ContextMenuStrip Click Events In .net?

Apr 8, 2010

Is there an event that fires in just before a contextMenuStrip appears when the user right clicks on a control? I need to be able to control the content of the contextMenuStrip just prior to the menu strip appearing. Basically I want to be able to change the content of the contextMenuStrip just before it appears.

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VS 2010 Unable To Use Contextmenustrip And Datetimepicker (and His Events)?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a contextmenustrip containing a datetimepicker. Now the problem is that when I choose another date in the datetimepicker the event for that goes through without a problem BUT the event causes the contextmenustrip to go away. The problem is the contextmenustrip must stay shown. I solved the issue with on the end of the event, this works but this has one big disadvantage. I loose all information about the sourcecontrol of the contextmenustrip, and this can't happen.A monthcalendar lets the contextmenustrip stay after his event, but a monthcalendar is too big what cause my menu to be clumsy.

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.net - SourceControl Of ContextMenuStrip Is Nothing In ToolStripMenuItem Click?

Jun 22, 2010

I have single ContextMenuStrip attached to more controls.In use the Opening event of ContextMenuStrip to filter/disable some context entries.In this case the property ContexteMenuStrip.SourceControl is set correctly.The problem I have is on the Click event of a ToolStripMenuItem. This item is inside a ToolStripDropDown. I get the parent item with code:

Dim tsmi As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(DirectCast(DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem).Owner, ToolStripDropDown).OwnerItem, ToolStripMenuItem)


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Deactivate The ContextMenuStrip When Right Click Mouse?

Mar 5, 2009

How do you deactivate the ContextMenuStrip when you right click your mouse. Because I have a checkbox that the ContextMenuStrip will not display if it is not check.. If it is check, the ContextMenuStrip will be activate again.

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Add A Contextmenustrip Item And Give It A Click-function

Sep 16, 2009

I've want to add a contextmenustrip item and give it a click-function. Like this:[code]

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ContextMenuStrip Not Showing When SystemTrayIcon Click (Windows Services)?

Aug 31, 2010

How may I trouble shoot this problem? The contextmenu doesnt show up at all. This is a windows service project with a NotifyIcon and ContextMenuStrip.

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.Threading
Public Class CORGate


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MS Access Automation - Click Command Button (Click Events)?

Dec 16, 2009

I am writing an Automation program to control an MS Acces applcation. Here is the sequence of events:

- Load MS Access Database (Done)

- Load an MS Access form (Done)

- Take dates from Main.VB and populate 2 fields in MS Access form (done)

- Load another MS Access form called Stage_2 (Done)

- Load a file name into a filed in the Stage_2 form (Done)

- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_copy on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)

- Do a click event in MS Access linked to a button called Pre_Stage_import on Stage_2 form (How do I do these?)

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Use ToolStripMenuItems Without Mouse Events ( Click Or Double Click Event )?

Apr 4, 2010

I have a solution in Vb.NET 2008 windows Form with ToolStripMenuItems, but I need to implement menu navigation without any mouse intervention.I only found mouse events In ToolStripMenuItems, MenuStrip, etc.All MenuStrip and ToolStripMenuItems are created programatically, reading user permissions from Database, then add a handler to manage the events, but the client don't want mouse interaction, he wants only keyboard inputs only ![code]

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Running Click Events Without A Click?

May 13, 2012

i have an event called startButton_click that runs when the startButton is clicked

i want to recall this method from another part in the code


doesn't work

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Button Click Events Not Working In XP?

Mar 15, 2012

I believe I may have already posted a much longer explanation of this , but its driving me spare!!! I have several pieces of code that click buttons thru sendmessage commands, all the code works fine in Windows 7! But I put the app on WindowsXP and only some of the buttons will work,


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Datagridview Double Click Events?

Sep 3, 2011

What is the Coding for the double click event of data gridview and when it click will shown the data in to the textbox. for example in listview

with listview1.selecteditems(0)

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Variable Does Not Pass The Value To The Other Click Events

Mar 15, 2010

I have 3 click events in my form. I have delcared a string variable called sVariable in the following format: Public sVariable As String but when I try to use the value from the sVariable variable then it does not pass the value to the other click events. so in the Button1_Click event i type the following


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.net - Track Mouse Click And Drag Events?

Jan 12, 2011

First, I want to know if the mouse is in some area. Then, I want to check if the mouse holds the left click. I want to check as long as the left button is down, and I want to track the mouse's position. And finally, check when the left button is released.

So, in short, where should I start for tracking mouse events in my form?

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Accessing Click Events For WebBrowser ContextMenu

Apr 24, 2009

How can I access the Click Events for a Webbrowser's ContextMenu? For example if I wanted to access each menu item in the ContextMenu?

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Change The Button Hover/click Events?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm just wondering how I can make a custom button, but have it inherit the regular button? I just want to change the way it looks, and change the button hover/click events

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Datagridview Double-click Events Not Firing?

Jan 14, 2011

I have a windows form that can search for data and the results are results are returned in a Datagridview. The Datagridview is bound to a custom datatable object. On the CellDoubleClick and CellContentDoubleClick events, a new form is supposed to open which will display the results of that row. What I am noticing is that the datagridview doesn't always fire when I immediately double-click on a particular row. It would appear that I have to first click on the row to "select" it, then double-click the row so the event will fire. Is there a way to remove this intermediate "select" step? Is there a property in the Datagridview that needs to be activated so the double-click events will fire right away? Does something possibly need to be done in another DatagridView event?

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Detect When Label Is Clicked Without Doing On Click Events For All?

Dec 29, 2009

Is there a way to detect when a label is clicked without doing on click events for all the labels? I want to be able to detect the click, find what has been clicked, then I can change the label since I'll know which one has been clicked.

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Events - Handling Multiple Textboxes Upon Click

Aug 10, 2010

I have multiple textboxes which I want them to perform the same thing upon clicking them. By default I can use the handles for 1 single textbox as shown below but I am not sure how to do handle multiples of them. Of course I can write a handler for every single textbox but I have about 50 of them. I am sure there must be a more efficient way. [Code]

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Forms :: Multiple Click Events For A Button?

Jun 11, 2011

Is it possible to have multiple click events for a button based on the button text? In other words, if I change the button text can i create a new click event based on that text but use the same button?

for example:

button1.text starts as "steel"
button2.text starts as "brass"

If I click button1 then the text would change to:

button2.text="Cold rolled"

If I click button1 again a string would then be added to a textbox and the process would start over again. can I have a different click event or would I need to put an If/Then or Select/Case in the sub to handle this? I have 10 buttons I would need to do this with and each needing at least 3 different choices for each depending on the previous button press.

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Getting Click Events From Buttons In A Control Array?

Feb 22, 2010

Using VB 2008 Express.

Attaching code to buttons when they're clicked is easy when they're static buttons on the form; just double click the button on the form designer and add code to the event.

I have a series of buttons that are generated in a control array, so they're generated in a class, and in the form there are no buttons until runtime.

So newbie question with a probably simple do I enter code for the click event for buttons that aren't there until they're instantiated as a class at runtime?

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Set Button Click Events And To Use Them To Open Other Programs?

Oct 4, 2009

what are some helpfull source codes to set button click events and to use them to open uther programs .

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VS 2008 Moving Click Events To Module?

Feb 14, 2010

My program's code is getting a bit jumbled with all the subroutines for button clicks, etc. I want to move them into a more manageable set of modules, but I get the following compile error:


Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.

For each event. Clearly I have to define a WithEvents variable, but I have no idea how or where to.

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Can't Enable The Mouse Events Like Click Under My Custon Control?

Oct 13, 2010

My problem is: i can't enable the mouse events like click under my custon control.this control is a simple container, with a image and a label.

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Handle Click- Events Of Dynamically Generated Buttons?

Sep 20, 2010

Am on creation of touch screen UI system.And am generating button for selecting products

Under certain category.

--> array of button creating dynamically And placing in TABPAGE when user selects Tab for category. The button will be created with the name of products, Under the category selected.

'the way am creating controls.
mybutton(j) = new button()
mybutton(j).top = 100

How can i get the Click event of those buttons-( in the array)....??

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Intercet A Large Number Of Click Events And Dipose Them?

Jun 29, 2011

In my application, every time a button is pressed a complex interface is built, it requires few seconds to be built.All works well till someone press the button too quickly and the application lag behind.Is there a way to read how manu times a button has been pressed so I can jump to build the last interface number equivalet to the sum of the last few click avaoind to try to build the interfaces in the middle.

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Pass A Handle In A .NET Form To C For It To Draw On/get Click Events?

Jul 20, 2009

I am trying to put a new face on an old C program. The C program is, of course, unmanaged code, designed smartly to separate the number crunching and the interface, and the interface I'm trying to replace is X windowing. The graphics part is where it gets a little hairy, because the C is going to need to continue to draw in my new interface, based on the data the program produces. Even if I want to duplicate that data in .NET so that the .NET side can handle all of the drawing, the fact remains I'm going to need to operate on the graphics window in some fashion from C.

I gather that handles have a lot to do with the bare Win32 graphic operations. Is such a similar handle provided to, say, a PictureBox element in .NET? And if so, is it the kind of handle I can use in the unmanaged code without an issue?

I have tried and tried and tried to google for the solution for weeks now, and all I come up with are either C++ solutions (using object-oriented GDI+) or some sort of extension to the C language.

Alternatively, is there a way I can have .NET create a handle specifically for this purpose of having C draw it?

To sum it up, I am using Visual Basic .NET 2008 and a C DLL (also compiled in VS2008), so far in the little testing I've done, I've been able to marshal complex structures to and fro, but I am not sure how exactly I'd let C do any drawing on the .NET form, if that was even possible.

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Simulate Multiple Mouse Move And Click Events?

Oct 27, 2011

I wish to simulate multiple mouse move and click events for multiple mouse for emulation of mice in mouse mischief for a kinect project im working on. I want to emulate a mouse for each person on the kinect that is recognized using microsofts kinect sdk and be able to do a left mouse click for each person.

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VS 2008 Context Menu Left & Right Click Events

Oct 26, 2009

Anyways, after thorough researching as much about context menu, I have tried to do a left and right click context menu, including the events that will happen by opening the context menu. I wanted this to happen on a specific place, not the form itself (In this case, a picture).The left click context menu works fine, but when I try a right click context menu, the left click context menu will pop-up as soon as I release the right click button.[code]By using this code, I have a small nuisance of the right click event, where when released, it also uses the left click event. Any ideas of how to, well, stop it opening the left click menu when I release the right click button?Alternatively, I was thinking of using a mouse hover event to replace the right click event, but I'm not that advanced of a programmer.

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Make Every Checkbox In A Checked List Box Generate Its Own Click Events?

Oct 9, 2009

How to make every checkbox in a checked list box (VB 08) generate its own click events .

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Adding Click Events To Array Of Buttons Created Dynamically

Mar 27, 2012

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim rgen As New Random


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