Go To Goggle At Most Successful Application Around?

Jan 19, 2010

Is there a Visual Basic Best of the Best showcase?I am talking about commercial programs that really shine.Where can I go to goggle at the the most successful VB apps around?

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.net - Confirm Successful Login?

Jul 27, 2011

The code i have so far inputs the users username and pas that they inputted into 2 textboxes. Next the user hits login and it submits the info. Here is where i have a problem. Some users are already logged in when they get to the site, this is a problem because i need to make sure they are logging in correctly. Here comes another problem, lets say they log in correctly, how can i know that the login was successful?


1) How can i find out if the user is already logged in so i can log them out.

2) If they are not logged in, and they log in successfully. how can i confirm that?

If there is any other way to login without web browsers?

'Code to enter the user and pass into the webpage
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("Username").InnerText = TextBox1.Text
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("Password").InnerText = TextBox2.Text
'Code to click login on the webpage

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Errors In .asx.vb But Build Is Successful?

Jan 20, 2010

When I am building my web-poject it is successful and giving no error but when I check the Error list too many errors are showing. One more thing that when I am taking even empty events the error increases

Errors in Error List are:
Error 1 Name 'nserted' is not declared. C:Documents and SettingsVisual Studio 2005WebSi


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How To Check If The Connection Is Successful

Sep 16, 2011

have this sql connection functionin a class

Class con1
Public Function ConnectToSql() As SqlConnection
Dim conn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
conn = New SqlConnection("data source=" & Server & ";" & _


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How To Recover Last Successful Build

May 5, 2010

How can I recover my last succesful build.When debugging the last build will run but I cannot edit anything due to errors in the current code.Does anyone know.Oh I am using VB.net 2008.

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Make Condition Statement But Un-successful

Jun 16, 2010

i want to make condition statement in my function. i use this method : [code]if i try to insert a data already in the database, the function will directly go to the updateDatabase()the problem is, if i try to insert the data that currently not in the database, the function will directly go to update database as well.

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Database - Checking If INSERT INTO Statement Was Successful

Feb 9, 2010

I am using a MS Access database as the backend of my VB.NET application. I am entering users details into the database using an INSERT INTO statement:

cn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & config("DatabasePath") & ";")
cn.Open()cmd = New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO blah blah blah...", cn)
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader


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Database - Checking If INSERT INTO Statement Was Successful?

Nov 30, 2010

database - Checking if INSERT INTO statement was successful

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Php - Edit Database After Successful Paypal Payment

Jun 4, 2012

I've been at this for a bit now, and I have tried using google extensively. I have my application set up: it is a HWID System available only to paid subscribers. I want buyers to be able to click on a 'buy now button', and once they successfully pay it automatically adds their information into the database the app uses. This way there is no waiting after payments. I know this is possible, because I've seen it done before - I just can't seem to find how it works?

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VS 2008 - WinXP Ping Successful But Not Win7

Jan 19, 2012

I have a sub that I just discovered does not work for my windows 7 users but works fine for my windows XP users. This is basically a sub for a ping monitor to ping devices on a timer. What happens is that when the windows 7 user tries to ping, it always reports "down" on a windows 7 whether actually up or down. But, windows xp will report correctly with "up". 3 different windows 7 boxes, users say it worked before. Can't quite debug correctly as i'm on xp myself and it works just fine. Also, I haven't changed anything in the code in quite awhile and this is a recent bug that just started.

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
Dim itm As Object
Sec = Sec - 1
If ListView1.Items.Count = 0 Then Me.Close()
If Sec <= 0 Then
[Code] .....

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Changing ToolStripMenuItem Enabled Property Based On Successful Login?

Nov 8, 2011

What I've done so fa

Private Sub LogInToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles LogInToolStripMenuItem.Click


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Create/get A Simple Program That Opens Up A Webpage, Writes To A Log If It Is Successful Or Not?

Aug 26, 2010

I need to create/get a simple program that opens up a webpage, writes to a log if it is successful or not, logs out and repeats 5 minutes later.I'm not a coder myself, and I have no coders available at my work, I do on the otherhand have access to Visual Basic .NET 2010.

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Data Exported To Excel In Two Sheet For Successful Code Without Error?

Mar 14, 2011

Data exported to Excel in Two sheet for successful code without Error?

Dim ComDset As New
Dim ComDset1 As New


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Successful Winsock Program But Noticed That There Is Alternative Way Of Creating Connections

Mar 11, 2011

So I was looking around the forums for how to do a successful Winsock program but noticed that there is an alternative way of creating connections, using system.net.sockets. Would you guys say that system.net.sockets has replaced Winsock? Is there a particular one that is better than the other?

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VS 2008 (DataGridView) :: Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. You can better see what logic i am trying to perform at the bottom of my code, right after I insert into the database. Here is my code.

Private Sub btnLaserGenerateTicket_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLaserGenerateTicket.Click
'Function declarations


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.net (DataGridView) - Delete Successful Inserts Of Rows And Move Rows Up?

Jul 30, 2010

How would i delete only the successful inserted rows for insert and then move the non successful rows up and allow the user to correct the data and get it ready for an insert. If i dont delete the successful rows then i will have multiple inserts of the same dataRow and we dont want that! :) AND if i dont move the data up then it will have blank rows uptop and will end the try and not insert the corrected data. Here is my code.


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User Clicks On Logout Then It Should Pop Up Msg That 'successful Logout'

May 17, 2012

I have got menu bar.In that there is Logout option also.When the user clicks on Logout then it should pop up the msg that "successful logout" and close the current page and redirect to login form. [code] This code is working fine for 1 form but not for other form.

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Developing Messaging Framework For Windows Application That Sends Messages To Java Application

Feb 9, 2009

I am in the process of developing a messaging framework for a windows application that sends messages to a java application. To be precise when the win app wants to send a message it simply drops the message in a common database table which will be picked up by the java app. The windows application is deployed across 10 application servers (10 instances) over citrix for load balancing.Each instance of the application is capable of sending a message to the java application and each of these messages should have a unique id. From my end I need to make sure every message generated has to carry a unique id so that they can be identified when necessary. All the messages can be cleared every day or two.i am not quite sure about a best method of achieving this. Initially I wanted to create a static method that serves the next available id (incrementing the last id by 1). But this approach willn't guarantee unique number as the application starts only when at least one user is logged on. For e.g .On one server the app starts when a user logs in, he then sends a message and then the application stops when that user logs off. So when a next request for the app comes to that server a new instance will be started.

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Error Application Failed To Initialize Properly (0xc000007b) Click OK To Terminate The Application

Aug 13, 2009

When I install .net Frame work 2.0 I had this Error when the setup writing system register values RegSvcs.exe-Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b) click OK to terminate the application and i have running an blank application (blank forum) and i running it in the VS 2005 IDE iget this error: windowsapplicatin1.exe-Application Error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000007b) click OK to terminate the application and i have a program in setup package that i made from 1 week . i have install this program and when i want to run it i had this problem


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Message :'Application Failed To Initialize Property Ox700000000000000 ..... Click Ok To Terminate Application'

Apr 11, 2011

When i click on my installed VB.net application icon on the desktop,i receive the message : 'Application failed ti initialize property ox700000000000000 ..... click ok to terminate application'.

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Remote Desktop Application? Safe To Use Winsock In Creating A Client/server Application?

Jul 18, 2012

Im planning to create a Remote Desktop Application and I'm having problem with viewing other computers monitor or screen.

Im not asking for the code on how to do it. and one more thing is it safe to use winsock in creating a client/server application?

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VS 2008 Make One Application Send A Task To Another Application / Receive Result From That Secondary App?

Apr 26, 2010

is it possible to make one application send a task to another application and recieve the result from that secondary app?i made a text editor program and i added a scan feature and i made another app that has ocr capabilities.The scanner ability is in my text editor program, the ocr program doesnt scan you have to input an image into it and it will give text result a few seconds later.the prob is alot of times the ocr code uses sooo much memory and crashes when its incorporated with my text editor, but individually each application works fine and doesnt take too much memory. Memory wont be even an issue if the ocr program is standalone so that when it is done decoding image the application can be made to exit. now here is the question, how do i make my text editor send the image to the ocr program and how do i make my ocr program send the text back to my text editor? is it possible? i mean the only way i know off is creating temp files in a certain folder and having a timer on each program that keeps waiting for temp files. That just seems like pretty lame coding to me i was wondering if there's a better way?

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.net - Store Application And User Settings Of An Application Running With Multiple Instances?

Jul 12, 2011

Which is the best way to store application and user settings of an application running with multiple instances?My problem is that using the vb's "Application Settings" one instance would overwrite the other one.I want to identify each instance with a number passed via command line argument. I could use this number to identify the appropriate settings of the running instance, but I see in a local INI o XML file a better way to handle that.

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2005 : Crystal Reports Application Or Windows Application To Generate Pdfs?

Apr 13, 2011

I currently have a simple crystal reports application which generates a crystal report and in the built in viewer provided by VS2005. There is a drop down where you can select options to change the criteria of the report. I wish to convert this app to a windows executable which will take all those select options and generates pdfs based on the crystal report. the executable will be triggered by windows task scheduler...or maybe command line app?

Obviously this will be somewhat of a re-write. What would be the best way to start this as? a crystal report application or a windows application.

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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Application.DoEvents() Function Halt And Crash Application In Windows Vista

Jul 18, 2011

i made an application for serial communication. for this application i need to set delay time. during this delay time i m doing some other task. So for those task i need to take back control from delay function, for this purpose i am unsing Doevents() function.Its work fine On other OS (XP, Windows7 32/64-bit). But Application.DoEvents() function halt and crash in windows vista.

Private Sub TimeDelay(ByVal DT As Integer)
Dim StartTick As Integer
StartTick = Environment.TickCount()


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Convert Application To Platform Independent Mobile Application That Is Supported On All Devices?

May 13, 2011

I have a vb.net windows application. I want to convert some part of it to an application that can be run on all mobile platforms like iphone,windows mobile, ipad etc. It should be platform independent

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Create A VB Application In VS2008 Without Requiring The Application Be Run On A Computer With A .NET Framework In Place?

Feb 26, 2010

How can I create a VB application in VS2008 without requiring the application be run on a computer with a .NET framework in place?

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Create Uninstall Command For A Windows-based Application In The Application Folder?

May 27, 2009

how to create a uninstall command for a Windows-based application in the Application Folder when creating a new setup project in visual studio 2008.

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Deploying Winforms Application To Client Machines Application Failing On Start?

Jul 2, 2009

Deploying Winforms Application to Client Machines Application Failing on start

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