Show The Information Inputted In Each Of The 3 Separate Arrays?
Mar 31, 2011
I have to write an application that has the user input data in 3 separate text-boxes and press "OK" to save it. The user can repeat this as many times as they want.I then need the application to show the information inputted in each of the 3 separate arrays. Now I was told this can either be done by using a print page or by having another form show the information. I was told having another form would work best. I guess my question(s) are: is it possible to show the information from all 3 arrays in another form? Also, is there a link to any code that can help me out in listing information from a
View 7 Replies
Oct 27, 2010
I have created a form which has two things a list box and a button which is labeled "Input Values"The user should click "Input Values" and a new form will appear. This new form will ask the user to enter 10 values into a textbox and click ok after each value. These values are to be stored in an array and displayed in the listbox on the previous form.I am having trouble getting the values of the user to store into my array and displaying into a list box. I have this so far.
Private Sub OKButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OKButton.Click
View 27 Replies
Jul 2, 2011
I want to put the matches from a regular expression into an array or something that i can use to compare it with another array, it being the lines from a txt file names "users.txt". Code A:
And the second code will do the exact same thing. What i want to do is compare each line in the Txt file (Code B) to the reg expression matches (Code A) and for it to alert me if any is missing. So it needs to compare Code B to Code A. (PS. Order is irrelevant, it can be in different places as long as its there) In my other thread i got a little confused and couldn't clearly communicate what i was trying to do.
View 32 Replies
Nov 7, 2011
I have been trying to find out how to do this for days now, so I am finally asking how. I am newish to programming. Here is my problem.
I am trying to extract x,y,z coordinates from a text file arranged as such:
I need to be able to extract the x column into an array, the y into an array, and the z into an array. I learned how to pull it into a string, and how to split for every line, but i don't know how to split after each comma and separate them.
View 1 Replies
Dec 17, 2009
i need to take two integers from two text boxes and put them into two separate integer arrays then add them right to left carrying if over 10. here is what i have so far but just looking for the addition i think i can figure out the rest if i get the addition working...
' Project Name: Big Integer Project
' Project Purpose: User enters two integers up to 30 digits each then performs operation.
Option Explicit On
View 2 Replies
Jun 8, 2011
how do you show information from a datagrid cell to show up in a text box in another form, this is for a college project.
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Mar 10, 2010
I'm just starting out at but have done programming before. i am trying to use a treeview to display information in a seperate table on the same form dependant on which nod of the tree is clicked. Secondly is it possible to import the information from an excel spreadsheet or does the information have to come from an access table.
View 2 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
I'm trying to get information from a text box into an array. I've tried everything that I can think of from assigning it to a local variable then into the array, to assigning it straight to the array, but I can't manage to loop it all together and achieve functionality.
View 5 Replies
Apr 28, 2011
how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.[code]
View 2 Replies
Jun 10, 2011
i'm having issues where I can't figure out how to take a text file that was provided for my homework assignment, and put the information within it into 3 different arrays.The .txt file looks like so:tc.Amanda/Ashley have to be in the same array as well as 4/2, 166/20.This is what I've come up with for the snippet of code, and so far, it hasn't really been working right.
Dim namearray(MaxItems), rankarray1990(MaxItems), rankarray2009(MaxItems) As String
Dim Numitems As Integer
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader
View 1 Replies
Aug 4, 2010
This is the first time I have used a list view control since vb 6, and I have some basic questions.
1) How do I get the listview to show each item in a seperate row?
2) How do I add sub items to the listview?
Below is the code of the function I am working on to populate the listview. Right now it shows my entry in columns and I dont know how to display the sub items.
Private Sub loadListView()
Dim str As String
Dim SQLString As String
Dim k As Integer
str = ""
[Code] .....
View 9 Replies
Feb 27, 2010
I am trying to show the following code in a text box on separate lines. Is it possible to code in a hard return?
View 4 Replies
Jul 15, 2011
I want to show selected entry of DGV on Separate form in VB .Net.When double click on one row of DGV then this row must be open in new form. How can I do it?
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Feb 12, 2011
bind to a database column and show the value in a separate linklabel1 or Listbox control in windows forms.
View 4 Replies
May 18, 2010
i just got it in the internet and edited it..
Dim xlApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Worksheet[code]....
what I want to do is have a column name in the excel worksheet which is not included in the code..i'm getting the data from a datagridview but it only shows the data in the excel.. i also want the field name of these data to be shown..another, as you can see in the code given, the directory is fixed.. what do i have to do to choose a directory to save my work? and also, i have many gridviews and whenever i'm exporting my work to the excel worksheet, it always overwrites my work.. i want to choose the directory to save, also show the field names, and make a separate worksheet for every gridview..
View 3 Replies
Dec 5, 2010
I have an app where users form up an e-mail by filling out various fields. They give the form the data, then the e-mail is assembled in the background from all the data they put into the form. Pretty straightforward.
I've added a "Preview" button. When they click, I want a box to pop up and show them what their e-mail will look like when they send it.
I can use MessageBox.Show but these e-mails can get pretty long and as best I understand it, there's no way to control the MessageBox.Show size, word-wrap or add a scroller; so this isn't really appropriate to the overall task.
That said, the information IS all concatenated into a single string with CrLf and such in there for most fields. I just need something that I can send this to and have it create the output window at size X with auto-word-wrap and scroller.
Is there a straightforward way to do this in VB.Net 2010?
View 4 Replies
Apr 3, 2011
i just want to ask how can i show information from my database into label..
Im using Visual Basic 2010 and . Net connector..
this is my sample codes and i dont know how to put it..
CN.ConnectionString = "Server=localhost; database=libsysdb; Uid= root; pwd=dbpass; Port=3306"
Dim myCommand As New MySqlCommand
View 14 Replies
May 3, 2009
I am using bindingsource.find to quirie information, its working so nice but I have a problem when the bindingsource cannot find the information I want it to show me the information that is inside the field, even knowing that the information that am looking for is not there:
I have something like this:
dim findinformatio as string
inputbox=(type the name)
dim findme as intenger=me.bindingsource.find("LastName", FindName)
if bindingsource.position=findme then
msgbox(me.bindingsource.find("LastName", findName)
I am doing it because if the information that am looking for is not in the record field. I want the bindingsource show me the information that is inside the recordset field(LastName). I used to do it with odbc and works fine but with bindingsource I cannot, Why? And I have a compact database, sdf. I loaded the tables on my project.
View 6 Replies
Jun 7, 2011
Im suppose to make an application that tracks electric motors in a manufacturing plant. It needs to have
MotorID:Five-digit string, such as "02340"
RPM: Integer, values in the range of 10 to 10000
I was thinking about doing this part in radiobuttons
The application should be able to store at least 10 motor class objects in an array, create an input form in the application that allow users to input new motor records to be added to the array and create another form that displays all the motors in the array in a list box. This is what I got so far, I know its not much, but whats really puzzling me is how am I suppose to show all the data in the listbox in the second form.
This is whatI got for the first form
Public Class Form1
Dim range As Integer = 0
Dim voltage As Integer = 0
and the second form I really dont know where to even start on that one.
View 17 Replies
Jul 2, 2010
I'm starting to learn programming in Visual Basic .Net , I need to open an excell file show the information on the screen,
View 2 Replies
May 3, 2011
I'm trying to load up a comma delimited text file and have only the name of a person loaded into a listbox. Then when the user selects a person from the listbox have additional stats pertaining to that person show up in a label.
View 4 Replies
Apr 8, 2012
Dim LabelArray(12) As Integer
LabelArray(0) = Label3.BackColor = Color.White
LabelArray(1) = Label4.BackColor = Color.White
i have made an array. first of all i want to make it global and on form load i wanna show it's first position and on a button' s click i want to increase it's position by one how can i do that
View 2 Replies
Feb 23, 2012
I created a telephone number form where the user enters the telephone number in a text box as (nnn) nnn-nnnn. The first 3 digits in parenthesis are the ISD code, the next three are the area code and the last four are the local number. I need to separate out these three fields of the phone number and display in three separate text boxes labeled appropriately. Now, suppose the user enters the phone number in a text box as a continuous string of 10 digits, where the first three represent the ISD code, the next three represent the area code and the last four represent the local number. I'm lost as how to change this string into the form (nnn) nnn-nnnn. This is what I have
View 3 Replies
Sep 17, 2010
I have a TabControl object on my form with many tabs created in code (TabPages) and my problem is that the same objects that are in the initial TabPage needs to be in the other TabPages created in code, I have this done in code when the user clicks the 'New Tab' menu option, however the same code is used for any new tabs created. The problem created here is that I have an event against one of the objects that appear in the other TabPages, but because the same code is used to create any new tab pages, the event will only work on the newest tab page, if that makes sense? By the way these objects that appear on the other TabPages are properties at the top so events can be handled against them in the respective subroutine.
View 5 Replies
Apr 30, 2010
I'll get straight to my problem - I'm currently coding in Visual Studio.I have a table (countries) with the columns ID | Name. The table is filled with around 28 records.I also have a form with 4 combo boxes (set up as 1,2,3 & 4) that I want the user to select. These combo boxes will display the names from the table countries. I then want to use the selected names in the combo boxes to Insert into their corresponding ID into another table. For example England would have the ID 1, USA the ID 2 etc.So, is it possible to have separate combo boxes that will give separate ID values but using the same table? At the moment I can't seem to find a solution.Eventually the form will have more than 4 combo boxes so I don't want to use separate bindingsources for each combo box.
View 5 Replies
Feb 27, 2012
how to create a program that can access information held in an excel database and show it in a simple form.
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Oct 26, 2009
I'm trying too have values inputted through a text box, and then have the program calculate how much the person will earn in their working life.
Dim Name As String
Dim Salary, Total, Raise As Double
Dim Age, Retire, Count As Integer
However, whenever i click the button to calculate, it gives me how much he would have earned after 1 year with 1 raise, but i can't see what i'm missing.
View 8 Replies
Sep 9, 2009
I'm working on a console application in VB .net that checks a number that the user has inputted, and tells you whether the number is prime.
The number that has to be inputted has to be between 1 and 100. I have all the code so far and at the moment it can check whether the number is or isn't within the boundries.
View 4 Replies
Dec 5, 2010
I am in Visual basic 2010 express.The user will input how big the array dimensions will be.
An inputbox will appear asking the user to type each row in the array.
How do use substrings to separate that string in into each box in the array. (probably separated by commas or spaces?)
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May 13, 2010
how am i going to check if the directory that was inputted in the textbox is a correct directory?
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