Inputted In The Textbox Is A Correct Directory?

May 13, 2010

how am i going to check if the directory that was inputted in the textbox is a correct directory?

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Multiple Correct Usernames In Textbox?

Jun 16, 2011

Here is my code that I wrote its very simple.

Normal Code

If TextBox1.Text = "PleaseHelp" Then
Button1.Enabled = Enabled
End If

BUT I need like multiple correct logins I don't know how I forgot! EXAMPLE: If TextBox1.text = "PleaseHelp, HELP, Thanks" <--- gives me a error I know it isnt the correct way! I just cant figure it out and its basic code....

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Textbox Not Displaying Correct Formula?

Mar 18, 2009

everything in the code works except for 1, in line txtTotal.Text = (Val(txtHomeTax.Text) + Val(txtLandTax.Text)) is where i think I'm having troubles. it shows 0 everytime, I use val but it still shows 0. but if I remove the val, it will show both numbers together

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub btnGenerate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGenerate.Click


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VS 2010 - Correct Way To Read Data Into Textbox

Jan 31, 2012

I'm trying to read data from a text file into an array and then loop through all the lines and display it into the textbox, only problem is i want each line on a new line so this is what i have:


But that adds a newline to that last line causing a out of bounds error.How do i make it add a newline for each LINE except the last one?

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Regex To Verify A Correct Domain Has Been Entered Into A Textbox?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm looking for regex to verify a correct domain has been entered into a textbox, it must have http:// conditional www. also must verfiy it has a TLD but must except TLD in this format to:, etc etc

Example of the regex i would like to outcome is [URL] or [URL] no trailing text like index.php

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Stop Users From Typing Anything Into The Textbox If The Datatype Isn't Correct?

May 3, 2009

I have a form that allows users to enter information into a few textboxes. When users click save, the information will be transferred into the datagridview.

My problem now is, for instance, there is a textbox called "Price" with the datatype "money" which users are only allowed to enter numbers. If users enter alphabets, errors will occur. I don't wanna use try catch, I would like to try different methods such stopping users from entering anything into the textbox when the datatype isn't correct - nothing will appear in the textbox when users hit all the keys in the keyboard except for numbers.

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Auto-generated Text Boxes / Address The Correct Textbox?

Aug 4, 2010

Using this

TxtBox = New TextBox()
With TxtBox
.Name = "T" & reader("area").ToString
.Visible = True


The name would come out like "T3" Now I want to put a value into that textbox.How can I address the correct Textbox?

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Have Values Inputted Through A Text Box?

Oct 26, 2009

I'm trying too have values inputted through a text box, and then have the program calculate how much the person will earn in their working life.

Dim Name As String
Dim Salary, Total, Raise As Double
Dim Age, Retire, Count As Integer


However, whenever i click the button to calculate, it gives me how much he would have earned after 1 year with 1 raise, but i can't see what i'm missing.

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Check Whether An Inputted Number Is Prime?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm working on a console application in VB .net that checks a number that the user has inputted, and tells you whether the number is prime.

The number that has to be inputted has to be between 1 and 100. I have all the code so far and at the moment it can check whether the number is or isn't within the boundries.

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Get User-inputted String Into A 2 Dim Array?

Dec 5, 2010

I am in Visual basic 2010 express.The user will input how big the array dimensions will be.

An inputbox will appear asking the user to type each row in the array.

How do use substrings to separate that string in into each box in the array. (probably separated by commas or spaces?)

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Only Allowing Integers To Be Inputted In A Calculator?

Mar 24, 2011

How do I only allow integers to be entered when coding for a calculator in Visual Basic 2008 while allowing real numbers to be displayed as the result of a calculation?I thought I had come up with the solution but I think I may have made a mistake in my coding...

Public Class Form1
Private Sub GroupBox1_Enter(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles GroupBox1.Enter
End Sub


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Using An Array To Store The Inputted Values?

Sep 13, 2010

I am a beginner at programming. this score calculator. The application is suppose to total up a sum of numbers added, show the count, and an average of the numbers inputted. I try using an array to store the inputted values. Now I'm have issues with my loop keeping track of the total. Also, how do I clear out the array to start over?


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Grab The Smallest Number, Of The 2 Inputted Numbers?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm making a program for a class, as usual. I need it to grab the smallest number, of the 2 inputted numbers.Well, there is 4 inputted numbers. For instance the user inputs the following:

Price Ounces
20 4
12 4

I divide the numbers, and get 5 and 3.The better buy is going to be item 2, as it is $3 per ounce.But I need the program to grab the smallest number AFTER dividing, and then display that in a label. I need to know how to grab the smallest number. What statement do I use?Odds are, it's something simple and I'm overlooking it.

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Save / Load User Inputted Data?

Jul 25, 2010

I have created a program in Visual basic 2010, the program contains many different objects e.g. datagridview, textbox, buttons, graphs etc, which can all be modified by the user. The user can also select a file using 'SaveFileDialog'.

Is there a way to save all the properties associated with each object to this file and later load the program back to exactly the same state it was saved in, after the user has selected saved file using 'LoadFileDialog'? Preferably in binary.

I can do this the hard way in ASC11 format by interrogating objects user editable properties and saving them. I would rather not use this method as it will require a lot of code and any future program changes will require a lot of extra work.

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Save/load User Inputted Data?

Aug 9, 2009

I have created a program in Visual basic 2010, the program contains many different objects e.g. datagridview, textbox, buttons, graphs etc, which can all be modified by the user. The user can also select a file using 'SaveFileDialog'.

Is there a way to save all the properties associated with each object to this file and later load the program back to exactly the same state it was saved in, after the user has selected saved file using 'LoadFileDialog'? Preferably in binary.I can do this the hard way in ASC11 format by interrogating objects user editable properties and saving them. I would rather not use this method as it will require a lot of code and any future program changes will require a lot of extra work.

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Show The Information Inputted In Each Of The 3 Separate Arrays?

Mar 31, 2011

I have to write an application that has the user input data in 3 separate text-boxes and press "OK" to save it. The user can repeat this as many times as they want.I then need the application to show the information inputted in each of the 3 separate arrays. Now I was told this can either be done by using a print page or by having another form show the information. I was told having another form would work best. I guess my question(s) are: is it possible to show the information from all 3 arrays in another form? Also, is there a link to any code that can help me out in listing information from a

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Is It Correct To Correct Properties Values On The Fly

May 15, 2010

Is it correct to correct properties values on the fly? for example: (note the .ToLower)

Public Property X() As String
Return _x.ToLower
End Get


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Displaying The Directory Of A File In A Textbox?

Nov 17, 2011

What I am trying to do is create a rather generic file opening form.

I am creating a visual basic form to prepare a file to open. I want the user to select the open button, get the dialog to open the file, then I want the exact file path for the selected file (C://Users/text.txt) to be pasted into the the textbox immediately below the button. The textbox is also to allow the user to type the directory that they want to draw from. So he actual opening of the the file will commence once another button is pressed, once the directory has been decided upon via either the openfile dialog or by pasting the address.

how to reference the root directory of an application. I want to the openfiledialog to the directory of the application.

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How To Compare Textbox Files To Ones In Directory

Jun 1, 2010

I want to compare some files from a textbox to ones in a directory.
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Open A Directory From A Textbox?

Feb 2, 2010

How can i open a directory or folder from text displayed in a textbox?

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Add Numbers From Dynamically Created Textboxes After Inputted By User?

Apr 13, 2011

I have created a sample program that dynamically created up to 7 numbers of Labels and Text Boxes. Here I want to add those numbers inputted by user on dynamically created text boxes.

Dim WithEvents TxtBox As TextBox
Dim WithEvents LblLabel As Label
Dim NoOfControl As Integer
Dim A As Integer


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Display A Single Character In A Label When Inputted By The User?

Jan 8, 2012

I have been assigned a task to create a basic hangman program and I need help to figure out how to show the letters that the user has guessed correctly without displaying any of the other Characters.The word that the user will be guessing is in a label the user will be guessing letters by clicking buttons This is a piece of the code for one of the buttons the user can click to guess the letter "C":

btnc.Visible = False
Guessletter = "C"
If lblword.Text.Contains("C") Then
*this is the part where I become stuck*
End If

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Forms :: Use Inputted Data From The NumericUpDown Control In A Statement?

May 13, 2009

I have a NumericUpDown control with a range of 10-50 and I want to have the selected number be multiplied by an amount of money to create yearly cost. I dont know, however, how to use inputted data from the NumericUpDown control in a statement because I cannot convert it to Integer and I also dont know how to call in the data even if a number is selected.

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Split A Double Value Inputted Into A String To Decimal And Fractional?

Feb 28, 2009

Simple requirement to split a double value inputted into a string to decimal and fractional.I enter 12.1 and it splits it into

12 and then 0.0999999999999996

Where is my 0.0000000000000004 gone??? Did the cpu tax it?I have tried a few other tricks to split the number and i get the same result...The fractional results of each attempt

12.0 0 Amazing!!!!
12.1 0.0999999999999996
12.2 0.199999999999999


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Binding TextBox.Text Causes 'Input String Was Not In A Correct Format' Error When Deleting Text

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to bind a textbox to a binding source (using the IDE DataBindings Editor) and it works fine except for one thing: if I delete the text I get the subject error. What I want to happen is the datarecord field be updated to a dbnull value -- how do I get that to happen?

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Connect To SQL DB Receive The Code And Then Check If That Code Is Correct And If Its Correct Download Silence The Pro File?

Jun 8, 2010

i'm working on a system that upgrades a basic version to a proversion but i have a payment gateway . it generates a code in an SQL i have a form in VB that has a textbox and a button how can i let VB connect to my SQL DB receive the code and then check if that code is correct and if its correct download silence the pro file. from an url.

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Password Loop Textbox - Code Works To Read The Entry Data And To Recognise The Correct Data, And The Incorrect

Apr 16, 2012


That code works to read the entry data and to recognise the correct data, and the incorrect. However, even if entry is correct, the error msgbox will appear (x times of how many records there are in file), despite being navigated to the menu. Anyway that the Else isn't triggered when data is correct. Also for it to appear just one instead of (x times of how many records there are in file.)

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Move The File Showed In A Textbox From A Directory To Another One?

Dec 30, 2011

I want to move the file showed in a textbox from a directory to another one. The file showed in a textbox is randomly determined, but once is showed, I want that after press a button it is moved to another directory.

I know the instruction to move files is:

My.Computer.FileSystem.MoveFile("C:TestDir1 est.txt", _
"C:TestDir2 est.txt")

But which would be the code for a "dynamic file" depending if this file is showed in a textbox?

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Show A Directory In A Textbox Using Something Like Openfiledialog Option

Jan 5, 2010

I need to have the user select a directory for the working directory. I know how to use the openfiledialog to list a file, but how do you do it for a directory?

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Display Words From A String That User Has Inputted Starting With Certain Characters?

Oct 20, 2009

I'm making a program and was wondering if someone could please help me (its a console app) to display words from a string that the user has inputted starting with certain characters?

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