Make Small Project Which Can Interface Hardware With Software

Aug 26, 2010

i have make 1 form in which has 1 button.i have 1 circuit which can glow a led or bulb.i want that whenever i click on that button it can pass signal to the circuit & glow the can i do this.reply.....

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Make A Small Program For Ticketing On A Parking For A Small Hotel?

Aug 27, 2010

I need to make a small programm for ticketing on a parking for a small hotel.So i have 2 Printers pariking In (for delivery of the tickets) and 2 Readers PArking Out.Both Printers and REaders are working Serial.So i need to poll the serial ports of the printers and readers every second.The data is stored on a SQL database so i need to read and write in the database.Can i do this with 1 PC and 1 programm or 1 PC and 4 programms that are runnning at the same time ?

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Create A Small Application That Can Make Small Calculations?

Feb 1, 2010

On form 1 , i have a number of buttons that open up different websites.What i want to do is when i click a button on form 1 , i want forum 2 to show ( ) , Form 2 will have a list (Buttons) of internet browsers.

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Back With A Small Project For Internal Use?

Jun 3, 2011

Its been a very long time since I don't show up here.Now I am back with a small project for internal use, but I need a little help.I want to make a program that allows me to change file attributes, like 'hidden', 'read-only' and 'system'.It seems pretty simple, but I want that multiple files can be modified at once. For this I would need a list that shows the files into the interface. There is what I can't get.

I first thought on a listbox, but there is also a listview which seems much more complete, but I just don't know how to use it. I was wondering if I could make something like: I open a folder, all the items inside that folder would be listed inside the listview.I learned a bit, but not enough. I've set the listview to 'details' mode, so I can actually list items. Also, I've added three collums: one for file name, other for file size and another for file attributes. I just need to learn now how they works.

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Interface And Graphics :: Listbox Event - Scrollbar That Comes With ListBox Is Too Small For Touch Screens

Jan 6, 2011

The scrollbar that comes with the ListBox is too small for touch screens, so I use my own scrollbar instead. But when you do this on various forms you end up repeating a lot of code. So my solution was to create a custom scollbar that has a property I can set to the control I want it to be a scrollbar for. In vb6, I can use the withevents keyword to get access to the control's events so that all the scrollbar related code can be in the custom scrollbar object I created, except...I had to create a refresh method for the consuming code to use to let the scrollbar know when the number of items changes. The scrollbar doesn't need to be told how many items there are because it has access to the control, but for a listbox there is no event to tie into when an item is added/removed so not 100% of the scrollbar related code could be encapsulated.

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VS 2010 Array - Small Report Card Project - Pull 5 Students With Each Student Having 5 Test Scores A Piece

Jan 13, 2012

I'm basically trying to do a small report card project. I only need to pull 5 Students with each student having 5 Test Scores a piece. The full Code of what I have for the submit button is below. I have actually 3 questions.

1. I always seem to have trouble with them unless I initialize them when I dim them. Is there a better way than below

2. The below code works really well for Student 1 and all 5 test scores. Rather than do that code 5 times though, what is the best way for me to basically state that IF dblStudent1(intMax) = 4 Then Change dblStudent1(intMax) to dblStudent2(intMax) etc.

3. Would this be better suited towards a multidimensional array ?

Private Sub btnEnterGrades_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterGrades.Click

Dim strStudentNames() As String = {" ", " ", " ", " ", " "} ' Holds the 5 Students Names
Dim intMax As Integer = (4) ' Place Holder for Student Number


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Make A Small Application With 6 Textboxes?

Mar 8, 2012

What am i trying to do is this:I want to make a small application with 6 textboxes, the user should only can type numbers and the numbers should not be bigger than 20 so then when u click a button (btn_1) it should write the numbers to a txt file.after that i want to read all this numbers and if there are some same (repeated) numbers to display them in a label.

dim wrt as new ("c:/test.txt")

wrt.write (textb1.text & textb2.text & ......)


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How To Make A Small Image Rotating

Jun 8, 2011

I want to make a small logo in the upper corner of a Form rotate.

I've seen on some forums that they have small avatars dancing and such, so I imagine it would be posible to make a tiny image rotate by it self up in the corner in a Form.

Does anyone know how to do this? Link to tutorial, codesnippets etc..

Ps. The goal is to make it smooth. Not turn 4 x 90 degrees.

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How To Make A Small Image Rotating?

Jun 8, 2011

How to make a small image rotating

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Make A Standard Button Quite Small?

May 26, 2012

I want to make a standard button quite small. maybe as small as 16x16

TextAlign MiddleCentre
Margin and padding are all zero

The text in the button is an upper case letter X (sanserif 8pt)But even though there's enough space the text is too low and half of it is off the bottom of the button with lots of empty space above the text.

if I make the button slightly bigger. 19x19 then all the X is visible but there's just LOTS of space above and it doesn't look good.I 'could' make my own button class but surely there's an easier way. Is there something I'm missing ? maybe some combination of margin and padding that I haven't thought of ?

I will add that if FlatStyle is Standard then it isn't as bad at 19x19 but that has thick border. I'd really like to use flatstyle popup and possibly a bit smaller than 19x19

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Make A Small Program To Encrypt Files Using AES

Apr 11, 2009

i am trying to make a small program to encrypt files using AES, and then have the password from the AES encrypted using RSA for its use of public keys. i've got the AES part working fine and i found a good RSA tutorial here url....but after i encrypt the AES password (which is saved in a .txt file) using RSA, then i try to decrypt it again, it comes out as an empty .txt file!

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Make A Small App To Import 3 Keys Into Registry?

May 13, 2009

What code would I write so to make a simple app that will import three registry keys. As if I would double click on a .reg file

For multiple reason, I dont what to have to click on the .reg file, and I cant have a .reg file there.

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Make A Small Application To Print From .net 2010

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to learn and make a small application to print from 2010 to my usb label printer.

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Make A Small Listbox Inside Contectmenustrip?

Oct 18, 2011

I have a richtextbox and when i right click i want to select a word[code]...

is it possible to make a small listbox inside a contectmenustrip??

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Make Small Databases Then To Use Access Or Sql Server?

Oct 11, 2009

Are there any other ways to make small databases then to use access or sql server?

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Make A Small Program For Church To Power On And Off Projector

May 11, 2012

I am attempting to make a small program for my church to power on and off the projector According to the user manual I need to send the following to it. Power On: C00[CR] | Like so: "C" -> "0" -> "0" -> "[CR]". However I am getting the following error when attempting to turn it on by the program: Conversion from string " " to type 'Byte' is not valid. [code]

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Make A Small Program For Feedback And Send It To My E-mail?

Feb 28, 2011

m using Microsoft Visual Studio Basic 2010 and im fairly new to it. Im trying to make a small program for feedback and send it to my e-mail. I have seen e-mail sender tutorials on youtube but thats not really what I am looking for. Im looking for it to be automatically sent to me, not having to type in "To" so as if its hidden I guess. So Basically

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VS 2010 - Make Small Pause Before Form Submission

Jun 13, 2011

I have a little project but ive come to an error. What it does: It goes to a site, fills a form and then submits it. But the submit is too fast. I want it to fill in info, then wait 3 seconds and then submit it.

Here is the
WebBrowser1.Document.All("user[screen_name]").SetAttribute("value", TextBox4.Text & intcount)
For Each element As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.All
If element.GetAttribute("className") = "submit button promotional" Then
End If
I want it to have a little pause of 3 seconds after the intcount).

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Make A Small Video-player With WPF - Ffdshow And MeidaElement Not Working

Feb 13, 2011

I'm trying to make a small video-player in with WPF.

Got everything working beside 2 things:
Mkv-files and subtitles,.
I've installed FFDShow.

I've read that if you install it to WMP, then it will automatically work to MediaElement. It did work first, but then i had DivX installed, when i uninstall'd DivX, it stopped working.

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IDE :: VB Express 08 - Create A Word Application From VB - Set Out A Format, Make A Small Table

Aug 6, 2009

I am trying to make my program print out a requistion slip but I don't want to make a report using VB b/c sometimes the printer is not connected and it is better to have a Microsoft Word document and save it as such. So how do I create a Word application from VB? I basically am going to set out a format, make a small table etc. and then whatever the user types in the textbox, it will appear in the slip. (I am using Word 2003)

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IDE :: User Interface In Setup Project?

Dec 23, 2009

i have few questions about the user interface when working with a VS setup project

1. i have added a Checkboxes dialog, i have 3 checkboxes they are used to select upon 3 tools to be installed, so during the progress of the instilation, how should i let the project know which of the 3 tools was selected ? (i hope i was clear)

2. a bit of silly question - is it possible to edit something in a dialog ? like in my case in the "finished" dialog my customer didnt like the the end button is named "close" and he wants it to be named "Finish"

finally, this is an extra non programing but it would be good if i was able to find an answere :P, when i plug a USB in the computer it opens the autoplay, and i have my instilation file in the USB (it will be distributed on a USB rather than a CD), so i want to add to the autoplay a button that runs the instilation file

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Written A Small Project That Saves Data In A Data Set?

Jan 25, 2012

I have written a small project that saves data in a data set, this part works fine, but I have some errors with the code I have written for importing excel data to the datagridview and exporting data from the data grid view.

This is a test project for me to learn how to do this stuff, so I will post the code for the entire project so you can see what I have done from start to finish.


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HangMan Game - Project That Has A Graphical Interface ?

Apr 20, 2009

I am working on this hangman project that has a graphical interface where the user has 2 options either guess the entire phrase or use a combo box to guess letters. I have the guess text box working but I can't for the life of me figure out why it is not working correctly with the combo box. The following is my entire code for the project. I have it setup to show me which phrase it randomly selected but when ever I pick a letter in that phrase it doesn't fill it in or anything. I'm thinking it is an issue with my loops.

I highlighted the section where the problem is occurring.

Public Class frmHang
Dim strWord(10) As String 'array of answer cchoices
Dim strAnswer As String 'the correct answer


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Interface Definition In Project - Access Denied

Oct 13, 2009

I just have a simple Interface definition in my project, which I haven't even used yet. But when I try to build the project I get this error:
Access is denied: 'System.IEquatable`1[Reactor.IOptions]'.

Below is the interface:
Interface IOptions
Inherits Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable ' Optoins Should Serialize to XML
Inherits System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable ' Options should implement .net Serialization
Inherits System.ICloneable ' Must be able to copy options
Inherits System.IEquatable(Of IOptions) ' Must be able to compare opitons
End Interface

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VS 2005 : Automatically Create Interface Project?

Jan 5, 2010

I have a few class with public function and I want to know if someone know a program that can create automatically Interface solution from the class?

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Interface And Graphics :: Adding A Bitmap To Project And Refer To It By Name?

Mar 16, 2011

How does one add a bitmap to a project so that you can refer to it by name? i.e. MyProject.MyBitmap.bmp

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Interface And Graphics :: Display 48X48 Icon From Project/Resource?

Aug 2, 2010

Im in a win.form app. in .Net 2008 I have a lot of Icons that I want to display on a (TouchScreen enviroment) button The icons are in 8,16; 32 bit in the sizes 16X16 ; 32X32 ; 48X48 The buttons are large enough, they have a dimension of 252X132. The images are loaded via the Button propertie : Image. This has allso a size propertie, but is disabled. And I can see its loading the 32X32 32bpp format But I want the 48X48 size on there. Does some 1 knows how to get those sizes op the button.

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Make An Event When The Small "s" Key Is Pressed On A Windows Form?

Dec 27, 2011

How do you make an event when the small "s" key is pressed on a Windows form?

I now have the following code:

Private Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyPress
If e.KeyChar = Convert.ToChar(Keys.S) Then
End If
End Sub

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Make A Small Database Out Of Text Boxes And Text Files?

Oct 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a small database out of text boxes and text files, something where sql would be overkill, not to mention beyond my experience. I want to be able to write the contents of the text boxes to a file.txt (the easy part) then being able to retrieve them back out into individual text boxes. How would I pull this one off?

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How To Make User Interface

Sep 7, 2010

I want input from user and when he click on view report button report should come in report viewer. May be my design is not good but my aspect is to design a user interface so that user should able to pass parameter in all the ways and get desired report.

Drop downlist
Radio Button
Check box
and other countrols

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