading?

Dec 8, 2010

Is BindingSource class makes use of Threading to read and write the values in controls and in objects?I mean how bindingsource know when properties of an object changes and sometimes seems not to know? Does it use a kind of BackGroundWorker running to watch changes on bindings objects? And why does it sometimes read and write properties so many times the same value on the same object's property?I found that it's sometimes easier not to use them since it's hard to know why a control do not update but, on the other hand, dealing with control events can be tedious. And what if i tried to make my own BindingSource Class not inherited from the System.Form.BindingSource

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How To Use BindingSource.Find Method Alongwith .Net Object Class

Mar 7, 2011

I want to search particular item in Binding Source for which i use BindingSource.Find() method, but it throws an exception "This operation requires an IBindingList". My binding source is bind to a .net class object.. I searched over the internet, but could not find the clear solution to achieve this task. The sample class code is given below:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Department
Private _code As Long


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Bindingsource Sort By Column Value - Datagridview

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to display a football league table in datagridview. my code gets that data for each column from ms access and displays it in datagridview. I want to sort rows according to the value of the "pts" column.I've tried using using BindingSource.Sort = "pts" but this has had no effect.


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Datagridview: Filenames With Bindingsource Filter?

Jun 3, 2008

I have a datagridview1 and search textbox1 on my form On form load I need to fill datagridview1

* with absolute path+filename of certain filetypes like *.jpg,png,gif,bmp

* in a specific directory like Application.StartupPath & "Images"

When user types in search textbox1

* datagridview1 contents need to be continuously filtered to match searchstring

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Select Record In DataGridView With Bindingsource?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a BindingSource1 and a DataGridView1.


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Updating Bindingsource Bound To A Datagridview

Jun 10, 2010

How do I update a field in the underlying bindingsource for rows selected in a datagridview.

I can do it for single row in the bindingsource but not for several selected rows in the datagridview.

bindingsource.table.current is usually the current row in the datagridview

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VS 2008 How To Do 02 DateTimePicker DataGridView BindingSource

Apr 12, 2011

tried in many ways and I know that very soon will succeed. at least I am very resourceful showing that ...... Please help me correct this code. because the DataGridView throws I query the data are in the range of dates

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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.net - Disposing BindingSource Breaks DataGridView DataSource

Dec 13, 2011

Brief : I have code which works if I don't dispose of the BindingSource after it has been assigned to DataGridView.DataSource but breaks if I do dispose it - why? Do I need to worry about disposing this?


So, what is going on here? When I set DataGridView1.DataSource = Bds does it just do this as a reference? How does Bds get disposed once the procedure exits? Does garbage collection pick it up if I assign something else to DataGridView1.DataSource? Do I need to worry about this?

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DataGridView BindingSource And Structure Array Not Updating?

Jun 19, 2012

I'm having some issues and it's all explained in some simplified code I have a structure

Public Structure myStruct
Public Property name As String
Public Property span As Double
Public Property offs As Double
End Structure

Which is instantiated in a Singleton object as follow

Public myValues(10) As myStruct

Then on a form, I'm using the structure as the DataSource for a SourceBinder and the binder as DataSource for a DataGridView.On loading the form, I get all the values into the binder

For i As Integer = 0 To 9
Next i

All the values are shown on the grid.User is supposed to be able to change the values, which should reflect on myValues but no matter, what code I put on CellValueChanged or CurrentChanged. I can't make it reflect the changes. Using breakbpoints on those events, I noticed that grid.row().cell().values and binder.current never changes.I tried also placing a button and directly changing myValues and reseting the binder binder.ResetBindings(False) and nothing happens.As far as I saw all ReadOnly properties are set to false.I've also tried setting VirtualMode to true on the grid and catching CellValuePushed and CellValueNeeded events but those are never called.

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DB/Reporting :: DataGridView BindingSource.Filter Changes Causes Dataerrors

Oct 28, 2008

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a datatable. I also have a combo box with sorting items in it. When the user selects a new item in the combo box, the DataBindingSource.filter is changed accordingly.

For the cell and row validation on the DataGridView, I set the row error text accordingly as opposed to displaying a message box.

Occasionally, when switching between items in the combo box, the datagridview gets filled with a bunch of empty rows that all have error messages. It seems it is validating the rows that existed from the previously selected filter against the new filter.

See attached image. I hope I am making myself clear.

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VS 2005 Update A Datagridview From A Bindingsource - Filter

Mar 7, 2011

I'm having problems with bindingsource. I have a proc used to update a datagridview from a bindingsource. When I run the debugger, the datatable appears to be populated rowcount is 2206 and 7 columns. When the bindingsource.datasource is set, everything looks good. The filter appears to be ok, however, when the datagridview is set to the bindingsource, it's not working. I have it in a try/catch block and an error isn't being raised. When I reference the columns to size them, an error is raised. Below is the snippet of


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VS 2008 Datatable - Datagridview Using A Bindingsource And Dataadapter

Dec 8, 2009

I populate a datagridview using a bindingsource and dataadapter. So I join 3 tables in the view to get the data i need.

so I have my view as a child table in my dataset. and a table called classes which is the parent table. So when I select a Class(class 1A for example), my datagridview displays the pupils in that class.

Now i need to add another relationship in the dataset. so when I select a day in a monthcalendar, I need to add 5 checkbox columns for each day to my datagridview. Should I add these 5 columns to my datatable? i'm not sure what the best way is.

Then for each day I tick I have to save to my pupil_job_day table. I will save the peoleid,their accountid and the date. please help me

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Datagridview - Bindingsource Filter Cast Date To String

Dec 8, 2010

I'm using the filter method of Binding source in to filter results in a DataGridView based on the text in a search box. However, the idea of this search, is that it shows a row if any of the cells contain the text. So my filter string ends up looking like this:


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Load Data To DataTable / Binding To A BindingSource Then DataGridView

Jan 19, 2009

I'm following advice to load data to a DataTable, binding to a BindingSource then a DataGridView. But some exzamples I've found use a DataAdapter, not a DataTable. [code]

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.net - DataGridView.SelectionChanged Event Firing When BindingSource.SuspendBindings() Turned On?

Jul 28, 2011

In the following sample, I create a collection of objects and bind them to a DataGridView. When the button is clicked, I .SuspendBinding, then remove all the records, then .ResumeBinding. The DataGridView1_SelectionChanged event is fired when I remove { m_dataSource.RemoveAt(pos) } the selected row of the Grid. Why is this? I would think that .SuspendBinding() would stop any events from firing through to the grid. If not, what is the point of .SuspendBinding()?

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Form1
Private m_dataSource As New BindingList(Of BusinessObjects.Person)


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.net - Filtering DataGridview Using DataSet -> BindingSource, Extra Columns Later Added?

Apr 29, 2011

For a WinForms VB.Net application, I use the Bindingsource's filtering capacity to filter data, which is seen in a DataGridview. The BindingSource is from a DataSet, created using the Designer, and the data comes from a Access DB, using JetEngine and .Net 3.5. So basically:

Datagridview.Datasource = xxBindingSource
xxBindingsource.Filter = "[extended filter string with multiple columns]"

This filtering works fine, however, now I included some extra columns in the DataGridView, which I'd like to filter on, too. Of course, when I feed the manually added columns to the Filter of the BindingSource, this doesn't work out.I've done some research, and was not able to find any way to use the BindingSource's filtering syntax on the DataGridview. I'd like to use this syntax though, as I designed quite a nice UserControl and class around it, to provide smooth, fast and simple filtering capabilities.

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Changing DataGridView BindingSource At Runtime Works But Then Fails When Changed?

May 23, 2011

Changing DataGridView BindingSource at Runtime Works but then Fails When Changed

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DataGridView Automatically Adding Bindingsource Columns In VS 2005 Designer

Apr 13, 2006

All fields from my class objects are added to the columns collection of DataGridViews, when the forms or custom controls that contain them are viewed within the VS 2005 designer. I haven't been able to figure out how to stop the designer from auto-adding all of the fields found within the bindingsource object.

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Get The Filtered Rows Into A Dataset Or Datatable In A Datagridview Bounded To A Bindingsource?

Nov 22, 2009

I have a datagridview bounded to a bindingsource (that is, in turn, bounded to a dataset that is the data origin of the project) and a bindingnavigator to a Access table, all of this done with the visual designer of Visual Basic .net 2005. I want to print in a crystal report the rows shown in the datagridview after filtered using the .filter property of the datagridview. But, to achieve this, I need to get the filtered rows in a dataset, and I havenīt got this in any way. If I pass to the crystal report the main dataset origin of the project, it will print all the rows, not only the filtered rows. I would have figured out that there would be a .getfilteredrows or something like that in the bindingsource object, but there isnīt. I managed to get this manually, through a loop, but I canīt believe it is the solution experts use.

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Bindingsource.addrow Produces A Row In Datagridview Whose "IsNewRow" Property Is False?

Jan 16, 2010 2005 sql 2005 developer.I've done at least 30-40 grids for my clients so i am not exactly new to this.i have an empty bound grid. bound via the drag and drop ide.I click on a button that does an addnew to the bindingsource of the grid.The new row appears filled with empty cells.I want to know how to determine what is the state of the row.

Immeadiately after the addnew, the rows.count is now 1. the value for dgv.rows(0).IsNewRow is false?At this point if i do a bindingsource.canceledit the row dissapears and all is well.If i enter a valid value for some of the rows but not for all of the rows,i hit the uparrow, something happens and the dataerror event is fired. again if i execute a bindingsource.canceledit then the row dissappears and the integrity is ok.If instead of using the up arrow, i click away to lets say cancel button, some strange things begins to happen.The dataerror routine files before the cancel button click event fires.If the row contains valid data then the dataerror event is not fired and the cancel button click event fires.So i am trying to have one button called "delete row".I want it to be able to remove the current row regardless of what state it is in.

If it is still in its add mode then a cancel edit will do. If it has been updated from the grid down to the datatable, then the same is true, a bindingsource.canceledit will work If the row has been pushed out to the sql server, then i have to remove the row in a different way.One such way is to use the datagridview's rows.removeat method.I need to distinguish between a row that is brand new and has not been edited at all from one that is new but has data in it and then the one who has been updated all the way to the server. Bindingsource.CancelEdit and DataGridView.Rows.RemoveAt([currentrow]) are my tools IsNewRow doesnt seem to work.after the bindingsource.addnew, where is the row in the binding source? the Item collection does not have it. The currencymanager.count is still zero?

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Datagridview Bound To Bindingsource: Displaying Both Old Values And The New Values

Mar 23, 2011

I bound datagridview to bindingsource. The bindingsource has its datasource a collection Called Rates which is a collection of Rate items. The rate object has a property called VALUE. I need the user to be able to edit different values for the collection; However, on the datagridview, i need to keep displaying on one column called OldValue the existing Rate value before the change while allowing the user to edit that value in a second column called NewValue.

In other terms, One colum OldValue will keep the existing values from the DB before being edited by the user, this column OldValue is readonly. Another column NewValue will display, the 1st time, the old value from the DB (similar to OldValue when we do the Fetch from the DB), but it`s editable column, so the user can modify each value in the column NewValue without overriding OldValue cells. For now, I bound both columns OldValue and NewValue to the same property VALUE of the Rate object,


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