Compare What You Type Into A Textbox To A Randomly Generated Password?

May 8, 2012

I am setting up a game for my final visual basic program in my computer programming class, and it is supposed to compare what you type into a textbox to a randomly generated password, and then return whether the last character you entered had a higher, lower or the exact same ascii value as the corresponding character in the randomly generated password. Well, in order to test it, I set up labels to compare the two characters... when you type in ALT + 125, the ascii value returns 125, as it should, and it says that the ascii value of the correct character is 142. I typed in ALT + 142, and the character's ascii value, according to what the label puts out, is 196... obviously its converting dec into hex or oct or something... but how do I fix it?I can also tell you that when I typed in 196 to see if it was reversed or something stupid like that, it printed that the ascii value was 49... what's up with that?!

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Get Randomly Generated Image On The PicBox

Nov 18, 2009

I have two images on my VB pictureBox one of it is randomly generated on the picBox(to any location) and the other is a normal image that can move around the picBox area using left right up and down buttons. The problem is that when ever the normal picture gets to the random one, it goes under the random picture and the task is to restrict the normal picture from going into the walls of the random one. when it gets to the wall, top, bottom left and right, it should stop moving.

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Using Randomly Generated Numbers From List Only Once

Mar 16, 2011

Below is a form which produces a graph, the idea is to produce 6 random numbers from a range (0,6) place the numbers in an array then use these numbers to produce columns on the graph, however at the moment it is using the numbers more than once, how can I get it to just use the values once only in the array.

Private Sub btnGraph_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGraph.Click
txtAns.Text = ""
g.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 50, 70, 50, 420)
[Code] .....

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Replace Number At End With A Randomly Generated Sequence Of 4 Numbers

Dec 2, 2009

In a project I'm working on, I've assigned each user a unique ID with the following code. [code] However, I want to replace the number at the end (RecordCount) with a randomly generated sequence of 4 numbers (no 2 can be the same).

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VS 2010 - Stopping Timer When Reached To Randomly Generated Number

Nov 27, 2011

Basically I am trying to get my timer to stop when it reaches a randomly generated number.

I have dimmed num2 as integer (num2 is timer)
I have dimmed num3 as integer (num 3 is random number)
I have done num3 = randNum.Next (0, 8)

My timer is working perfectly and counts from 0 -8. My randomly generated number works too, so how do i get the timer to stop when it reaches the random num?

I have tried;
if num2 = num3 then
timer1.enabled = false
But that didn't work

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Create A List Box Of 25 Randomly Generated 0s Or 1s - When Put The Loop In, It Only Repeats The Same Random Number?

Mar 25, 2012

Beginning VB 2010, had a project that requires us to create a list box of 25 randomly generated 0s or 1s. Problem is when I put the loop in, it only repeats the same random number, not different one each loop. What am I doing wrong?This is the code I have so far...Code in Question:

'Declare new random object
Dim RandomGenerator As New Random
intRandomNumber = RandomGenerator.Next(0, 2)[code]......

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[2005] Display A Randomly Generated Sentence On The Screen Wait - Pause - Timeout - Standby?

Jan 26, 2009

My program is supposed to display a randomly generated sentence on the screen (something like a screensaver) Then 'wait' for a random period between 1 and 5 minutes before cycling through to generate another sentence. How do I do that?


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Compare Input Hashes Against Generated String?

Oct 15, 2011

I need VB code to compare an input MD5 hash string against a generated string. The generated string is a salted text string plus an integer 1-1000

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CAI Program - Display Question "How Much Is _ X _?" With _ Being A Randomly Generated Number Between 0-9 - Label

Jan 28, 2011

Basically, I'm not sure if I'm thinking along the correct lines when trying to break this down. The program is supposed to display the question "How much is _ x _?" with _ being a randomly generated number between 0-9 which I have in a label. The student inputs the answer and clicks the "Answer" button. If he gets it right, the label below outputs "Very Good!" and automatically puts a new question in the above label. If the student gets it incorrect, the output is "No, Please try again." and the student keeps trying until the question is answered correctly.

My method of thinking on this is that the random.object generator is input first so the question with the numbers are output in the first label. Then, under the Sub answer.button, enter the statements that will either check and refer to the above statements to get a new question or have the student try again until it's answered correctly. One of the other criteria for this is that I have to use a function for the calculation. Would the function statement, because it has to return a value, go before the answer.button code or after?

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Password Characters - Get A Textbox Being Using For Password Entry To Display The Black Circle

Feb 10, 2009

How do you get a textbox being using for password entry to display the black circle that you often see in web forms, on the iphone etc etc?

I can change the PasswordChar property to an asterisk no problem and even copying and pasting symbols inserted into Word seemed to work - just couldn't find a symbol that looked like a bullet point!

Can this actually be achieved for a standalone exe, or is it something unique to web forms? Surely copying and pasting symbols from Word isn't actually the answer?

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Save Data (some Text That User Type [as Password Etc]) And Save That Password On Same Location Where Is Application?

Dec 25, 2011

how to save data (for example some text that user type [as password etc]) and save that password on same location where is application. After saving I want to have also Load option so we can load saved data.

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Remove Xsi:type From Generated Xml When Serializing

Oct 5, 2011

I am sending XML externally. One of the node called "datafield" has an element called "value". This may contain normal text content, or an html content (which I need to wrap in CData). So, I created a base class (ProvisionDataField) with 2 classes inherits from it (ProvisionTextField, and ProvisionCDataField) as follows:[code]

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Get Minimum Value From Type List Generated From Linq To SQL?

Jun 21, 2011

I'm returning a list of database records;

Dim rsPublicChilds As System.Data.Linq.ISingleResult(Of spGetPublicObjectsResult) = Nothing
rsPublicChilds = dc.spGetPublicObject(slintLoginID, lintLanguageID, lintObjectID, lintObjectTypeID, lstrSEOURL, lstrValid)

I get an enumerable list of rsPublicChildObjects that I then convert to an array;

Dim larr_PublicChild As IEnumerable(Of spGetPublicObjectsResult) = rsPublicChilds.toArray()

That then gives me easy access to an array of the objects, so I can then do;



I'd like to get the minimum value of colMyValue (or any other property of the object that's been created for me) but I can't quite see how to get there.

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C# - Force Resharper To Use The CLR Type Names For Auto-generated Code?

Nov 4, 2011

According to the General Naming Conventions the usage of CLR type names (e.g. String, Int16) should be preferred over the usage of language specific type names (string, short). I usually follow this advice. Resharper however seems to use the language specific type names when generating code (eg. when extracting methods or generating foreach loops) which is very annoying.

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Compare Two Variables Of Type Nullable?

Jun 9, 2011

I'm trying to compare two variables of type nullable(of boolean) in VB.NET 2010. One of the variables has a value False and the other is Nothing. Now I was expecting the following expression to evaluate to true, but this is not the case:

Dim var1 as nullable(of boolean) = False
Dim var2 as nullable(of boolean)
var2 = Nothing


Why don't I see my MsgBox? How should I compare two nullables (of boolean)?

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Flash Card Program - Type All The Words On A Text File And Have The Program Randomly Pull One Of Them

Feb 15, 2009

Anyway, I'm a teacher and am writing a program that simply shows kids a word on a flashcard. There are 2 buttons, 1 to read the word and 1 to go to a new work. There are going to be 300 words. Really I'm just testing it right here. What I want to know is should I be inputting all the words right into the code like I did with "hi" and "not 1" (Don't ask. those are just the 2 random words I picked to test this out with). OR is there a better way (maybe somehow to type all the words on a text file and have the program randomly pull one of them (I don't know how to do this).

Here is the code so far:

Public Class Form1
Dim word
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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How To Display Auto-generated Id On Textbox In A Form

Jun 8, 2011

knows how to display autogenerated id on textbox in a form?for exampleif i have 2 textboxes

1st txtbox is for CustomerID
and the other is CustomerName
when im gonna add a new record


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Overriding CompareTo When There Are Multiple Ways To Compare Two Objects Of The Same Type?

Jan 12, 2011

What's a sound approach to override the CompareTo() method in a custom class with multiple approaches to comparing the data contained in the class? I'm attempting to implement IComparable(Of T) just so I have a few of the baseline interfaces implemented. Not planning on doing any sorting yet, but this will save me down the road if I need to.

Reading MSDN states mostly that we have to return 0 if the objects are equal, -1 if obj1 is less than obj2, or 1 is obj1 is greater than obj2. But that's rather simplistic.

Consider an IPv4 address (which is what I'm implementing in my class). There's two main numbers to consider -- the IP address itself, and the CIDR. An IPv4 address by itself is assumed to have a CIDR of /32, so in that case, in a CompareTo method, I can just compare the addresses directly to determine if one is greater or less than the other. But when the CIDR's are different, then things get tricky.

Assume obj1 is and obj2 is I could compare these two addresses a number of ways. I could just ignore the CIDR, and still regard as obj2 as being greater than obj1. I could compare them based on their CIDR, which would be comparing the size of the network (and a /8 will trump a /24 quite easily). I could compare them on both their numerical address AND their CIDR, on the off chance obj2 was actually an address inside the network defined by obj1.

What's the kind of approach used to handle situations like this? Can I define two CompareTo methods, overloaded, such that one would evaluate one address relative to another address, and the second would evaluate the size of the overall network? How would the .NET framework be told which one to use depending on how one might want to sort an array? Or do some other function that relies on CompareTo()?

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Auto-generated Text Boxes / Address The Correct Textbox?

Aug 4, 2010

Using this

TxtBox = New TextBox()
With TxtBox
.Name = "T" & reader("area").ToString
.Visible = True


The name would come out like "T3" Now I want to put a value into that textbox.How can I address the correct Textbox?

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Compare Data In Textbox?

May 6, 2012

I'm working on a project that will compare two textboxes and output the difference in a third textbox. To provide some background what I'm trying to do is compare a users active directory groups to another users groups. What I want this program to output is the groups the user already has, groups that need to be added, groups that need to be removed(basically unique values).comparing text will output an integer, or boolean. I need the actual difference outputted in text to have a working document of changes to groups.

Here is an example of what I want it do, but i'm only able to get it working using an excel macro.

Sub UniqueValues()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long


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Compare The Textbox Is Not Blank?

Jan 19, 2011

Its basically to compare the textbox is not blank

if not Convert.ToString(txtbox1.Text)=String.Empty then


if txtbox1.Text.Trim.Len>0 then

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Make A Program That Makes User Type In A Password

Aug 28, 2009

Im trying to make a program that makes a user type in a password, then open a folder where the user can put files. but once they close out of the file browser. the program needs to save the files and remove the directory. for example think of a file cabinet being the program, and the drawer being the temp folder. when the user closes the drawer, it goes back into the cabinet, or in this case the program.

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When You Type In A Username And Password On A Website It Asks You If You Would Like It To Remember

Oct 27, 2009

Im coding a very nice browser, it has a gui and has many addons. Im looking for how to make it so when you type in a username and password on a website it asks you if you would like it to remember them like mozzila.

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Compare The Textbox Value With Table Row Value By Using If Condition?

Feb 8, 2010

Using VB.Net and SQL Server

I want to compare the textbox value with table row value by using if condition


If textbox1.text = cmd
cmd = New SqlCommand("Select name from table1", con) Then
cmd = SqlCommand

The above code is showing error in if condition. I don't know how to compare the textbox value with table row value by using if condition.

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How To Compare Textbox Files To Ones In Directory

Jun 1, 2010

I want to compare some files from a textbox to ones in a directory.
[Code] .....

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NotePad To Textbox To ListBox And Compare?

Jan 11, 2011

i need advice why this code bellow when compare the 164 ListBox.The result is not correct but certain listboxs comparing is correct.

Public Class Form2 Private Sub CompareAllListBoxes() get an alphabetical list (as an IEnumerable) of the ListBoxes which are children of the form Dim ctlsToCheck = From c As Control In Me.Controls Where TypeOf c Is ListBox Order By c.Name Select c


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Compare Image In Picture Box To Textbox Input?

Feb 10, 2010

compare image in picture box to textbox input???????/

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Compare String From TXT File And Textbox Text

Aug 23, 2010

First I create a class which have a string property
Property stdName() As String

Then I open a text file and put into array of that class
Dim arrStudent() As Students
Dim allstdinfo As New IO.StreamReader(dlgOpenStudentsFile.FileName)
Do Until (allstdinfo.Peek() = -1)
Dim strAllstdinfo As String = allstdinfo.ReadLine()
Dim arrStudentLine() As String
[Code] .....

Finally I run a for loop and compare the stdName property with textbox.text
Dim counter As Integer = arrStudent.Length
(debug here)
For i As Integer = 0 To counter - 1
If (String.Compare(arrStudent(i).stdName, txtStdName.Text) = 0) Then
lblPhoneNo.Text = arrStudent(i).phoneNo
End If

And I add watch:
Why the compare return 1

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Compare Text In A TextBox To Values In A ComboBox ?

May 10, 2009

Again a little (for me) tricky thing:Supose you have a ComboBox control with predefined values - to keep it simple, let's add some colors:

- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Yellow

Now you have a TextBox control as well. If you type into the TextBox BLUE (non-key sensitive) I would like to make it recognize that this value already exists. It does not have to do anything else except for notifying me about a match.I do think that the TextBox1.KeyPress or TextBox1.TextChanged event is what I need but I have no idea how to compare to the ComboBox1 items. I've tried to create an Array of my ComboBox1.Items but didn't get much more than errors. Can anybody help? I am sure it is quite simple however, I can't get my mind set to go in the right direction

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Compare Textbox Text To Strings In List?

Jun 10, 2009

I've build a list of Strings from files. The list itself is working fine (tried it by having ListBoxes and other controls loading its items from there just to make sure that this is not the issue). Now, I am using this list of strings to compare a Text in a TextBox1 while typing to determine if this TextBox1.Text already exists in the list. I am using the following code (where "s" stands for my List items):

Private Sub TextBox1_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.TextChanged
If TextBox1.TextLength < "1" Then
Button6.Enabled = False
ToolStripStatusLabel1.Image = My.Resources.pic_Add_Warning
ToolStripStatusLabel1.ForeColor = Color.Red
[Code] .....

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