Possibility To Modify Datasource That Is Used For A Mailmerge In Word

Apr 24, 2009

is there a possibility to modify the Datasource that is used for a mailmerge in Word VBA? e.g in the MailMergeBeforeRecordMerge- event?I need to delete some unnecessary lines before proceeding with the MailMerge.

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Set Word MailMerge Datasource From Database Query?

Mar 23, 2012

My program needs to create a mailmerge with Word using a specific group of clients from the sql database list. I have a datatable set up in the database that stores the clients information on the individual user's computer.

The code below will automate word to create the mailmerge, but I can't figure out how to pull the following from my client table and use the results as a mailmerge datasource[code]...

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Email MailMerge Using Excel & Word Via VB

May 27, 2009

i am trying to create an app that will do an EMAIL mail merge for me in vb(.net) using excel as the data source and word for the template.

I have the following so far which merges the data and template but I have no idea how to send the result out via email.

Private Sub DoMailMerge()
Dim w As New Word.Application
Dim d As Word.Document


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Running A Mailmerge From Vb Using Word And Excel?

Nov 10, 2009

I'm developing a small vb application that will enable a user to select an excel spreadsheet as the source data and a word document as a letter template then create a mailmerge from the two.It's all working fine apart from when the mailmerge runs, a dialog box pops up asking for the sheet to be selected. The list of options is blank until the 'options' button is clicked and 'system tables' is selected. This is a word thing but I'd like to turn this off, if possible selecting the necessary options programatically from within my vb application.

My opendatasource code is:
.OpenDataSource(Name:=sourcefile, LinkToSource:=True, SQLStatement:="select * from 'Sheet1$'", _


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Using Word 2002 MailMerge To Not Display If Value Is Blank

Dec 22, 2010

I am using VB.net 2010 to generate a letter from a Word 2002 template. The template has MailMerge bookmarks where the database values will be displayed (for example the letter receiving company's address). Currently I have:

«Company Contact»
«Company Name»


If "Address2" value is blank, then don't display the bookmark in the letter output (hence avoid displaying a blank line)

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Using Word 2002 MailMerge To Not Display If Value Is Blank?

Dec 22, 2010

I am using VB.net 2010 to generate a letter from a Word 2002 template. The template has MailMerge bookmarks where the database values will be displayed (for example the letter receiving company's address). Currently I have:


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Modify An Embedded Excel Object Inside A Word Doc

Nov 5, 2010

I need example code or even a 3rd party object that will allow me to get to an excel object embedded in a word doc. I have already tried Aspose and they do not have the capabilities yet. Has anyone done it or do you know of a 3rd party object that will?

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Mailmerge In Open Office Using VB

May 15, 2009

Has anyone any idea about how to automate mail merge in open office using vb.net?

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Possibility To Activate Sub From Another Sub?

Feb 24, 2011

Is there a possibility to activate sub from another sub?[code]if a is 1 then I want my program to run 'sub 2' and if it's not then it should run 'sub 3'.

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Possibility Of Scanning Document

Oct 23, 2008

I am ask about the possibility of scanning document (by scanner) from within vb.Net with vb6 I used Kodak image controls(imgscan, imgedit) but with vb.net it seems that they are not working properly.

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Possibility To Use TreeView Upside Down

Feb 9, 2010

I'm working with VB in VS2010 Beta 2.I'm looking for a possibility to use TreeView upside down.So, the root shouild be at the bottom and the childs are not going down, but they are going up, with the deepest level at the top of the TreeView.

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Set 'Cc' Property Of Email By Using Document.MailMerge Object?

Apr 13, 2010

I am using the mail merge of word 2007.

I want to set the 'carbon copy' property of the mail.

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Possibility To Search For Files With Progress?

Jul 20, 2010

It's there a possibility to search for files with progress? Example: I want to search for a file named "test.txt" and i want a label that will show the current folder that it's scanned.

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Insert Into A Generic Dictionary With Possibility Of Duplicate Keys?

Apr 2, 2010

Is there any reason to favor one of these approaches over the other when inserting into a generic dictionary with the possibility of a key conflict? I'm building an in-memory version of a static collection so in the case of a conflict it doesn't matter whether the old or new value is used.

If Not mySettings.ContainsKey(key) Then
mySettings.Add(key, Value)
End If


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Change Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient) Datasource To ODBC Datasource?

Jan 30, 2011

I use vb.net and windows form and sqlserver

I added Data Source(Microsoft SQL Server (SqlClient)) to my project. and now I need to change it to ODBC Data Source .

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Output Data From A List Box With The Possibility Of Multiple Choices Selected(frmPrint)?

Oct 11, 2009

I am attempting to output data from a list box with the possibility of multiple choices selected(frmPrint) and output the data froma another list box frmMain. The code posted does nothing. I can get this form to output everuthing but multiple items selected by the user. I am a student and I have been working on this problem for a long time with no luck.

Private Sub btnAddBooks_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddBooks.Click
Dim intCount As Integer = 0 ' Counter
Dim mainForm As New frmMain ' Form instance
Dim strInput As String ' Input


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Visual Studio Random Quiz And Possibility Of .swf Dile Calling Vb.studio Form?

Jan 29, 2012

How to create a Random quiz? I use groupboxes for every questions that i have because it has 10 items per quiz then i have 10 groupboxes. Another problem is, i was planning to create a .swf file in my visual studio project actually a button to make it more fascinating to use but it is possible to have a .swf file on my project and every time i click the button on ".swf" file the visual studio form will appear.

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Interface And Graphics :: Possibility To Get In Program Information From A Called Program?

Aug 7, 2011

Is there a possibillity to get in a vb program information from a called vb program?For example: Dim id As Integer = Shell("C:program.exe id_1") program.exe is a vb windows form program and must return a value back.

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Accessing Word Tables Created In Word Templates / Accessing Existing Bookmarks In Word Templates?

Jun 30, 2010

Basically in visual basic 6 I could access word tables in existing templates with the code owordactivedoc.tables(1).select() where owordactivedoc refers to the active word document and tables(1) refers to the first table in the template.Trying the same code in VB 2003 just leads to errors. Secondly how do I access bookmarks or alternatively word variables.Furthermore how do one deploy web.services. For example the current program I am building is for another computer. Simply copying the web service to Inetpubwwwroot dont work because it is not picked up by the Internet Information Services program. I have to create the web service in vb2003 on the other computer change msconfig manually. Copy and paste the existing service vb file in the created folder replacing the empty vb file.

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Activating/setting Focus To Word Document Using Word Object In VB .Net 2010 Application?

Sep 19, 2011

We have an interactive windows based application written in VB .Net 2010. It uses Word Object to display documents in MS Word. We have a form with a button. When the button is clicked we open the Word document and maximize the Word Windowstate. When we have the Visual Studio Tool running, the Word Document is maximized and has focus, even if we are running the exe from the bin folder outside of the tool. However, if Visual Studio is not running and we run the exe, focus remains on the original form window and the document stays in the task bar.

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Loop To Find The Word Start And Then Insert A Word In A Column Until It Sees Stop

Jun 23, 2011

I am trying to write this loop to find the word start and then insert a word in a column until it sees stop and then go through all the data and do that.


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Reading Contents Under A Particular Heading Of Word Document Using Word Interop 2007?

Jun 6, 2012

I have been trying to figure out how to read paragraph content which exists a heading. The heading itself is part of the table of contents. The heading will have a particular style (say Heading 1). For example: "Introduction" is a entry in Table of content with style Heading 1. I want to read content under heading "Introduction" but not any more content (i.e not content under sub headings of Introduction) I have been trying to do this using styles/style, TableofContent, Paragraphs/Paragraph,Range. Still cannot come up with a effective solution. I am working in VB.NET in VS 2010. I am using the word 2007 object model (office 2007 interop) as [URL]

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Searching For A Word In A Text File Returns The Word And The Sentence Plus A Bunch Of Other Weird Characters?

Nov 8, 2010

I can search for the word Love in an .rtf file and return every occurance of the word into a RichTextBox. It returns the word and the scripture the word is in, but it also isreturning a bunch of weird text like: archan78988yykp etc etc. How do I onlyreturn the scripture with the searchedword, in this case the searched word is love. The code I am using is as follows:

If Line.Contains(Me.rtbSearch.Text) Then
'show search form


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Word Automation - Application - Gets Data Off Our Server With ODBC And Populates And Saves A Word Document

Jan 15, 2012

I have a VB.net application that gets data off our server with ODBC and populates and saves a Word Document. When I try to deploy it to another computer it will get the data just fine and populate the first document, but it will crash before saving it. I've installed the .net framework 4.0, Microsoft Data Access Components, and the Microsoft ODBC .net data Provider. The error code is 0xC0000005, which is from what I can see is called an "Access Violation Exception." It works fine on my computer.

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Creating A Word Document With VB Bolding A Word In The Middle Of A Paragraph?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm using VB to generate a word document When using the += operator to add additional text to a paragraph like

Para1.Range.Text =
myReaderRef("Referral_City").ToString() & ", "
Para1.Range.Text +=


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Insert New Page With Formatting And Bookmarks Into A Word Document Using VB Word

Jul 13, 2009

I have document, with numerous pages, that will populate at key locations using a UserForm and bookmarks. One of the pages in the document may need to be repeated. In other words, one of the pages may need to be populated more than once (and inserted successively in the document).

The troublesome page has bookmarks that will need to be repopulated with different information for every new instance within that same document.

I am considering making a table with the verbage in the "Troublesome Document" located in a Table. When I need to repopulate a new instance of that page, I think I should:

1. populate the document
2. copy and paste the wording in a new page
3. insert the new page (without bookmarks yet maintaining formatting) before the "Trouble Document"
4. repeat steps 1-3 for every necessary instance
5. delete the "Trouble Document" with the Table

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Read A Word Document For The Purpose Of Obtaining A Word Count?

Oct 29, 2009

I'm trying to read a word document for the purpose of obtaining a word count, I realise Word has built in functionality for presenting a word count but I want to write a little app that will omit certain parts of the document from the word count.

So far I have tried this code to open the document but I am getting an error 'Word.Document cannot be found' and 'Microsoft.Office.Interop cannot be found'. I have added a reference to the Microsoft Office 12.0 Object Library under the COM tab. I have Office 2007 installed and I'm using VB2005.

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Dim appWord As New Microsoft.Office.Core.Application
Dim docWord As New Word.Document
docWord = appWord.Documents.Open("c: est.doc")

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SaveAs2 For Word 2010 Not Working With Client PC Having Word 2007?

Mar 28, 2012

I have developed a WinForm Application with VB.Net (VS2010) having Office 2010 Professional Installed, and it is 64-bit Windows 7 Platform. The program opens a .doc and .rtf format document, and attempts to save it in htm format. I am using following commands:

Dim sFilePath as String = "C:ABCfile.doc"
Dim oApp As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
Dim oDoc As New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document


All goes fine with development and running on development PC, but when I publish it for offline installation, and deploy it on Client PC having Windows XP with Office 2007, it gives error on oDoc.SaveAs2 line, and program crashes.

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VS 2008 08/10 Counting Vowels In Each Word,longest/shortest Word?

Mar 4, 2011

VS 2008 08/10 counting vowels in each word,longest/shortest word?

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VS 2008 Add The Word To A Text File And Create A Folder With The Word As Its Name?

Apr 25, 2009

The following code allows words to be added to a listbox. Add the word to a text file and create a folder with the word as its name. The second part undoes the actions.If I try to delete the word immediately after adding it one of two things happen.

1.An error is reported stating the path cannot be found. Although the listbox index value is correct according to the code the error is pointing at that index +1.

2.The code continues to the point of requesting conformation to delete the folder, still pointing at the index value +1. I the action is confirmed the wrong folder is deleted.

However if I stop debugging, then run the code again all works correctly.Is it likely to persist when the application is compiled?

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim pathlist As String = "M:Visual Studio 2008ProjectsEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryEnvironment and Conservation GlossaryGlossary List.txt"


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