Force MSBuild To Compile For 32-bit Mode?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm using MSBuild (via NAnt) to compile a bunch of VB.NET assemblies. Because these assemblies depend on COM Interop, I need to guarantee that they run in 32-bit mode on 64 bit OS's. I can get the executable assemblies to compile to 32-bit by changing the project in Visual Studio, but I'd really like to be able to force all of the executables to be compiled to 32 bit mode on the build server.I've tried a number of command-line parameters to MSBuild with no luck:


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Compile And Run My Application In X64 Mode ?

Jul 20, 2010

I have no idea why when I compile and run my application in x64 mode or anycpu my application crashes some time. some times it returns : Unhandled Exception

Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt. and some times just says x has stopped working w/o details, any one knows anything about it ?

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Force A Compile-time Warning / When Using An Unassigned Local Variable?

Nov 15, 2010

Today I discovered that something I had assumed about VB.NET for many years was not true (worrying!). I assumed that a variable declared within a loop had a lifetime of the iteration it was declared in, but in fact it seems it has a lifetime of the whole procedure.[code]I had assumed an output of False, True, False, True but instead it is actually False, True, True, True..In C# the equivalent code would not compile as you would get a compile time error of Error "Use of unassigned local variable 'var1'".I realise there are many ways to fix this and that best practice would be to declare the variable outside of the loop and reset it at the beginning of every loop through.I find this behaviour so counter-intuitive to me that I would like at least a compile time warning in VB.NET when/if I do this. (I could also then set this on any projects I already have and get warning that would allow me to check that my assumptions aren't causing errors).Does anyone know how/if I can get this to generate a compile time warning in VB.NET? Am I the only one that finds this counter-intuitive?

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Force Program To Run With Administrator Mode For Windows Vista/7?

Jul 27, 2010

We have developed a 'deployment tool' (say program A) which need to modify system registry, etc info which requires admin rights. This program will be triggered by another program (say program B).

Question, when B call A, how can B initiate A with admin rights? is there any command like A.exe /runas admin or any other way to achieve this. Please note that both programs are developed using VB6.

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.net - Come The Debug.Assert Line Causes A Compile Error In Release Mode?

Sep 20, 2011

I'm surprised to get a compile error in release mode with the following code.I have a DEBUG only function declared

#If DEBUG Then
Private Function DEBUG_Check() As Boolean
'Do some checks[code]....

I get a compilation error "DEBUG_Check is not declared"I thought calls to Debug.Assert were completely removed from Release compile?

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What Is Real Mode / Protected Mode / Supervisor Mode And Hypervisor Mode

Sep 16, 2010

What is the real mode , protected mode , supervisor mode and the hypervisor mode ?

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.net - MSBuild Fails On Lambda Expressions?

Jul 25, 2011

I have an issue with building a project using the MSBuild (ver 4) from the command line when declaring lambda expression like this:

Private Sub Foo(ByVal s As String)
Dim WL = Sub(str As String)
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(str) Then[code]......

View 1 Replies - MSBuild _CopyWebApplication Not Copying <link> From Vbproj

May 11, 2011

We have a CMD file which loads an MSBuild XML file and builds and publishes our VB .NET Web App. I noticed today that one of the user controls we're using is not being copied to the UserControls folder in the output directory. However when I build and publish the project from within Visual Studio 2008 that file is there.

I believe the reason this is happening is because the file that is in the UserControls folder in the project is a shortcut to a file in a different solution within the same project. The ItemGroup XML in the MyProject.vbproj file looks like this:

<Content Include="..OtherSolutionUserControlFile.ascx">

In the MSBuild.xml file we have, the following is being run after the solution has been built:

<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectRootPath)MyProject.vbproj"
Properties="OutDir=$(BuildFilesPath)" />

why the shortcut is not being copied to the OutDir?

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IDE :: Visual Studio / MsBuild Freezes While Building?

Dec 5, 2009

I have recently stumbled across a problem in the last week where Visual Studio (both 2005 and 2008) will lock up while building my solution. The status in Visual Studio will show "started building" or however the first message reads and then just sit there. At this point, the IDE will lock up (focus is lost and I can not regain it) and my machine's CPU usage will go to 100%. The only way to stop it is to force quit the application or process (either Visual Studio or my Command prompt if I am using MSBuild directly). Of course, the system still seems to be trying to process something because my machine still sits at around 100% basically forcing me to restart my machine to try again.

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List Obsolete Classes / Methods In Msbuild

Jun 28, 2010

I have upgraded a visual basic 2005 project to visual basic 2010 (.net framework 4.0). I want to list all obsolete functions used in this project in order to change it with newer ones. How can I treat obsolete functions warnings as errors in visual basic 2010 ms-build?

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MSbuild Getting The Current Configuration From The Solution File?

Jul 31, 2009

In my VB.NET project I have three configurations DEBUG|TEST|RELEASE.

Currently when I am building using MSbuild and TeamCity I hard code the configuration, which smells badly!, to TEST

<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Test</Configuration>

Now before everyone screams at me not to hardcode this, the reason this was done was becuase we could NEVER seem to get $(Configuration) populated.

So my question is within MSBuild how can I read the currently selected configuration from the solution file commited to SVN?

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.net - Logging From Msbuild Custom Task Using Console Class?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm trying to convert an existing command line tool into msbuild custom task.This tool logs messages and errors using the System.Console class.I've added to the tool's assembly a class that inherits from Microsoft.Build.Utilities.Task and calls the tool main function, and the custom tool works fine - but no messages/errors are displayed (on the Visual Studio output window).I would like to avoid changing the original tool's code (otherwise I could change every "Console.Error.WriteLine" to "Log.LogError").I thought of changing the stdout and stderr streams of console by calling Console.SetOut and SetError before calling the tool's main function. For that, I would need to implement a class that inherits from TextWriter.


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Msbuild - Modify The AssemblyInfo.vb File Of The Main Executable?

Jan 6, 2011

I currently have a nightly build system running as a windows scheduled task, calling at batch file, that works sort of like this: Check out the latest revision from subversion Modify the AssemblyInfo.vb file of the main executable and the librarys to set the version number to 0.0.0.revision Invoke MSBuild to build everything (including the installer) Upload the installer and a log of the build to an FTP server This works ok, but step 2 is dirty and fragile, and I can't imagine that this the only way to do what I want. Any ideas?

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Determining Windows Startup Mode (Safe Mode, Normal)

Jun 21, 2010

I'm wondering if there is any code that I could use in so it can determine the computer's startup mode (such as safe mode or safe mode with networking).

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VB 2005 Win Application Can Run In Debug Mode But Cannot Run In Compiled / Release Mode

Oct 14, 2010

i am using visual studio 2005 on win 7 with office 2007. i have developed win application. i am using microsoft activex spreadsheet component in my program. so it automatically creates reference to AxInterop.OWC11.dll When i run program in debug mode (open program and click RUN in toolbar it works) but if i run directly .exe (go to bin elease doubleclick .exe) it give error at loading point of that component. It says "Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted." An unhandled exception occurrs.


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C# - Deploying App To Production Using Debug Mode Rather Than Release Mode?

Oct 28, 2010

I work for a shop that maintains a fairly new app. The app still has its fair share of bugs, with numerous tickets coming in daily. The error information we're given with those tickets is not as useful as it might be because the application was compiled in Release mode, which I read is smaller and faster (makes sense).

Are there any ramifications to deploying a .NET application to production that was compiled in Debug mode? I would expect it would be a bit slower, but I've read the difference is nominal. This would assure us that when we get errors on tickets we have line number associated with those errors and this, of course, makes debugging much easier. major red flags that would prevent you from doing this? I'm tasked with researching the possibility.

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Console Mode And Form (GUI) Mode In One Project?

Dec 8, 2009

This is applicable to C# and VB.Net. I am writing a console application, but one aspect of it I want to make representable in a GUI (that being downloads running, with progress bars). is it possible to write a console mode application that can also have a form in it that can be called from code inside the console component?

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IDE :: Linq Causing Run-time Compile Error But No Compile Error In VS2008?

Apr 20, 2009

I have a Linq-to-SQL class diagram in my web application containing the two tables in my database (held in a DBPro database project in the same solution). All was working fine yesterday. I start doing some work tonight and note that the solution compiles fine in Visual Studio, but when I run the web app I get a compilation error:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.
Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'FrostAlertDatabaseDataContext' is not defined.


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Add Parameter Not Force

Sep 1, 2009

I want to add a parameter to my function but it is not force. Example : Public Function fct(Byval str as string,byval bol as boolean) End Function I want to when i call function, i can pass value for bol or not. it still ok. How can i do that.

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Force An ASP Page To Postback?

Feb 18, 2009

I've got a handful of dynamic controls populating an ASP page, with VB.NET in the back-end.What I need is when the user changes the .TEXT value of a textbox and the page posts back, the .TEXT value of a Table Cell changes to reflect that change (it multiplies the value of the textbox by the value of another cell).But a Table Cell can't be set to AutoPostBack, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to programmatically refresh the page (force a postback) in the TextChanged event for the textbox.

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C# - Force Documentation In VS(2010)

Mar 13, 2012

I am simply searching how to obtain errors/warning for each function/member that isnt documented. Im pretty sure I managed to do this on one of my projects, but cant find how to do it here on my workstation. I have looked into the project props, the solution props, but cant find it. I must have missed something, or maybe I could do this at home with an extension.


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Force 2 Lines In Messagebox?

Dec 28, 2009

I currently have this which I thought would work fine but doesnt any ideas how to force 2 lines in messagebox?

Dim Caption As String = "LOAD FILE"
Dim Buttons As MessageBoxButtons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel
Dim Result As DialogResult
Result = MessageBox.Show(Message, Caption, Buttons, MessageBoxIcon.Question)

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Force A Textbox To Never Be Empty?

Jun 25, 2010

So, my application has multiple text boxes for entering different numbers. Only numbers..

One problem I've run into is that I get an error when a textbox is totally empty. If I throw at least a zero in there, it works fine.

How would I make a textbox display "0" when someone deletes everything in the text box? I don't want it to be empty, I just want it to show zero.

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Force An Update Of .NET Application?

Sep 21, 2009

I have written an application for a customer, and the application is run in various locations around the world. The company carefully controls the release of the software to the various buildings where it is being used, and because of this, I have made use of the "Check for updates" feature. The problem I am faced with, is that the folks using this software more often than not answers "NO" when prompted to download and install the latest version of the application. This is unacceptable and ultimately, we'll need to go in and have them manually install the software.

We don't publish updates to the software w/o meaning for them to be necessary, and I find it hard to believe that Microsoft doesn't recognize this sort of thing as being needed when they designed the update procedures. Alas, this seems to be the case.

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Force Form To Refresh?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm having an application which has to perform exporting and importing data. At the moment he runs those functions, I want a form to popup with an animated gif, so my client sees that the application is still running.But the animated gif stops sometimes, because he is busy doing stuff (like copying files, etc...)Is there a way to tell the form to refresh automatically every 0.1 sec, so the image runs fluidly. I tried to put a timer in my form, and start the timer as from the form is shown...the timer_tick says he has to refresh, but he doesn't want to do that.

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Force Restore A Minimized App?

Jul 27, 2011

So I made a program that is like a taskbar. (taskbar = Menustrip)

on runtime it gets all the apps and add there name and icon to the taskbar and when u click it I want to force it to restore itself so its no longer minimized.

For the click its probally something with CType, and I don't know much about the CType :(


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Force String To ASCII?

Aug 23, 2011

I am having a bit of trouble converting a single stored in a string as four hex values. I believe my problem stems from some Unicode hex values not matching the corresponding ASCII hex value above 0x7F (127). For example, I have the following single stored in a string; "518.42" or 0x44019AE1. The char that would contain 0x9A if the data type were ASCII contains U+0161 which will not convert properly to a byte array. My question is: Is there any way to force a string to be of ASCII rather than Unicode? Or maybe there are other recommendations? For reference I have tried both of the following. The first throws a format exception and the second converts to the wrong single.

Private Function ConvertHexToSingle(ByVal hexValue As String) As Single
Dim iInputIndex As Integer = 0
Dim iOutputIndex As Integer = 0


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Force That Only One Row Be Added At Time?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a DataGridView which I AllowUserToAddRows behavior enabled. I want to be able to force that only one row be added at time, then if the user clicks the save button the row is inserted into the database, and then another row may be added if the insert was successful.

The reason I want to do this is to get the last inserted id and insert that information into another table.

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Force The Creation Of The Control(s) First?

Jun 11, 2010

I ran into a little problem where my thread(s) tries to access a control that may not be created yet. How can I check for this or is there a way to force the creation of the control(s) first and then go on or any other solution?

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How To Force A Page Break

Nov 3, 2010

I'm printing a multi page document with PrintDocument() and I need to be able to force a page break from within my code. I've tried adding vbFormFeed at the appropriate spot but it's ignored.

Is there any way to embed something into my page buffer so that it will force a page break?

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