Make Collide A Lot Of Circles Drawn During Runtime?

Jul 14, 2009

Right now I'm trying to make collide a lot of circles drawn during runtime. I have no problem making 1 circle collide with the form's bounds nor with another circle, however, if I draw like 25 circles in runtime, how can I make each one "move" and set the "collision properties"?

Can I make the circles move outside of the form? Let's say, the whole screen?

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Make Drawn Items Not Selectable?

Apr 19, 2009

I have a radar which works by drawing monsters onto a paint panel, which can be made transparent so that only the drawn items are shown on screen, but when you mouse over the drawn items they are selectable so it disturbs the game, is there any way to set the drawn items so that they cannot be selected? basically ignored by the mouse cursor.

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Make Graphic Show In Realtime As It Is Being Drawn?

Dec 14, 2011

I am working with a very simple (so far..) little program where i use som trig to create a circle using pixels created vith the Ellipse-comand "(x, x, 1, 1)" etc.

But I want to se when the graphics is drawn, just not the finished circle, how do I do that?

I use the "Paint" version of the form. I am a beginner so excuse my poor skills. Shouldn´t this be a very simple little problem?

I work with Visual Basic 2008 Express

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GDI: Make Drawn Object Move And Follow Path/Points At Constant Speed?

Nov 13, 2011

I've come across a very basic problem which I'm sure has a basic answer.Forgive me but I haven't programmed in years and this just a hobby of mine..My problem is that I need a drawn object (say an ellipse) to move to the cursors location when I click. Imagine an adventure quest style game where you view your character in birds eye view, and it moves according to where you click on the map.I can draw the image fine, and move the image around fine - it's more so the formula I'm using which I'm a little stumped on.I have certain requirements though.

1. I need a timer that constantly updates the drawn object's (lets say character from now on) location. Each tick will essentially be the character taking 1 step towards the cursor's location.2. At the end of each tick of the timer, it'll will invalidate the form/control to invoke the paint event, and of course, the objects location will be be updated.It sounded simple enough to create a linear equation based on the objects original location and the location of the cursor when I click.However, that will not give it a fixed speed.If say for example, the gradient (rise/run) between the cursor location and objects location is very steep, the object's y-velocity will be greater than that of the x-velocity

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Drawing Circles In .NET?

Mar 22, 2010

However my m8 will support me with any problems about the server, but he doesn't know how to fix this one in the client.The Sub have to create random sized circles, which are showed when u just hit some **** in space.It works fine in VB6, but in .NET i got a lot of ISSUES:

Sub DrawHitCircles(ByRef accuracy As Short)
Dim GO As Single
Dim check As Short
Dim guns As Short


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50 Random Circles With Different Colors?

Feb 9, 2011

I am working on a program to generate 50 circles starting with the smallest in the center of the form. The circles do not over lap and the appear to grow outward. Each circle has to be a random color. I have the code that generates what I need but all the circles are the same color. I was thinking about either using an array to hold each circle and color as to not assign the same color to all of them but not sure about putting a graphic in an array. I also think maybe a nested loop of some sort but was unable to figure one out.

Private Sub mainForm_click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Click
Dim penColor As New Pen(Color.FromArgb(Rnd() * 255, Rnd() * 255, Rnd() * 255, Rnd() * 255), 2)


This works to do what I need to get done, I just need each circle to have a random color as it is drawn.

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Moving Circles Within A Form?

Aug 5, 2009

The purpose of this (maybe there is a better method I don't know) is to so the user can say what order they want pieces of code to be compiled in. Sort of like a flow-chart. I want it somewhat animated, so, example being 3D circles the user drags and drops in the order they want things.

1. I need 4 circles inside of a form.

2. I need it so when the user selects the circle, they can drag and drop it in an order.

3. User clicks OK to finish their chosen order.

I haven't designed anything before that needed to check the borders of the form etc.

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VS 2008 Drawing Circles At Run Time?

Jul 5, 2010

I've got a fun little question for you all. I am designing a program that allows you to click on a picture to input data in certain areas. What I want to do it pretty allow someone to take a look at a picture. Click the add point tool, then select an area on the picture where it places a circle. I then want them to be able to go back to the circle and modify data if necessary

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Interface And Graphics - Randomly Generating Circles

Mar 1, 2009

I am trying to randomly generate circles at the top of the screen, but it doesn't seem to be working. I want it to generate five balls, but it only generates one, and it's in the same place each time. [Code]

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VS 2005 Logic For Filling Circles In A Rectangle?

Nov 14, 2010

I am struggling with coding up a bit of logic.

I have a map which I have created zones which are basically rectangles which have the coordinates sorted

Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3

I then want to create circles within the rectangles. So for example

Item1, Zone1
Item2, Zone1
Item3, Zone3
Item4, Zone2
Item5, Zone1

So i would like Item 1, 2 and 5 to show up as three circles and when the mouse cursor floats over them to show it. The item list is dynamic and so I am not sure how to get about with this?

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 Drawing Circles In A Chart Temporarily

Jan 13, 2011

Im drawing a chart based on values from a database as an image in a picturebox. I can then add lines and circles etc in the picturebox, so as to highlight areas in the chart.

The next step I would like to do is to have temporary lines and circles, so when I move the mouse, the circle grows or shrinks and only when I release the mousebutton the circle is assigned to the chart picturebox.

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Algo / Code To Cover A Rectangular Area Using Circles?

Jun 13, 2012

This is a problem like the puzzle - "find minimum number of coins to completely cover a piece of paper".

The difference is:

in my case RADIUS of the coins is variable (but all coins should have same radius).

Real scenario:

1. I need to draw circular shapes on a rectangular image.

2. Number of circles (N) is CONSTANT/ User input

3. Size of image (S) is CONSTANT/ User input

4. The program should find the MINIMUM RADIUS (R) that is needed to draw N number of circles on an image of size S, so that, the image is completely hidden behind the circles.

This is NOT a puzzle/assignment that I'm trying to solve.This is part of a larger project that I'm working on.

I don't need any drawing code. I just need the code/algo to find the radius.

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Draw Ishihara-transformations (circles In Circle Without Intersection)?

Apr 28, 2011

Question: I need to draw pictures as below in C#/VB.NET Draw ishihara-transformations (circles in circle without intersection)?

Note that my problem is NOT drawing circles in C#.

My problems is drawing them without much whitespace and without intersection.

My thought would be using "Orbits" and then draw the circles with center on the "orbit" lines. (with some orbit lines for bigger and some only for smaller circles)

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VS 2010 Drawing Circles, Rectangles, Elongated Shapes?

Apr 20, 2012

I would like to draw a rectangle on a form, for example to mimic a steel beam that is 6 metres long.Within this rectangle, there may be 4 "openings" or circles that mimic a diameter of 600mm, so i need to draw 4 circles within the rectangle, to indicate a beam that has 4 openings. Other issues I need to cater for is that one of the circles may not be in the centre, it may be slightly raised.The user can change the length of the beam and the size of the openings so i'd like to refresh my drawing to keep in line with this.

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Make 400 Textlabels At Runtime?

Jun 22, 2010

Im trying to make 400 textlabels at runtime but i dont see them , Why not ? Private orderArray(41, 10) As Label for x=1 to 40


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Add Multiple Pictureboxes To A Panel And Make Them Selectable During Runtime?

Nov 12, 2010

I wonder how you can make a picturebox selectable at runtime and also change the size and location during runtime?

Well I know how i can change the location of a picture box during runtime but that is only with a picturebox that is already defined in the form before runtime.

So I write an event for that particular Picturebox.

But now i want to do the same thing with a picturebox that a user can add during runtime and then the user should be able to select and move the picturebox.

So now i can't add code to the picturebox event so I wonder how you should do this. ( Maybe with reflection?)

And what if the user added 10 picture boxes and selects a certain picturebox. How do you make it possible that the picturebox the user clicks on is selected?

Should you store each picture box location on the Panel and then when the user clicks on a certain pixel in the panel where a certain picture box is it get's selected?

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C# - What Architecture Make Use Of System.runtime.serialization.ISerializable

May 9, 2011

I do have some classes that implement their own serialization/deserialization but I'm doing all of these without implementing system.runtime.serialization.ISerializable. so my question is what exactly is the benefit of using system.runtime.serialization.ISerializable ? in what example situation will we need to implement system.runtime.serialization.ISerializable?

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Make Buttons Made During Runtime With A Click Event?

Sep 6, 2009

I am trying to make buttons made during runtime with a click event. I have figured out the click event, by using addhandler, but is there a way to get info from the button, and use it in the sub? Here is my


the buttons will be created according to a variable that changes during runtime, so I won't know the names of the buttons.

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Getting Bound Of Drawn Graphics?

Jun 1, 2012

I draw some graphics on a picture box. However, I want to change the width and height of the picture box so that the drawn graphics fit exactly in the picture box (during run time, where graphics may change). How can I do this, or how can I get the region of the drawn graphics so that I can change the width and the height of the picture box manually.

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How Is A Graph Drawn In VB 2005

Jan 9, 2010

In a Windows Form, how are X,Y points of data drawn on the form to make a graph?
software developer

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VS 2010 - Drawn Paths Will Not Go Away

May 12, 2010

I have this code for drawing a path.
Dim map As New Bitmap(l1.Size.Width, l1.Size.Height, l1.CreateGraphics)
Dim nextPoint As Point
Using g As Drawing.Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(map)
Dim dPath As New Drawing2D.GraphicsPath
For i As Integer = 0 To path.Count - 1
[Code] .....

l1 is a Label. When I call this it draws the path fine, but when I call it again it draws another path but doesn't get rid of the first path. Basically, I only want one path on the Label at a time.

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Adding Drawn Lines To ComboBox?

Mar 7, 2012

When I populate a combobox with items that have a line and text drawn in the DrawItem event, only the line image for the first item in the list appears in the drop down portion of the combobox. The other items (index>0) shown in the drop down portion of the combobox do not contain an image of the line, yet each item in the list does contain the designated text. The correct line image does appear when the user selects an item and the drop down portion of the combobox is not visible. How can I get the line image to appear in every item of the combobox when the drop down list is activated?

Public Class Form1
Friend WithEvents ComboBox1 As ComboBox
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Me.ComboBox1 = New ComboBox
With Me.ComboBox1
[Code] .....

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Clear Lines Drawn On A Panel?

May 20, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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Clear Lines Which Previosly Drawn?

Jun 4, 2011

how to clear lines drawn on a panel.on some event i want to clear lines which r previosly drawn

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Coordinates Stored As A List And Need Them To Be Drawn?

Apr 29, 2011

the problem is as follows: I have a text file with coordinates x and y


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Display Tooltip Over A Drawn Ellipse?

Mar 17, 2010

I dont no if this if possible but im trying to set a tooltip on a ellipse that is drawn at run time on the system. I am able to attach the tooltip to a texbox etc but cannot attach it to the graphic.

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Drawn Lines Do Not Remain On Form

Apr 15, 2010

I am drawing lines on a picturebox - not in the paint event. I realise that if I resize the PictureBox the lines won't be redrawn - but the PictureBox is fixed. If I display a MessageBox at the end of my draws the lines do not remain on the screen. This was OK with VB 6.0. Hoe can I stop them being erased?

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Dynamically Change Shape To Be Drawn?

Mar 12, 2009

Is there a way to dynamically change the shape to be drawn.

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Flowchart Drawn At The End Of Your Answer Document?

Apr 12, 2010

I am just starting to learn this programming. But of this is very challenging. The question is:Explain what the code in the GuessLetter procedure you added does.Add your answer as a flowchart drawn at the end of your answer document. You can use the Word Draw tools to draw the flowchart. HINT: Your flowchart should have four decision points. Here is the code for Hang Man.


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Old Graphics Still Drawn On Form Resize

May 21, 2010

I'm creating a custom form that is composed of a inner stroke, outer stroke, and rounded rectangular background. When the form is initially drawn its drawn fine without errors but once i re size it, the old form is still drawn and the new form is drawn below it but once i minimize the form and restore it, it goes back to normal (only the new form is being drawn).

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