Drag A Text File Onto The DGV?

Mar 16, 2012

I have code that saves my DGV as a comma separated .txt file.

code a way for the user to be able to drag a text file onto the DGV and it will load the data?

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Drag A .txt File Onto The Txtbox, The Content Of The Text File Is Displayed In The Textbox?

Mar 3, 2012

I have a textbox on a form that is set to allow dragdrop operations from txt files.Basically you drag a .txt file onto the txtbox, the content of the text file is displayed in the textbox.All is working fine, however after the textfile is displayed in the textbox, the text box text is for some reason is highlighted.I don't want the text to be highlighted (or selected) after it's being displayed on the textbox.Second issue, after I close the file that I dragged, for some reason even if I didn't make any changes to the file, it is acting as if the file has changed.In another words, if I open a text file using my MenuItem Open item, and if I do not change the file, If I close the file it's fine it closes.However, if I close a file that I draged into the text box and then close the file without changing anything in it, the stringcompare function is telling me that the file has changed... I can't understand why.

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Drag And Drop Text File?

Aug 21, 2011

I wanted to make a little app where you could drop a .txt file on the form and it would show the text in a textbox or richtextbox.

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Drag File And Reveal Text?

Nov 21, 2009

How can I drag a file into a textbox, and then it will show the directory of that file. It seems pretty simple, since its a drag and drop kind of thing.

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Drag A Text File From Windows Explorer?

Oct 27, 2010

Requirement is to drag a text file from Windows Explorer and drop into a RichTextBox opened, that is so the text can be read amended etc

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Drag N Drop Text File To Textbox?

Nov 26, 2009

How do i Drag n Drop text file (.txt or any hoter format ,vbs,bat etc...) to a textbox in VB.NET ? Step by step tutorial with code so i can copy/paste would be nice.

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop To Upload File - Find File Size

May 5, 2011

Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)


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Drag And Drop(Rich Text Box)?

Jul 16, 2010

My current project is making a word processor, and i would like to add the function to be able to drag an image from list view, in a dock panel of my form into a rich text box.

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C# - Drag And Drop From Excel Cells To A Drag-enabled Task Pane Programatically?

Oct 31, 2010

I am using Excel 2007, VS2008 Pro.I am building a VSTO Add-in that requires "drag and drop from Excel cells to a drag-enabled task pane".So far I notice that I can only drag and drop within the cells themselves. It does not allow me to drop into the task Pane or drag past the sheet limits.(http:)[url]...

Note: The task pane has drag drop enabled, I ahve already tested I can drag/drop from task pane to excel but I need to do this the other way around?

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Allow The User To Drag The Text Back And Forth From Labels

Nov 10, 2009

Im trying to allow the user to drag the text back and forth from labels. The code I have below seems to just show the little circle with a slash through it, and I cant drag or drop the text?

Private Sub Label_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseDown, Label2.MouseDown, Label3.MouseDown
Dim lbl As Label = DirectCast(sender, Label)


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Checking For Text Data When Doing Drag And Drop?

Nov 1, 2009

I'm doing drag and drop from a list view. In my starting list view's ItemDrag event handler, I say (amomgst other things):

data.SetText(CurrentFolder, TextDataFormat.Text)
sender.DoDragDrop(data, DragDropEffects.Copy Or DragDropEffects.Move)

CurrentFolder being a string that holds the name of the folder represented by the list view. In the target control's DragDrop event handler, CType(e.Data, DataObject).GetText evaluates to what CurrentFolder was when ItemDrag was executed.But: e.Data.GetDataPresent(TextDataFormat.Text) always evaluates to FALSE.If I replace "TextDataFormat.Text" by "DataFormats.Text" (in both places) the result is the same. I am asking this although my code does what I want, because I feel that I should not call CType(e.Data, DataObject).GetText before I have established that TextData is actually present. So how do I properly check for the presence of the text data.

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VS 2008 : Drag/Drop To ALL Text Boxes On Form?

Jul 10, 2009

I have a pop up form that contains a listbox. Right now I am telling it exactly which text boxes I want to be able to drag and drop to, but I was just told to have it drag and drop to every text box on the main form.The main form with the text boxes has a bunch of tabs on it that hold each section. Each section has text boxes, so how would I code it so they are all capable of allowing drag/drop without specifying each one separately?

This is the code from my pop up form:

Private Sub txtDropIn_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Dim DropInTextbox As TextBox = CType(sender, TextBox) Dim TextToDrop As String = CStr(e.Data.GetData(GetType(String))) 'get rid of leading " - " if there isn't 'anything in the textbox If String.IsNullOrEmpty(MainWin.TextBox1.Text) Then TextToDrop = TextToDrop.TrimStart(CChar(" -


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Disable WebBrowser Control's Text Selection And Image Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I have been googled for couple of hours but couldn't find a solution

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?

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Drag And Drop In VB 2008 - Mouse Button The Text Box Is Not Dropped

Sep 5, 2009

I insert a text box into form1. I move the mouse pointer on top of the text box. I press down on the left mouse button and begin to drag the text box. The problem is when I let go of the mouse button the text box is not dropped. it remain floating around. My only way out of this is to press the escape key which places the text bnox bak to its original location. Thinking that it might be my mouse I tested it in Power point and everything works correctly.

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Forms :: Disable Webbrowser Control's Text Selection And Pic Drag?

Oct 1, 2009

I m doing a touch screen interface, to browser a page I used a webbrowser control, and in order to get ride of the ugly scrollbar, i m trying to use mousedown and mousemove event on the webbrowser to move the page around, it worked but when i m doing it, it select and highlight the content on the web too, how can i stop that?

do I need to create a extended webbrowser control by Inherits the orginal one?
if so, which event should i capture and override the handler?

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Interface And Graphics :: Drag Text From Ie8 And Drop It Onto A TextBox In VB 2008?

Feb 21, 2010

I'm running Windows 7 x 64 and the latest version of VS 2008.I have spent forever trying to get the following VB6 code snippet to work in a VB 2008 Windows Forms application. The VB6 application works like a charm, even on Win 7 x64.Here is the relevant (I hope) VB6 code. It allows me to select text in IE8's browser window and then drag and drop it onto a TextBox called txtLink in a very simple VB6 application.

Private Sub txtLink_OLEDragDrop(Data As DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single)


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Drag And Drop On .exe File?

Dec 21, 2009

OK, so I want to read in the file as whatever someone drags and drops on the .exe file. Once I get that file to be used as the file in the program, I'm fine, I know what I'm doing, but I'm having no luck getting that part done.So far I have this that I found:

Dim s As String = Command$()


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File Drag And Drop ?

Feb 2, 2010

You will have to excuse me I am a little bit new to VB. I was wondering if anyone might be able to tell me how I can have my VB application accept a dropped file and then copy that dropped file to a location on the hard drive. Basically what I have is an application that I want when an outlook attachment is dropped on to my VB app on the main form I want it to copy that file to a location on the C: drive. I have tried googling this but all I can find is how to do it between controls and with a listbox.

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File Drag And Drop From VB?

May 22, 2011

I spent a while searching for answers on the web, but all pages seem to forget about my query.

I'm experienced well enough with receiving drag and drop events of any kind, including images and files.

I also feel comfortable about the other way round -- using the DoDragDrop function to start a drang and drop of any kind.

Any kind, except files. How can I start a file drag and drop, for example of an image?

I tried setting the data to a string containing the file path but that didn't work.

(VS2010Pro, VB.NET 4, Windows Forms)
Just call me Silvi or LS... My site:

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Auto Drag And Drop Is Enabled In Text Editor Program - How To Save

Mar 5, 2010

I have AutoDragDrop enabled in my textbox. It drags the .jpg file into my program successfully. When I save it only saves the text not the .jpg file. I do realize that when I save the file I need to have the .jpg saved also and I am not sure how to accomplish this. I have checked multiple forums and googled of course. No luck as of yet.

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Forms :: Tree View Drag And Drop To Text Box At Cursor Position?

Nov 7, 2009

I need to drag and drop to textbox from tree view. Here while drag and drop to text box i need to add the dragged text to anywhere in the text box which we have already dragged some nodes here.

For example.in treeview i have "node1" and "node2"now i am going to add "node2" to textbox and in front of "node2" i need to add "node1" and then at the end of "node2" again i need to drop "node1" like that.

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Drag And Drop Multiple File?

Feb 18, 2012

Private Sub dtg1_DragDrop(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles dtg1.DragDrop
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then
Dim Myfile() As String


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How To Allow A Textbox To Open A File On Drag

Jan 28, 2011

how can i make a textbox accept a drag and drop (if i drag and drop a txt file onto it, how can i make it open)Well, If it is not worth it, it is not fun - you say programmers are boring but i say they are worth it.

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Make Drag And Drop File?

Jan 31, 2010

You will have to excuse me but I am a little bit new to vb. Anyways I was wondering if anyone knew a way to have a vb app accept dropped files on the main form. Basically what I have is a program that needs to accept dropped files (outlook attachments to be specific) and copy that file to a specific location on the C: drive. Then I need it to store the file name and path to a variable and set a text box on the main form equal to that variable

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VS 2008 Drag File Over Icon

Oct 22, 2009

How do I make my application open a file that is dragged over the applications icon? I am planning on being able to drag an XML file and the application goes into an import mode to create a new record in the DB. I think I may need to have an identifier in the header of the file such as ClientImg or the likes so that the App looks for that to let it know it is the proper file type. Note to JMC: I would look this up, but I do not know what it is called

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Drag And Drop A File From Outside Window Onto A Form

Oct 10, 2011

How do I drag and drop a file from outside the window onto a form? For example: drag and drop an image from windows explorer into panel1 in form1?

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Drag And Drop A File Onto Rtb And Show The Content?

Nov 17, 2011

My Q is: How can i drag and drop a file into a rtb and have it show the content. Like Notepad++

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File Wipe & Drag-n-drop Support?

Jun 6, 2011

Two questions: how can I completely wipe a file from disk with vb.net? I found a code in C#, converted it to VB.net online but didn't understand a letter. I was thinking on a wiper like CCleaner has, but for a selected files only.

And, how can I manage drag-n-drop functions? Like... drag something into my form (or my app's exe) and do something with it?

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How To Drag / Drop Image File In PictureBox

Dec 2, 2010

I have one picturebox. I need to drag drop image file in picturebox change image in the picturebox?

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop File Into Listviewbox

Mar 18, 2010

Is it possible to drag a file into say a listviewbox and then code it to save the file to a location on my network drive?

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