Database Created In Access Showing In Multi Text-boxes?
Apr 5, 2010
i have a database created in access showing in multi text-boxes in visual basic 2008 express edition. the database is showing music information and sales (tune name, artist, sales, and year issued) there are a few processes i want to do but can not work out the coding.1. display the top ten selling tunes in a particular year in order ( the year needs to be selected from a list box and displayed in a list box)
2.display the total sales in a particular year ( year selected from a list box)3. display the tune with the greatest sales in a particular year ( year selected from a list box)
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Jan 23, 2011
I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.
What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.
The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.
I've already asked on other forums and people are where replying giving me third party programs that I could use to implement this, something I don't really want to do.
View 9 Replies
Jan 23, 2011
I'm in the middle of creating an application that will be used to input customer information whilst the customer is speaking to someone over the phone. This involves the customer giving the employee information such as name, address, postcode etc and the employee inputting that information into text boxes and combo boxes that are in the application.
What I would like to be able to do is after the customers information is given over the phone, I need to be able to send that information to a database which will probably most likely be done by button click. In this case, I'm using Microsoft Access. I'm also hoping that I can do this within Visual Basic coding.The database is set out with multiple tables which include a customer table and a ticket table and both have multiple fields such as first name, surname in the customers table. Both of these tables are in use with the information that the customer gives over the phone.
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Jan 31, 2010
With the following example of code, whenever the user clicks a menu item it will load up a new form. This form will then read from a database, and create text boxes throughout.
Private Sub allowances_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If mainMenu.currentSlic.ToString = "0" Then
View 3 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I have imported a database from Access in to multipul text boxes in Visual Basic 2008. The information is on CD sales and the fields include ID,Tune name, Artist Name, Sales Quantity, and Year issued.i want to Query the database for
1) the tune with the greatest number of sales from a particular year. (year selected from a list box)
2) total sales in a particular year. (year selected form a list box)
3) display all tunes by a particular artist. (typed into a textbox)
View 5 Replies
Feb 2, 2012
I have text boxes binded to table from dataset. I make changes, i save changes.. then I open database with access, i can see changes...everything is ok... Then I open application again, changes are there, everything is ok. Then I close application and go to smoke.. when I come back and open application , the new data is gone. what's happening? This is how i save changes:
View 12 Replies
Oct 25, 2010
The first list box contains the project name. Based on whatever is selected in the Projects list box, the 2nd list box is generated with Custodian names associated with that project. I am having problems generating the 3rd list box. This holds the data sources associated with whatever is selected in the 2nd list box (Custodians)
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Feb 10, 2012
ive got code like the code below that creates textboxes dynamically. I want to be able to click a button and delete all of these textboxes i make, however im not sure how to do this. When i tell the program to remove the TBIndex control it does not do anything. The only way i get it to work is if i put the command in the same sub as this code. This code runs in a loop by the way.
So if the loop runs one time and creates the TBIndex control and i have a line of code right after to remove the textbox, then it does not show up on my form. But if i put the command in to remove the textboxes somewhere else and run the code the loop runs abunch of times and creates all teh textboxes and the loop is complete, then the remove control part is called and nothing happens. I just need a way to clear all the textboxes off my form with like a button. I also tried painting over the textboxes with a big grey rectangle but that dindt work.
TBIndex.Width = 54
TBIndex.Height = 20
TBIndex.Visible = True
View 2 Replies
Oct 30, 2011
Retrieve and set values from a runtime created text boxes. following code is what i wrote to create a textbox in my form.[code]...
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Oct 30, 2011
Public Class Form1
Private tb = New System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Dim posx As Integer = 0
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May 29, 2009
I have created an access database which i want to search with, I tried a few thing but it didnt work as desired.
Firstly the program is suppose to display items in the database base on the criteria selected by the user. what i've succefssfully done so far is I've added a datagrid 2 combobox, 1 (searchcbo) with the columns in the database and the other (searchcbo1) will autoload the items under the column selected in and a button (searchbtn) but i have no clue of the code to put in the button. i also tried the fill method but that didnt work as i wanted to. ultimately i want a combobox with the list of columns and a textbox to enter criteria and of course a search button.
The searchbtn should act as the "WHERE" sql command, e.g. SELECT EmployeeNumber, Firstname, LastName, Phone, Location....etc FROM CallLog WHERE searchcbo.text = searchcbo1.text And display the results in the datagrid.
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CallLogDataSet.CallLog' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.
Attached image(s)
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Apr 27, 2012
I have been using access for my applications from over 4 years now. I realize its time to move on now and i need suggestions for a new database. Here are my requirements :should be able to connect it with windows form frontend GUI - all database functions such as add/delete/edit/update will be done through the front-end only.Should be able to place the db on LAN and each client on the LAN can then access the centrally stored db through their individual front-ends.At the most 5-6 users will be reading/writing to the database at the same time , so the database should not crash or slow down Since i come from MS access background, i would like something thats similar to it so that i can learn and adapt to it quickly.Not very important, but i think its worth mentioning. This db will be the main central db for my .net application.My .net application will also be interacting with quickbooks and magento via some apis but ultimately all this data will go to the central db. So just curious, will there be any compataibility issues with the database that you suggest Should handle about 10 tables and around 10k records in each table Should be secure - just that i should be able to lock it up or anyhow prevent it being accessed from anywhere else other than the front-end.
Lastly, I would prefer it to be free to use if possible but not essential. I realize there are some topics like mysql vs sqllite and on databases, but pls understand i need suggestions for one that will be apt for the purposes i have listed above.
Edit : Just curious - Would i pushing the limits if i still stick to access - i understand access won't be good for multi-user access but i guess 5 users is not much ?
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May 26, 2012
there is a database, containing a table with personnel. in the personnel table there are names and ID'sthere is a second table departemens, containing the names of departements and their ID' the third table it says which departement ID and which personnel ID are to be linked,
the employee called ruben has an ID 5
the employee called kevin has an ID 10
View 7 Replies
Sep 16, 2010
I created a Query in a database in Access. I want to attach it to a DataGridView in VB2010. I then went to VB and connected to a Database. Then I dragged a DataGridView onto the form. Up came a pop-up menu. I Clicked on Choose Datasource, Add a DataSource,clicked on all the next buttons, selected Tables and Views checkboxes and clicked finish.In the next view up pops a menu that lists my Database and it's tables, but not the created Query. The Query does exist in the Database and I am accessing the correct version.
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Dec 30, 2010
I am in the middle of the creation of an application using I have a database created in MS.Access which includes 7 tables. I connected this one with my parent program code. Now the problem is that I want to display the data from each column. I have 12 columns and 14 rows in my first table. How can I display data from one column in a Combo box?
View 1 Replies
Oct 11, 2010
I'm trying to make a small database out of text boxes and text files, something where sql would be overkill, not to mention beyond my experience. I want to be able to write the contents of the text boxes to a file.txt (the easy part) then being able to retrieve them back out into individual text boxes. How would I pull this one off?
View 5 Replies
Oct 19, 2010
I have created an application in which I have to make a report with ReportViewver from Microsoft.Everything ok until now. I have created the report and for this report I have created a dataset. This dataset contains data for every month in every year from 2010 to 2015. With this dataset I am populating a graphic but my problem is that I want to select the year and create graphic for one year.I do not know how to insert a parameter in the dataset. In sql is very easy by in Access is different and if I try to put something like ...' where year_column=@year_parameter' I receive an error.
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Oct 7, 2010
I am trying to follow the book 'Sams teach yourself VB 2008'. It was going well until the end of hour 4. For exercise 1 I have created the form with a button and two text boxes, but cannot work out the code I need to move text between the two boxes. The Object Browser does not seem to help - am I reading it wrong?
View 14 Replies
Dec 4, 2009
My application has textboxes that are bound to DataSet fields of a SQl Server 2005 database. The columns in the database allow nulls. The column properties in the DataSet have AllowDBNull set to true. Attempting to write the un-changed data back to the database replaces the NULL values with "", and the update fails on the datetime columns with an error about being unable to convert "" to a date. It appears that the problem is that the null values from the database are being converted into empty strings when the textbox is populated.
View 4 Replies
Jun 10, 2008
I have an Access Database that contains two tables. I would like to populate 10 text boxes on my form with the data from the tables. For example: Table1 has a list of names 1 thru 5 and I would like to have 5 text boxes on my form when the form is loaded to populate those names. I know how to populate a combo box with the information, but not sure how to do it into individual text box
Current Code:
'create connection and command string
Dim conStr As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data
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Apr 4, 2010
Here i have code filling a drop down box with the company name.
Private Sub Filllistcomp()
'define select statement
This part works. The drop down menu is filled with all the company names. The following part does not work how ever.
Protected Sub listcomp_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles listcomp.SelectedIndexChanged
'create the select statment that serches for a record
There is no error thrown either. The information is just not showing up.
View 8 Replies
Jul 13, 2010
I am building a form in access database.
I have a combo box which is linked to a query which is looking up a unique reference number from a table called Tbl_Submitted_Requests.
What I need the form to do is auto populate the other text boxes when the user selects the unique reference from the combo box. How can I get the text boxes to auto populate with the data that is associated with each unique reference?
View 2 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
A simple database has been created in Access, which is just basically a table of text, with some images as entries. A form has been created in VB2008 Express and linked to the database. Either a combibox, text boxes or pictureboxes are linked to a column form the database. The first row entries are all displayed correctly in the relavant boxes (except for the images, which for some reason aren't displayed). If another value in the comibox is selected, the other box values don't change and there is still no images visible...
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Jul 4, 2010
I am using a Class_SQL that gets the table, creates the DataAdapter and DataTable.I have a combobox named cboFullname. I can fill the combobox with data from the database, ie: Dim sqlcmdtext As String = "SELECT *, Firstname + ' ' + Surname AS Fullname From Contacts". I can display full records in a datagridview.
I would like to be able to select a name from the combobox and have the record text boxes display the data and be changed with the cbofullname index changed subroutine. Here is my current code to date:
Public Class frmMain Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
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Feb 15, 2012
I'm trying to accept two pieces of data from two textboxes, which will then be inserted into a database on pressing enter, along with a date stamp, and a time stamp. My two text boxes are called; txtindicatorand txtemployee, the database is called; Database11 (Database11DataSet1).
The data would be imported into a table named; Data_Collection and the fields would be; Employee ID (which would come from the info the user inserted into 'txtemployee'), Time (automatic time stamp), Date (automatic date stamp), Type (which would be identified from textbox 'txtindicator').
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May 6, 2011
I'm developing a program that will show multipage tiff in a picturebox using vb.
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Apr 12, 2011
Ok, Im having trouble passing a value from one form back to another using a listbox... The user clicks a button in the main form to bring up an instance of another form ( In that form, the user then then selects a number 1-5 and then presses done:
Private Sub frmPlayer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim x As Integer
If lboNumber.Items.Count = 0 Then 'list box is empty
For x = 1 To 5
How do I pass that value back to the main form as a value when the user clicks done?
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Jul 20, 2010
I have a button that inserts data into a database.With that button I want it to serve two functions.One for insert and one for clearing the textboxes after the insert is done.I did a little bit of digging around and her is a code snippet that i found online:
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then ctrl.Text = ""
View 15 Replies
Aug 8, 2011
ok.. just as it sounds.. I'm kinda making a document portal app for work.. has 4 list boxes going to 4 different drive locations.. for cosmetic reasons I want only the last box you clicked in to show a selected item.. so if you selected box 1 item and it was hilighted and then you went to box 2 and selected something I wanted box 1 to then dissapear.
I have some code written to handle this.. but its not working so well.. since I use the SelectedIndexChanged trigger to fire off another piece of code to unselect all the other windows.. those listboxes fire their triggers also because I have to call lstWord. SelectedIndex = -1 to make it not have something selected anymore.. and when you do that.. it calls its SelectedIndexChanged and ends up deselecting everything.. so wasnt sure if anyone had done something like this before.. seems like something that would have been done before.. but as you can imagine searching the web for "multi list box select only one at a time" or something you some strange results..
View 8 Replies
Dec 7, 2009
I'm creating a series of labels at run time based on an array of strings made earlier in the program, but when i run, the labels aren't showing. The program is form based and the co-ordinates for the new labels are well within the bounds of the formHere's the code I'm using:
For i = 0 To 10
Dim lbl As Label
lbl = New Label
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