Make HScrollbar Control?

Jul 15, 2010

My HScrollbar will only go to 9 less than the specified Maximum value. I want it to go from 0 to255. When I set the Maximum value to 255 and run the program the slider indicates 246 when full right. I can get it to go to 255 by setting the Maximum value to 264 but this seems very wrong.

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Add The MouseUp Event To The HScrollBar Control?

Apr 6, 2011

the title pretty much sums up the problem: the existing HScrollBar control does not expose a MouseUp event. How do I go about adding this event to the control? I'm using VS2005.

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Hscrollbar Freezes And Control Jumps To Front After Clic And Enabling/disabling?

Jan 14, 2010

I have successfully ported a VB6 application to VB.NET (VS2008, .NET 2.0). Much optimization and rewriting has been done, but there is one possible BUG i cannot overcome. I have a standard HSCROLLBAR control used for accepting a numeric input. The control needs to be disabled during complex computational routines to prevent additional user input. I am setting the enabled property to false and reenabling the control at the end of the calculation cycle. The control is enabled and disabled a few times, because some code has been placed in the onpaint event of a drawing area, and separating the calculation part from the drawing part will be a huge task.

Large changes are handled correctly. Small changes aren't. The problem is that the control freezes in a unknown state after clicking on the arrows. A second click makes the control (and its parent control box) jump up and over everything else in their container.The scrollbar remains functional only via the contextual menu. This happens both in debug and release builds. There are no overrides. Coding/Test platform XP SP3 (more than 1 machine).

There is no code whatsoever that handles neither the parent control nor the scrollbar repositioning and resizing. The only code takes the value of the scrollbar and passes to the calculation section. If I omit disabling and reenabling the control, everything works fine.i tried rebuilding the control from scratch. forcing enabling the control after it has gone haywire does not make changes, disabling the groupbox instead of the single control doesn't make any difference, debugging step by step confirms that things go wrong when drawing the controls within the private system form classes.

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Do VScrollBar And HScrollBar Controls Have A Known Value Bug

Dec 22, 2010

Do the VScrollBar and HScrollBar controls have a known Value bug?I'm using VB10. While testing some code I used a Horizontal Scroll Bar to change a value on the fly, I thought my code had some bad math in it until I discovered that when the bar is scrolled to the very far right the Value was not equal to its Maximum value setting like it is in VB6, the same happens for the Vertical scroll bar control, set the maximum to 100 the Value will only go up to 91, set max to 200 and value only goes to 191, etc.

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Use Hscrollbar To Scroll The Data In A Database Displayed In A Textbox1 In Form1?

Feb 14, 2011

How can i use Hscrollbar to scroll the data in a database displayed in a textbox1 in my Form1?

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Interface And Graphics :: HScrollBar And A Panel Inside A SplitContainer Panel?

Oct 4, 2010

I have a TopBar, A LeftBar, A VScrollBar, A HScrollBar and a Panel inside a SplitContainer Panel.The issue I'm having is that when my SplitContainer Panel is small enough to enable one of the ScrollBars, I will slide the ScrollBar and then when I resize the Split Panel, my Panel1 is staying where I scrolled it too.I'm having troubles thinking of the correct code to fix this.


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Make Assembly FULLY Trusted - Use The Web Browser Control In User Control

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to use the Web Browser control in my vb .net user control. I am using VS 2008. Finally, I will be calling my assembly (.dll) from a web page. I wanted to display the usercontrol with the web browser control inside this web page. The problem is I cannot proceed since the Web browser control cannot be called from a partially trusted assembly. Using VS 2008 I have created a strong name for my class, also added the <Assembly: AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers()> to the AssemblyInfo. But still the web browser control cannot be seen in my web page. Do you how I can make my assembly fully trusted so that it can access web browser control? If you have used web browser control, can you confirm if this step is really required?!

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Make The Controls Stack And Fill Up The Available Space Left By A Control If The Control Is Hidden Or Removed From The UltraGridBagLayoutPanel?

Sep 8, 2011

I am wondering if anyone has any idea how to make the controls stack and fill up the available space left by a control if the control is hidden or removed from the UltraGridBagLayoutPanel.


[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 3]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

If I hide [Textbox 3] as of now, it will disperse the space left equally and pad the remaining text boxes with the space. However, I would like it to do this...

[Textbox 1]
[Textbox 2]
[Textbox 4]
[Textbox 5]

Where all the text boxes will move up and [Textbox 4] will completely consume the space left by [Textbox 3].

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Forms :: Make A Label Control Transparent Over A Panel Control?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a label control transparent over a Panel control.However by setting the background colour of the label to Transparent, it actually sees right through to the form itself, not the panel as intended.

As an example we use a panel with a background as white, we make the label transparent, however it gets the form�s colour as blue.However, we are using a custom panel control and need the label to be transparent over the panel and not see the forms background.

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VS 2008 Make The Text In RTB Control To Change Without Clicking On It (RTB Control) Again?

Mar 22, 2010

1) How can I make the text in RTB control to change without clicking on it (RTB control) again? I notice that the event handler is mousedown so its only occurs whenever the users clicks on the controls. But I really have no idea how to do that. Anyone can guide me how to do that???

2) How to make the RTB's Back Color to transparent??? Cause it is not supported. Or is it I use the wrong control???


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Make A Label Control Transparent Over A Panel Control

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a label control transparent over a Panel control. However by setting the background colour of the label to Transparent, it actually sees right through to the form itself, not the panel as intended.

As an example we use a panel with a background as white, we make the label transparent, however it gets the forms colour as blue. However, we are using a custom panel control and need the label to be transparent over the panel and not see the forms background. Is this possible?

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Make A Label Control Transparent Over A Panel Control?

Jul 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a label control transparent over a Panel control. However by setting the background colour of the label to Transparent, it actually sees right through to the form itself, not the panel as intended.

As an example we use a panel with a background as white, we make the label transparent, however it gets the forms colour as blue. However, we are using a custom panel control and need the label to be transparent over the panel and not see the forms background.

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Make A Control Do Another Control's Function?

Mar 16, 2011

I made a tool strip menu item in one form and I want it to 'click' a button in another form automatically.

This is the code of the tool strip menu item in

Private Sub PasteTabToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PasteTabToolStripMenuItem.Click
MDIParent1.Button1 'Don't know what to put here
End Sub

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Make A Listview Custom Control Based On The Standard Listview Control?

Sep 2, 2011

I am trying to make a listview custom control based on the standard listview control that will allow me to drag a column header outside the standard listview control and drop it on a panel. I plan to use the drop event to determine which column I should group by view on.

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How To Make Your Own Control

Oct 19, 2009

How to make your own control in

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How To Make Picturebox Control

Dec 12, 2010

Can you control what part of the image is shown in the picturebox. ex. you only want the top left 100x100 pix shown of a 1000x1000 pix image?

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How To Make TextBox Control

Jan 25, 2012

How can I set theback colorof a Disabled TextBox.

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Make A Control Appear And Disappear?

Mar 27, 2010

I have 4 different panels, which I want to appear in the SAME spot on the form at different times. Currently, I've just got all four stacked on top of each other in the designer, and I'm toggling their visible properties to show each. This is becoming extremely difficult though, as now I have different buttons in each panel, and the panels keep getting accidentally put inside each other when I move them.

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Make A Control Refer To Itself?

Jan 13, 2009

Im working on a project and just wanted to know to make a control refer to itself?I know that by using the word "Me", the system refers to the form but how about the control. I know that i can simply name the control (e.g. txtSurname.Clear) but if i was to use the code on multiple controls it would save alot of time if the control could simply refer to itself!

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Make An Url Control Program?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to make a url control program. url list in the listbox and search button

if vocabulary in the url then listbox 2 add item


vocabulary : "car"
search: The car vocabulary in the documenttext ("source code") add listbox1 to listbox2

but I don't want slowly.I see same program very fast.What I am doing?

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Make Control For Button?

Dec 8, 2010

I have wanted to ask my problem.I make 3 buttons, button 1, 2 and 3. so when I click one button automatic button changes color. I'm using code like this

For Each ctrl As Control In frm.Controls
If ctrl = button Then
ctrl.backcolor =


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Tab Control Alignments - Make Gap Between The Forth And Fifth Tab

Jan 7, 2009

I have a tab control in one of my form that currently has five tab on it. They are all left justified now. I would like to have the first four left justified and the fifth on the right of the tab control so that there is a gap between the forth and fifth tab.Is that possible?

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How To Make Transparent User Control

Oct 17, 2011

I did some research on how to make transparent User Control, The suggested code was like this:
Private Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, True)
Me.BackColor = Color.Transparent
End Sub

When I build the project, there is no errors. But, When I try to load my user control using the "Choose ToolBox Items" dialog, it gives me the following error message:
"There is no components in [dll path] that can be placed on the toolbox."

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Leave And Re-enter A Control To Make It Pop?

Dec 16, 2010

way to "reset" a tooltip, so you don't have to leave and re-enter a control to make it pop? I have a form that is pretty much entirely taken up by one control. I want to have its ToolTip text change based on which region of the control is being hovered over (which I can do now). I just have to leave the control and re-enter it to make it pop. I'd like to have the Tooltip pop, then if I move the mouse to a different location (still inside the control's bounds) have it pop-able again in the new spot.

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Make A Control Array For Buttons?

Mar 31, 2011

How to make a control array for buttons in VB.Net? like in VB6..

is it possible that the syntax can be like this?

dim a as button
for each a as button in myForm
a.text = "hello"

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Make A Control Array Of Button?

Feb 4, 2009

how to make a control array of my control?


in vb6 i have no problem on doing this.. but in vbnet i don't know.

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Make A Control Panel Extensions?

Jan 5, 2010

I want to Make A control Panel Extensions I'm using Windows Xp professional Edition

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Make A Control Reusable In Different Projects?

Jun 22, 2011

Is there a way to not put the project name in the Inherits attribute?

I am working with vb and I have multiple projects, that have multiple web pages. In each of these projects I create controls that are reused in the web pages.

Each control I have is declared like this:

<%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeBehind="MenuBarControl.ascx.vb" Inherits="**projectName**.MenuBarControl" TargetSchema="" %>

When I want to copy the control into another project I have to change the **projectName**. Having to change the project name for each project makes the code not reusable. Changes made to specific projects each time is not reusable.

I want to be able to omit the project name in the Inherits attribute. When I do that now I get an error

Parser Error

Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'MenuBarControl'.

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Make A Control Slide Into View?

Mar 26, 2010

How can I get a control to slide into view onto my form? It could be a button, panel anything. I just want it to look like it slides in from one of the sides.

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Make A Div Target Of A Hyperlink Control?

Jan 26, 2011

have a page with many links.

when any link is clicked, the page corresponding to that hyperlink should open within a specified area on the same page, that is the "div content" yes i can use iframe but can i make a div target of the hyperlink?

please no jscript only html and

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