Compare 2 String Variables To Determine If They Are The Same?

May 23, 2009

how do i compare 2 string variables to determine if they are the same?ie:

if(string1 = string2 AND string3= string 4) then
perform operation
perform another operation
end if

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Arrays - Compare Two Lists 2D And Determine

May 2, 2012

I declare my 2D lists:

Dim _invoiceitems As New List(Of List(Of String))
Dim _dbitems As New List(Of List(Of String))

Each List is filled like this: Example Code To fill:

_invoiceitems.Add(New List(Of String))
_invoiceitems(0).Add("Code #")

Well, now i need a third list called (_changesitems) Note that this result with the differences: be the result of subtraction of quantities if this is found (dbitems - invoiceitems).

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Compare Object Variables And Look For Changes?

Nov 30, 2011

I have a function that will be passed an object that contains MANY variables. These variables all get stored in a database. Later a new object will be passed to my function and most of the time it will be identical. But sometimes one or two variables will be different and I'll have to take various actions based on those changes. Other than looping through every variable and comparing it to every stored version of that variable, how might I do this? Can I some how generate a hash value for an entire object? Since the object will be the same most if the times it is passed to me this would be a quick way to determine that nothing has changed.

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Compare To See If 2 Variables Have Same Datatype?

Jun 21, 2010

as the title states. Is there a way to determine if both datatypes are the same?

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Compare Multiple Variables In OR Condition?

May 4, 2011

I have 12 Varibales in VB.Net.

If a = 1 _ Or b = 2 _ Or c = 3 _ Or d = 4 _ Or e = 5 _ Or f = 6 _ Or...... Then
Like That....

For that my string will be so long for 12 varibles...

SO is there is any other way to compare 12 variables

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Compare Two Variables Of Type Nullable?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to compare two variables of type nullable(of boolean) in VB.NET 2010. One of the variables has a value False and the other is Nothing. Now I was expecting the following expression to evaluate to true, but this is not the case:

Dim var1 as nullable(of boolean) = False
Dim var2 as nullable(of boolean)
var2 = Nothing


Why don't I see my MsgBox? How should I compare two nullables (of boolean)?

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Compare Variables False Positivies?

Jan 6, 2012

I created a SRT program in vb6. works great. I thought it would be a good time to port it over to vb2010 for obvious compatibility issues. the following will not work, even though through debug; all the vars are correct - it just wont come up.

' Timer1.Stop() : MsgBox("start: " & CaptionStart & " end: " & CaptionEnd & " smptime: " & WMPTime) : End
If (CaptionStart <= WMPTime) And (WMPTime <= CaptionEnd) Then
txtCaption.Text = Caption


in the above its simpler (why I like vb6) and works perfectly. I am most likely "not seeing the forest for the trees" syndrom.

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VS 2008 - Take A String Of Variables With A Common Delimiter And Break It All Back Out Into Separate Variables

Dec 11, 2011

Last year (2010) I came across a FANTASTIC command that allowed me to take a string of variables with a common delimiter and break it all back out into separate variables (possibly an array) with one statement.


As long as the delimiter was a unique specifiable character, this one-statement command could break it out into elements. my memory and point me in the right direction.

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.net - Compare Two String ArrayLists?

Oct 7, 2010

I have two array lists

dim Colors1 = New ArrayList


I would like to find out which colors are missing from Colors2 that are found in Colors1

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Compare A String And Trim?

Apr 9, 2010

I have this string that shall come in from another file. The string has maximum length of 102 digits. I need to compare the string with numbers in a pair and delete those from that string.

e.g - 6125223659587412563265... till 102

numbers that compare with this string-

first set - 61

new string = 25223659587412563265

second set - 36

new string = 252259587412563265

and so on. the set of numbers shall go to maximum of 51 pairs = 102, which shall give an end result of string = "" How can i achieve this in a loop?

this is not answer, this is editing the question. i dont know why but the edit button just vaniashed so i have to edit question here. No duplicates will ever be in this string. and in the end when compares are done, i want to see what numbers are left in pairs.

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Compare Each Character Is String?

Jul 11, 2010

i want to compare each character is string with the pattern and if any character matches it should give error.. eg, i have "ABCDEF" as patern to matched with.

and "OULJYSA" to be macthed with the patern, as u see A is common, so in that case it should display msgbox("match found") is there any way to do it? i did it in php using regex and preg_match()

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How To Compare Two String Values

Nov 13, 2009

How can i compare two string values in i've tried compare, equals functions but it's not giving me the correct result. what i'm trying to compare is as follows. also let me know if the code is correct. i'm new to


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String Compare Function In VB?

Jul 4, 2011

Here is my code for the string comparison function

Public Function CmpKeys(ByVal oldkey As String, ByVal newKey As String) As Boolean
Dim cmpText As Integer


My question is whenever I compare "alt+ctrl+w" with "alt+ctrl+W" it tells me that both the strings are the same, but as you can see that both of these strings are not equal because it got small 'w' and the other one is 'W', how come both of these strings are equal?

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Use The Method In VB?

Oct 17, 2009

I am attempting to use the method in VB. One of the strings come off a list box that was converted over to a string(strLotto), and the other string (stringInput) is coming off of user inputted data. I am trying to compare the two and return the values that are the same into lstSameNums.

Public Sub UserData()
Dim intNum As Integer


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Determine If String Value Contains A Dot Or Period As Used In An Ipaddress?

Jul 25, 2011

I need to check commandargs on the entry into an application. The value to check will either contain an ipaddress or a special case of '0' or Zero. I can't use he following because it will throw an exception on a valid ipaddress. What can I use to first determine if the value contains a value of type before I check to see if the value is zero?

If (CInt(IncomingConnectionArgs.IP_Address) = 0)

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Determine The Length Of A String In Pixels?

Jun 29, 2010

I am trying to determine the length of a string in pixels.

I created a little test program for myself and placed three labels on it, each with the same font in a different size. I set the width of the label to 1024, the screenwidth. I used the same test text for each label, cutting it off at the last character that shows, so there is not hidden text running off the label to be included in the string width count.

What I have found is that the width of the string is being reported as wider than the label, even though, as I just mentioned, there are no characters running off the edge of the label. So, something's awry. Does anyone know how to get an accurate width?

Here follows the whole test code. You can drop three labels on a form and run it to see what I mean.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class frmMain


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Compare A String With All The Items In A Listbox?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to compare a string with all the items in a listbox, if it finds a match it returns true

Private Function Checkuser(ByVal username2 As String) As Boolean
If InvokeRequired Then
Invoke(New checkmeInvoker(AddressOf Checkuser), username2)


note ive tried more than does it have something with return false being at the bottom of the function. becuase ive tried adding an exit function once it returns true, but still I get returned with false to make it even more frustraiting the clipboard results are test/test

View 9 Replies

Compare Letters Of A String To See If They Match

May 18, 2012

I am making a question and answer game, and I would like to be able to give the user some slack in the answers if they were to misspell a word by a letter or two, like if the answers was Jumps and they type Jump if you did a comparison of them like If string1 = sring2 then do whatever, but obliviously those to string dont match, so it would return false, even though it is the right answer, I came up with this routine to compare two words and if the percentage of the letters are higher then 82 % right it will give you credit for your answer.


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Compare String Values From Database?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a tblVersion that contains the versions of my application:

VersionID Version

VersionID is a bigint primary key, version is a ntext column that holds the current version... I want to be able to pick the row that has the highest version number, but version could be in this format:

MyApplication 1.0.1

If I try to convert that to a int32 it will throw an exception obviously. I would like to know if some of you have a idea how to solve this issue. I could of course make sure the column will only contain numeric values but this gives a little more flexibility.

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Compare Two Strings And Replacing Different Bit With - In Another String

Oct 29, 2010

for example i have two strings 0000 and 0001 then

result= 000- here difference is indicated by - sign

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Palindrome Program Using String Compare()?

Apr 12, 2010

I need to create a code using String Compare() and Cases to figure out if a word, phrase, or what is typed in a textbox is a palindrome. If it is, a message will appear in a label under the textbox that reads, "What you typed is a palindrome." Or, "What you typed is not a palindrome." , if it is not.

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Determine Which String: "Input String Was Not In A Correct Format"

May 14, 2009

I am receiving this error message: "Input string was not in a correct format." on my 2.0 VB project.

When looking at other posts with this error its obvious that each time it will be specific to the users' project. Therefore my main question is, is it possible to generate a more informative error message?

I am already in debug mode but it does not tell me in which string the problem lies. I am converting some strings to integers with "Cint" and have also tried the Integer.Parse() method to no avail.

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Determine The Length Of A String To Print Using PrintDocument

Oct 19, 2010

Do you know of a way of knowing the lenght a string will ocupy on a .DrawString using PrintDocument?

What I want to do is to break up a string in case it won't fit on the page, do not sugest to search for the lenght of the string itself because I am not interested in the number of characters, as you may know, PrintDocument "draws" the text on the page so on proportionate fonts, the number of characters is independent on the lenght of the output.

this is the line that prints the text:
e.Graphics.DrawString(strText, New Font("Arial", 12), Brushes.Black, 10,10)

Of course I could use monospaced fonts like courier or the like but... well, I don't want to.

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Determine The Length Of A String Variable In VB10

Mar 6, 2012

I try to determine the lenght of a string variable, but get the wrong outcome when using: testje = Len(testSTR). When I insert the following line of code: testje = testSTR.Length the answer is still wrong but when I click "Length" I see the correct value. How to get at that value, so I can use it?

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.net - Case Insensitive String Compare In LINQ-to-SQL

May 8, 2009

I've read that it's unwise to use ToUpper and ToLower to perform case-insensitive string comparisons, but I see no alternative when it comes to LINQ-to-SQL. The ignoreCase and CompareOptions arguments of String.Compare are ignored by LINQ-to-SQL (if you're using a case-sensitive database, you get a case-sensitive comparison even if you ask for a case-insensitive comparison). Is ToLower or ToUpper the best option here? Is one better than the other? I thought I read somewhere that ToUpper was better, but I don't know if that applies here. (I'm doing a lot of code reviews and everyone is using ToLower.)


View 6 Replies - Compare Values From Data Source To String

Jun 24, 2010

I'm just trying to implement a 'no duplicates' catch on my insert customer form, but it just slips through my if statement to the else everytime. This is the source. Also I tried a .Equals with the same results :(

Protected Sub srcAllClients_Inserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles srcAllClients.Inserting


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Compare A Full String To One Containing Wildcard Characters?

May 16, 2012

I have a method that takes 2 string arguments. One that contains a normal string and one that contains a string with one or more wildcard characters. I've tried the following code:

Private Function DoesMatchWildcardString(ByVal fullString As String, ByVal wildcardString As String) As Boolean
Dim stringParts() As String
Dim matches As Boolean = True


The I realized that it won't work properly. If I have ABCD as a normal and A*CD as my wildcard string the match will work even if my normal string was CDAB, which is not what I want.

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Compare Input Hashes Against Generated String?

Oct 15, 2011

I need VB code to compare an input MD5 hash string against a generated string. The generated string is a salted text string plus an integer 1-1000

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Compare String From TXT File And Textbox Text

Aug 23, 2010

First I create a class which have a string property
Property stdName() As String

Then I open a text file and put into array of that class
Dim arrStudent() As Students
Dim allstdinfo As New IO.StreamReader(dlgOpenStudentsFile.FileName)
Do Until (allstdinfo.Peek() = -1)
Dim strAllstdinfo As String = allstdinfo.ReadLine()
Dim arrStudentLine() As String
[Code] .....

Finally I run a for loop and compare the stdName property with textbox.text
Dim counter As Integer = arrStudent.Length
(debug here)
For i As Integer = 0 To counter - 1
If (String.Compare(arrStudent(i).stdName, txtStdName.Text) = 0) Then
lblPhoneNo.Text = arrStudent(i).phoneNo
End If

And I add watch:
Why the compare return 1

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Compare The Data Passed In Query String?

Feb 3, 2011

sir i m working on a project and i want to pass a value in query string and redirect it to next page .....ok now on next page i want to make a check on this if the value of querystring is equal to a particular value then a message show.... i have done upto here now the prob comes if the values is not matched the code written in else is not working i m writting my code:-----

if(request.param.count>0) then

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