Create A "wrapper" DLL To Provide Additional Functionality On Top Of An Existing DLL?

Jan 19, 2009

I'm trying to create a "wrapper" DLL to provide additional functionality on top of an existing DLL. Here's what I'm doing, it may be the wrong approach.The existing DLL is basically a .net version of WinSock. It has lots of public methods and events.The DLL I'm trying to create will provide specific file processing methods, and notification events, which will then utilize the WinSock DLL totransfer the files. This wrapper Dll is intended to encapsulate all of DLL #1 methods and events.

So what I'm doing is having my new DLL reference the existing one, and create a new set of events, some of which get raised by handling DLL #1 events.So I end up with two DLLs, one of which is dependent upon the other. When I try to use my DLLS in a Forms app,I am able to use my wrapper to call methods in the WinSock DLL. Some events that are raised within my wrapper are properly handled by the forms app.The events that do not work (get raised) are the ones which are raised by handling the other DLL's events.This seems to be because the WinSock DLL's events never get raised, when they apparently should be. The WinSock object in question was declared as "WithEvents".

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C# - Additional Functionality Into Existing ASP.NET App?

Mar 16, 2012

adding certain functionality to an existing ASP.NET application running on IIS 6.0 programmed in VB.NET.To aid in future development the client wants the additional functionality to be as future proof as possible. Ideally i have said that I would like to push for a solution using ASP.NET MVC3, running off IIs 7.5 and .NET 4, written in C#. This solution would act as a seemless addition to the current web-portal appearing probably just as an extra tabbed page.

But they will be completely seperate web-apps. Which is crucial.The main problems i can forsee are firstly sharing session particulars between the web app and the new application. Particularly with regard to maintaining session state (and not having IIS timing out on one of the apps). Also, conjoining the two "apps" appears problematic in my head, although this may be far simpler than i fear.

1) Embed the new fuctionality into the existing codebase (not a great option). This would mean losing any potential future upgrade-ability and also means not following better OO conventions by utilising the MVC framework.

2) Using an iFrame to link to the razor pages of a seperate MVC3 app (the one im favouring currently). Allows uses of all new technologies, however downside is sharing session data. Either through iFrame "attributes" through persisting a session state to a db? (slow?) or even some kind of web service interaction between the applications to push/pull user/session data?

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Put A Wrapper Around Some Functionality That Uses A Web Service To Return Some Information?

Nov 28, 2011

This is annoying. I'm trying to put a wrapper around some functionality that uses a web service to return some information. The intention is to wrap all of that communication into a dll such that the user can simply call functions from the dll to get back information, without needing to care about the service.As far as I can tell, that isn't possible, because the service information, as far as bindings and endpoints, HAS to exist in the app.config of the program that references the dll. That means that anybody using this dll won't just be able to add a reference to it and use it, like they would with any other kind of dll, they must also edit their app.config to add in a bunch of information. That's a simple copy and paste job, but it's incredibly unfriendly, and exposes some of the internal workings of the dll to casual inspection.

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Developing Multi-part Projects Which Can Be Connected Together For Additional Functionality?

Sep 1, 2009

I'm in the process of developing a database project which will consist of 3 applications, which can be used on their own. The user may choose to purchase just one of the applications, but when the others are used I'd like to have additional functions enabled.My question is what is the best method of developing multi-part projects which can be connected together for additional functionality?

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Add Wcf Functionality To An Existing Website Project?

Dec 27, 2011

I have several website projects for various sites.Currently I want to add REST API's to these projects so I can start developing mobile apps (using HTML5/JavaScript/CSS3 and PhoneGap) that make use of these webservices.

Since WCF is far more powerful than regular webservices (among others with control over the service and authentication/authorization), I'd love to add these to my existing website project.

I did a Google search but cant find anywhere a step-by-step tutorial how this can be done. And also if there's any functionality I'd possibly loose when adding WCF functionality.I was also thinking of creating a new project specifically for WCF, but think I'd rather add it to an existing website project.

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C# - Rewriting Existing Functionality In The .NET Base Class Library

Apr 14, 2009

Relating to another question I asked yesterday with regards to logging I was introduced to TraceListeners which I'd never come across before and sorely wish I had. I can't count the amount of times I've written loggers needlessly to do this and nobody had ever pointed this out or asked my why I didn't use the built in tools. This leads me to wonder what other features I've overlooked and written into my applications needlessly because of features of .NET that I'm unaware of.

Does anyone else have features of .NET that would've completely changed the way they wrote applications or components of their applications had they only known that .NET already had a built in means of supporting it?

It would be handy if other developers posted scenarios where they frequently come across components or blocks of code that are completely needless in hindsight had the original developer only known of a built in .NET component - such as the TraceListeners that I previously noted.

This doesn't necessarily include newly added features of 3.5 per se, but could if pertinent to the scenario.

Edit - As per previous comments, I'm not really interested in the "Hidden Features" of the language which I agree have been documented before - I'm looking for often overlooked framework components that through my own (or the original developer's) ignorance have written/rewritten their own components/classes/methods needlessly.

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Provide An Error Message If The User Does Not Provide A Value In Textbox?

Mar 30, 2010

How can I provide an error message if the user does not provide a value in my textbox. I found this example, but it doesn't work in my

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e_
As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If TextBox1.Text = "" Then


It says that Error Provider1 is not declared. How do I do this the right way?

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Create A VB6.0 Callable C++ Wrapper?

Oct 14, 2010

I need to call functions of "well documented" C++ dlls from a VB6.0 application. how to create VB6.0 callable C++ wrapper.

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Unable To Create A COM Wrapper For That OCX?

Sep 12, 2011

I'm trying to add a control on my form and each time an error pops up : "Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered". I'm currently upgrading from VB6 to VB.NET (VB2010 running on Win 7).I installed vb6 on my win 7 PC and i can still add that control on any form - so definitely the OCX is properly registered. My guess here is that VB.NET is unable to create a COM wrapper for that OCX.

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Create A .exe Wrapper For A Flash Player?

Feb 9, 2010

I would like to create a .exe wrapper for a Flash Player using VB.NET. I am having a few problems.1.I seem to remember being able to import Flash Player as a control into Visual Studio (2008 Pro). For some reason, I can't seem to VS to import it anymore. (I tried using the OCX from Visual Studio) Perhaps I'm looking for the wrong file. What file am I looking for?

2.Is including Flash inside of a VB program legal?

3.When a control is included in a VB.NET program (such as Flash) does the control need to be distributed in a separate file, or will the compiled application contain it in the ".exe"?

I was able to import the control as the Flash10b.ocx from c:WindowsSystem32Macromed directory as a COM component. Question 2 and 3 still remain.Is there documentation on the ActiveX control? I am trying top figure out the API for ExternalInterface.

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Create Additional Columns In Gridviews?

Apr 22, 2009

Im trying to add data into a new column I have created in my gridview.[code]...

Now I need to go in and add data for the rows below the column. I have seen ppl saying I need to set it equal to a datafield but how do I create a datafield from scratch then?

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Create A Custom ListViewItem Class To Store Additional Hidden Info?

Apr 29, 2011

I want to store additional information about a listview item using a custom class, but I can't seem to get it to work.I'm currently using this code to accomplish something similar using a listbox item.I just want to do the same thing with a listview.

Public Class myListboxItem
Public id As String
Public rootFolder As String[code]....

I forgot to add "Inherits ListViewItem" to my class.I'll update the code listed here to serve as an example for others.

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Create User-Control That Inherits The Functionality Of A TabContol

Apr 16, 2009

I want to create a User-Control that inherits the functionality of a TabContol.

I begin by starting a new project of the type Windows Form Control Library. Next I place a TabControl on the UserControl designer surface and Dock the TabContol to Fill the UserControl.

I go to the code editor for the UserControl and enter the following line of code.

Inherits System.Windows.Form.TabControl

Then I run the program and get an error. Intellisence recommends that I use one of two recomendation. When I accept the recommendation I and try to run the program the problems esculate.

The design-surface is no longer accessable.

I try to comment out the problem lines of code in the UserControl1.Designer.VB file but that doesn't help.

How can I create a UserControl that Inherits the Properties of the TabControl so that the properties of the TabControl are visable in the Properties Window?

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Create A Class Library That Has Forms To That The Users Can Perform Some Functionality?

Mar 14, 2008

I want to create a Class Library that has forms to that the users can perform some functionality. Is that possible in VS 2008? I believe it is, but can't find any examples out their to provide a template or a guide to create mine. What I am trying to do is put common functionality in a class library to multiple applications that I create can access this class library to perform some functionality.

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Create A Module That Will Contain All General SQL Functionality Like Connect - Disconnect And Execute A Sql Query

Sep 8, 2010

I'm fairly new to VB.NET and I'm looking to create a module that will contain all general SQL functionality like connect, disconnect and execute a sql query etc. I think I'm almost there but the code keeps bombing in one place. Can anyone see what is wrong with the following code?


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Create The Basic Functionality Of A Text Box Like Drawing The Text Box And Handling Input?

Feb 19, 2011

I'm making a custom control that needs to look like a Text Box but I can't Inherit Directly from text box since I need to add, Change and Override so many things that it would be more practical to just inherit Control and start new.

But now my question is: Is there an easy way to create the basic functionality of a Text Box like drawing the Text Box and handling input ?

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Create A New Database Based On An Existing One?

Feb 1, 2011

I am working on a database application for my Class Reunion in and VS 2008, My problem is when i build the program it will only work with 1 Database For my Class year, I would like the ability to be able to create a new database for a different classyear than the 1 i build and pre-Populate, so the person using it can do more than 1 year and keep the databases seperate.

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Create A Copy Of An Existing Microsoft SQL Database?

Jul 22, 2009

I would like to make a copy of an existing database in microsoft SQL Server 2005 in code, if that is possible. I'll need to make a copy of the original one, and change the name to some other name choice. All tables, stored procedures and such will be exactly the same.

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VS 2005 Create Column In Existing Table?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a table in database which I need to add a new column to. Normally I would load the access database and create the column but in this instance I have to many databases to amend. Is there a way in code to first detect if the column exists and if it doesn't create it in code?

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[2008] Create Update To Existing Application?

Mar 16, 2009

I have recently released a free application for some game and now I have added a few features 'the public' requested.

I used Inno Setup to create the installer, which works just fine.

Now however, instead of having the ask the user to uninstall the current version, and then reinstall my new version, I want to be able to give the user an Update install exe which they can simply run and it will update the existing application.

One thing I would like is that the users Settings are not changed. So hence the following questions: 1. Where are the Settings stored? I thought it was in the user's Local Settings <Application Name> directory, but I cannot find my application there... I cannot find it in the All Users or Administrator 'accounts' directories either...

2. Are the Settings stored depending on the Version of your application? (Assembly Version / File Version)?

If 2. is true, then obviously changing the Application Version (which is logical in an Updated executable, no?) would also change the Settings back to default..? Can I avoid that?

Finally, is it enough to simply overwrite the executable? What registry 'work' do I need to do, or can Inno Setup do that for me? I am only using one other file which is the SharpZipLib DLL file.

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Create A Table And Insert Into Existing Access Database?

Jan 1, 2012

Im working on a prog for my work. however, im stuck. I come to a spot where i need the prog to copy a sample table to an existing database. we can either simply copy the sample table, or as a last resort, create a new one from scratch.

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VS 2008 - Open Existing Text Files And Create New Ones

Sep 4, 2010

I am currently writing a program in VB 2008. Here is what the program is intended to do: I need it to have two forms of input, so I want it to open existing text files and create new ones. Once the user has selected what input to be taken (either a file is opened or a new one is made, guessing multiple forms need to be used here) the user will then take the text file either created or opened and then be able to click a button which will sort all the text in the text file into alphabetical order and then display the results to the screen. While this happens, I need the words in the file to be counted by a counter (so a loop i guess) that then displays on which line each word appears on. I then need this information to be displayed in a text box on screen.

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Create A Enum Or Enum Type Functionality Witch Return String (enum Returns Int) In .net

Dec 30, 2009

I have a URL lets say . some time i need to send HTTP and some time i need to send it to HTTPS for that i created a enum:

Private _protocol As Protocol

Enum Protocol


Now when i get value back from protocoltype it returns me integer value as enum do so tell me how to get string from enum or other substitute.

Dim targetUri As String = setting.protocolType & "://"

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Forms :: Create A Timer That Sets The Time From An Existing Text File?

Mar 20, 2009

I need to create a timer that sets the time from an existing text file. The time format in the text file is 00:00:00 (hours,minutes, seconds). An excerpt from one of my text files looks like ClockSet = "00:49:05"

Also, if possible, when the timer reaches 2 minutes I would like the backcolor to flash between red and green.

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What Is DLL Wrapper

Nov 6, 2011

I know what is the actually DLL wrapper and how to create? I'm actually want to use a DLL which is written in Delphi and I try to do some search on the internet and I came across the term of wrapper.

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PDF - Takes A 1 Page Existing Pdf That Ispecify And Inserts That Into Another Existing Pdf?

Nov 11, 2010

I need to make a program in vb that takes a 1 page existing pdf that i specify and inserts that into another existing pdf that i specify.

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Provide URL In A Toolstrip?

Aug 21, 2009

Provide URL in a toolstrip? I mean to URL that will be displayed as a link.

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.net - Provide Access To This Custom DAL?

May 13, 2010

I'm writing a custom DAL (VB.NET) for an ordering system project. I'd like to explain how it is coded now, and receive some alternate ideas to make coding against the DAL easier/more readable. The DAL is part of an n-tier (not n-layer) application, where each tier is in it's own assembly/DLL.

The DAL consists of several classes that have specific behavior. For instance, there is an Order class that is responsible for retrieving and saving orders. Most of the classes have only two methods, a "Get" and a "Save," with multiple overloads for each. These classes are marked as Friend and are only visible to the DAL (which is in it's own assembly).

In most cases, the DAL returns what I will call a "Data Object." This object is a class that contains only data and validation, and is located in a common assembly that both the BLL and DAL can read.To provide public access to the DAL, I currently have a static (module) class that has many shared members. A simplified version looks something like this:

Public Class DAL
Private Sub New
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetOrder(OrderID as String) as OrderData


This cleans it up a bit, but it leaves a lot of classes that only have references to other classes, which I don't like for some reason.Without resorting to passing DB specific instructions (like where clauses) from BLL to DAL, what is the best or most common practice for providing a single point of access for the DAL?

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Getting Predicate Wrapper Error

May 9, 2012

So I have a some code I've been using for quite a while and it has worked fine. This project is rather large so I'm using a detailed namespace and I can't get it to work.[code]...

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Provide Only Delete Key In Propertygrid?

Jun 16, 2009

In my propertygrid having one custom property ..suppose some text is there in this item.i want user to allow only delete the item.nothing more like editing ,backspace nothing..only provide delete key option to this property item..

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