Find The Total Row Count Of Datagrid Using Column Name?

Apr 27, 2012

Protected Sub invokePagination(ByVal table As DataTable)
'CallPagination() As PagingControlDTO
If table.Rows.Count > 0 Then
Me.DataGridPaging1.Visible = True


The code which is underlined is to be replaced.Instead of this I want to use column name to get the total count , since it contain the total count.Column Name is "TOTALROWCOUNT"

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Count Total Of Column From Datagridview And Show Results In Textbox Using VB 2005?

May 17, 2012

How can I count Total of column from datagridview and show results in textbox Using VB 2005!

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Sum\total A Bunch Of Cell Values Of An Unbound Column In A Datagrid To A Textbox String?

Dec 22, 2010

I was wondering the best method or code to Sum\total a bunch of cell values of an unbound column in a datagrid to a textbox string. this request is 100% not some student trying to get you guys to finish my project, this is purely for educational and personal information for myself. im new to

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Count Particular DataGrid Column Values And Add To Textbox?

Mar 23, 2010

I am using and WPF. In a wpf window I am showing a datagrid in the load event while in the load event itself, I need to count grand total amount from a single datagrid column and add it to a textbox in same page .

My page looks like this:
My DataGrid:
Item Quantity Total
Shirt 2 200
Pant 1 500
Tie - -
Belt 2 100
My Textbox ---> Grand Total amount : - 800

How do I do that if I am counting from a ((Total Column )) DTG
And adding it and showing it in my (( GRAND TOTAL AMOUNT)) TEXTBOX

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Setting Column Count For Datagrid Using Code

Dec 7, 2011

I have a form in which i need to add column depending on the counts of records in database. For that i need to set column count using code.

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Loop Through Top Level Folder In Mapped Drive And Give Total Count Of Files And Total?

Oct 28, 2008

I am working with VB 2008. I want to be able to run this program say in N: and it will show me in an excel sheet the following:

Folder Path Size(GB) Count of Files
N:Clients 0.53 308

where clients contains subfolders and files and the size is the total of all those files within each folder and the count is the total within each folder also.

This works fine as it is but i have to select one by one the top level folders and some of them are huge so it takes forever to give me an answer.

1) I would like to see in my spreadsheet the following by only select the network drive n:

Folder Path Size(GB) Count of Files
N:Clients 0.53 308
N:Software 10.7 15430
N:Billing 0.98 105

2) I would also like to know if this is the faster method.

3) I tried adding a progress bar so that the user can have an idea of how much this will take but i had to remove because it was not working.

4) I would like to see the folder name, size of folder and count of files in the listview.

Here is the code:

Imports Microsoft
Imports Microsoft.Win32
Imports Microsoft.Win32.Registry
Imports System.Collections


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How To Calculate Discount In Percent % And Get Total In Total Column

Jun 8, 2011

I am using visual basic 2008 amd creatomg a datagrodview format like below [code] Now I wnat to get total balance in total column after less discount in percentage with ENTER EVENT proceedure and get the whole total column balance in a textbox i.e Net BalanceTextBox. Please tell me how to calculate discount in percent % and get total in total column and also tell me how to move cursor in next cell instead of bottom row in datagridview.

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IDE :: Sum Up Total In An Unbound Datagridview Column With Total To Textbox?

Apr 22, 2011

I have 3 columns in a unbound datagridview, "length" "height" and "Total". Total = length x width and the final total in TextBox outside of the Grid. I found question simalar in this forum and tried the code but i am getting errors.The following is the code i am using

Class Form1
Dim UnboundColumn[code]...

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DataColumn.Expression Count - Filter On The Day, Count The Rows And Then Populate This Added Column With The Result?

Nov 2, 2010

I have added a column to a Datatable called CallsPerDay which is there to tell me how many telephone calls have been made on a particular day or days.Is there a datacolumn.expression which will allow me to Filter on the day, count the rows and then populate this added column with the result.

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Count All Items To A Total?

Jul 1, 2011

How do you let all the numbers of listbox2 count to each other to get a total?

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Iterate Through A ListBox Column And Sum The Total Of Numbers In A Specific Column?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a program and I get time data from a sqldb and display it in a column in a listbox. What are the proper steps for adding the time as I iterate through the data in the column? I figure I will need to do some conversions on the time to be able to add it and display it as a total.

View 9 Replies

Count Total Nodes For A Tree?

Jun 24, 2010

I have Dataset that has 2 field 1st "ID" 2nd "ParentID" and here are the current data[code]...

View 9 Replies - Set Label Text To Total Row Count Of Gridview?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm using a stored procedure in a sql database as the data source for a SqlDataSourceControl on my .aspx page. I'm then using the SqlDataSourceControl as the data source for a gridview on my page. Paging is set to true on the gridview. What i would like to do is set the text of a label to the total number of rows in the gridview. I can use this code

'labelRowCount.Text = GridView2.Rows.Count & " layers found"

to return the number of results per page, but it doesn't give me the total.

View 3 Replies

Count The Total Number Of Lines Of Code?

Dec 29, 2009

i wrote an application in VB.NET and since i charge by the line, i would like to calculate how many lines i wrote. i have about 100 different vb files with my code. how do i count all the lines?

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Listview To Count The Total In The Header Colums Called Cost?

Jan 29, 2012

How would i get this to work on a listview to count the total in the header colums called Cost.

This is a code for DataGridView how do i get it to work in listview?.

Dim index As Integer = 1 'column index
Dim total As Single = 0.0F


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Counting Total Rows On A Datagrid

May 10, 2011

I am trying to count all the rows on a datagrid after it has been populated from my DB. I have searched online on how to do this but nothing seems to work.[code]where test is my datasource it gets thrown into

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VS 2008 Filtering A Datagrid Based Upon A Specified Total

May 5, 2010

I am trying to filter a datagrid based upon stepping through records and suming the contents. What i am trying to do is get to select records that equal (or if the sum of records exceed the entry they revert to the previous record) or less than the entries specified in a combobox on a form.

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VS 2010 : Total Price Of ProductsID In Datagrid?

Apr 11, 2012

I have a Datagrid with 4 columns. Column 1 is ID, Column 2 is Products, Column 3 QTY, Column 4 Price and Column 5 is Total. I would like to get the Total of Column ID if it has 3 of the same ID and the Column 3 Price is $10.00 ea. Then on the Coulumn 4 Total get a result of $30.00.

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Produce A Total For Values In A Datagrid And Them Display Them In A Label?

Jul 30, 2006

How can I produce a total for values in a datagrid and them display them in a label?

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Get Total Items In Column From DB?

Oct 16, 2011

how I would go about getting the item count for a column in my mssql db.

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How To Calculate Total Of A Column In SQL

Nov 30, 2010

I have a sql SELECT statement in I have this line of code to calculate a specific percentage of the Net Total:ROUND(Invoices.NetT*'" + txtOnGoing.Text + "'/100,2) As Commission 'txtOnGoing is a text box which pre populates a certain number e.g '10'... this means 10% of the NetT column..The above code works fine, now I want to add the "Commission" Column and display the Total in a text box. Does anyone know how to do this? I know I can use the SUM operator but because the Commission column isnt a column that actually exists in the table I dont know how I could do this.

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Summarize A Row Total In A Column To The Right?

Apr 26, 2011

I have a bound datagridview in my code. I want to create a column to the right of each row that displays the sum of the values in the row.I've searched the net dilligently and have found nothing! Summarizing the columns is there, but not a row.

Oct Nov Dec Total
100 100 100 300
150 150 100 400

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VS 2005 Get The Total Of X's In Column In DGV

Jan 30, 2011

I have a datagridview on a form and what I need to do is loop through the dgv and get a total of how many X's are in each individual column and then display the total in a Label. Here is the form and some information. I know how to get the sum of numbers in a column but not how to do this.

There are 28 columns Column Names are Day1, Day2, Day3 etc (so I know to use a for loop but can't figure it out) The total needs to go in the label at the bottom of each column,again they are Label28, Label29, Label30 right on up to Label56. I will continue working on it

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How To Find Sum To Total Item In Listbox

Dec 29, 2010

how to find sum to total item in listbox in

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Add Two Line One Line Is Find The Total Of Each Colums In The Last Row And To Find The Grandtotal?

May 1, 2011

I am suppose to only Find the total of each column in the last row. Find the grand total in the last cell (the bottom right corner)Ok i have tried to do the grandtotal but i am not getting what she wants done I have also tried to reverse the arrays but that was wrong to. I am only suppose to add two line one line is find the total of each colums in the last row and to find the grandtotal.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim sum(5, 4) As Integer
Dim row, col As Integer


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Datagridview - Sort Datagrid View Column With Numbers And Texts On Column Header Click?

Feb 13, 2012

It seems that on clicking datagridview column header, the column will be automatically sorted based on the column type. I have a column showing some numbers. If column type is string, it sorts "1","20","3" into "1","20","3". If column type is double, it sorts into "1","3","20" which is the result that I want. However, there might be some erros in the numbers and error messages(text) will show in the cell instead of numbers. So I cannot set the column type as double. I want to ignore these error messages and sort all the numbers. How can I do this?

Also, I need to add some background colors to different rows in datagridview. So in the column header click event, I call the bkgColor Sub to achieve this. My question is that how can I override the sorting method in this event?

Private Sub DataGridView1_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.ColumnHeaderMouseClick


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Calculate The Total Of A Column From A Database?

Apr 19, 2012

I'm having some trouble firstly trying to calculate the total of a column in the database connected to my project. Then I want to divide that total by the number of items in a listbox. This is my code so far:

Private Sub btnavresult_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnavresult.Click
Dim sqlx As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand


I get an error saying "No value given for one or more required parameters." when I try to run my program on this line "Dim rdr As OleDbDataReader = sqlx.ExecuteReader()"

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Get The Total Value From A Summation Value Of Column, MySQL?

Aug 29, 2011

I learned about this query 2 days ago:-

SELECT SUM(DTotal) AS Monthly FROM bdailytotal

but how I'm going to view the total value of the summation? I had been searching for this but most of the answers I get is for PHP. Can someone show me how to assign that total value to a variable in VB.NET?

Or teach me how to assign that total value to another table.

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Datagrid Bound Column Properties Column Property Will Not Change

Aug 4, 2009

I have a datagrid that I am unable to change the width setting, it always reverts back to the original setting.

To change this setting:

1. select the datagrid view tasks

2. Edit columns bound column properties

3. Select Width property

4. Width property will always revert back to the original setting.

I have check the properties settings without any luck.

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Find Total Of Digits From Textbox To Listbox?

Sep 13, 2010

This code bellow to find total of digits from textboxs to listbox.This code don't care about how many textboxs on the form.I take this code from Cazypennie..Great code.My question is..I want to change that code from many textboxs to only one textbox MultiLine having 30 Lines of digits to count and appear to listbox.

Option Strict Off
Public Class Form1
Dim BoxValueCollection As New Collection[code].......

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