VS 2005 : Add Icon To The Left Side Of The Item Populated On A Datagridview?

Apr 3, 2009

how can add icon to the left side of the item populated on a datagridview (just like in a listview)?

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Left Justify The Standard ErrorProvider Icon In Specific DataGridView Cells?

Jul 23, 2010

We would like to have 2 ErrorProviders for a DataGridView. The standard ErrorProvider and another WarningProvider with a different icon. Also is it possible to Left Justify the standard ErrorProvider icon in specific DataGridView cells?

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Use Of The Left And Of The Right Side Of A Toolstrip?

Feb 13, 2012

how can I use both the left and the right side of a toolstrip?I mean, f.e. on the left side are some buttons, on the right side two text fields.

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Add The Line Number On The Left Side?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to create a hex editor. I got some source from internet which I want to modify to my needs. But this hex editor is opening the hex files in text box. I want to open it like a grid(Like Excel). Also I want to add the line number on the left side and I want to remove the right stuff info.

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IDE :: Toolbar On The Left Side Of The MS - VB - 2010 IDE?

Oct 23, 2011

How do I mimic (in a windows application project) the toolbar on the left side of the MS Visual Basic 2010 IDE? I've tried all the container and menu options as provided on the IDE. I assume that it may be a combination of the IDE options and component properties, but have not been able to find the correct combination(s).

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Balls Ending Up On The Left Side Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for the fact that most of the balls in the following code seem to end up on the left side of the screen....

' Assembly : Balls
' Author : FOlphen
' Created : 01-28-2010


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Displaying Two Forms On Left / Right Side Of Screen

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to display 2 forms side by side. Frm1 will call Frm2. The problem is, if Frm1 is too near the edge of the computer screen, when Fr2 is shown, part of it will be outside the screen. How do I make it so that if Frm1 is near the right-side of the screen then Frm2 will show on the left-side of Frm1 and vise-versa?

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Display Cursor At Left Side Of Text In MaskedTextBox?

Jun 23, 2010

When Window form loads, we are displaying the date (in MM/dd/yyyy format) in the MaskedTextBox control. Currently it is displaying date in MM/dd/yyyy format and displaying cursor at the end of the text. Our requirement is to display the cursor at left position of the text in MaskedTextBox.


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Generating Left Side Of Truth Table With All Possible Combinations

Apr 22, 2010

i was wondering if any one could help me on how to generate the left side of truth table showing all possible combinations in VB. and if possible how to display in Excel(2003)?

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Green Line Left Side Of Development Environment

Jun 19, 2010

Well I've finally decided to upgrade some of my vb6 applications. Anyway I have two forms that are very similar one is customers one is vehicles. One of them is working on form load and one of them isn't. The one that isn't working I've traced the point it stops down to where there is a green line left of the code on the left bar of the development environment. This green line doesn't exist on the form that works. What the green line in this photo means? [URL].

Bigger Picture [URL]. I found a page that says the green simply means the code was saved but it's only on the form that stops working right after the execution of the sql statement. For some reason while stepping through the code it returns to the show command that was called to originally open the form right before the form opens but it skips everything with the green line next to it. I went and disabled tracking and it went away.

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Logic Behind Left Side Navigation In Msdn Page?

Apr 3, 2012

[URL]...visit this page. You can see a left side pane which is used for Navigation.What is the logic behind this ?Actually I need to implement a similar type of navigation. so which is the best way.

divide the page using Iframes and loads the tree in one frame and loads the page in second divide the page using div and bind the data in a repeater or grid to display data.I like to know about the performance- oriented or standard method to achieve the task. Also suggest me any other method for this task.

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Make The Column To Go To The Left Side Of The List View Box?

Nov 25, 2009

How can i make the Column to go to the left side of the list view box. My code

Me.ListView1.Columns.Add("File name")

So i want 2 Columns 1 to be on the right side and the other on the left

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TabControl: Show Tabs On Top Right And Left Side With Horizontal Text?

Sep 13, 2010

i use vs 2008. how do i make the tabs stay on the top right hand side and left hand side with horizontal lettering.

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VS 2010 - Select The First Field Listed On The Left Side Of The Window

Nov 5, 2010

I just started using VS 2010. This product is supposed to be so much better than VS 2008 yet I'm noticing a couple of glaring things that are failures if you ask me.

1. When designing a Gridview, after having clicked on Edit Columns, in VS 2008 I could select the first field listed on the left side of the window, set a property--say headStyle-- and set the Horizontal Align to Left. Then if I clicked on the next field, that same property would still be selected on the right side of the window. In VS 2010, I have to go through finding the property and then expanding it and selecting it for each individual field. While it seems like a small thing, it's time consuming and kind of a pain. Is there some reason they couldn't have made it behave the same as in VS 2008?


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SaveFileDialog Or OpenFileDialog Control - Create/Modify Left-Side Folder Buttons?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to override/modify/create the left-side shortcut buttons in the SaveFileDialog or OpenFileDialog controls? Defaults are "My Recent Documents", "Desktop", "My Documents", "My Computer", "My Network"... how would I change "My Recent Documents" to "My Super Cool Folder"?

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Add An Icon To The Left Corner Of A TabPage?

Jan 30, 2011

how to add an icon to the left corner of a tabPage . Similar to any normal browser, when a document is navigated , an icon appears on the left corner of the tabpage selected . I already knows that when you want to get the offical icon of a website you write : I.E: [URL] I just need to know how to add this icon to the left corner of a tabpage

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Add A Context Menu Left Click Event To A Notify Icon?

Feb 19, 2011

A notifyIcon is down in task bar, a user left clicks on it, how to show the contextmenu after left click?

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RE DataGridView Not Populated

Feb 18, 2010


I tried binding a DataGridView to a DataSet using the DataSource property but no data appeared in the DataGridView. I placed a DataGridView in an empty form, making no property changes except for the name. I did not create columns in the DataGridView. In the form's load event I placed the following code for loading a dataset named ds Executing in debug mode, I confirmed that there was data in that dataset. No column headings or data appeared in the DataGridView. What am I doing wrongly? There are 34 fields (columns) in the DataSet - maybe it exceeds the capacity of a DataGridView.


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DataGridView - How To Add Rows Already Populated

Oct 20, 2009

How do I add rows that have already been populated. I saw a param that took an array. I have 8 columns, so would I need 8 elements in my array when I add them I have the code:
But I want to modify the data in the row using code, how would I go about doing this?

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Add Text At Left Side Of Text File?

Jun 15, 2009

My text file is like this

G0 G90 G54
X200.876 Y-140.576
G0 Z 5.


I need to add N1,N2...Nn to the left hand site of the lines in my text file.

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Inform User That A DataGridView Is Being Populated?

Oct 19, 2009

I am writing a program in VB.Net to manage text messages sent through an API. It allows you to view messages in a datagridview and filter by date, sent/unsent etc...

To load the messages I'm executing an SQL statement and retrieving a DataTable which then gets set as the DataSource for my DataGridView control.

The problem is that depending on the filters selected the user could be selecting a lot of records and it would take some time for the DataSource to update. I want to inform the user of this load time by providing a progress bar or label of some kind.

I have used progress bars before when looping through data but this is loading it all at once. I thought of displaying a label when the user clicks to load the data and then hiding it when the data is loaded. But this happens instantaneously even when the data is still loading.

Is there an event on the DataGridView I can use perhaps?

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When Left Clicking Notify Icon On System Tray For Context Menu, Blank Form Shows In Taskbar?

Jul 3, 2010

Simply saying I've added an Notify Icon to my project and then added context menu showing up when the left mouse button is pressed. The problem is that with the context menu some blank form is showing in the taskbar. There is no such form within the project.Does anyone know why it may be happening or how to get rid of the effect? I might add that I have other context menu attached for mouse right click button and it works fine, no blank forms and such showing on the taskbar it's just the left mouse button that works that way.Here is the code that I am using to show the menu:(the visible state to false is necessary for the other menus not to pop up with the one i want... unless anyone knows better method)

Private Sub NotifyIcon_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles NotifyIcon.Click
If e.Button = MouseButtons.Right Then


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Delete Selected Row In Datagridview Populated By Datasource?

Jun 11, 2010

How do i delete a row from datagridview and datasource that is populated by a class file?dding of item goes like this, but not not sure how to delete the item.

Dim dt As DvdEzyDataSet.DVDCopyDataTable = DvdCopyDB.getDvdCopyByID(CInt(txtCopyID.Text))
Dim dr As DvdEzyDataSet.DVDCopyRow = dt.Rows(0)
Dim dt1 As DvdEzyDataSet.DVDDataTable = DvdDB.getDvdByID(CInt(dr.FK_dvdID))


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Deleting From A Cascaded DataGridView Populated Via Linq To SQL?

Nov 18, 2009

I am having problems deleting any rows from a cascaded DGV. I get a run time error complaining that I am breaking a constraint almost as if LINQ is try to delete from the parent table. I have 2 DGVs on a form one displaying Species and the other all SubSpecies for the currently selected species and that works fine.

However when I try to delete a SubSpecies I get the following exception:- An attempt was made to remove a relationship between a Species and a SubSpecies. However, one of the relationship's foreign keys (SubSpecies.SpeciesID) cannot be set to null. At first I thought the error was raised by SQL server due to the Cascading Delete limitations on L2S but the error message for that is very different the DataContext.Log doesn't show any attempt to change the data.

The code used to bind the DGV's is as follows:-

Protected Sub BindControls()
DC = New DataClassesWhatToPlantDataContext


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VS 2008 Multiple Datagridview Populated From Same Datatable?

Jan 28, 2011

VB2008 & mysql
Is it possible?
If so how?

Wanting to have multiple datagridviews showing unique information (via filters?) based on cell content all coming from one data table.

3 datagridviews accessing the same datatable that has a [Job Status] column limited to one of the following 3 entries NEW, JOBS IN PROGRESS or COMPLETED and having that column hidden from view on all gridviews

Top grid showing only NEW jobs

Middle grid showing only JOBS IN PROGRESS

Bottom grid showing only COMPLETED jobs

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VS 2008 DataGridView Populated By LINQ Query - Unable To User Edit

Dec 12, 2010

I'm using a DataGridView to post the results of LINQ-from-SQL query. I was hoping that the data would be editable in the DataGridView, but it isn't. I made sure that DataGridView.readonly = false. I'm using VB.

VB 2008
DB = New CXToolDataContext()
Dim Systems = (From TBLSYSTEMS In DB.tblSystems, TBLSYSTYPES In DB.tblSystemTypes _
Where TBLSYSTEMS.ProjectName = projectnumber And TBLSYSTEMS.SystemType =


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Get The Item Top, Left, Width And Height Properties In A ListView Control?

Jan 31, 2009

How can I get the Item top, left, width and height properties in a ListView control?

In VB6 we use to do something like this:

Private Sub ListView1_ItemClick(ByVal Item As MSComctlLib.ListItem)
Debug.Print Item.Left, Item.Top
End Sub

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VS 2008 Item With An Icon?

Feb 8, 2010

Today I wish for when I add my item to my listbox, Display my disired Icon from an ImageList!have seen this in many applications and I dont think it will be hard

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VS 2005 Network Programming Side?

May 7, 2011

using vb.net and sql server i want to go to net work programming side. where i want to work on such applications where are network based, means to say that in a company, the application will be installed on main server and client will access them.

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