How To Add The Path Of An Html File In The String Of Codes

Aug 1, 2011

I have an editor that saves text files and html files. I want to open my html file in Internet Explorer.

The code for opening the IE and the file is below

Shell("C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe C:abc.html")

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Get The Path Of An Html File And Then Run It On Internet Explorer?

Jul 31, 2011

an editor that can save text files and html files,my editor is a tab pages for every files opened and created. Can you hep me to fix some problem. When open a html file, the file is opened in the tab of a tabcontrol, the problem is that is when i open the html file, i want to get the path of the file then when i click the button run on my form, the html file that is the selected tab that holds the html file will open in Internet Explorer. Ihave teh code in in opening int he code below is for opening IE and file

FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe C:abc.html")

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Dynamically Convert Html File Or Html String To PDF?

Feb 23, 2012

I want to dynamically convert html file or html string to PDF in Windows Forms application.

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Replace With HTML Ascii Codes?

Apr 2, 2009

I ran into a problem. Wrote the following code snippet:

teksti = teksti.Trim()
teksti = Replace(teksti, "<", "& lt;")
teksti = Replace(teksti, ">", "& gt;")
teksti = Replace(teksti, """", "& quot;")
teksti = Replace(teksti, "'", "& #8217;")


After writing this I realized it becomes its own problem. The function is supposed to make information safe for HTML and SQL injection (there are other methods too, parameterized queries, etc but that's beside the point). However what happens, is that it first replaces &lt; with & lt; and then proceeds to replace the newly written string again as every replace string has &, # and ; signs in it.

I thought about using a regex for this, but I couldn't find any decent Visual Basic examples that were simple enough. Edit: I was sure there would be a "smart" easy way to do this, but I guess there are no common methods available after all. The re-arranging the problem cases first is the obvious solution here,As for parametirized queries, checking back I see my English doesn't come out as intended. I meant to say that I'm already using them, that this problem here is specific to prevent all manner of html-injection and possible sql-injection using the same strings elsewhere later.

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Why Does Net.WebClient Keep Giving The HTML Codes

Mar 13, 2011

When I use this code:

Dim dloadurl As Uri
Dim saveto As String
Public Sub dodownload()


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Get The Code Or App For The HTML Page That Formats And Color Codes?

Jan 11, 2010

Every single time that I want to copy and paste the code that's been color coded, I have to sign into MSDN, choose Insert Code Block, and then Paste my VB.NET Code, choose VB.NET, Click Preview, and Copy and Paste it to an HTML Page, I Want that thing that color codes my VB.NET Code, in order for me to share my work online... I don't want to have to keep comming on here and doing all that just to get the HTML Version of my VB.NET Color Coded CODE..Do you understand what I'm asking...? Where can I get software or HTML that will color code my VB.NET so that I can Copy and Paste it to SeaMonkey's Composer page.

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VS 2008 - Capture Values Form Html Codes

Feb 3, 2011

I have to capture the values of the left positions of textboxes in a webpage. I have used the code below but don't know why its not working.

For Each Elem As HtmlElement In webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("div").Cast(Of HtmlElement).Where(Function(element) element.GetAttribute("style"))
LeftPosition = Elem.GetAttribute("left")

Here is some lines of html code for the texboxes:

<div style=position:absolute;top:100px;left:100px>
First Name:


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String As File Path?

Feb 15, 2010

I get an "augmentexception was unhandled" error whenever I run this script. The string assigned to "location" is fine, in fact when I paste it to the clip board and replace the "location" string in the ReadAllText() it works fine. Any suggestions? I assume this is a super easy fix but I've been at it for quit a while with no luck.

Public Sub OpenQuestions(ByVal questionreturn As String)
Dim Qraw, location As String


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File Path, As A String, Of A File In The Application's Resources?

Sep 15, 2011

The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf"
' printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help
printProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "Print"
End Sub

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What Is The File Path As A String Of A File In The Application's Resources

Jan 23, 2010

The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True


When I use "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf" as the argument of FileName, it works. But when I use My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help, it says it cannot find the file.

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Extract File Path From A Connection String?

Feb 5, 2012

How do I extract the file path from the following connection string?[code]...

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Path Of .zip file Has Spaces In It / It's Not Recognizing Path As Valid Path

Aug 22, 2006

I have a Access program and I'm using VBA code in the background to run Winunzip using shell command. Well, the path of the .zip file has spaces in it and it's not recongizing the path as a valid path. Is there a another way to tackle this problem besides the shell?I can't us pkzip either. Has you can see I had to use progra~1 instead of Program Files.[code]

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VS 2008 .DBF Connection String - Invalid File Path?

Sep 21, 2009

Dim dbconn As OleDbConnection
Dim DBCommand As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim DS As New DataSet
dbconn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:COLORsitedataCUFORHDR.dbf;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;")


I prefer SQL server but im afraid in this app I have no choice. I think the .DBF file is v III dBase according to a thrid party .dbf viewer. The code explodes on the DBCommand.Fill(DS) line, telling me I have provided and invalid file path. The path is good to go.

Should I be using a driver with a different provider? When I remove the Extended Properties parameter I get an error unrecognizable database format - hinting in this case the path is correct.

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String Concatenation - Problems Caused By Space(s) Within Path/File Name?

Mar 29, 2011

I've got a small app which I use to start a 3rd party application. When run from a shortcut the VB app starts the 3rd party app to and when loaded it displays its own file/folder interface, the VB app the closes itself. However, if you open a file in explorer associated with the 3rd party app, the 3rd party application loads and opens the file itself and not the file/open interface.

Uh OK, so what's the problem??The issue is I have changed the file extension associated with the 3rd party app to now use my VB app. I can successfully open files with the app from explorer if there are no spaces in the file or folder path however if there are, the 3rd party app opens and displays a File not found error message and gives the path up to the point where the space then follows.The relevant snippets of code from the app relating to the issue is below, specifically Dim Arguments variable where I am not quite sure how my string cocantenation should be to deal with the value of the variable 'Filename' which may or may not contain spaces.


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VS 2005 Refuses To Write To A Text File If The String Used To Be A Path

Dec 13, 2009

I've searched everywhere to find out why the heck my program is doing this, but couldn't find anything like it...? I'm making a flash card program. Part of my program takes images corresponding to other data from a certain area, chosen by the user, and moves them to another folder, for later use. I want to store the path for the image next to the other data, storing the path as a string. When no image is chosen, the variable for the path is simply "no image".


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Sending An HTML Email, Where The HTML Comes From An HTML File .Net/ClickOnce Environment?

Jun 20, 2009

Usage: Users create pretty HTML news letters in another app. They post the newsletter to the web, but they also want to set the contents of the HTML news letter file as the body of an email and send it using Application In Question. The users understand to use absolute link and image references when sending an E Newsletter. Environment:

AIQ is a VB.Net app deployed via ClickOnce. It is an intranet app; one can be sure MS Office 2003 and the interop 11 dlls are on the target machines.

Restrictions: MAPI is out. It mangles the HTML. Since it is a ClickOnce deployment, we can't register dlls (I think, correct me if I am wrong). Therefore CDO and COM is out (again, I may be wrong.... I would be happy to be proven so).

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Store The Connection String In The App.config File That Include The Application.startup Path?

Nov 6, 2009

I'm creating window application with VB.NET and flatfiles.the problem is how do i store the connection string in the app.config file that include the application.startup path?

<add name="cn" connectionString="provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + Application.StartupPath + "data;Extended Properties=text;" />

i got some error when writing to app.config.

"Missing attribute value on attribute 'Application.StartupPath'."

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Delete File On Server From A File Path From A Sql Database File Path?

Feb 4, 2010

I am having a big problem with deleteing a file form the server. I have the filename for a image stored in my SQL database. the problem is i am getting an error of "Illegal characters in path. " Here is the code below:Everything is working fine until the delete command.

Protected Sub DeleteButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim tmpEquipID As String = Request("EquipID")
Dim tmpImageID As String = (CType(FormView1.FindControl("ImageIDLabel"), Label).Text)
Dim d As New equippicsDataContext


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Forms :: Experts Modify UPDATE Codes According To INSERT Codes Style

Dec 25, 2009

Dear Experts modify UPDATE codes according to INSERT codes Style.


I need update codes as there are insert codes

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Access A File Using Relative Path Or Virtual Path?

May 22, 2012

I am trying to read and display a file using MapPath as follows :

Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"
Dim FilePath As String = MapPath("../Document/123.pdf")

This procedure will work fine and display in the browser. However, if I save the file to C:Document123.pdf, how can I access this file using relative path in MapPath function. Is there an option to access the file which is saved out of IIS server? I am using 2003.

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Convert Unix File Path To Windows Path?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm using acrobat that returns unix paths instead of windows path's. So im wondering if there is a way in to convert the path to windows path.

i tried using:

docs(i) = javaScriptObj.path().ToString.Replace("/", "").Substring(1)
position = docs(i).IndexOf("")
docs(i) = docs(i).Substring(0, position) + ":" + docs(i).Substring(position + 1)

this only works on local files, but fails when im starting to use network drives.

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Add Path To Location in window Program With Pictures Used In HTML Document?

Jul 14, 2009

I use VS 2008 Visual Basic and I added windows forms HelpProvider to supply user with more information using F1 button when a windows form is active.No VB coding are used, just help provider and HTML docs. with css.I have created a HTML document and a picture. On both items I have set the [copy to output directory] property to Copy Always.The HTML document starts HTML page and IE is showing the text as expected , but the picture does not appear.I use click once deployment to deliver the system. The HTML documents and picture is located on the user computer after the deployment. How do I add path to a location in a win program with pictures used in a HTML document? What is the correct setting of [ build action ] parameter of these items?

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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array With Explan?

Aug 19, 2010

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb arrayi know this is too much but would you expl

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Mdb Connection - Transfer File Path In Our Connection String

Aug 26, 2009

I'm facing a problem after installation any software setup that has a database in access(mdb file) How to I transfer file path in our connection string.

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Open Html File And Fill Html Tag And Attribute In Vb Array?

Aug 21, 2010

i want open html file in vb

then fill all tags and attribute of this page in vb array

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VS 2010 How To Add Dll With Bad File Name On Codes

Mar 12, 2012

This dll file is on my resource fileand basically i use this code to access my resources

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HTML Agility Pack, New Line In .html File?

Jun 7, 2011

Dim codice As String
Dim doc As New HtmlDocument
Dim coll As HtmlNodeCollection
Dim node As HtmlNode
Dim nuovo As HtmlNode


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Create A *.txt File With VB 2008 Codes

Oct 18, 2009

trying to make programe can creat and write text files of extension ".txt" and i still need codes for creating and editing a *.txt file

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Load Codes From Text File?

Jan 17, 2010

I need a compile an exe file which will read vb codes from txt file and run according this.

For example, I will keep different different vb scripts in different filesuch as [code]...

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What Is The Codes For Open And Save A Notepad Text File

Aug 20, 2009

what is the codes for open and save a notepad text file

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