Convert The Decimal To An Integer And Then Use A While Loop For Every Text Box?

Jun 21, 2010

I am new to vb and need some help with this change program. The idea is that we are given a certain amoun of change and then telling how many dollars, quarters, dimes, nickles and pennies. I thought I would convert the decimal to an integer and then use a while loop for every text box, i.e. dollars, quarters, dimes, etc.., to show how many of each, but the while loop is confusing for me in vb, but to tell you the truth I don't know if I am on the right track,


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VS 2008 How To Convert Text File To A Number (decimal Or Integer)

Jan 7, 2011

I'm reading a text file that has a single line with the number 70. I want to convert this to a number (decimal or Integer). The following returns 7 - what am I doing wrong? [code...]

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Convert String To Integer With Variable Decimal Sign?

Nov 22, 2011

I am currently looking into the conversion of a string value to an integer. Obviously I will need to do some validation as to whether the passed value is in fact convertible to an integer.

At the heart of my question is this: the users' local is nl-BE (dutch (Belgium)), which means that we use a comma as decimal sign (and points as thousands separator); e.g. 123.456,78 would be a valid nl-BE number. Now, when using the numeric keypad, the
decimal key will yield a point, not a comma (weird huh!). So many user will enter 123456.12 and when converted to an Int, this should yield 123456.

The thing is that I want to cover all possible angles; both points and commas may be used as decimal sign by the users. So I wondering if anyone has written some code that deals with such a situation. I was thinking of an extension method that makes the
conversion based on whether a point or a comma is last used in the passed string (since no thousands separators should occur after the decimal sign).

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VS 2010 Loop Through Array List And Convert To Integer?

Dec 31, 2010

i have data in an array list called txtarray which contains numbers, how can i loop through the array list and convert the values from into a integer variable?

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Convert Text To Decimal?

May 11, 2010

The code below works until I try to convert the text box to a decimal. I think it might be because at the time of conversion the text box is empty. If thats the case, where could I do the conversion?[code]...

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Do Until Loop - Adding Text (as Integer) To A Textbox

Mar 7, 2011

I am trying to understand the do until loop when adding numbers along with a variable to a new line in a textbox, incrementing each time. My current example is very simple but only returns the first value. I require the output to be incremented automatically, so I thought a do until loop would be best.


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Convert A Decimal ( Decimal Place Holder = Dot) To A Decimal (decimal Place Holder =comma)?

Dec 20, 2010

how do you convert a decimal ( decimal place holder = dot) to a decimal (decimal place holder =comma)?

View 6 Replies - Converting Decimal In A Label To An Integer?

Mar 28, 2011

Currently using VS2008, VB.NET, SQL.

I have a FormView from a Data Source that is getting some fields that are stored as Decimals in the SQL Database.

I am grabbing the field from the FormView as such:

Dim AvgTicketL As Label = CType(frmMerchantProfile.FindControl("F10Label"), Label)

I need to take this value, and convert it to an Integer, then send it along to an API. I have the API Calls done, tested and working, but I'm getting an error as when it is getting this value, the API is returning "Must be an Integer" error.

What I have tried so far:

Dim AvgTicketL As Label = CType(frmMerchantProfile.FindControl("F10Label"), Label)
Dim AvgTicket1 As Integer
AvgTicket1 = Double.Parse(AvgTicket.Text)
Do something with AvgTicket1

I have also attempted to Round the Value, then convert it and call it - no luck.

Checking the value of AvgTicket1 (Writing it out to a Label or Response.Write) shows "100", where the database value was 100.00. But the API is still getting 100.00, apparently. Any other conversion method that I've attempted states errors that the Label cannot be converted to Integer.

What are some methods I can successfully convert this value to an integer from a label?

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Conversion To Integer, Decimal, Double

Jun 9, 2011

So, yes, I've tried with these three formats, and the problem remains the same:I have a string, "s"For Each s As String In stringarray and this array is recieving data from a streamreader that is reading a csv file. The data I'm having dificulty reading are these very specific numbers(yes, only these numbers, because phone numbers get home safe and sound).The numbers I'm talking about are usually decimal.ValueList.Add(Convert.ToDecimal(s))

Now, when I convert them like that, they always bring a "D" alongside with them. I've personally checked the string multiple times, and it just has a "1", and somehow, my list recieves "1D" as a number, same thing happens with decimal numbers(0.29D for example). I've tried with Doubles and Integers, the result is the same.

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Decimal Numbers Round Up Or Down To The Nearest Integer?

May 13, 2009

How can I make it so that decimal numbers round up or down to the nearest integer?

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Make Integer A Two Place Decimal In VB Express?

Jun 9, 2011

I am using Visual Basic Express. Here is my code but my number is always a whole number when I divide I want it to be two decimal places. For example 367/12 should equal 30.42 not just 30.


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VS 2008 Textbox Formatting From Decimal To Integer?

Sep 12, 2011

In a textbox on my form, I have a value that loads in it that is something like "10.38 - 12.33"

I want it to where the textbox will display whole numbers only. So it will show "10 - 12"

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Way Of Testing To See If Number Variable Is Integer Or A Decimal?

Jul 19, 2011

Is there a way of testing to see if a number variable is an integer, or a decimal?

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Access DB Update Storing Numbers As Integer Instead Of Decimal?

Oct 26, 2010

I am taking data from a datagridview and storing it in an Access 2007 DB table

using the Datatset/TableAdapter Update command.
'Add rows to Table'
FoodDatabaseDataSet.Meals.Rows.InsertAt(DR, MealsRwCnt)
'Update Data Base'


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Option Strict On Disallows Conversions For Integer To Decimal

May 7, 2011

i am using integer for days and miles, and the calculation is for money so i am using decimal in one function i am allowed to CDec the days for the calculation and the next function it gives me an error.

I dont see where what i am doing is any different than the other.

Function CalcLodging(ByVal intDays As Integer, ByVal decRoom As Decimal) As Decimal
Return (CDec(intDays)) * decRoom ' This function allows the conversion from integer
End Function


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[2005] Get Application Version As An Integer With Decimal Points?

Mar 4, 2009

I need the application version as an integer with decimal points eg: 1.2 At the moment I'm using:

Dim CurrentVersion As Integer
CurrentVersion = My.Application.Info.Version.Major & My.Application.Info.Version.Minor

which just gives me 12.

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Form Decimal To Textbox, From Text Box To Decimal

Dec 21, 2010

1) One Decimal Varibale stores a decimal value

2) The value must be converted in string ( some time the comma is used as decimalplaceholder some time the dot)

3) the user modifies the value

4) i need to riconvert the string back in decimal

how can i do this


Variable 123.34D ----> textBox 123,34 or 123.34 -----> variable 123.34D

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Loop Does Not Truncate Into A Two Decimal Place Holder

Feb 14, 2012

I wrote a loop that posted an accrued principal cycle to a listbox for a period of 10 years (10 loop cycles). The problem is: not only does the amount of the principal reconfigure for each loop cycle, but it does not truncate into a two decimal place holder as it should. I would like to use the ("F2") but I am not sure where to put it within the code. Here is what I have for the Calculate button event handler.


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Convert BCD To Decimal?

Dec 7, 2009

I am trying to convert information stored in a file to a decimal (or ASCII) format, then write the contents of that file to a new file.

What I have is a list of files that are generated from a cash register. The documentation that was provided to me says that this particular file I am trying to work with has a length of 6, a width of 6, and that it's BCD type.

I've done quite a few google searches and can't seem to find a good solution. I know BCD numbers should be stored as 0000 format. But the problem I'm getting is when I read each part of the file (using my I'm getting full numbers..and I am expecting the 0000 format. I'll get a 0, 0, 0, and then all of the sudden I"ll get a number that's 65,000..then I'll get a 34...and there doesn't seem to be any

I'm sure I'm doing something incorrect here, my knowledge of reading HEX, BCD, etc. is very minimal. I'm guessing it has to do with using a filestream, so I can use the fs.ReadByte() method..but when I tried that my program was literally chugging along for several minutes with no sign of ending.[code]...

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VS 2010 - Exit Loop When Cancel Used (Decimal Input)

Nov 17, 2011

I want to make it so when cancel is used it exits the loop but I need the Input as a decimal.
txtItems.Text = intCounter.ToString
intCounter = intCounter + 1
msgInput = CDec(InputBox("Enter Item Price", "Item Price", ""))
decSubTotal = msgInput + decSubTotal
txtItemPrice.Text = msgInput.ToString("C2")
[Code] .....

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Convert Integer(*) To Integer()

Jan 27, 2010

i tried this, but had invalidcast at line 2.
Dim a As Array = Array.CreateInstance(GetType(Integer), New Integer() {1}, New Integer() {1}) Dim b As Integer() = CType(a, Integer())

what i'm trying to do is to create an Integer array with LBound greater than 0. any way would be accepted, or can i say this: my function that takes i As Integer() as its argument does not have to check the LBound of i because there is no way LBound of i will ever be greater than 0

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C# - For Loop With A Non-integer Increment In .NET?

May 28, 2010

Can a VB.NET For loop be constructed that mimics this C# code?

TimeSpan oneDay = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);
for (DateTime d = startDate; d < endDate; d += oneDay) {
// some code

Obviously you could do it without a For loop (i.e., with a While); I'm just curious if there's a certain syntax to construct a VB.NET For loop with a non-integer increment that I'm not aware of.

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Convert A Decimal Into A Percentage In Vb?

Feb 1, 2010

How do you convert a decimal into a percentage in visual basic? I have the code to get the problem but I need to move the decimal over two places.

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Convert A Double X To A Decimal Y?

Oct 5, 2011

Let's say I want to convert a Double x to a Decimal y. There's a lot of ways to do that:

1. var y = Convert.ToDecimal(x); // Dim y = Convert.ToDecimal(x)
2. var y = new Decimal(x); // Dim y = new Decimal(x)
3. var y = (decimal)x; // Dim y = CType(x, Decimal)
4. -- no C# equivalent -- // Dim y = CDec(x)

Functionally, all of the above do the same thing (as far as I can tell). Other than personal taste and style, is there a particular reason to choose one option over the other?

EDIT: This is the IL generated by compiling the three C# options in a Release configuration:

1. call valuetype [mscorlib]System.Decimal [mscorlib]System.Convert::ToDecimal(float64)
--> which calls System.Decimal::op_Explicit(float64)


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Convert A Whole Number Into Decimal?

Jan 14, 2012

How to convert a whole number into decimal..For example 70 to .70 because there are some price in my system that needed to be calculated by grams for example $5 per grams... I am saving the price in my database as an integer..

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Convert Decimal Into Time?

Aug 18, 2010


Very simple, I click a button and it shows the answer in the label. The answer to this is: 00:02:38 (according to excel)

But I want my to change the decimals into the time as excel would do so. The answer vb gives me is: 0.001833786. So how can I change a decimal into a time?

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Convert Decimal To DateTime?

Mar 25, 2011

how to convert Decimal To datetime?

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Convert Decimal Value To Datetime?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a decimal value and i want to convert it to datetime.


Dim Excess As Decimal
Dim FixEncodedHours As Decimal
Dim OvertimeLimit As Decimal = 4D


How can i convert the decimal result Hr_Ex to datetime?

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Convert Hex To Decimal Using Program?

Mar 13, 2009

I need to convert hex to a decimal in VB.NET. Found several examples in C#, but when I tried to convert to VB.NET I was not successful. An example of a hexadecimal number that I am trying to convert is"A14152464C203230304232323020572F544947455234352E".

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Convert String To Decimal?

Oct 7, 2010

How to convert string to decimal ?

input - output
45 - 45.00
45.5 - 45.50
45.51 - 45.51

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