Mailmerge In Open Office Using VB

May 15, 2009

Has anyone any idea about how to automate mail merge in open office using

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.net Open Office Documents?

Jul 7, 2010

Is There any control in dotnet in which we can view ms office documents (doc,excel .. etc

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Created Using Open Office And Converted To Pdf?

May 11, 2010

I have a fillable form, which I have created using open office and converted to pdf. Everything works fine except when I have french characters in my fillable form and this is inevitable so I have to make it work.My fillable fields are named such as: {designation} when it works fine, but when I have {catgorie} in the pdf I will get {cat#C3#A9gorie} in the VB.I tryied UTF8 encoding but I won't work .


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Made In Open Office Into A VB 2010?

Feb 25, 2011

I want to import an xls that I made in open office into a VB 2010 form so I can edit it from inside my app.First is it possible to get the Excel object library without having Excel installed on my machine so this can be done, and second how do I do his once I have the library?

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VB 2010 To Open Office Base?

Nov 22, 2011

How do i make the connection between visual basic and open office base, I can only find tutorials showing how to connecting to access.

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Office Automation :: Check If Workbook Is Open?

Jul 26, 2010

how I might check to see if a specific Excel Workbook (call it Test.xlsx) is open?I have a routine that calls a subroutine. Sometimes at the time of the call Test.xlsx is open, sometimes not. So when the subroutine runs, I need it to check first to see if Test.xlsx is open. If it isn't then the subroutine should open it and perform the subroutine's purpose operations. If it is open, it should not try to "re-open" it or worse open a copy of it; it should simply perform the subroutine's purpose operations.

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Office Automation :: How To Open File In Non Associated Application

Mar 24, 2009

I would like to open a file in an application using 2008. I am unsure which namespace to use. I do not want to assume it is the current associated application. I believe there should be a way to...
Dim app as something
Open a file in that app

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Office Automation :: Open A Excel From VB2008

Apr 20, 2010

I am trying to open a existing excel file from VB 2008

I am doing next:

Dim ObjExcel As EXCEL.Application
ObjExcel = CreateObject ("Excel.Application")
objexcel.Workbooks.Open Path

I get and error saying that is old format or invalid type library

how to open an existing excel file from VB 2008.

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Open A Ms Office File (mainly Doc Or Xls) In A Web Browser Control?

Jul 7, 2010

Is it possible to open a ms office file (mainly doc or xls) in a web browser control in used

mybrowser.Navigate(filepath) \filepath include path and name of file (c:mydoc.doc)

but it open a dialog box in which I have choices for (save ,open and cancel)

1)save : save the document

2)Open : opens the Doc in a new office document (excel or word)

3 )cancel : cancel it

But I want to open it inside the browser not in the different window or different document window?

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Open An Office Document In A Webbrowser Control?

Jan 29, 2011

How can I open an Office Document in a webbrowser control? when i tried to navigate the file location... it always prompts the save dialog box... how can i plainly view the document file in webbrowser control?

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Read Open Office Spreedsheet Document (.ods)?

May 10, 2012

I could able to read/Write/Update Excel Spread can do the same with OpenOffice SpreadSheet (.ods).

PBL (Visual Studio 2010 Professional, Win 7 64 bit Ultimate)

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Office Automation - Auto Email After File Open

Mar 10, 2009

The below code works fine to export data from a datagrid to excel spreadsheet. Is it possible to incorporate an auto email (outlook) so that I can automatically send the spreadsheet to my manager lets say his email is What I want to do is when the spreadsheet is opened an auto email is sent with the spreadsheet attached to my line manager.

Private Sub ExporttoExcel()
'verifying the datagridview having data or not
If ((DgvQuarCommit.Columns.Count = 0) Or(DgvQuarCommit.Rows.Count = 0)) Then
Exit Sub
[Code] .....

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Office Automation :: How To Reference Open Workbook [VS 2008]

Aug 11, 2010

Edit by Moderator: [URL]...I know this thread is extremely old but it applies to my situation.Using Visual Studio 2008, VB, I get an error in this code:

Dim strWorkbkName As String
Dim strWorkshtName As String
Dim XlApp As Object
Set XlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.application")


not reply to threads which have been inactive for more than one month and please start your own threads to ask your own questions. Since you question is about VB.Net, I have moved your thread from the Office VBA forum to the .Net Office Automation forum.

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Office Automation :: Open And Move Around An Excel From VB 2008?

Apr 20, 2010

I'm trying to open an excel file and then move around a little bit in the excel from VB 2008 and I having some problems. I'm trying next:

dim objExcel as excel.application
objExce = new excel.application


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Office Automation :: Open Powerpoint And Get Notice When It Gets Closed?

Oct 7, 2010

I have been searching and trying for quite some time now but did not yet find the right way to solve my problem.Here is what I want to do:- open powerpoint with a file (an disable the UI of my app while it is opened)- make some changes to this file- save it with a new name- get notice when Powerpoint is closed (either by my app once the automatic changes are done or if the user quits Powerpoint)- enable UI once Powerpoint is closedThe notice is my problem. Is there an easy way (other than timers that check the process list) to get notice of when my started Powerpoint-Process is closed/quit?

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Open Ms Office Files In Webbrowser With Windows Application?

Jul 30, 2009

how to open Ms office files in web browser with windows application. but its working in office 2000 its not working office 2007


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VS 2008 Open File (Micosoft Office Document)

May 13, 2010

I have this code which will open a Micosoft Office Document. How can I pass through a file URL into this?

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WebBrowser Control - How To Open Office 2007 Products

Jul 15, 2009

I am having trouble opening 2007 office products with in a webbrowser control. 2003 office products did open, but for some reason 2007 won't. I have read about rolling my own activex document container, but I don't know where to start. [URL]

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Email MailMerge Using Excel & Word Via VB

May 27, 2009

i am trying to create an app that will do an EMAIL mail merge for me in vb(.net) using excel as the data source and word for the template.

I have the following so far which merges the data and template but I have no idea how to send the result out via email.

Private Sub DoMailMerge()
Dim w As New Word.Application
Dim d As Word.Document


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Running A Mailmerge From Vb Using Word And Excel?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm developing a small vb application that will enable a user to select an excel spreadsheet as the source data and a word document as a letter template then create a mailmerge from the two.It's all working fine apart from when the mailmerge runs, a dialog box pops up asking for the sheet to be selected. The list of options is blank until the 'options' button is clicked and 'system tables' is selected. This is a word thing but I'd like to turn this off, if possible selecting the necessary options programatically from within my vb application.

My opendatasource code is:
.OpenDataSource(Name:=sourcefile, LinkToSource:=True, SQLStatement:="select * from 'Sheet1$'", _


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Extracting Cell Values In Open Office Calc To Set Variables?

Nov 30, 2010

I am interested in finding out how I can add and extract cell values in open office calc using

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Office Automation :: Open CSV And Count Columns And Rows Imported?

Aug 29, 2010

In the previous reply, you showed how to open a CSV in Excel. How does one determine the number of rows and columns that were imported?

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Office Automation :: Open Excel Doc From Webpage And Return Cell Value To DB

Jan 8, 2009

I would like from a certain url, to launch an excel file, have the user fill some cells and then return the value to a database by aspx perhaps.

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Possibility To Modify Datasource That Is Used For A Mailmerge In Word

Apr 24, 2009

is there a possibility to modify the Datasource that is used for a mailmerge in Word VBA? e.g in the MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge- event?I need to delete some unnecessary lines before proceeding with the MailMerge.

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Set 'Cc' Property Of Email By Using Document.MailMerge Object?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using the mail merge of word 2007.

I want to set the 'carbon copy' property of the mail.

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Set Word MailMerge Datasource From Database Query?

Mar 23, 2012

My program needs to create a mailmerge with Word using a specific group of clients from the sql database list. I have a datatable set up in the database that stores the clients information on the individual user's computer.

The code below will automate word to create the mailmerge, but I can't figure out how to pull the following from my client table and use the results as a mailmerge datasource[code]...

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Using Word 2002 MailMerge To Not Display If Value Is Blank

Dec 22, 2010

I am using 2010 to generate a letter from a Word 2002 template. The template has MailMerge bookmarks where the database values will be displayed (for example the letter receiving company's address). Currently I have:

«Company Contact»
«Company Name»


If "Address2" value is blank, then don't display the bookmark in the letter output (hence avoid displaying a blank line)

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Using Word 2002 MailMerge To Not Display If Value Is Blank?

Dec 22, 2010

I am using 2010 to generate a letter from a Word 2002 template. The template has MailMerge bookmarks where the database values will be displayed (for example the letter receiving company's address). Currently I have:


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FAQ - Open / View Office Documents (Word - Excel - PowerPoint) Form?

Apr 10, 2009

How do I open/view Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) in a VB.NET Form? remember to mark the replies as answers if they and unmark them if they provide. Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback,

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Office Automation :: Program That At One Point Will Open Word And Export Some Info

May 28, 2010

I have a program that at one point will open word and export some info. That works perfect, however I have just noticed each day I have a number of winwords open (can only see them in task manager so they are hidden). It appears that everytime I start the program it opens a hidden winword session. It has nothing to do with the code I have on the form, it opens before any code I have written is executed.

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