Database :: CJ Date: Classic VB Wizard Upgrade Or Should Re-design?

Dec 15, 2010

Should I run a classic VB6 app thru the upgrade wizard in VS08 or should I re-design it from scratch. The database is a mess. Originally designed in ACCESS and imported to MS SQL SERVER. The main entities are e.g. ROLLER_SKATES and RENTALS. If you would like to rent a pair of roller skates you can. So this more or less comprises an Inventory system for the roller skates. Now you have 2 different skating rings. Skate-B1 and Skate-Z9, and you keep redundant and duplicate data from the previously mentioned entities in the skating ring tables as well.It's a nightmare.

At least the tables have row ID's. But no explicit foreign keys, just implicit columns identically named that "seem" to correspond to each other. But the rest of the table's attributes all default to NULL. Considering what C.J Date says about Types in his book SQL and the Relation Model, isn't it desirable to have CHECK CONSTRAINTS on attributes?

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Upgrade Wizard In .NET 2010?

May 26, 2010

I know that VS 2003, 2005 and 2008 had the VB6 to VB.NET Upgrade Wizard. Now, on a email list I'm on a said that he cannot open a .vbp file to use the upgrade wizard in VB 2010. Is there no Upgrade Wizard in VB 2010?

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VS 2010 VB6 Upgrade Wizard?

Jul 9, 2010

I guess this explains why Microsoft didn't include the VB6 upgrade wizard in VS 2010.[URL]...

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Vb6 Upgrade Wizard Error - OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE

Jun 1, 2006

When I run the VB6 upgrade wizard in Visual Studio 2005 I get an error. It is not related to the application I am upgrading, because I even get the error if I run it on a "blank" vb6 app. I've re-installed, and still no luck. The entire error reads:Unexpected exception occurred during upgrade engine operation: Not able to bind to the source (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004000A (OLE_E_CANT_BINDTOSOURCE))

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VS 2008 Visual Basic Upgrade Wizard Not Opening?

Oct 11, 2011

I have a Visual Basic 6 program that I would like to update to Visual Basic .NET I am running Windows 7 Professional and have downloaded and installed Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. The problem I have encountered is that when I open my VB6 project file (.vbp) the Upgrade Wizard does not open. Instead, a list of references, objects and forms from my project appear. Is there any other way to run the wizard? Or am I missing something?

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Visual Studio Upgrade Wizard Hates Some Of Variable Names

Aug 13, 2009

I am upgrading a VB6 to VB.NET project using the upgrade wizard.I know this is going to give me a lot of grief, but I am trying to make the old application useable. I'd rewrite it if I had time but am currently finishing up a summer internship and would like to get something working.One thing the wizard is doing that I can find no justification for is renaming of random variables. [code] For the life of me I don't understand why this is changing left. It isn't a reserved name as far as I can tell, there is no other variable named left that I can find in scope, and renaming it does not create a compiler error. [code] It does this to seemingly random variables throughout my project. Anyone have ideas as to why it doesn't like some of my variable names?

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Change A Classic Windows Application Design NET?

Jun 21, 2010

Using visual studio 2008 environment, i would like to change a classic windows application design, so i'm wondering if there is an idea a bout this. i've find some skins like irriskins ( ), but i'ts not what i'm looking for.

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Forms :: Implement A Classic Layout Design In .net (2.0)?

Nov 14, 2010

how to implement a classic layout design in (2.0).The application design is the classical toolbar panel at the top and different panels stacked at the bottom. Depending on the button pressed at the top in the toolbar panel a different panel at the bottom will be available.This is thought to have different part of the software available on different panel but with the toolbar panel always available at the top.To implement this I thought:

1) one tablelayout with 2 rows. First row contain a panel with the button (toolbar panel) and adding/removing hte correct panel requested on the bottom row.

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Connecting To An SQL Database Using Wizard?

Apr 27, 2012

I have created an SQL Server 2012 database using the Server Managment studio and I want to connect to in in VB2010. When I run the connection wizard and locate the .mdf file it always tells me that the file is in use and to close any programs that have it open.

However VB is the only program I have open so I am not sure why it is telling me this order how to overcome it.I have tried creating a different database the same way to see if that help but it doesnt.

Is there something I might be missing in the creation of my SQL db that might be causing it?

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DB/Reporting :: Database Wizard Not Working?

Feb 28, 2008

I am Wajahat and I am a VB .net novice. I am unable to connect vb .net to database because my wizard is not working properly. When I Click on Add New Data Source ---> Database ---> New Connection, no dialogue box appears asking for the database source.Secondly, When I try to click on "Connect to Database" in Database Explorer, an error message pop ups saying "The event log is full"..I know no alternative to connect vb .net to a database. Please help me sort this problem out.

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Add Connection Wizard Fails With Access Database

Nov 14, 2005

I have the RTM version installed. I am quite puzzled at this wizard. It works fine with SqlClient. But for Access databases, this wizard completely fails.In this wizard, I only have one option to do - setting the ConnectionString. [code]

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Re-create The Database Connection Wizard Like One Used In Visual Studio?

Jun 27, 2011

I basically want to make this in my application, so our technicians have an easier time installing our software. So far, I made a form with 4 text boxes: Server name, user name, password, and a combo-box to select a database.Everything was pretty easy until the database selection code. Microsoft's wizard is very efficient, there's no wait time when the database combo box is being filled.[code]That code gets the databases just fine, but obviously if an exception happens the whole screen locks up and it might take a while to recover depending on what the database error is. My question is, can I make mine just as cool/efficient as Microsoft's?

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Make A Connection With SQL Server Database Using Wizard In Express Edition?

Oct 12, 2010

i make a connection with SQL server 2005 database using Wizard in Express Edition 2008,I have got data in my text field using dataset , but now I want to execute query for insert, select and update but I don't know my connection vaiable and how to execute query and get data .what kind of connection is this Adodb or oledb etc

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Datagridview Wizard Using Bindingnavigator And Deleting Records In Access Database?

Apr 6, 2010

I used the wizard to create a datagridview and then binded a grid to an access table.Data show up fine..But I can't dete records via the bindingnavigator.Hit the delete button then hit the save button ?Data does not get updated in the backend database.My properties are set to true for adding and deleting.

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SQL Database Read Only Error When Using VS 2008 Setup And Deployment Wizard?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying out the Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition Setup and Deployment - Setup Wizard on a very simple VB 2008 app which includes a simple SQL Express dB. The build works fine and it installs on the target system ok. But when I go to run the application and add a new record for example, I get a "read-only" error indicating that the sql db is read-only. Yet none of the files in the folder are read-only. What is odd is that the folder that it was installed into "acts" like it is read only, yet it is not identified as such. If I move the .exe and db files out of that folder, (onto the desktop for example) it works just fine. Should I set up a post build event or something to make

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Database Connectivity - Design The Database In Access2003 And Forms

Jun 3, 2010

I m working on an school management application, i design the database in access2003 and forms in vb.net2005. but i dont have any idea about the database conectivity. with the help of a book to connect with the db but i cannot save the data in the mdb file. in my application 1 add the followin buttons add new record modify record delete search using id or enrolment no.

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C# - Changing Date Format From Date Field In Database?

Dec 14, 2009

I am using ASP.NET with SQL Server 2005.

My date get saved in the database with data type = "smalldatetime".

I am displaying the date value into a text box called txtDate with a Reader......

Dim conn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim Comm As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
Dim reader As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader


But currently my date get displayed as "2008/06/30 12:00:00 AM" and i want to display it as "30 June 2008".

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How To Compare Date From Access Database With Date In Texbox

Mar 26, 2012

my sql statement is returning null when when I compare date from access database and date entered in textbox in vb. seems to me that the two dates are of different format so null is returned from the select statement but how do I go about this.[code]

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Multilingual Database Design In Sql?

Jan 11, 2012

Need a procedure in SQL for translate a datatable in English to Arabic .I am having English table which is having category ID ,Code etc upto 25 columns in the SQL Database.We want to translate this table to arabic when user opts for Arabic .So need a procedure to convert this English table to Arabic.Do i want to use google translator for this case . Then how will it is linked with database .

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Database Application Design Recommendations?

Mar 22, 2012

The main purpose of the my app that I need your help with is, to deliver an always (or close to) up to date a list of files for the user to choose from for a variety of common purposes. For instance, opening the selected file in its native client editor application so the user can make changes. Another purposes would be to print the file, and I have others.

If nothing else (meaning recommendations for a better design that still keep my desired in mind) I'd like ideas on how to update my complex DataSet (background processing options, what's the most efficeient/quickest way to update my DataSet) as the list of files changes while my app is running and my app is designed to never close due to the long amount of time it take to load it initially.

The list must be always kept up to date while my app is running because not only the intial loading of data takes a lot of time but updates (new/modified/deleted) could potentially take too long depending on not only how much data to update/add (new files) but how efficeient my code is in updating the list. To be perfectly clear: If a new file is created then it need to be somehow (automatically preferably or manually i.e. button code) add to the list. If a file is deleted then it needs to bet removed from the list. And if the file has changed, perhaps some of it metadata or thumbnail image have changes so update the file's data in the list. All of which (new/modified/deleted) need to be as real-time as possble without degrading the server too much and without the user waiting more than a handful of seconds.

Listing all the files as quick as possible whether that be with or without metadata initially is very important because most of the time the user is going to filter (or scroll the list by typing) for a partial file name. Once the user filters/scrolls to the desired file there's a very good chance that he/she isn't even interested in the metadata, most of the time the user wants my app to open the selected file in its native client editor application so he/she can view or modify the file. The initial
load time of the data doesn't concern me as much as updates because the user can possibly do other things while it initially loads all the data as long as it not too long (more than a few minutes). From there the updates will either be automatic if possible (most desirable from a users standpoint) or the user initiated (e.g. button). Plus I'm thinking the updates might need to be done with a few different background processes (multiple threads) because I think I need one for periodic updates (e.g. every
15 minutes) and one background process for page updates meaning whatever the user has either scrolled to or filtered for, more accurately all files currently display to the user will be systematically update in the background so the user can still operate my app.

I'm currently using SqlDataAdapter.Fill to fill a DataSet object variable (which is bound [BindingSource] to a DataGridview control) to first populate the DataSet from the SQL query and then prorgammatically adds records (DataRow) for local files but please make recommendations. I don't mind big changes or starting over if necessary, I just want the best app possible based on the aforementioned criteria. I'm not sure if it complicates matters but I've also added custom columns in the DataSet for some special needs (thumbnail of files, booleans for tracking custom statuses). For the local files I'm currently populating the DataSet prorammatically (iterating a path/file string collect made by System.IO.Directory.GetFiles) since the list is first (and very quickly) populated with Vault files (which is always a far larger list than the local files) so . Again, I don't have to take this direction, make recommendations.

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Design Id Card Using Data From Database?

May 18, 2012

i try using both detail view and form view but they are not flexible enough to place my picture where i want it

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Design Pattern For Database Interaction?

Mar 12, 2012

I've been studying design patterns off-and-on now for a project I've recently been working on. I've been fortunate with this last one not to have to work with databases, but will soon have an opportunity.

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Sql Server :: Database Design And Normalization?

Mar 29, 2011

I am developing an "AddressBook" like project in VB.NET. While developing database in SQL Server2005, i want to follow the principals of normalization and keep its degree of normalization as high as possible. Fields i am using are these.

Create table AddressBook_Contact
Contact_ID int Primary Key,FirstName varchar(15),MiddleName varchar(15),LastName


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[OOD] Class Design For With Database Back End

Feb 6, 2010

I was hoping that I could get some guidance from some of you guys on Object Design with Database back ends. I am trying to build what could be considered to be my first full scale application, which is a student tracker (simplification). While I have a reasonable idea of how I would go about designing the classes for the system, the bit that I don't know how to do is, how I would go about getting the data to and from the database.

For example with my other applications, I have done a couple of things;

1) Gathered all the data when the application started up, creating the objects then. Then when the application closed sending the data back to the database.

2) Have the code which deals with getting the data in the specific class, so the student class for example would take only one constructor argument which would be the studentID, then the class code would connect to the database and populate the object fields as appropriate.

3) Variations of the above. I have also looked into LINQ, which seems like it would be very useful if you don't expect your classes to deal with any business logic and just data, but I suppose it would be possible to create a wrapper class that would include the business logic.


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[OOD] Class Design For With Database Back End?

Mar 11, 2010

I was hoping that I could get some guidance from some of you guys on Object Design with Database back ends.I am trying to build what could be considered to be my first full scale application, which is a student tracker (simplification). While I have a reasonable idea of how I would go about designing the classes for the system, the bit that I don't know how to do is, how I would go about getting the data to and from the database

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Create Database User Interface Design?

Mar 31, 2012

I am designing a database using access 2010 and I ve been asked to design the user interface with Visual basic.I actually have designed tables and their relationship and did some queries according to the requirements. how do I create user interface in VB from this point knowing I don't have any form and report designed in access?

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Design Approach For Utilizing Data From A Database

Nov 6, 2011

There exists a database that holds information on each planet in the solar system. The database has multiple tables.The program intends to access this data to display it to the user in a variety of manners. The program does not intend to manipulate the data at its source, though calculations on two fields may be performed to determine certain display characteristics.What is the optimal method for accessing the data?My initial approach, (read: gut feeling, no research) was to take each related row of data from the database and create an object of a custom class based on the data. So you might wind up with:[code]Then use these objects to perform whatever actions the program needed to. I ran into a lot of problems trying to implement this, so that I believe my design approach is fundamentally flawed.

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Loop/design - Looping Through A Database With Pdf Locations

Sep 14, 2011

I am looping through a database with pdf locations. The application is button click event driven. The problem I am having is that I display a pdf. If the user clicks on the button then the pdf information is inserted into a database and the loop should be taking me to the next pdf. However, this loop does not seem to give what I need. What ends up happening is the first pdf gets displayed twice. I think mainly because I display the first pdf onload, but when I click the button it agrees and grabs the first item from the database. And it ends up falling behind because its restarting the query and I cant quite figure out how to get the button to catch the first displayed pdf, or skip it entirely since I am using a welcome pdf. So on the welcome pdf that is supposed to be displayed initially the user clicks agree and it agrees to the welcome pdf instead of just skipping it. I am not quite sure how to just move past the pdf.

public sub onload()
display the welcome pdf
end sub


Now if I run the code without the loop it works fine. I just end up having to run the app however many pdfs I have in my database.

query data
display data
insert data

To display pdfs I imported the com control for adobe so pdfs get displayed like this:

axacropdf1.src = my.mysettings.default.readpath & pdflocation

pdflocation is passed from a query fill.

I think I have an underlying design issue which probably precedes the loop.

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Screen Interface And Database Design View?

Apr 3, 2012

I am using visual studio 2008 professional edition, and i need some help in my assignment project.below are my screen interface and my database design view, relationship view, and coding and this is my coding Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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Updating MS Access Database From Design View?

Mar 11, 2010

:( I am have been trying to update changes from my program to an access database file and it simply will not work. I have am using table adapters. I'm not familiar with SQL so i can't go that route. It updates the dataset fine but not the database...

I have pasted my code below.
Private Sub BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BooksBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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