Computer Recognize Image As Text On The Clipboard

Sep 12, 2011

I wrote a program that copied an image from the clipboard and stored it on a file. The machine I wrote it on ran Vista. When I copied the programs over to a computer running XP the program wouldn't recognize that there was an image on the clipboard. It will recognize that there is text on the clipboard but not images. When I transfer the programs over to a computer running Windows 7 it works just like it did on the Vista machine. So I figure the problem is somehow related to the XP operating system. But how? Lots of programs I use on the XP machine can copy images to and from the clipboard. So why can't the one I wrote in Visual Basic?

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Forms :: Use The Clipboard To Take Information From A Rich Text Box And Send It To The Clipboard

Oct 7, 2010

I'd like to ask if anyone knows how to properly use the clipboard to take information from a rich text box and send it to the clipboard. You see, if I try the following, which is pulling text from a rich text box, named RichTextBox2:


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Game Programming :: Sound Files - Use .exe On Another Computer It Doesn't Play Because It Does Not Recognize .wav Location

Jan 17, 2010

To programming and have a question with sound files. I am trying to figure out the basics and here is what I did: I created a button that is supposed to play a sound.


When I click this button in my .exe file it obviously plays because I am using the computer with the above location for the .wav file. When I use the .exe on another computer it doesn't play because it does not recognize that .wav location. How do I make this work for me? Do I need to embed the .wav with my .exe somehow?

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ExceptionError Was Unhandeled When Using .computer.clipboard.settext(a)

Oct 14, 2009

a is defined as string I don't get it, in some cases this line worked fine but in others it errored.

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Preserve Image Metadata When Moved To Clipboard As An Image

Dec 2, 2011

I am writing a little program to convert LaTeX snippets to images which can be pasted into whatever program one can paste images into. It's working alright but the next obvious step is to include the source LaTeX code as a piece of metadata in the image so that the results can be modified without having to retype everything.

I have succeeded in adding a title PropertyItem with the latex encoded as an ASCII byte array as its value (id=800, type=2, value=System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(codestring)). I verify that the PropertyItem is really there before trying to put the image on the clipboard.

Then I do Clipboard.SetImage(myImage). The result is all of the PropertyItems are removed (my title plus anything else that was there)! I check this by doing MsgBox(Clipboard.GetImage.PropertyItems.Count.ToString) which gives zero.

This way, the copiedImage has the same PropertyItems as the original. However, new problem:

Other programs don't recognize what's on the clipboard as an image anymore, which defeats the whole purpose. I.e., if I put an image on the clipboard this way, when I try pasting into some context that accepts pasted images, nothing happens.

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Parse Webresponse And Recognize If Is An Image Or If An Xml?

Dec 30, 2009

I've a php script that if the user ahs the privilege to download and image the image is sent to webbrowser but if the user has not the privileges and xml with the info is displayed.[code]

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Check If Clipboard Has An Image?

Feb 15, 2010

how to Check if clipboard has an image??

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Code Not Picking Up Image In The Clipboard?

Nov 20, 2011

The following code doesn't work;[code]....

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Copy Webbrowser Image To Clipboard?

Feb 10, 2010

This seem to work in the past but no longer in

Dim O As Object
O = WebBrowser1.Document.Body.CreateControlRange()
Call O.Add(WebBrowser1.Document.All("ImageId"))


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Get An Image From Clipboard And Save It To A File?

Feb 12, 2011

Im trying to get an image from clipboard and save it to a file (.bmp)

Here is my

Private Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Private Const VK_SNAPSHOT = &H2C


Btw (For the first code)If I press the Button the first time and i paste it manually(ctrl+v) to the paint the printscreen image is appeared.Also If i debug the code it works perfectly and it produces the .bmp file.

So im thinking its a timing issue , so I put a sleep(3000) after the keybd_event(VK_SNAPSHOT, 0, 0, 0) command and it still doesnt work.

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Get Image Width And Height If Its In Clipboard?

Nov 5, 2011

I know to get an image's size if its a file, but what if it is located in the clipboard? I really don't want to save it from the clipboard as a file only to read its size.

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VS 2010 Getting Filename From Image On Clipboard

Apr 1, 2011

I can get an image from the clipboad that has been copied from the web with the following


How can I get the filename of the original image? I don't want to save the bitmap with that name, just display it in a textbox.

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Copy Image To Clipboard And Let It Be Pasted As File?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a picture box and if I use Clipboard.SetImage(PictureBox.image) Then I can only paste the image into things like Paint and MS word. I can't paste it as a file into a folder/desktop.So how can I copy the image to to the clipboard and if gets pasted to a folder then it becomes a file?

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ERROR - Saving A Image From Clipboard To File?

Jun 24, 2011

I wanna make an application to monitoring lan PC webcams,i have a appwinstyle.hide application that acess to webcam and copies a frame from it 'gets a frame to clipboard


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Pasting An Image From The Clipboard As A Fill In A Bubble Graphic?

Jul 29, 2011

I'm trying to use an image as the fill in a series in a bubble graphic. I know we can set what's in the clipboard as the filling of a bubble, but when I try to record the macro nothing happens...

Can anyone tell me what's the code to put an image from the clipboard as the fill from the selected bubble series?

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Show Image From Clipboard To Defalut Imageviewer Of Windows Using

Mar 13, 2009

I am using below function to make a image of current form and set it in clipboard

Image bit = new Bitmap(this.Width, this.Height);
Graphics gs = Graphics.FromImage(bit);
gs.CopyFromScreen(this.Location, new Point(0, 0), bit.Size);


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C# - Retrieve A DataGridView From The Clipboard (It Ends Up Being Null In Clipboard)?

Jul 21, 2010

I am unable to read a pasted datagridviewrow object from the clipboard. All I want to do is, when a user has the entire row selected and copied, I would paste that row into the clipboard as a DataObject. That works just fine but when I attempt to read that DataObject (after the user clicks Paste) the DataGridViewRow that's saved in the clipboard always has a value of Nothing. Here's the code I'm using for Copy and Paste.


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How To Get Clipboard Text Automatically

Jun 8, 2011

Is this possible to get text automatically in textbox1 whenever any textbox is copied to the clipboard.I am talking to get it automaticaly.So if i copies abc then textbox1 value will be abc automatically (Not by clicking any button or form loading)

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Retrieve Text From Clipboard?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm writing macro for the Visual Studio 2005 and I need to retrieve text from the clipboard.

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Copy Text From Listbox To Clipboard

Jun 15, 2011

My web page displays a list box which is populated from a sql server database. The user wants to be able to click a button which copies part of the data in the list box.I found lots of examples which do not really do what I want or do not work.

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Extract Only Text From Clipboard Content?

May 26, 2012

How can I extract from the clipboard content only the text data, so, that I don't know the format of the clipboard data?

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VS 2008 Add Selected Text To A Clipboard?

Aug 4, 2009

How to add selected text from another program (flash file) to a clipboard? Its already selected just needs to be copied so I can do:

Me.TextBox31.Text = My.Computer.Clipboard.GetText()

doesn't seem to work?

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Copy Selected Text To Clipboard (from Any Application)?

Sep 30, 2011

I've researched this a little bit and everything I've seen shows how to do this using a textbox within vb.Is there a simply command i can use within a windows form (vb) that will simply say "copy any text selected" essentially mimicking the CTRL + C. This could be in a word doc, web browser, any app.

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Capture When The User Pastes Some Text From The Windows Clipboard?

Mar 26, 2012

I am trying to capture when the user pastes some text from the windows clipboard. At the moment, I don't care about files or images. Here is the base code that I am using.


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Copy A Text In Page Into Clipboard Using Program Code-behind?

Mar 5, 2011

How to copy a text in page into Clipboard using code-behind ?

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Copy To The Clipboard A Text That Is Read From The Serial Port?

Jan 16, 2009

I'm trying to copy to the clipboard a text that is read from the serial port, but when try to use:

Clipboard.SetText(MyTexo,MyText Format) give me the follow error: Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE calls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on it.

Im using VB.Net 2008 and is a single form program. What could be wrong.

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Detect Clipboard Text Change With Unicode Support?

May 15, 2012

iam using the below code to check text change in clipboard but its not supported with unicode chracters like ا ب ج is there any way to add support for unicode text or is there any other way to do same work?

#Region " Definitions "
'Constants for API Calls...
Private Const WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD As Integer = &H308


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C# - Clipboard.ContainsData And Clipboard.GetData?

Dec 15, 2011

I try to paste some copied objects using Clipboard class.

<Serializable()> Public Class DogsZoo
Public Property Dogs As List(Of Dog)
Public Property Workers As List(Of Worker)


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Click A Button In VB And Highlight A Text Box And Copies Content To Clipboard?

Feb 2, 2012

having a button and text box. And when you click the button, the text in the text box highlights and is copied to your clipboard it one quick move. I'm building this code in VB (Microsoft, Visual Basic 2010).

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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Draw Text To Image - Hit Save Again It Writes The Text To The Background Image On PbMenu1?

Sep 4, 2010

I'm making a front end to dvdauthor.I have a picturebox which holds the menu background. In order to draw a textbutton on the background image I store the image in a hidden picturebox. So the text doesn't get drawn to the visible background.

Dim ctl As Control
For Each c As Control In pbMenu1.Controls
If c.GetType() Is GetType(TextBtn) Then[code]...

This works the first time. But if I hit save again it writes the text to the background image on pbMenu1.

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