DB/Reporting :: Database Wizard Not Working?

Feb 28, 2008

I am Wajahat and I am a VB .net novice. I am unable to connect vb .net to database because my wizard is not working properly. When I Click on Add New Data Source ---> Database ---> New Connection, no dialogue box appears asking for the database source.Secondly, When I try to click on "Connect to Database" in Database Explorer, an error message pop ups saying "The event log is full"..I know no alternative to connect vb .net to a database. Please help me sort this problem out.

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DB/Reporting :: List Box Using The Data Wizard

Feb 17, 2008

I am working on what appears to be a very simple application but have a problem that I can't seem to get around. Using Visual Basic 2008 and an Access database. My application starts with only 3 text boxes and using the Data Wizard it works fine. I want to expand it to give the user a way to select an individual record to review so I dragged a ListBox on to the form onto the form, filled the DataSource and DataMember properties and When I run the program I click on one of the items in the List Box and the proper record fills the Text Boxes.


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C# - Code Stops Working After I Create A Setup Using Publish Wizard?

Jan 15, 2012

Public Sub bk()
Dim strDatabasePath As String =


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Code Stops Working After Create A Setup Using Publish Wizard?

Jan 15, 2012

Public Sub bk()
Dim strDatabasePath As String =


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Connecting To An SQL Database Using Wizard?

Apr 27, 2012

I have created an SQL Server 2012 database using the Server Managment studio and I want to connect to in in VB2010. When I run the connection wizard and locate the .mdf file it always tells me that the file is in use and to close any programs that have it open.

However VB is the only program I have open so I am not sure why it is telling me this order how to overcome it.I have tried creating a different database the same way to see if that help but it doesnt.

Is there something I might be missing in the creation of my SQL db that might be causing it?

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Add Connection Wizard Fails With Access Database

Nov 14, 2005

I have the RTM version installed. I am quite puzzled at this wizard. It works fine with SqlClient. But for Access databases, this wizard completely fails.In this wizard, I only have one option to do - setting the ConnectionString. [code]

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Database :: CJ Date: Classic VB Wizard Upgrade Or Should Re-design?

Dec 15, 2010

Should I run a classic VB6 app thru the upgrade wizard in VS08 or should I re-design it from scratch. The database is a mess. Originally designed in ACCESS and imported to MS SQL SERVER. The main entities are e.g. ROLLER_SKATES and RENTALS. If you would like to rent a pair of roller skates you can. So this more or less comprises an Inventory system for the roller skates. Now you have 2 different skating rings. Skate-B1 and Skate-Z9, and you keep redundant and duplicate data from the previously mentioned entities in the skating ring tables as well.It's a nightmare.

At least the tables have row ID's. But no explicit foreign keys, just implicit columns identically named that "seem" to correspond to each other. But the rest of the table's attributes all default to NULL. Considering what C.J Date says about Types in his book SQL and the Relation Model, isn't it desirable to have CHECK CONSTRAINTS on attributes?

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Re-create The Database Connection Wizard Like One Used In Visual Studio?

Jun 27, 2011

I basically want to make this in my application, so our technicians have an easier time installing our software. So far, I made a form with 4 text boxes: Server name, user name, password, and a combo-box to select a database.Everything was pretty easy until the database selection code. Microsoft's wizard is very efficient, there's no wait time when the database combo box is being filled.[code]That code gets the databases just fine, but obviously if an exception happens the whole screen locks up and it might take a while to recover depending on what the database error is. My question is, can I make mine just as cool/efficient as Microsoft's?

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Make A Connection With SQL Server Database Using Wizard In Express Edition?

Oct 12, 2010

i make a connection with SQL server 2005 database using Wizard in Express Edition 2008,I have got data in my text field using dataset , but now I want to execute query for insert, select and update but I don't know my connection vaiable and how to execute query and get data .what kind of connection is this Adodb or oledb etc

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Datagridview Wizard Using Bindingnavigator And Deleting Records In Access Database?

Apr 6, 2010

I used the wizard to create a datagridview and then binded a grid to an access table.Data show up fine..But I can't dete records via the bindingnavigator.Hit the delete button then hit the save button ?Data does not get updated in the backend database.My properties are set to true for adding and deleting.

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SQL Database Read Only Error When Using VS 2008 Setup And Deployment Wizard?

Dec 9, 2009

I am trying out the Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition Setup and Deployment - Setup Wizard on a very simple VB 2008 app which includes a simple SQL Express dB. The build works fine and it installs on the target system ok. But when I go to run the application and add a new record for example, I get a "read-only" error indicating that the sql db is read-only. Yet none of the files in the folder are read-only. What is odd is that the folder that it was installed into "acts" like it is read only, yet it is not identified as such. If I move the .exe and db files out of that folder, (onto the desktop for example) it works just fine. Should I set up a post build event or something to make

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DB/Reporting :: Simple Query Not Working?

May 6, 2012

I'm using vb.net express with access 2010.Everything is working fine except for a simple query:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'Which returns all the names starting with Ale. Now in my .NET code I wrote this:cmd = New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like " & Chr(39) & Name.Text & Chr(39), connection)Now when I start the app and in my textbox "name" I write Ale* I have the following expression:SQL: SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Name Like 'Ale*'But when it executes from .NET (dr = cmd.ExecuteReader) it doesn't find ANYTHING.

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DB/Reporting :: SQL Command Builder Does Not Seem To Be Working

Mar 15, 2012

I'm experimenting with the sql command builder and it seems to do nothing when trying to update existing rows. If I create a new row and then add it then it works fine but I cant seem to update an existing record.

Heres what I have at the moment

Dim strConnection As String = "Server=myServerSQLExpress;AttachDbFilename=C:databasepath estdb.mdf;" & _
"Database=testdb; Trusted_Connection=False;User Id=sa;Password=test;"


But I'd really like to find out why its not working when using the command builder. I'm working with VB.net 2010 express and SQL server express.

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DB/Reporting :: INSERT INTO Statement Working But Not Saving?

May 19, 2012

I'm running into a slight problem with an SQL INSERT INTO statement. I've tried setting this up first as a command statement and now as a stored procedure. When the process runs it's not signaling any errors and it appears that it's working properly. However when I check the database nothing new has been added. I have the statement within a try catch and it's not catching any errors. I've gone so far as to delete the table and recreate it, still nothing. I should also point out that this entire statement was essentially a copy & paste from another program that's working perfectly.

vb.net code below

Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = con


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DB/Reporting :: MySQL Parametrized Queries Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I got the whole database thing figured out now I've got a problem with these parametrized queries. If I remove them and just explicitly put in the data I'm looking for the datareader works, however doing as I have below returns no results in the datareader.


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DB/Reporting :: Working With VB 2005 And Access 2003?

Dec 28, 2008

I am using Visual Basic 2005 and am trying to get my database in Access 2003 to connect with it. I have mannaged to connect my databse, but I don't know how or what commands are needed to load my database.

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DB/Reporting :: Error In Inserting - Not Working But Correct Statement

Dec 17, 2008

I keep getting the following error when inserting in to my Access DB using VB.

THe code I use is:

Dim code As String = "INSERT INTO tblUser(Username, Password, Forename, Surname) VALUES('" + txtrEmail.Text.Trim + "','" + "dfd" + "','" + txtrForename.Value.Trim + "','" + txtrSurname.Value.Trim + "');"


I got the sql code to write in a text box and executed i manually in to Access DB and it works perfectly.

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DB/Reporting :: OLE Database Access - Move My Programs And The Database To Another Computer And Hard-disks

Apr 21, 2008

I want to move my programs and the database to another computer and hard-disks. It looks to me as though I nearly have to re-create the controls and rewrite some of the code to make it so the programs still work after the move. At least with ODBC all I would change was the DSN definitions external to the programs. Is there an easy way to move or rename a database without loads of work?

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DB/Reporting :: Copy A Table From A Network Database To A Local Database

Mar 30, 2008

I am trying to copy a table from a network database to a local database. I used DAO and could check if the network table existed using a function that tried to assign a TableDef object to the table in question. If there was no error then I assumed that the table existed and the function returned true...Or it would error out and return false.I could then proceed with the copy or not as the case may be.I am converting the code to ADO.net and need to know how to check for a table. [code]

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DB/Reporting :: Using Service-based Database As Remote Database?

Sep 20, 2011

Recently working in vb 2010 express. I'm using service-based database which is based on SQL Server. This database will be deployed at the server. Is it possible that multiple vb.net programs, which are installed in remote computers or client computers in the same network, connect to this database simultaneously? Does the service-based database support multiple connections?

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DB/Reporting :: Add Row To MS Database

Jul 22, 2009

I need to programmatically add a row to a MS Database.How is this done?

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DB/Reporting :: Using XML As A Database

Feb 25, 2011

I don't actually know if I can use any XML file as a database that I can edit and make some changes to it using vb.net 2008 and save them. Because I'm working aboard a war ship and we have a central automatic system to control all the internal communication using standard telephones. to reprogram the extinctions we used to have a MS DOS program and it's so old and now it's totally lost and not found and after a long searching I have found a file that could maintain the extensions and reprogram the system but it's an XML file.


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DB Reporting - Connect To A Database

Jul 10, 2008

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. What I have is an Access database that will have several tables. What I want to do is connect to the database, enter the name of a table in a text box and query that table. The code that I have now is: [Code] I'm not sure how to modify this code so that tablename = whatever I type in the text box.

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DB/Reporting :: Add A New Database But Not An Existing?

May 26, 2008

I am using SQL server managment express. I have 4 databases in it and got a bug on my computer which I could not get rid of. I saved these to disk and reinstalled windows, I reinstalled SQL server and I am now trying to add my 4 databases. Can any one help me with this, I can add a new database but not an existing.

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DB/Reporting :: Add Details To A Database?

Nov 16, 2009

I have working on a project to add details to a database. I'm having trouble with the connection string, the code is as follows:

Public Function AddContactToDatabase(ByVal sFirstName As String, ByVal sLastName As String, ByVal sAddress1 As String, ByVal sAddress2 As String, ByVal sAddress3 As String, ByVal sAddress4 As String, ByVal dDOB As Date, ByVal sPhone As String)


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DB/Reporting :: Can't Insert To Database Using SQL

Jan 24, 2010


Thought I should probably say im using Windows 7 and the 2010 beta Visual studio

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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Connect To Sql Database

Feb 4, 2009

Using VB 2008 Express /Using SQL Server Express/Database name is "StopData"/Computer name is "LAPTOP"?Here's what I have.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class frmMain
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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DB/Reporting :: Database App On Windows 7?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a database app that I wrote in VB6 a while back that uses Access as the backend. I have installed the app on Windows 7 pc's and all works fine....most of the time.On some pc's I see an issue where if I replace, rename, or even remove the DB, my app (b/c of something to do with Windows 7) still sees and reads the information from the old DB. It seems no matter what I do, I cannot "remove" the .mdb file from the system. As one can imagine, this is making it very hard to replace the outdated db with an updated version. I never experienced anything like this running the app in the XP environment.

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DB/Reporting :: Database LOGIN ?

May 18, 2011

below is the coding i want to ask :[code...]

this code is used for login by querying into the database....the logic is like this..it query accoding to the username text box and pass word text box...if there is indeed such rows in the table, then the bacadata.read, else something else happens...i have a few question :

1.is this the right way of login in by checking the row is available or not?

2.is there any enlightment and solution for the appropriate way to login system by using database other than the one teached by my lecturer?

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DB/Reporting :: How To Search Database

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to use the .net connector within my program. I have got add, delete and update working however cannot get search to work. What I would like the program to do is, you enter a value into a textbox and then press a button. The value in the textbox is searched and then the values in the database corresponding to that value are entered into the other text boxes. This is what I have so far:

Private Sub PrescriberSearch()
pre.SelectCommand = New MySqlCommand("SELECT Name FROM Prescriber WHERE Name =?Name like Name = ?Name")


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