Create Xml File With Encoding UTF-16?

Sep 10, 2009

i have a task to create ,read,update xml file this file have encoding UTF-16. when i create using ,i am using xmltextwriter. i cannot find encoding UTF-16. it is only have UTF8,UTF7,UTF32. that's don't have UTF16.that's anyone have clue or link to guide me create,read,update file xml with encoding UTF-16??

Imports System.Xml
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim writer As New XmlTextWriter("product.xml", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)


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Create A File Which Encoding Is GB2312?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm using us-English Windows XP system. I want to write a programe to creat a file which encoding is GB2312. I try many ways to perform it,but all failed. All the encoding of the files I created is Western European(Windows). The simply code I paste here:


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Create A XML Document Declaration Without Encoding?

Nov 5, 2011

My question sounds simple to me, and hopefully to those of you more knowledgeable than I, but its deceptively complex for me. I want to create an XML document with the declaration of:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

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Create MailMessage Text Encoding?

Mar 8, 2010

I have an ASP.Net app that allows a user to write text into a Telerik RadEditor control and then send an email.For some reason I'm sometimes getting strange characters showing up in the email that is if I use the later, the text would show up just fine. If I pull up the saved record within the ASP.Net apps interface it looks just fine. It also appears just fine when I view the text within the recorded of the MS SQL table it was stored in. Continued--->I have tried to add it to the constructor of my email class with/without mybase but that had no effect.

Public Sub New(ByVal EmailDate As DateTime, ByVal LogoPath As String)
MyBase.BodyEncoding = Encoding.GetEncoding("iso-8859-1")


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Anyway To Read Text File With UTF-8 Encoding Using Streamreader Or File Stream

Jun 21, 2010

i would like to ask is there anyway to read a txt file with UTF-8 encoding using streamreader or filestream. the txt file is contain some extended ASCII that makes me cannot read the characters properly. I hav tried Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes()) but still it return wrong character when it's reading extended ASCII code.

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EnCoding Message To DDE Client Using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (message)?

Oct 28, 2009

I am sending a DDE message to a client using System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(item) . However, before the message is actually sent, I would like to get the message coded where if the item="Ask" then item=Ask (string variable) and so on. The code is:

Protected Overrides Function OnRequest(ByVal conversation As DdeConversation, ByVal item As String, ByVal format As Integer) As RequestResult
' Return data to the client only if the format is CF_TEXT


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.net - Writing A Text File (Encoding)?

Aug 21, 2009

I am writing an application that must generate a plain Text file with fixed sized current code is:

Dim MyFilePath As String = Path & FILE_PREFIX & FileNr & ".TXT"
Dim FileStr As New IO.StreamWriter(MyFilePath, False, <ENCODER HERE>)


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Decoding A File With 'ISO-8859-1' Encoding

May 20, 2010

I'm having problems decoding a file with "ISO-8859-1" encoding.For example, I can't decode "%E7" to "ç".

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Encoding While Opening An Excel File?

Jan 18, 2010

I have a problem with the encoding of characters when I try to open an excel file....Let's say that the excel file has the following text:

Greek | English | German
a,? .. | a,b,c,... | a,b,c...¶


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How To Set Encoding Type For Writing A File

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to get my program to write a .bat file to run, it writes the file fine but the file wont run properly as it needs to be encoded with ANSI but i don't know how to set it to write that. The code for this part so far:

Private Sub start_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles start.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(".
un.bat") Then


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String Encoding And File Writing

Oct 16, 2011

I have a long UTF8 encoded text string. The actual values stored in the string are hexadecimal. I want to convert the encoding and save to a binary file.

Is there a simple encoding.convert or other method to do this with?

Basically the output is twice as large as it needs to be right now. The long way of doing it would be a routine to go through the string two characters at a time and convert to byte array and then .writeallbytes I guess. It seems there must be a simpler way of converting this?

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VS 2010 Encoding A Music File?

May 20, 2010

Is there any way i could take a music file, like a radio playlist (pls) and encode it into my application?

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WriteAllText To Set The Encoding For A Text File

Mar 7, 2011

I used WriteAllText to set the encoding for a text file. When I wrote it, everything worked out fine. However, strange characters or symbols appeared in some ofm y fields without my having typed it. why is this so? The encoding I'm using is UTF8. I used the WriteAllText to write the fields to file but did not use the ReadAllText to bring the data back into the fields or program.

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Xml File After Generation - Set The Encoding Type

Aug 4, 2009

I am getting one problem with xml file after generation. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> some junk characters are coming before <?xml.... tag like above. its happening when i mentioned encoding attribute. here below is my code to set the encoding type.


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Find A Log File Encoding And Understand It's Structure

Oct 14, 2011

My questions isn't really about a programming language but, since I did not find a general programming forum, I chose this one as I know VB.Net. There's this game, that you might already know, which is called Star Wars Galaxies (And is ending soon actually .. ). For each account and character, the game automatically saves chat logs in a .cht file. A player can have multiple chat channels that have different chat filters (group chat, public chat, etc) and they are all saved in this file. I'm thinking they are probably separated by some kind of a "flag" for the game to be able to detect them.


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Open And Save A Txt File With ANSI Encoding?

May 30, 2010

Okay so all i want to do, is to write something in a richtextbox then saving the text, as a .txt file, with ANSI encoding.

The title says to open and edit aswell, but i dont need thatm ingore that.

This is the code i have atm:

Save button:
Dim SaveFile As New SaveFileDialog
SaveFile.FileName = ""


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Open And Save XML File As Utf8 Encoding?

Feb 23, 2011

I have been working on a project that opens, modifies, then saves an xml file. The problem is that one of the attribute values contains a dash, causing the parser to throw an error when my xml editor application attempts to open the file. I have yet to find a working solution after weeks of searching the web, I tried the the following method for saving the xml file[code]...

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Read A String Into A Binary File Encoding.UTF8?

Jan 24, 2012

How could i read a string into a binary file Encoding.UTF8.(the string has a length of 25 bytes)

Using fs As New FileStream (OpenFileDialog1.FileName, FileMode.Open)
fs.Position = 2096
Using br As New BinaryReader (fs)
For x As Int16 = 2 To 25


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Windows - Default Encoding For System.IO.File.ReadAllText?

Jul 26, 2011

if we don't mention the decoding what decoding will they use?I do not think it's System.Text.Encoding.Default. Things work well if I EXPLICITLY put System.Text.Encoding.Default but things go wrong when I live that empty.So this doesn't work well

Dim b = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("test.txt")
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("test4.txt", b)


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Create Package And Deployment (setup File Or Install File) File In VB 2010 Project?

Jan 8, 2011

I do one project in visual basic 2010.In visual basic 6 project can be make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file using Package and deployment wizard.But in visual basic 2010 express edition does not have Package and deployment to make Package and deployment (setup file or install file) file in visual basic 2010 project?

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Create Log File To Track Progress And Populate Controls Via Text File Or XML File?

May 22, 2009

I am trying to create a log file which I am going to use to populate some controls (DataGridView or Treeview). I am trying to figure out if should use text files or XML files to do so. Effectively the log will highlight multiple phases in a client-side app. The log will be written to at various phases when the project is running. The user will always have the options move on to the next phase or save progress and exit the project. As such, I want the log file to highlight how far the user has progressed throught the various phases AND I want the log to highlight varous information from each phase. Whenever the user starts the project, they will be given the option to load existing log files. So the project will have to read these log files and append them where necessary as the user progresses.

I am not sure what the best way to do this is and below is a rudimentary approach using text files. As you can see, the top of the file would have a summary of all the phases and whether or not the user completed each phase. Next each phase would have a data section highlighting what data was stored along the way. I have used a ":" to denote each section. Then within each section I would obviously need to use a delimeter for all my data. So if Phase1 = True, then I would load all the pertinent data from "Phase1:" into the desired control. Can anyone provide an efficient way of doing this and provide some insight as to whether I should use XML instead. The phases my change during development and I am not sure yet which controls I will be using. Does XML provide more flexibility.

In summary I am looking to create, read/write and append log files and populate controls with the data in varous sections of the log file. Example:

Phase1 = True
Phase2 = True
Phase3 = False
Phase4 = False


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After Encoding By Base64 Or UTF-7

Mar 11, 2010

url...we get the encoded as alphapet base64..i want to talk as low level programming what will happen or this data how it will represent as binary and send it is it encoded again as ascii to binary or there is another idea.

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C# - Text Encoding (In .Net)

May 3, 2011

I have done very little with encoding of Text. Truthfully, I don't really even know what it means exactly.

For example, if I have something like:


Is that 'encoded' in memory in a particular format? Does that format depend on what language I'm using?

If I were in another country, like China, for example, and I had a string of Chinese (mandarin? My apologies if I'm using the wrong words here) would the following code (that I've used fine on English strings) still work the same?


Or would it lose all meaning when you convert that .Net string to a UTF8Encoding when that conversion isn't valid?

Finally, I've worked with .Net for a few years now and I've never seen, heard, or had to do anything with Encoding. Am I the exception, or is it not a common thing to do?

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Textbox Encoding Bug?

Jun 4, 2010

this is a continuation from the root cause of the problem exposed in this other thread. I'm starting a new thread with a different topic name because I think it is not related to the other thread's topic (which was encryptioto enumerate them.Anyway, we found out that some characters become changed from what their original byte value was, when you put them into a textbox.The specific characters are as follows:Unicode char

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.net - Encoding String To ISO8859-1

Feb 18, 2010

I'm using this code to convert string to ISO8859-1


But the problem is when an user writes this caracter:



I think that my code is wrong. Because if I send the same string encoded "price+80%2BVAT", Why in VB.NET code not runs and in PHP runs fine? Is the same encoded string.

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.net - Encoding.ASCII.GetString()

Mar 26, 2011

i got a problem when receiving data from networkstream that was converted from bytes to string.. the output would be the same but when i compare the the string generated from Encoding.ASCII.GetString() compared to the actual string, the output is not the same..

This is my code..





just for ping purposes.. :)

my server pings to there any instance that when the string will be converted to bytes, the string will change?

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.net - What Is The Default Encoding For A String

Apr 27, 2012

I have a simple question about string. Consider following code:

Dim S1 as String = "abc"

What is the encoding for S1? Is that UTF-8 or depending on user windows local setting?

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Base64 Encoding Images In CSS

Apr 20, 2012

I am writing a little project to parse a CSS file, and base64 encode all the background images.While I am able to parse the CSS correctly, it seems that everytime I try to convert the image file into a base64Encoded string, the string returned is always exactly the same.Please assume that all image paths are passing correctly to the method. In this instance, all images are fully qualified urls, so the first section of the method is what is doing the conversion.[code]

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Detect The Encoding Of A Stream?

Sep 6, 2011

I would like to know the way a stream or a string is encoded before converting it. If a string is not utf-8 it would be converted to utf-8.

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Encoding - Prevent .net From Differentiating à To A?

Mar 20, 2012

We know a tolower function will turn all A to a How to turn all à to a.The purpose is I am creating ids for databases and id need to be unique. Sometimes the same stores are written as à in one place and as a on other places. This will create duplicate id problem.So I need a function that will turn all à and all of it's variation into a. The same way ě should become e.

Basically I would use utf8_unicode collation on my databases. Letters that count as the same letter under that collation should map to the same character under this function.I need to make sure that all other east asian characers are not affected in anyway.

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