Generating Left Side Of Truth Table With All Possible Combinations

Apr 22, 2010

i was wondering if any one could help me on how to generate the left side of truth table showing all possible combinations in VB. and if possible how to display in Excel(2003)?

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Generating A List From Combinations?

Aug 3, 2009

I am writing an application in which we have a Product Module, Now instead of defining individual products, we want to just state the Size Ranges in Width, height and different size scale available, and then automatically generate a list of products with all the Size combinations. I cant figure how to do this.Ill give an example.This is how we define a product


If i had a fixed number of Size types i would just run For loops within for loops and inside the inner most for loop write an Add Item statement with Index of evry selected item, however since the Size types are dynamic, i need to write a recursive loop, and i just cant figure how to.

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Generating Binary Combinations?

Dec 11, 2010

My task is to develop a Control library (VB 2005) in which u enter a variable in textbox (>=1 , <=5). Lets say you enter "3" then u have too see in table all combinations of boolean numbers for 3bits (000, 001, 010 .....etc). If you enter "4" the table have to be different (0000,0001,....etc) with 16 combinations.

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Javascript :: Generating/registering Client-side Scripts On ASP?

Aug 6, 2010

I am currently in the process of converting old "Web 1.0" code to meet current standardsIs there a better way to generate and append a client-side script other than appending a plethora of lines to a StringBuilder and then registering it to the page via ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "startUpScript", strScript)?Is there any other way (besides putting all of this into a global .js file) that this example can be improved? If including this into the main .js file is the "best practice" alternative, then why?

Dim lsbScript As New Text.StringBuilder
lsbScript.Append("<script language=""javascript>""" & vbCrLf)


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Use Of The Left And Of The Right Side Of A Toolstrip?

Feb 13, 2012

how can I use both the left and the right side of a toolstrip?I mean, f.e. on the left side are some buttons, on the right side two text fields.

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Add The Line Number On The Left Side?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to create a hex editor. I got some source from internet which I want to modify to my needs. But this hex editor is opening the hex files in text box. I want to open it like a grid(Like Excel). Also I want to add the line number on the left side and I want to remove the right stuff info.

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IDE :: Toolbar On The Left Side Of The MS - VB - 2010 IDE?

Oct 23, 2011

How do I mimic (in a windows application project) the toolbar on the left side of the MS Visual Basic 2010 IDE? I've tried all the container and menu options as provided on the IDE. I assume that it may be a combination of the IDE options and component properties, but have not been able to find the correct combination(s).

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Balls Ending Up On The Left Side Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for the fact that most of the balls in the following code seem to end up on the left side of the screen....

' Assembly : Balls
' Author : FOlphen
' Created : 01-28-2010


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Displaying Two Forms On Left / Right Side Of Screen

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to display 2 forms side by side. Frm1 will call Frm2. The problem is, if Frm1 is too near the edge of the computer screen, when Fr2 is shown, part of it will be outside the screen. How do I make it so that if Frm1 is near the right-side of the screen then Frm2 will show on the left-side of Frm1 and vise-versa?

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Display Cursor At Left Side Of Text In MaskedTextBox?

Jun 23, 2010

When Window form loads, we are displaying the date (in MM/dd/yyyy format) in the MaskedTextBox control. Currently it is displaying date in MM/dd/yyyy format and displaying cursor at the end of the text. Our requirement is to display the cursor at left position of the text in MaskedTextBox.


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Green Line Left Side Of Development Environment

Jun 19, 2010

Well I've finally decided to upgrade some of my vb6 applications. Anyway I have two forms that are very similar one is customers one is vehicles. One of them is working on form load and one of them isn't. The one that isn't working I've traced the point it stops down to where there is a green line left of the code on the left bar of the development environment. This green line doesn't exist on the form that works. What the green line in this photo means? [URL].

Bigger Picture [URL]. I found a page that says the green simply means the code was saved but it's only on the form that stops working right after the execution of the sql statement. For some reason while stepping through the code it returns to the show command that was called to originally open the form right before the form opens but it skips everything with the green line next to it. I went and disabled tracking and it went away.

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Logic Behind Left Side Navigation In Msdn Page?

Apr 3, 2012

[URL]...visit this page. You can see a left side pane which is used for Navigation.What is the logic behind this ?Actually I need to implement a similar type of navigation. so which is the best way.

divide the page using Iframes and loads the tree in one frame and loads the page in second divide the page using div and bind the data in a repeater or grid to display data.I like to know about the performance- oriented or standard method to achieve the task. Also suggest me any other method for this task.

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Make The Column To Go To The Left Side Of The List View Box?

Nov 25, 2009

How can i make the Column to go to the left side of the list view box. My code

Me.ListView1.Columns.Add("File name")

So i want 2 Columns 1 to be on the right side and the other on the left

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TabControl: Show Tabs On Top Right And Left Side With Horizontal Text?

Sep 13, 2010

i use vs 2008. how do i make the tabs stay on the top right hand side and left hand side with horizontal lettering.

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VS 2005 : Add Icon To The Left Side Of The Item Populated On A Datagridview?

Apr 3, 2009

how can add icon to the left side of the item populated on a datagridview (just like in a listview)?

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VS 2010 - Select The First Field Listed On The Left Side Of The Window

Nov 5, 2010

I just started using VS 2010. This product is supposed to be so much better than VS 2008 yet I'm noticing a couple of glaring things that are failures if you ask me.

1. When designing a Gridview, after having clicked on Edit Columns, in VS 2008 I could select the first field listed on the left side of the window, set a property--say headStyle-- and set the Horizontal Align to Left. Then if I clicked on the next field, that same property would still be selected on the right side of the window. In VS 2010, I have to go through finding the property and then expanding it and selecting it for each individual field. While it seems like a small thing, it's time consuming and kind of a pain. Is there some reason they couldn't have made it behave the same as in VS 2008?


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SaveFileDialog Or OpenFileDialog Control - Create/Modify Left-Side Folder Buttons?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to override/modify/create the left-side shortcut buttons in the SaveFileDialog or OpenFileDialog controls? Defaults are "My Recent Documents", "Desktop", "My Documents", "My Computer", "My Network"... how would I change "My Recent Documents" to "My Super Cool Folder"?

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Add Text At Left Side Of Text File?

Jun 15, 2009

My text file is like this

G0 G90 G54
X200.876 Y-140.576
G0 Z 5.


I need to add N1,N2...Nn to the left hand site of the lines in my text file.

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Generating A Data Table From INSIDE?

Feb 6, 2009

Does anyone know a way for a datatable to be generated INSIDE the code of VB? It would be a "backup" datatable generation subroutine to be run in case the original datatable got damaged somehow (bad hard drive sectors, virus, whatever). It would need to be able to generate a "blank" datatable that could be filled in while running the program, instead of having to do it from an outside source (like Access).An example would be an "inventory" datatable (X product, Store Code, Manufacturer Code, Cost, Price).

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VS 2008 Generating Unique IDs In A Table?

Dec 6, 2009

creating unique IDs for each row in a table, to avoid duplicates when inserting the data to a server. The table looks like this:

| brikkenummer | tid | post | anvendt_tid |
| 3086360 | 09:43:02 | 98 | 09:43:02 |


"Brikkenummer" is the number of a device that each person carries with him/her, and "tid" is the time the runner has passed a specific post. The post he/her has passed is described in the column "post".Out of these three columns, is it possible to generate some kind of unique ID? The ID that is generated have to be the same if a row is displayed twice or more, to avoid duplicate entries.

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Find The Truth Length Of A Text String With Different Fonts

Mar 5, 2011

The length of the previous words is exactly the same but the "truth length" it is not. I want to know if there is any way to find the truth length of a text string with different fonts The reason why I want the "truth length" is I want to make an rss scroll bar and when the first label "hiding all" in the right to send the next rss it in the left.

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Reordering Table Rows On Server Side

Feb 22, 2011

I have a table which contains asp radiobuttonlists (see below) for a survey. Once submitted the results are written to a database.I would like to use this same table for a similar survey, but the trouble is the question order needs to be different. The questions are the same, just in a different order. [code]

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Make A Table At The Right Side Or Draw Lines Without Affecting Details Section?

Apr 24, 2009

i am newbie in constructing layouts in crystal report.i have details section in left side of the page

Subject A |_______|________|________ | Subject B |_______|_________________| Subject C |_______|________|________ | Subject D |_______|_________________| Subject E |_______|____Total__|________ |

there can be different number of rows at the left side,meaning it depends on output of the query.And heres the problem, i need to make another table at the right side. how to make a table at the right side or draw lines without affecting details section? this is just purely table without fields on it.

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Left Join Of Two Data Table Into One Two DataTabale?

Aug 18, 2011

Here is my Scenario

I Have First Datable :TableA
**Item** **Place**
ItemA PlaceA


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C# - Send An Object From Client-side Javascript To Server-side Code Via ASP.NET?

May 23, 2011

Can I send an object from client-side javascript to server-side code via ASP.NET ?

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LINQ Left Outer Join W/ Date Range Restriction On Right Table?

Feb 4, 2011

I have two tables, a LP_task table and an lp_Update table. I want a complete list of tasks and only updates that were posted during a specific date range. LINQ doesn't seem to support any other join criteria but 'equals'or each task. I want all tasks (left table) even if they don't have an update. (Left Outer Join)

Dim TasksData = (From t In db.LP_Tasks _
Group Join up In db.LP_Updates On t.ID Equals up.TaskID Into upds = Group _
From u In upds.DefaultIfEmpty _


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Fire Client Side Code From Server Side At Runtime

Apr 13, 2010

I know this defeats the purpose of client side vs. server side (refer to title of this thread). What I would love to do is build my own custom progress indicator on the client showing how far a server side code has progressed. I figure if I could only get a JavaScript to fire and render a value of some control at pre-defined intervals while the server is working I could make it happen - but alas I'm beginning to believe that this is impossible. Below is some code that performs three 2 sec loops. At the end of each I want to change the visible value of a control on the browser. [Code]

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Html - Webpage Stacking Xml Documents Instead Of Showing Side By Side, CSS?

Feb 23, 2012

I have a basic web page. I have a menu bar divided into 3 columns. Each column displays an xml file. However instead of showing them side by side it displays them one on top of each other. i think it might be to do with my css?

My web code:
<div class="menubar">
<div class="menuleft">


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Javascript - Format Data (client-side) For (server-side)

Jul 13, 2011

Using the following script:

$("#some_button").click(function() {

var changed = [];


I need to send back the id, the old value from _1 and the new value from _0 back to the server. What is the best way to format this data so I can easily extract the data from the server side so I can easily email someone for example to let them know which textboxes have changed, what the old values were, and what the new values are

At the serverside level, I am using .NET-3.5 (VB). I know how to send the data bacl. and how to email the data, I just wanted to know how to best format the data at clientside before sending it back. I could have upto 50 sets of id, old, and new values to send back. Sorry for not making that clear earlier.


How can I modify the script above to generate this?

"id": "name_0",
"new": "text",


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