Load And Run Swf From Database?

Jan 26, 2011

i want to load and run swf file which is in byte array format in databse (sqlite)i search to run swf from db directly without creating temp file but i cant find. If file is createdthan may be file stolen. So i want to run file without creating it in temp

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Feed Reader - Compare The Feed To The Database And Only Load New Items Into The Database

Nov 8, 2011

I am trying to figure something out. I have an application in which I am adding the ability to consume a feed. I have no problem with the feed itself, but my problem is how can I mark certain items as 'read'? The only thing I can thing of is to read the feed into a database. In this database, I add a column for 'read' which I update when the user has read the article. Then each time I retrieve the feed, I compare the feed to the database and only load new items into the database.

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Load Data From Database?

Jun 1, 2009

I would like to put the items in my database to a textbox

Public Class Form1
Public cn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\dbase.mdb")


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Load Listview From Database?

May 21, 2009

I have a listview that I want to populate from sql database. only the data from the first name is coming out as listview item and subitems I can not get the lastname and other data. ex: william george Sinkor Monrovia Liberia below is my


Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
conNopee = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim adpconnopee As SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter


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Load Treeview From Database?

Nov 11, 2011

What is the best to load a treeview from a database where it goes 4 deep



How would that look in a database? and then how would you load the tree. I can load everything up to the grandchild, but as soon as I load the great grandchild I start having issues. So I am thinking it is the way they are in the database.

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.net With Access - Load Different Database On Tabcontrol?

Jun 21, 2010

I have 1 tabcontrol with 2 tabpages, each tabpage with 1 datagridview (different tables for each), I load these 2 databases on the form load:

Dim sql1 As String
Dim con1 As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.Oledb.4.0;Data Source=C:UsersuserDesktophonor.mdb")


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DB/Reporting :: Load All Controls From A Database?

Jan 5, 2009

I'm working on a emulator program where I load all controls from a database. My database looks something like this :


IDPageTypeControl_Indexnr Property Data
1131Label 1 Text Lbl1
1161Label 2 Text Lbl2


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How To Fast Load TreeView From Database

Jan 9, 2010

Private Sub DisplayTreeview()
Dim i, j As Integer, ds1 As DataSet
S = "select * from Product where PdtRoot=''"
[Code] .....

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Load A Database File In Combobox

Jun 15, 2010

how to load a file in combobox?how to add, remove and search contents in this file? n how to use filters?

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Load A Picturebox From Filename In Database?

Jul 11, 2011

i know how to do this in VB6 but not sure of the syntax used in .net... I have a mdb database with a field "Simage" containing a filename of a picture that I want to load into a picturebox. I've tried a few different ways like this but no luck. PictureBox1.Load("c:images" & StampsBindingSource.DataMember!Simage & ".jpg")

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Load All Data From Database To Complete

May 7, 2010

I have a form named "Form1".. when this form load it takes few seconds to load all data from database to complete. I want to create another form pop up on the Form1 load_event to prevent user to see the page hanging there.

How can load a new form example frmLoading on a form load event then after the form loading everything data complete from database, only unload the frmLoading...?

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Load Data From Database To DataGridView?

Mar 15, 2011

i have code to load data from database to DataGridView.

Imports System.DataImports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Form1 Dim dt As New DataTable Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized End Sub Sub setData()


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Load Large CSV File Into Database?

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to load a large CSV file into a Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 database. I've tried using the following: Using MyReader As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser("filename.txt") MyReader.TextFieldType = FileIO.FieldType.Delimited MyReader.SetDelimiters(",")Then splitting the data with MyReader.ReadFields() etc, before using this data to add rows to a dataset in a database table in my project. However, my CSV files are very large, at above 9.5 million rows, and this takes forever, if the computer doesn't crash also. Does anyone have a better idea for what to do? I would like the CSV file to be loaded into the database table, to enable me to sort it, and undertake some querys and maths. The CSV data structure is:2,193,761.40000000000012,43,1510.22,8,1929.60000000000012,22,2564.52,22,2791.70000000000032,19,2971.6000000000004

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Load Radio Button Value Into Database?

May 4, 2009

i have a form in vb.net and it has two groups of radio buttons and once a selection is made i need to update it and save it into the database(ms access). i am failing to get the information to save into the access database but instead i am getting an error on the command execute query. here is my code:

strSQL = "INSERT INTO development VALUES (" & Label2.Text & "','" & Label3.Text & "','" & Label4.Text & "','" & Label5.Text & "','" & Label6.Text & "','" & Label20.Text & "','" & Label21.Text & "','" & RadioButton5.Text & "','" & RadioButton6.Text & "'," & devstaffid.Text & ",'" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & TextBox2.Text & "','" & TextBox5.Text & "','" & dateindev.Text & ")"


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Load SQL Database Onto PC But Getting A Connection Error 655?

Mar 10, 2010

I am trying to upload a SQL dataBase onto VBasic, but I keep getting a connection error Error version 655, the application useses versions of 612 and earlier.What can I do to fix this error. I am using SQL server 2008 and Visual Basic 2008...

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Load Url From Database And Open In Webbrowser?

Jun 13, 2012

I have 2 tables , the first contains the names and the second contains the URLs

I need to load URL stored in sql server database into webbrowser , the url should be loaded when pressing on the node in the treeview , so far , I created the treeview , and im populating the data from the database into it , I simply need to make the browser load the specific URL when the node is clicked , below is the code

ublic Class Form1
Private Sub EmployeesBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Clear A Database Connected Form On Load?

Jun 21, 2010

I have connected a form to my database, which displays info when the form loads, butttt it displays them from load, which is not what I need, can someone tell me how to clear the form upon load so that none of the textbox fierlds have data within them? Untill I request them to.

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Create A DataView That Load A Table From Database?

Feb 12, 2012

I create a DataView that load a table from database.

Dim da As OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
da = New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter("select * from customers order by name", cnmain) ' I load complete table


�Thst's all I need? Because when I recover the first row of DataView filtered, it appears the first row initially loaded when I don't put filter.. �Do I need to refresh DataView to view te changes?

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Database Tables Will Not Drag And Load Onto A Vb Form?

Feb 19, 2012

For some unkown reason, my database tables will not drag and load onto a vb form, just get a circle with a slash in the middle. Trying to tanslate the table into textbox's.

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Excel As A Database Backend To Load Into A Datagridview

Mar 8, 2011

I'm using Excel as a database backend to load into a datagridview.

This is how I connect and bind to the dgv:

vb.net Dim sFileName = filelocation & "checks.xls"
Dim connectionStringTemplate As String = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""


It connects and populates fine. I have a button for the user to "refresh" the datagridview. I cannot get it to correctly refill the dgv. I have tried setting the bindsource.datasource to Nothing along with the datagridview datasource, but I get an error that brings up the Visual Studio debugger with no real error message...

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Load A Data Of A Particular Table In Access Database?

Jun 22, 2010

sample code or project on how to load a data of a particular table in access database in to a data grid view

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Load A Specific Table Of The Database Into The DataGridView

Oct 28, 2007

I have a password protected database (.mdb) which has 2 different tables, and a DataGridView What I want to do is:


you would think that this would be simple, but with some sample code i found i could only get it to load and not save, or it would be written for a datagrid and not a datagridview.

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Load Data From A Database Into A Combo Box Using A Module?

May 1, 2009

I'm working with a form that has five combo boxs, when the form loads it goes to the modQuotations where there is a public sub that loads the comboboxs with data from a database but it after its done loading the form there is nothing in the combo boxs. [code]..

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Load Listbox From Database (repeating Entries)?

Apr 14, 2012

I have a program with two forms, one that handles the applications controls, and the other with the functions that open a file (csv), open a database, and query the database. The controls on the first form are a list box, three labels (to display parsed csv information), and three buttons (clear database, load database from csv, and load listbox).

The clear database and load database buttons (events) seem to function correctly.On the other hand, the load list box event doesn't function 100% the way I'd want. [And, I can't test the selected index event yet]

The code for the load list box event is:

Dim db As New DBUpdt 'second form
b.openConnection("weather.mdb") 'open database connection
db.query("SELECT * FROM stations") 'query database
Do While db.moreRecords


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Loading A Filter On Load Of A Report In Database

Oct 22, 2009

i am trying to load a filter on load of a report in my database. here is the line of code, i know i am close but i just cant get it right, i know the titles of all the forms, queries and reports are all correct but i am missing something still and cannot figure it out.

Me.Filter = "qryVisa list.[Country] Like " + Chr(34) + [Forms]![frmPassports and Visas]![Combo24].[Value] + Chr(34)

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Make Connection To Database Only Once On Page Load?

Oct 12, 2010

When I load my page I populate my repeater with the following code.
Dim conn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
Dim Comm As Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand


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Run Program Access Database Load To Treeview

Aug 15, 2011

I start program for a library and I have to use Treeview and Access DataBase..I find methode to load database to treeview but the problem is save changes after I run program Access Database load to treeview and I edit tree but how I can save changes before I close program?

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VS 2008 Load Combobox With Database Values?

Jun 5, 2009

I would like to load a combobox with some values from an access database. On form load I load my information into a data grid view but if the user wants to add more information or edit what is selected in the DGV I will enable some text boxes and a combobox to show the selected data. I have not issue loading from the DB into the text boxes but the combo box has me a bit stumped. I have 3 columns in the database, periodno, start date and end date. I want to display the start and end date concatenated together. When the user selects a period and hits the button I want the dates to set a variable with the periodno that matches those dates.

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.net - Why Does Visual Studio 2010 Keep Crashing When Try To Load A Database?

Dec 5, 2010

I create a new Windows Forms Application project in VB.NET without changing any of the settings or labels. Then I click on "Add Data Source" and go through the steps in my programming book. Except that Visual Studio is crashing with a message stating that VB encountered a problem...checking for causes...restarting VB.

Sometimes I get to click the "Debug and Run" button before this happens; other times, it occurs before I move all the labels in form from the data source; and still other times, it happens when I click the "Stop Debugging" button.

I have tried removing VB and reinstalling it, but this still is not helping. (If it matters, I'm getting my copy of VB from [URL]

How can I stop Visual Studio from crashing whenever I try to load or work with a Data Source?

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Database - Load Data From Table And Display In Datagrid?

Feb 2, 2012

How to load data from database table and display in datagrid in VB.NET? I know how it is in C#. I am not familiar with vb.net.

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