Make The Column To Go To The Left Side Of The List View Box?

Nov 25, 2009

How can i make the Column to go to the left side of the list view box. My code

Me.ListView1.Columns.Add("File name")

So i want 2 Columns 1 to be on the right side and the other on the left

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VS 2008 Make The Second Column On The List View Box To Stay Right?

Nov 26, 2009

who do i make the second Column on the list view box to all ways stay right
my code

ListView1.Columns.Add("The Path Of The File", 800, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
ListView1.Columns.Add("Size", 80, HorizontalAlignment.Left)

View 13 Replies

Use Of The Left And Of The Right Side Of A Toolstrip?

Feb 13, 2012

how can I use both the left and the right side of a toolstrip?I mean, f.e. on the left side are some buttons, on the right side two text fields.

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List View Column Direct Add Item?

Oct 8, 2009

Im trying my ListView allow type it in one row in one column. Like instead of using a button and textbox. I want the user to be able to click directly on a row in a specific column and type in what they want to type it.

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Remove Extra Column In List View?

Apr 26, 2011

In Window Form ListView, I add columns dynamically, but I got an extra column. How to remove it? Which property can it be set?

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Show Column Names In List View In .NET?

Dec 11, 2011

how can i show all column names of a table in List view.Like table name is "WO"


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VS 2008 Hide A Column In List View?

Apr 8, 2010

is there a way to hide a column i a listview? I know that theres a remove but it would be a pain to remake it when the user wants to bring back the column

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Add The Line Number On The Left Side?

Nov 8, 2010

I'm new to programming and I'm trying to create a hex editor. I got some source from internet which I want to modify to my needs. But this hex editor is opening the hex files in text box. I want to open it like a grid(Like Excel). Also I want to add the line number on the left side and I want to remove the right stuff info.

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IDE :: Toolbar On The Left Side Of The MS - VB - 2010 IDE?

Oct 23, 2011

How do I mimic (in a windows application project) the toolbar on the left side of the MS Visual Basic 2010 IDE? I've tried all the container and menu options as provided on the IDE. I assume that it may be a combination of the IDE options and component properties, but have not been able to find the correct combination(s).

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Extract Numerical Data From A Column Of A List View?

Jun 22, 2010

I wonder how can I extract numerical data from a column of a list view and sum every and show in a label?

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Get Column Data For Selected Row In List View Control?

Jun 18, 2009

Basically, I want to get the column data from a selected row in a ListView (non-MultiSelect).how to do it if it's just the first column (lvw.SelectedItems(0).Text) but how do I get the data from the other columns?

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Column Click Event Firing Without Column Click On List View

Aug 3, 2009

I have a listview set up in Details View and I run a ascending/descending sort routine on the appropriate column when the user clicks one of the column headers.However, when I switch companies and reload the listview with new information, for some reason the event fires and I get an indexoutofrange exception as I believe that the information has not yet loaded when this fires.The e.Column property is set to that of the previous column which I clicked even though I have clicked nothing.

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Balls Ending Up On The Left Side Of The Screen?

Jun 3, 2011

I was wondering if there was a simple explanation for the fact that most of the balls in the following code seem to end up on the left side of the screen....

' Assembly : Balls
' Author : FOlphen
' Created : 01-28-2010


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Displaying Two Forms On Left / Right Side Of Screen

Aug 11, 2010

I would like to display 2 forms side by side. Frm1 will call Frm2. The problem is, if Frm1 is too near the edge of the computer screen, when Fr2 is shown, part of it will be outside the screen. How do I make it so that if Frm1 is near the right-side of the screen then Frm2 will show on the left-side of Frm1 and vise-versa?

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Dockable(Scrollable) Form Left Side?

Apr 2, 2010

im trying to make the form Dockable in the desktop on the righ side. I mean i can do this i can stick the form on the side but all other application are not seen in the full window coz my appz is still on the top and others appz under it.Size of the form is 200x1024, it is like administration stripe.So i would like to make other Winows in the system ended on the edge of my application. Is it even possible in VB?There is other way i guess to use some of the scroll(collapsible,expader) windows to the side of the desktop would do it as well but i dont know how to ?

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Display Cursor At Left Side Of Text In MaskedTextBox?

Jun 23, 2010

When Window form loads, we are displaying the date (in MM/dd/yyyy format) in the MaskedTextBox control. Currently it is displaying date in MM/dd/yyyy format and displaying cursor at the end of the text. Our requirement is to display the cursor at left position of the text in MaskedTextBox.


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Generating Left Side Of Truth Table With All Possible Combinations

Apr 22, 2010

i was wondering if any one could help me on how to generate the left side of truth table showing all possible combinations in VB. and if possible how to display in Excel(2003)?

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Green Line Left Side Of Development Environment

Jun 19, 2010

Well I've finally decided to upgrade some of my vb6 applications. Anyway I have two forms that are very similar one is customers one is vehicles. One of them is working on form load and one of them isn't. The one that isn't working I've traced the point it stops down to where there is a green line left of the code on the left bar of the development environment. This green line doesn't exist on the form that works. What the green line in this photo means? [URL].

Bigger Picture [URL]. I found a page that says the green simply means the code was saved but it's only on the form that stops working right after the execution of the sql statement. For some reason while stepping through the code it returns to the show command that was called to originally open the form right before the form opens but it skips everything with the green line next to it. I went and disabled tracking and it went away.

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Logic Behind Left Side Navigation In Msdn Page?

Apr 3, 2012

[URL]...visit this page. You can see a left side pane which is used for Navigation.What is the logic behind this ?Actually I need to implement a similar type of navigation. so which is the best way.

divide the page using Iframes and loads the tree in one frame and loads the page in second divide the page using div and bind the data in a repeater or grid to display data.I like to know about the performance- oriented or standard method to achieve the task. Also suggest me any other method for this task.

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List View Ascending/descending Order Column Header Background?

Jun 5, 2010

i am curious and also would like to know how to duplicate this user interface feature in Windows 7. I am aware that if you attempt to sort a column in Windows XP, there is no up/down arrow in the column.

Please have a look at [URL]...It shows part of the task manager process list, and image name column is sorted in descending order.What i am trying to find out is how is the arrow pointing downwards (representing descending) is created.

Am i able to reproduce this "arrow pointing downwards" in VS 2005?

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TabControl: Show Tabs On Top Right And Left Side With Horizontal Text?

Sep 13, 2010

i use vs 2008. how do i make the tabs stay on the top right hand side and left hand side with horizontal lettering.

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VS 2005 : Add Icon To The Left Side Of The Item Populated On A Datagridview?

Apr 3, 2009

how can add icon to the left side of the item populated on a datagridview (just like in a listview)?

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VS 2010 - Select The First Field Listed On The Left Side Of The Window

Nov 5, 2010

I just started using VS 2010. This product is supposed to be so much better than VS 2008 yet I'm noticing a couple of glaring things that are failures if you ask me.

1. When designing a Gridview, after having clicked on Edit Columns, in VS 2008 I could select the first field listed on the left side of the window, set a property--say headStyle-- and set the Horizontal Align to Left. Then if I clicked on the next field, that same property would still be selected on the right side of the window. In VS 2010, I have to go through finding the property and then expanding it and selecting it for each individual field. While it seems like a small thing, it's time consuming and kind of a pain. Is there some reason they couldn't have made it behave the same as in VS 2008?


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SaveFileDialog Or OpenFileDialog Control - Create/Modify Left-Side Folder Buttons?

May 1, 2011

Is there a way to override/modify/create the left-side shortcut buttons in the SaveFileDialog or OpenFileDialog controls? Defaults are "My Recent Documents", "Desktop", "My Documents", "My Computer", "My Network"... how would I change "My Recent Documents" to "My Super Cool Folder"?

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Make A Gridview-like List View In Program?

Mar 6, 2009

What control should I use to create a grid like a ListView or Excel grid?

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Make Items As A List View In A Textbox?

Nov 15, 2011

is there any procedure in for listing the items as dropdownlist in a textbox

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Make A List With Captions (eg. Folder View - Details)?

Jan 2, 2009

In it, I'd like text, not files, just plain text that can be saved to a file.I can make the saving part, and everything else, I just have no idea what it's called or how to add one to my form.

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Make A .SubString Get The Characters From Right To Left Not Left To Right?

Oct 8, 2011

I am trying to figure out how to make a .SubString get the characters from right to left not left to right.Say if a user enters 123456789 in text box 1 and I use textbox1.text.SubString(0,2) it will display 12. But, I want it to get 89.I do not want it to get 98, but 89. I tried textbox.text.substring (0, -2) but that just gives an error.So if Gold is entered it gets ld

it gets un
it gets ic

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List View - Implement List View With Image In SubItem?

Mar 12, 2008

I get some very generik trouble need to implement List View with Image in SubItem. All can be very fine ....But I need to use Virtual Mode. Whatever I search I haven't still found working solution's. I have found some C# code that seem's do that. But I can't convert it in VB.Net. let's explain detaly.

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Grid View Checkbox And Javascript Not Informing Server Side Code

May 6, 2011

I've got a gridview and inside of the grid view I have a check box at the header of the grid view like so: [Code] This gives me a nice little check box at the top of the grid view, the event OnCheckedChanged calls a function called SelectAllRows that looks like this: [Code] So if I click this header checkbox it checks all of the items in the gridview, and if I uncheck it, it unchecks all the items in the gridview. This works fine...but what doesn't seem to work is if the page loads up and I check the grid view header checkbox to true and it selects all the items in the gridview, then i click a button such as a DELETE button that calls some server side code. That code simply loops through the grid view and checks if the checkbox has been checked, if it is it calls code to delete an item.

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