Alpha Numeric Sorting For Binded DataGridView?

Dec 9, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2005 and my problem is to sort binded DataGridView using numeric sorting (but for strings). As i understand problem is the same as in:http:[url].......or in http:[url].......My DataGridView.Datasource = DataTable. I want DataGridView to be able sorting numericaly when Column headers are clicked. This common function must be very easy, but unfortunately it is not :(. How can i get write sorting? I don't find answer in internet.Link1 is without explanable and i think it is for unbinded DataGridView and link2 is for for C+ or C#.


Real Sorting when clicked on "Ports" header (other columns need write sorting too):

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VS 2008 Sorting Alpha - Numeric?

Jan 17, 2012

How can i sort the following

2 Module for Drawing
6 Module for Typing
5 Module for Maths


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DataGridView Binded To DataTable - Now Sorting DataGridView?

Jan 20, 2011

At the moment I have a DataGridView (bindet to a DataTable) and some labels. If DataGridView's event SelectionChanged occurs,the labels should be filled with the information of the selected row -> No problems.But if I sort the DataGridView and click on a row, the informations in the labels are wrong.


Private Sub DGVMain_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DGVMain.SelectionChanged
If DGVMain.SelectedRows.Count > 0 AndAlso Not Me.DGVMain Is Nothing Then[code].....

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Numeric Sorting A Datagridview?

Nov 17, 2009

I am automating a datagridview that will hold the name of an object in one column and the number of units in the second column. The datagridview keeps recognising my numbers as a string and doesnt sort them accordingly. Any ideas how to inform the datagridview to sort by numeric?

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Bound Datagridview Sorting With Numeric Data

Jun 28, 2009

I am a programmer from Uruguay. I have read the other similar questions about my problem, but nobody has given the answer I need. I use VB .net 2005 and its datagridview. I bind it to a dataset which is populated with a table of MySql. And when I sort the numeric columns, it sorts them as string, not numbers. I have tried casting the data to integer in the sql statement, but it doesn`t work. I changed the format of the column of the datagridview to single or long but it didn't worked either. I really can't believe it is happening, it is a so common need! I thingk It should be totally automatic.

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Sorting DataGridView TextBoxColumn Numeric Values

Jan 27, 2012

I am using VB.Net 2008 application program. I am using DataGridView, where column types DataGridView TextBoxColumn. I have 3 fields. 1 field values are numeric, 1 field values are string and 1 field values are decimal. When I try to sort the string value column, it sorts correctly. But when i try to sort the numeric value column, it sorts as if its string value.

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[2005] Sorting Datagridview Column In Numeric Order?

Feb 7, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview that has 2 columns. Both columns contain numeric data only and will only go to 55 in count. How do you sort a Datagridview Column in collating sequence? I basically want to sort from 55 down to 1 and 1 to 55 in their respective numerical order.

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Checking Password Field For 1 Numeric And 1 Alpha?

Feb 25, 2011

I have a textbox that acts as a password field. It is supposed to contain a value at least 8 characters long and not greater than 12 characters in length. I need to construct an if statement that checks to see if there is at least 1 numeric character in the string and at least one letter in the string.

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KeyUp Event If Keycode = Alpha Or Numeric

Apr 28, 2010


whats the simplest way to achieve this? is there a built in value for this or regular expressions?

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Sort An Alpha Numeric String Array?

Nov 22, 2010

dear all i have a list<string> which has the following c1, c1a, c30, c3a, c2,c4b ,c10b,c10a

i cant use the in built sorting function because it gives me in this order



ie i want to sort based on second intiger in numeric order ie 1,2,3,...10...30 and then the third a,b,c etc for example c10a,c10b,c10c

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Generate Random Alpha-Numeric String 18 Characters Long

Jan 12, 2009

I nedd some help in generating a random alph-numeric password for a form that I building. The form should suggest a password that 18 characters long. The user would either agree to this password or enter their own password.[code]When I use this I get a two digit number.

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Use MODI OCR To Process Checkboxes (non Alpha Non Numeric Characters/items)?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a application successfully processing the text in TIF files, but it is ignoring the checkboxes. Is there anyway to use MODI to process anything within the file that is not text? Such as a mark that a person has made with a pen inside a checkbox? I think I would need to be able to evaluate where the pixels are. This is for a zero budget personal project.

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VS 2008 Verify A Textbox If Contains At Least One Numeric Digit And One Alpha Character Using Loop?

Mar 24, 2010

How would you verify a textbox if contains at least one numeric digit and one alpha character using loop?

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Converting Text Containing Alpha-numeric & Special Characters To String Of Only Capital Letters And Numbers

Nov 19, 2011

I have encrypted a string to something like this:

1. Asak2$)kla1015QAXKFskfa332aSJ2(Ska@Skljcmcel3p.lq,aowpqaskla2@)Skx.:Pdm^),dfs;

what i want to is convert this string to something like this


both 1 & 2 the above strings are fictitious (i made them up to make my point clear)

I am trying to make a licensing system for my VB 2010 express application. (2) above will act as a serial key which can be derived from (1) which is an encrypted form of something unique of the client computer.

I will then confirm the (2) from the client.

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Get The App To Accept Numeric And Operator Input While Ignoring All The Alpha Input?

May 10, 2010

I am writing a calculator app in VB Express 2008. I'm trying to get the app to accept numeric and operator input while ignoring all the alpha input. In other words taking input from the numeric keypad and the top of the keyboard and ignoring all the letters.

Here's the block of code I have so far:

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
If (e.KeyCode >= Keys.D0 OrElse e.KeyCode >= Keys.NumPad0) And (e.KeyCode <= Keys.D9 OrElse e.KeyCode <= Keys.NumPad9) Then
Select Case e.KeyCode


I can't get vb to recognize the above code it seems to skip right over it. BTW, is 'Keys.Crsel' the same as the caret '^' symbol?

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VS 2008 Sorting Listbox In Numeric Order

Apr 2, 2010


How do i sort the listbox in numeric order , I wanted them to be sorted like the way i did below :


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Class Binded To A DataGridView With A BindingSource?

Jul 19, 2011

I have this class binded to a DataGridView with a BindingSource, what I'm trying to do is make the _SelectedMethod property a ComboBox in the GridView, and then make the items people are able to select from the ComboBox come from is my class which is binded to a DataGridView via a BindingSource.


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Sorting - Combobox - Auto-complete Behavior For Numeric Values?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a problem with the auto-complete behaviour of comboboxes in VB.NET (with the .NET framework 2.0).I am using a combobox to type in numeric values, and its DropDown list to suggest possible numeric values. This list is sorted in ascending order, for example {"10","92", "9000", "9001"}.The combobox properties are set as follow:

AutoCompleteMode: SuggestAppend
AutoCompleteSource: ListItems
DropDownStyle: DropDown
Sorted: False

The DropDown list is simply filled like this:


When I don't type anything, the order of values of the DropDown list is correct, in original/ascending order. However, when I start typing something, the suggested values in the DropDown list get sorted (alphanumerically): if I type "9", the list of suggestions becomes {"9000", "9001", "92"}.I would like to prevent this behaviour to get the values of the list in the original/ascending order. I can't figure out how...A possible work-around would be to pad with zeroes the values in the list, e.g. {"0010", "0092", "9000", "9001"} but I would like to avoid this.


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Refreshing A DataGridView Binded With A Access Database?

Dec 14, 2010

I have created in Visual Basic .net a new DataGridView in my form. I have used the wizard to show some fields of a table in my access database.I would like to add a refresh button and force the datagrid to load the data again from the database, but I'm not sure how to do that. I have tried several refresh method but it does not work.

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.net - Sort Datagridview Columns When Datasource Binded To List(Of T)?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a datagridview with its datasource binded to a List(Of T). Now i would like to sort on any of the columns.My code:

'Database access : items = List(BlogPost)
dgBlogPosts.DataSource = items
'My BlogPost Class
Public Class BlogPost


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Removing Multiple Selected Rows From DataGridView That Is Binded To List(Of T)?

Dec 8, 2011

I have a datagridview binded to a list of objects... I have a column named Selected containing a checkbox. When these checkboxes are checked and a button is clicked, I want those particular rows to be removed. I initially set it out to iterate through the grid's rows and RemoveAt(SelectedRowIndex) but of course when it removes an object from the List of objects at the selected row (IE Row 1, 4 and 6), the list indexes change and it fails to work properly when it goes to remove the next row since Row 4 is now row 3 in the list...? What is the best way to do this?

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VS 2008 Have A Datagridview Binded With A Bindingsource With All The Options Of Editing,saving,deleting Enabled?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a datagridview binded with a bindingsource with all the options of editing,saving,deleting enabled.But i am unable to understand the problem that is why the data from my datagridview is not getting saved.This is the code which I am using

Private Sub frmDvdMovieData_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'Library.category' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


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.net - Know If PNG Has An Alpha (or If The Alpha Is Completely White)?

Jan 13, 2010

I have PNG and need to know if it has an alpha (or if the alpha is completely white)? How can I accomplish this in code.

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How To Add Up Numeric Values In Datagridview

Jun 22, 2010

I have a datagridview with 12 columns and 30 rows I want to use as a scoreboard for a game (no need to input or save data). Columns are for the players and rows for the scores of each turn played. Say player1 has a score of 10 I type it in in his column in row1, the 10 should show up in a label as his total. His next turn his score is 100, type it in row2 and the label should show 110 as total. Hope I am clear enough, is there anyone able to give an idea on how to do this (in code if possible)?

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IDE :: How To Total Numeric Field In Datagridview

Feb 9, 2010

how can i total numeric field in datagridview

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Numeric Data Without Decimal In Datagridview?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a bound Datagridview with a column Quantity in which I want to enter numbers but dont want the user to type a decimal. E.g. 100 should be allowed, however 100.23 should not be allowed.Have set the DefaultCellStyle property of this column to

DataGridViewCellStyle { Format=N0 }


Also in my Form Load event i have entered below code:

= "N0"[code].....

However this is not working.When I run the program it is allowing me to enter decimal values.

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Sort Datagridview Contents As Numeric Instead Of Alphabetical?

Feb 26, 2012

I have been struggling to find an answer to this problem:

I have a datagridview1 with 10 columns, 0-9

0-8 are for text, such as name, address, email

the 9th is a dollar amount. I want to sort the whole datagridview by this amount. But, what is happening is that when I click on the column it sorts the values out like this[code]...

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VS 2008 Formatting A Numeric Cell In A DataGridView

Aug 16, 2009

I'm trying to format a column of numbers is a datagridview and I'm having some problems. This is the code I'm using: dgv.Columns(5).DefaultCellStyle.Format = "n2" If the number I put in the cell is 100.50, it shows up as 100.00. If I try to edit it back to 100.50, I get a "value was either too large or too small for an Int32" error. The cell also is accepting Char data. I want to format the column so it only accepts numbers in a '#####.##' format.

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Sorting In Datagridview

Jun 11, 2009

I have a problem with sorting in datagridview. I load an xml file in a datagridview and I sort the collums for check. when I try to sort it according to it's number the sorting goes like this:


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Sorting In Datagridview?

Jan 14, 2010

I have two columns in a datagridview, one is a year and the other is a month. These two form a date, but unfortunately the structure in the database I'm forced to use is that of two integers. I need to sort the rows by date, using these two integers. I tried creating an unbound column with a date, but sorting this way seem quite difficult. So, I thought I could do a multicolum sorting by year first and then by month using two columns

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