Edit Values In Datagrid And Save Changed Value In Database?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to edit values in datagrid in VB.NET and also want to save changed value in database. How can i do it?

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DB/Reporting :: Open An Access Query In A Datagrid View And Then Be Able To Make Changes To The Datagrid And Then Save It Back To The Database?

Apr 15, 2008

What I am trying to do basically is open an access query in a datagrid view and then be able to make changes to the datagrid and then save it back to the database.When I try to save:


It says that update is not a member of the tableadapter... Why is that?

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User To Connect To SQL Database And Edit Some Of The Database Values?

Jul 2, 2011

I'm working on a tool that allows the user to connect to his SQL database and edit some of the database values.First here's a screenshot of the GUI (you can see my problem as well):


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Database Edit Then Save?

Jun 5, 2011

Database edit then save problem Im trying to make a database and for the most part it works. The form1 has add new button (which goes into my form2 window that adds all of the information there, then I hit save, when I exit it and comes back to the form1, with everything saved. There is a listbox that shows all the names, then I click on anyone of the names and try to edit it and it works, then I hit the save button, it comes up with the error under


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Edit And Save Changes To The Database?

May 27, 2011

Recently I've created a window database program(Tools Inventory); everything works fine except for the following two :

1. It doesn't accept modifications to the existing datas in the column & rows. (Error : Updates require a ValidCommand......)

2. Remove button does not delete the data in the database. It only works in the runtime.

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Edit Data And Save Back To Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I just need to edit one field on a datarow and save the changes back to the database. My database is SQL Compact 3.5

I tried many methods but change is not saved to database.

Dsset.tblQuestions.Rows(1).Item("ExamID") = "EDITED"

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Save Values From Datagrid To Excel In VB 2008 Express Edition?

May 3, 2009

i'm using visual basic 2008 express edition and having a problem in saving the data i've added in datagrid to excel. i use inputbox to add data into the datagrid. when i click the save button, the data from the datagrid must be save to excel. this is the code i get from some forum and i already edited it but it only saves the last data/row i inputted.


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Particular(one Cell) Should Edit And Change The Information And Save To Database In Row Or Column

Nov 1, 2011

in row or column..particular(one cell) should edit and change the information...and save to database...

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Save, Edit, And Delete Records In An Access Database Through Vb2008?

Mar 13, 2011

I need to be able to save, edit, and delete records in an access database through vb2008. Editing and deleting records works perfect, but I cannot save new records. Can anyone assist?

Here is my code

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Main_Form
Dim con As OleDbConnection
Dim cmd As OleDbCommand


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VS 2008 : Tool Box Use For Column Preview From Database Use For Edit And Save?

Feb 3, 2011

I am using Regex operation by retriving column into Richtextbox and run sevral time of all regex operation ( which is quite good and faster on that) then updating that inti database (Sqlite).

1. Retriving 1 million of record column into richtextbox from database.

2. updating database with that.(using richtextbox).these things killing time.

what to use in place of that.(means what to use for fast preview-run regex - update that edited column into database)

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Datagrid Save To Database?

Mar 5, 2012

Visual Studio 2010, Visual Basic I am able to import a .csv file into a datagridview on my windows form using the code below:

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnChooseList.Click
Dim fName As String = ""
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:desktop"


My issue is that I can get the .csv data into the datagridview, but I need the user to be able to indicate which column is the "First Name", "Last Name", "Address", etc so that I can add the data to the correct column in the database. The imported lists won't always be in the same column order.The end result needs to be that the data in my datagridview will be altered by the user and then saved to the correct columns in my database.

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Save New Row Datagrid To Database?

Feb 20, 2012

How to Insert to my database, with my new rows ex. After I load my frmPayment there is 5 rows in my DGV, then I input add new rows, 2 new row.In 5 rows it have value PayDetId , and new row it doesnt have value PayDetId = 0[code]...

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Insert Values Into Database From Datagrid?

Sep 1, 2010

how to insert values into database from datagrid?

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Save Datagrid Data In SQL Database?

Mar 11, 2010

I am creating an ordering system but when i try to add a new customer it allos me to add but it doesnt save to the database and i can not also call it up the


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Database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005 - Save In A Database - Column Cannot Contain Null Values

Oct 15, 2009

Ive created one database Sql Server Compact Edition 2005, with one table ("Cliente") I know that I can created my database good, but i have a problem saving information since three textbox, in my table(With columns "Nombre" "Apellido" "Cliente". In my form there is a button save ("Guardar"). When I do click in my button appear the next message : "The column cannot contain null values. [ Column name = Nombre,Table name = Cliente ] " and happen the same with apellido and Id_Cliente. And this happen becouse my code cant save the information....

This is the code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data


And the code for my button is:

Private Sub cmdguardar_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdguardar.Click

Dim myconnection As SqlCeConnection
Dim mycommand As SqlCeCommand


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Sql Filestream - Update A File And Save Changed File Back To Database

Oct 30, 2009

I have implemented the filestream feature of SQL Server 2008 in a VB.Net application. I can insert files, and then retrieve/view them just fine. However, I have huge problems trying to update a file. Eg. The user selects a file from the grid which I execute via process.start. If that file is a .txt file, the user may choose to edit it. In case that happens, I need to save the changed file back to the database. So far I have failed to do that.

What I do, is take the retrieved file, copy it (cause i got some errors about it being used), and then Process.Start it. After that, via .NET filestream, I convert the file to bytes and try to update the record. SQL Profiler and a manual SELECT on the varbinary(max) column tell me that the file is updated properly, but the very next try to retrieve it I get an unchanged file.

After that I also tried to update the file by changing its File-System Version, but the file still wouldn't seem to update. Does Anyone have a code sample of how I can achieve this operation? Like 500 sites on the internet have examples of how to Insert And Retrieve the file, but not a single example on how to update. This is how my second attempt of trying to update the file via the filesystem looks like. The code for inserting/retrieving is very similar and it works properly. [Code]

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Save Multi-rows In Datagrid Into Database?

Jun 20, 2011

How could i save multi rows in datagrid in to database

i use this code but appear error message[code]...

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Import An Excel File To Datagrid Then Save It To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

Importing an excel file?first the program should be able to browse for an excel file and then,the values in an excel file will be imported to the datagrid and save all the data in the database.

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Unable To Save Data From Datagrid To Access Database?

Dec 7, 2009

I'm currently attempting to save data inputed into a data grid clicking the "save" button. My problem is, I also have another DB opened in the same window that also needs to be saved. The second database is pulled up by the contents of a text box, so there for it has no real Dataset to call on. It looks something like this.


I try to run the update command it always throws the exception "Cannot find table 0" or "Update unable to find TableMapping['Table'] or DataTable 'Table'." I tried declaring the connection the same way as the code above and then simply calling the da.update(ds) but it wouldn't do anything.

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Save GridView Column Values And Retrieve Them Without Using A Database?

Apr 30, 2010

I would like to save Gridview with all of the columns value and reload the same grid without using database?

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Save Values To Microsoft Sql Database That Are Profile Properties

Jan 16, 2012

I'm attempting to build a website and I would like to save values to my Microsoft sql database that are profile properties and them access them to display lifetime stats or totals from playing my websites games. So I think I'm attempting to use the profile object and I need to save a points total and be able to access that via the current user of the page. You're supposed to then be able to play my simple games and each win or loss should update some of those properties. I've been on this step for weeks on end and have spent over 100 hours not getting a single line of code produced and am running out of options to read, and re-read to attempt this.

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VS 2005 - Save Records To My Database As Long As All The Parameter Have Values?

Jun 23, 2011

My code below will save records to my database as long as all the parameter have values. One of the parameter is @MI (middle initial), however, there are times that student have no middle initial so when I click my button I get error. I want to still save the record even if one of the parameter value is missing.


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Make Several Textboxes Save Values To A Text Document Or Database And Then Open It Up Again?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to make a Doctor's program where the doctor has to enter the patients detail into several text boxes (Name, Age, Address...). So, after he has entered all the information, he would want to save it somehow so he could open up the information
again. How would i do that. I thought it could be saved in a database, or even in a text file.

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Wpf - Catching Which Cell Changed In Editable Datagrid?

Mar 6, 2012

I have an editable DataGrid in a VB WPF application. The DataGrid itself has its SourceUpdated property set to my event handler. 2 of the columns in the grid are editable and have their NotifyOnSourceUpdated flag in the Binding set to True. The event is firing properly, but I can't seem to figure out the best way to determine what has changed. The 2 columns depend on each other in that one of them is an item quantity and the other is a case quantity. If the user changes one of them I want to re-compute the other value and update the grid as well as the binding source. I'm sure there are a number of ways to handle this, but I'm curious what is the best way. I could listen for change event on the datagrid, see what changed, set some variables, and then use those in the SourceUpdated event, but that doesn't seem elegant.

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Asp.net - Resize Width Of Text Box In Datagrid During Edit And Fix Datagrid Cell Width

Mar 24, 2012

I have one data grid which contains a column which contains long string values. When I edit it, the text box which appears is very small. I want to increase the length of text box.

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WinForms - DataGrid Reset Current Cell To 0 When CheckBox Changed

Jun 13, 2011

Basically I am looking for if I click on my checkbox, it should reset my datagrid column lastseqno to 0. Is it possible?

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Forms - Checking If Values Have Changed

Jun 10, 2010

I'm basically putting some validation logic around an undo button on my form and i'd like to check whether any fields on the form have had their values changed so i can ask the question "abandon changes?". This seems like something pretty standard to me but I can not see how to check whether a value has had its contents changed (without recording a before value and comparing it to the after value which for large forms would be quite horrendous to code).

In the language i used to use we used to walk the object tree (so we dont have to specify each object individually like text box, combo box etc) and check any object that have value-changed = yes to indicate the validation was required.

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Application Does Not Save Changed Content

May 31, 2011

OK so after a week of aggravating, hair pulling, disaster of trying to figure out what should be simple tasks but beat me down! Ok so I wanted to create a application that would, somewhat manage the users own collection of video games (Lame i know ) you add your games to a listview item, with an image and some sub items, viewing details, using a textbox to search your games... etc i hope you get it

Ok so what i cannot figure out, or find by combing the internet! is how to save all new items the user adds... And including: the item, all the sub items and the picture thats associated with the item.! Instead of posting the code, i posted the application Source code itself here:Source Code , I also started a project here: Codeplex

Later i eventually was thinkin of ading a "wish list" feature where you could add the games you want to get later and also tag it with a release date so when the date comes up, it will let you know, maybe through some alarming way or textbox somehwere... IF you guys want to make it better or fix it! go ahead, i just want this app to save upon EXIT or directing me in the right direction would be VERY VERY much appreciated!

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Save Changed Picture Box To SQL Server?

May 25, 2009

I have been working on a project. In this project I wish to be able to create electronic signatures. I have perfected the signing routine and also creating the memory astream and saving and retrieving an image. The problem comes in when I retrieve the image from the database. The image being saved does not capture the signature (the changes I've made to the picturebox)

1. I load a small bmp as the template on where to sign with by setting the picturebox.imagelocation to a network share

2. Using mousemove and mouseclick, and draw events I draw a signature on top of the picture box

3. I picturebox.image.save(memorystream) the picture box to a sql server from a button click event.

4. When I retrieve the saved image there are no edits (No signature) only the original image. I am sure that the original image is going in and that it is coming out every time.

My question is thus: How can I capture the signature that I have edited into the picture box. I have tried picturebox.save like I mentioned above and I have tried picturebox.update() but without success. Does anyone know what I missing I think that the answer lies in refreshing or updating the picturebox, but I'm not sure how.

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Save New Record And All Changed Cell

Jun 13, 2011

I have the following code on the SaveItem_Click event of the BindingNavigator..[code]how can i adapt the code to also save any other cell changes on the DGV existing rows (even if the row is not new)?

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