Getting Card Pictures Into Picture Box After Random Number Is Drawn
Jun 27, 2009
Still working on a very simplistic poker game and I'm struggling with getting the code to show my cards in picture boxes. I currently have 12 picture boxes set up on my form and when clicking the "deal" button I created on the form, I would like a random number to be generated from 1-53 and based on the number returned I would like a picture of a playing card entered into the picturebox. I would like this to happen in 10 picture boxes. So playing cards will be shown in the picture box on 10 of them and a the card back on the picture box 11 and 12. After hitting a second button, I would like the 11th and 12th boxes to display a card from the deck.
With all that being said my questions are:
1. How do I associate the random numbers with my playing cards? (I have my card pictures in a file on my computer.)
2. How do I get the picture of the cards into the picture boxes? What would the code look like?
3. I have a button to clear all the cards, but how to I program it.
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Jan 14, 2010
i am trying to build a program ( i am a beginner) that display the pictures from a media card ( or other removable media) in a gallery in the form, and that allow the user to select the ones he likes and store it in a folder.
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Apr 18, 2011
I have a number of images that I want to select a random number of and populate that number of picture boxes either dynamically or that already exist but can't think of the logic that would do it.
I considered dynamically creating them but don't know of a way to name them uniquely. I tried using pcbx& a variable but it didn't like that. Placing the image inside picture boxes that already exist, I couldn't think of a way to differentiate between them without what seemed excessive repetitive coding.
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Dec 10, 2010
I got most part correctly but the only part isnt working right is when the last 5th digit match the sum number at the last number.
Private Sub btnVerify_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnVerify.Click
Dim strCardNum As String
Dim strSumNum As String
View 4 Replies
Mar 13, 2009
I am trying to make a basic ATM system, iv got all the interface done and I have made the link to my SQL database etc. the part i'm stuck on is how I can run a check to see if a bank card number matches up to the users PIN number. To simulate the user putting a card into the machine I've used a combo box, and that lists all the cards, that haven't been flagged as confiscated (there's a column in my ATMCards table that I can set to true or false) then after the user has selected a relevant card there's another text box where they can enter in their PIN number.
Now what I want to do is, if they chose the card number 1234567890123456 in the combo box and they enter in the PIN 1234 into the text box, then, after clicking the check PIN Button if the pin is correct they need to be taken to another from where they can check their balance etc., and if its wrong they got three attempts after which point i want to flag that card as confiscated.
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Mar 22, 2011
I have a few problems i need to solve. Firstly, I am looking for a piece of code i can use to display a picture from a bank of pictures. It will work on the basis of generating a random number and loading a picture that corresponds to that number.
i.e. Dim RandNumber As Integer
Dim RandClass As New Random
RandNumber =, 10)
If RandNumber = 1 Then
Picturebox1.image = picture1
Secondly, can I then use subsequent picture boxes to display pictures from the same bank of images, without displaying the same image? Finally, I then need to be able to click the picture or a button beneath the picture to select it as an answer to a question and then the whole process starts again.
View 1 Replies
Jan 7, 2010
Random Numbers for Bingo Card?
View 7 Replies
Jun 28, 2009
I have a picture box and 10 images I want to load randomly. I cannot use imagelist because these images have a width of 400 and imagelist limits the width to 256. I have added these images to my.resources.The thing is I cannot figure out how can I randomly load each of these pictures to this picturebox
View 3 Replies
Jun 28, 2009
I have one little dillema: I have a picture box and 10 images I want to load randomly. I cannot use imagelist because these images have a width of 400 and imagelist limits the width to 256. I have added these images to my.resources. The thing is I cannot figure out how can I randomly load each of these pictures to this picturebox
View 11 Replies
Aug 28, 2011
I tryed to add picture to picture boxes with loop, but unsuccessfully. I tryed many methods, but noone didn't work.
For i As Integer = 0 To 6
k(i).image = My.Resources.pic
Picture boxes names are k1,k2,k3 and etc.
View 7 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I have written a function to swap pictures in a picture box. The function itself works but I was finding that eventually i was getting out of memory errors. I am thinking that i need to release the images from memory as i swap them and have tried using Dispose().However Dispose() does not work the way i have tried to implement it.
View 2 Replies
May 17, 2011
I would like to build a form that has multiple picture boxes that a user can browse through and click on each one to select multiple items. The pictures will all be pulled from a single directory. After they have selected the items, they will click a button that will change the names on all the selected pictures. I know how to change the names, but I need some assistance with the picture box and loading the file names into a list or array. Not sure what it would be called. I am not even sure really if I would use a picture box or some other form item.
View 4 Replies
Oct 15, 2011
I used visual basic 2008, windows form applications. I used panel and its background is the map, and I used picture box as the character and with transparent gif pictures in every keyevents, I already can move the picturebox with keyevents. But the problem is, whenever I move the picturebox,I can see the box of picturebox even it is transparent.
View 5 Replies
May 26, 2011
I've read numerous posts and threads about random number generation, but I havent' run across this.If I generate a bunch of random numbers, the results are radically different if I create a new Random generator for each number than if I use on Random generator for all the numbers. The results are much more consistent and evenly distributed if I use the same Random generator.I would have thought the opposite,because creating a new Random generator each time should reduce the number of random repetitions, if a different time slice is used to create the random number.[code]......
View 9 Replies
Mar 30, 2011
Okay, so I'm doing a card game and I'm trying to set that when picturebox (PictureBox1) is clicked, a random card from 13 cards will come visible. Problem is, that when i start the program and click the picturebox, the same card will always come visible. As you can see i've put a button (Button1) which will hide every card. If I press Button2, then Button1 and then the PictureBox1 it will show differend card, but the cards which come visible are always the same.
e.g i press PictureBox1 (which will make card visible), then Button1 (which will make PictureBox1 non-enabled) and then Button2 (which will hide every card and make PictureBox1 pressable). Lets say i pressed the PictureBox1 four times and i got cards: 9, 6, 7, 3, then I close the program, start it again and press PictureBox1 again 4 times and it will show the same cards (9, 6, 7, 3). How can this be done that it will not show the same cards always?
Here's my code...
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
View 3 Replies
May 29, 2011
I am trying to make a texas hold em game and it is of the utmost importance that my code generate a random number. But using a random number function that I always end up with a lot of the same numbers over and over again. Any ideas on how to make it "TRULY" random? [code]
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Apr 19, 2012
I've made an image viewer which opens a random image from a specified folder, but the random number is not that random at all... I've already used Randomize(), but without result.
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Jan 26, 2012
I have my control here, and when the control isn't drawing selected, it has a random notch in the border(as illustrated in the attached photo). It uses a graphics path which is generally used all around so nothing changes there. Other than the fact the control is marked "selected"(which only effects the colors). Here's the code that generates my graphics path...
View 9 Replies
Jan 25, 2012
I have a Credit Card Number in an XML Message and I want to use a regex to find the Credit Card Number and encrypt it. All numbers are 16 characters long and they are not always in the same place in the xml, so basically I think I just need to find a string that is 16 characters and decrypt it, but I am not sure how.
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Nov 9, 2009
I am attempting to create a game in Visual Studio 2008 that allows a user 10 attempts to guess a random number between 1 and 50. I have a label box in which I would like to display the remaining guesses as they decrement. The code so far appears below.
My two (I am sure very basic) questions are:
1. How would I pass the random integer generated through the Generate Integer function to the AmIRight button's click function? I was trying to decrement the counter each time the "Am I Right " button is pressed.
2. I would also like to evaluate each "guess" when the "Am I right button is pressed. Is it possible to nest a Select Case statement in a For Next Loop? Option Explicit OnOption Strict OnOption Infer Off Public Class frmMain Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub txtGuess_Enter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles
View 3 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
i wanted to create a random number generator that iterates through a series of number between an upper and lower bound. say between 1 and 100. Basically I want the number generator to pick the numbers randomly and then display them until all 100 numbers are picked without any duplicates. so thats easy I can code that. But what I don't know is how to show those numbers in the order they are generated on a windows form. So i have basically a variable that I will let be changed 100 times (or however many times I want, I don't want their to be a size constraint just using 100 as an example) and each time the number is generated I want it displayed on screen (in a list or something not sure what. Hopefully some type of scrollable list) and each successive number also to be displayed in same format beneath it so that I can see the list in its entirety. What type of form control do i use for that? I could do for each iteration but then user is required to hit ok after each iteration and that would obviously be a bad idea if user selected a large number to work through. Anyways, code isn't exactly necessary just point me in the right direction, i.e.what control (if any) to to format the change in data?
View 7 Replies
Nov 4, 2008
I am trying to create a lotto simulation, but don't know how to continue.I am using numericupdowns to allow users to select 6 lotto numbers. and labels to display what they have chosen, but i'm not sure how to prevent duplicates without creating a large number of If statementsMy question is, is there an easier way to prevent duplicates without writing a bunch of if statements?here is my code:
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim Lotto1, Lotto2, Lotto3, Lotto4, Lotto5, Lotto6 As Single Lotto1 = Val(NumericUpDown1.Text) lblLotto1.Text = Lotto1 Lotto2 = Val(NumericUpDown2.Text) lblLotto2.Text = Lotto2 Lotto3 = Val(NumericUpDown3.Text)
I don't understand how to save the user selected numbers, let the computer generate 6 random numbers, and match the two sets of numbers together to see how many matches there are. As far as I understand the numbers should be stored in 2 separate arrays and then matched together to find any matches.
View 4 Replies
Oct 31, 2011
I need to make a app that verifies a five digit credit card number. The check digit is 5th and is found by multiplying the 2nd and 4th digit. Heres my current
Dim strInput As String
Dim strOutput As String
Dim intSumOfDigits As Integer
View 5 Replies
Sep 17, 2011
I have this program generating a firstname and lastname from a file. When I run this program I enter information in three textboxes. The first two are the salary low and high(salary1.text, salary2.text) and the last one is the number of "copies"(copies.text) that I want.. When I put a number such as 10 in the text box it outputs some of the same names. The firstname file has around 100 records and the lastname file has about 1000 records Why is it generating the same name The problem is even worse if I do something like 1000 copies.. it outputs the same thing 8 times and then does something different another 8 times
Public Class Form1
Dim sex As String
Function randomfirstname()
Dim infile As IO.StreamReader
View 1 Replies
Mar 15, 2012
i want to set a default number and you type in a textbox a random number it should tell you whether it's high or low ,and when you typed in the right nmber it a lable should says something like you win .And also how can you change PART of a lable by typing in a text in a DIFFERENT FORM
View 6 Replies
Nov 26, 2011
VS2010 (SP1) / .NET 4 on Windows XP. The question is simple, the answer; not so much. When generating a salt, should the LENGTH of the salt be random, fixed or a random number within a (min/max) range? I am using RNGCryptoServiceProvider to generate the salt, just unsure of the length of the salt.
View 12 Replies
Nov 2, 2009
is there a way to generate a random number and then display that number?
like for example i want to say "i got # - # pencils" or something like that
View 6 Replies
Jun 7, 2006
I heard that you have to add some code to a random number generator
results(1) = Int((5 - 1 + 1) * Rnd() + 1)
so that if it is used again and again it keeps generating new numbers as apposed to what this piece of code does by itself which is creates the same number every time.what is the code?
View 10 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
I am making a game. In the game there is a picture box and three buttons. A picture is supposed to pop up and the player is supposed to click the button that best suits the picture. if it is answered correctly another random picture is supposed generate. How can I do this
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Jun 5, 2009
I downloaded smallbasic which is great, I then wanted to go to the next step and use visual basic. What I want to do is load a picturebox with a random picture from flickr. In smallbasic this is a simple step eg
pic = Flickr.GetRandomPicture("mountains")
GraphicsWindow.DrawResizedImage(pic, 0, 0, 640, 480)
This gets a random picture with a moutnains tag from flickr and puts it in a graphics window.
I want to do the same in visual basic 2008. I can load a picturebox component from a know web location as follows; PictureBox1.ImageLocation = [url]
I have looked at some information on flickr and the code looks excessive going into details about authorizing etc. I want to use visual basic 2008 as I need the extra flexibility that it gives over smallbasic.
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