One Loop Through All The Forms In A VB 2010 Project?

May 27, 2011

I am looking for Visual Basic 2010 code that would loop through all the forms in a project, i.e., the equivalent of the following VB 6 code

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Loop Through All The Forms In A VB 2010 Project?

May 19, 2012

I am looking for Visual Basic 2010 code that would loop through all the forms in a project, i.e., the equivalent of the following VB 6 code:dim frmFom as Form for each frmForm in Forms

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Loop Through All Forms And Controls In Project?

Sep 5, 2008

I want to create a table with 2 fields (FormName, ControlName) that consists of all form names and all control names (within that form).[code]...

How do I loop through all forms and controls in my project?

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VB 2010 Forms App Project Using ADO.Net Has Started Crashing VS 2010 Whenever Load It?

Aug 11, 2011

well until a few day ago. I don't know what I have introduced to cause the problem but now, whenever I load the project, VS 2010 (SP1) crahes. If I delete the project's suo file, the project loads (really quickly) and all is well until I exitVS 2010. When I re-run it and try to load the project, it crashes again unless I delete the suo file.The program can be built for x64 and x86. Now, when I reload the project (after deleting the suo file), it comes up in Debug - Any CPU mode. I can change from Debug to Release and from Any CPU to x86 but if I try and change from x86 to x64, VS 2010 crashes.This is not always the case though. If I build the x86 version and then switch to x64, all is well and I can build the x64 version. Obviously, there's something wonky going on.

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Access Forms In Another Project In 2010/

Sep 18, 2011

I am using 2010 and I have two projects: SQLtesting and Controls. Their physical locations are:

C:My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsSQLtestingSQLtesting [forms reside here]
C:My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsControlsControls [forms reside here]


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No Forms In Creating New Project In VB 2010?

Dec 20, 2011

no forms can be seen when creating a new project.. i am going to choose a window form but there are no forms to choose.

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VS 2010 Forms In Class Library Project?

Jun 17, 2011

I was wondering is it possible to put forms into a class library project and if so could I use those forms as an mdi child from my main forms app?A bit behind what I am trying to do:I am creating a game which is essentially going to have its own 'operating system' As the user progresses in the game they can 'install' new software into their operating system.I have my 'Desktop' that is an MDI Parent and what I want the users to be able to do it when they have purchased a new bit of software (also in game) the game will connect to my central server download a dll and place it in a directory, that is essentially installing the new bit of software and the game will then pick up that dll and add a new button the Programs list and when the user clicks on that software in the Programs list it will launch the form in the Class Library as an MDI Child of the 'desktop

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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Visual Studio 2010 VB Windows Forms Application - Organization Of DLL Project References?

Mar 26, 2012

In my VS2010 VB project I have a lot of external references to DLLs, to the point that organization has become a major headache and I'm wondering if I am going about it the wrong way. My assembly references include common redistributables (SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1, ReportViewer 2010 SP1, DataVisualization, as well as some useful 3rd party dlls from CodeProject and CodePlex.

Currently, I am copying each DLL into a 1st level folder (/dll_lib) under my named project folder (under the solution folder), and adding the reference from that path. However, I see that Visual Studio copies the DLLs to various other locations (/bin/debug or /bin/release) in my project when I build the project or solution, and some of the 3rd party DLLs come with instructions to copy them manually to /bin.

What is the "best practice" for where to put the DLLs? Can I just put all of them under /bin and let the build event copy to /bin/debug or /bin/release as required? Should I try to force a single reference path for the dlls in the project output?

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VB 2010 (Windows Forms Project) Run On The Windows 8 Platform?

Jun 21, 2011

will a VB 2010 (Windows Forms Project) run on the Windows 8 platform?

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Forms :: Creating A Sub Main In A Windows Forms Project?

Sep 13, 2010

What is the equivalent to accomplishing this?

static void Main()
frmCalcView view = new frmCalcView();


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Access A Project's Forms From Another Project #2

Aug 15, 2011

I have two projects: SQLtesting and Controls. Their physical locations are:


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Access A Project's Forms From Another Project?

Aug 15, 2011

I have two projects: SQLtesting and Controls. Their physical locations are:

C:My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsSQLtestingSQLtesting [forms reside here]
C:My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsControlsControls [forms reside here]

The code shown below works fine. I run it from the project SQLtesting. It loads a listbox and a checkedlistbox with the controls found on a form. I can change the value of the FormName field to any form within the SQLtesting project and get the form's controls. The forms are not actually opened/shown.I would like to be able to access forms in other projects i.e.

C:My DocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsControlsControls

while running the code from the SQLtesting project.

Private Sub Button7_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button7.Click
Dim <strong>FormName </strong>As String = "Form1"
Dim FullTypeName As String


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VB 2010 - Try And Load A Project (any Project) The Program Freezes

May 28, 2010

Has anyone else had issues with Visual Basic 2010?My visual basic program has been running fine for months but recently every time I try and load a project (any project) the program freezes, then I have to close it down and reload, every time I load Visual basic for the second time I get the following error:


An error was encountered while opening associated documents the last time this solution was loaded. Document load is being skipped during this solution load in order to avoid that error.Plus when trying to run a project in debug it takes ages to load (around 5 minutes) this has only started happening recently, projects were loading in seconds.

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For Loop 3 Forms

Mar 23, 2009

I'm sure this type of function is simple, but for the life of me, I can't get it.I have 3 forms. Main form holds a list box, which is my shopping cart.FormP holds the print books in a list box.FormA holds the audio books in a list box.I can send the books from forms a & b to the list box cart on main by way of formMain.ListBox.Items.Add(ListBox.SelectedItem.ToString())but I can't access the items once there and associate a cost to throw to subtotal.[code]

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Loop Through All Forms?

Apr 17, 2009

how can i loop through all the forms in my application??

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VS 2010 1 Project - Multiple Project Types ?

Sep 30, 2011

A colleague has written a useful tool. He wrote it as a standalone tool, but it works even better as an includable dll, though it needs a bit of other functionality for it to be a really good drop-in component. What I am wondering is whether a project can be compiled as both an exe and as a dll?

There are alternatives, such as having a dll version and an exe version, since the dll version needs to include a few different methods that the exe version doesn't need, but this alternative sucks, since it would mean changing two sets of code.

Another alternative is to build the dll, then change the exe to be a project that references the dll....and does nothing other than calling one method in the dll. That kind of sucks, too, but not as bad.

I want to be able to use his module in some of my programs, and it really should be built as a component rather than a standalone app, but I want to know whether there are other options that I haven't considered.

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Forms :: While Loop Without Freezing?

Jul 30, 2011

I'm a VB.Net newbie, and would like to write a small app that runs a While loop to check a DNS domain name, and exits once the domain has been registered.

I found code at How to Get Host Name and IP Address in VB.Net - .Net Articles & Samples to resolve the hostname and handle the "No such host is known" error if it still hasn't been registered, but I have a couple of issues:

1. How to make sure the GUI is correctly displayed even though there's an endless While loop? Should I use some kind of asynchronous call so that the window doesn't freeze?

2. I'd like the app to mimize to the icon bar, and have its window title display some status information ("Still waiting/Registered!") so that I can simply move the mouse over it and know whether the domain has finally been registered or not.

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Forms :: Loop Set Text To Textboxes?

Nov 15, 2008

Is it a way to set the text in a textbox from a loop? Bad Explained, heres an example
Dim id(10) as string
For h As Integer = 0 To 10


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Forms :: Numeric UpDown For Loop?

May 6, 2010

how would i ggo about coding this

For i = 0 To maxrows - 1
For h = 1 To maxrows
Me.Controls.Item("TextBox" & h).Text = ds.Tables("TestCriteria").Rows(i).Item(0) Me.Controls.Item("NumericUpDown" & h).Value = ds.Tables("TestCriteria").Rows(i).Item(1)


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Forms :: Autocomplete Sequence Using DataReader Loop

May 20, 2009

We're using the Autocomplete functionality for some textboxes. We populate the AutoCompleteCustomSource with data from a database query using a datareader loop. The data in the query is sorted by 'recently used', the most recently used entries are at the top.

Let's say the sequence op the AutoCompleteCustomSource is

After typing an 'A' in the textbox, I would expect the Suggested (or Appended) value to be 'AM1900'. The suggested value however is always the first item from an alphabetically sorted
AutoCompleteCustomSource list (i.e. 'AD1950')

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Forms :: Change The Text Of A Label In A Loop?

Apr 30, 2009

I am using a for each loop and each time the loop executes, the text of the label has to be changed.. But for some reason, it only changes the text of the label during the last execution of the loop...

Here is the

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dll


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Forms :: Display Data Being Processed In Loop?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a procedure that loops through the directories and subdirectories on a file server and sets the permissions. Procedure is called on a button click on a form.

I need to display on the form which directory is being processed. Similar to if we use the Debug.writeline which writes to the output in Visual Studio. I tried using a ListBox but it only displays the last one and only displays the last one once processing is done. I want to be able to display each directory name as it is being processed.[code]...

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Forms :: Not Responding - Whenever Application Goes Into A Very Long Loop

Jul 31, 2009

Whenever my application goes into a very long loop, the form stops responding. How can I stop this?

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Forms :: Stop Loop With Button Control?

Dec 5, 2010

I am fairly new to VB but really enjoying programming. I'm looking to create a counter that counts to 25 and loops back around again with a button control and another button control to stop it. So I press a button to start and another to stop and I want it to display the number it stopped on. Is this possible? and how do I do it if it is? I can figure out how to display the label and create a simple counter(that doesn't loop), but I'm unsure on the rest.

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Create A Loop To Call Forms Based On A Value In ComboBox?

Dec 1, 2010

I am writing a program in VB 2008 and i need to be able to select different pages. i have a ComboBox with 15 values in it, and based on what value the user selects, that is the Form i want it to go to. for example, if i run the program and select the Value "electrical", then it will take me to the form that corresponds with that selection. [code]...

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Forms :: Choosing The Amount Of Times A Loop, Or Sub Should Occur

Mar 29, 2009

I have made an app that the user has to type a number, and i want the process for the app to do this how evermany times the user wishes it to do.

for example, the app is ment to create a line in a text document, so they write in textbox1 what they want written on the line, and then in textbox2, tey say how many lines they want to create.


TextBox1.Text = "BLAA"
TextBox2.Text = "782"

It will create 782 lines of BLAA. not just one...

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Forms :: Loop Through And Set Row Color Subject To Status Field

Jul 27, 2010

Below is some code I use to loop through rows in a datagridview and set the row colour subject to a "STATUS" field and also changing font colour and boldness dependant on whether a flag has been set to true.

Is this code optimal / can it be cleaned up somewhat?
Public Sub ColourMyGrid()
Dim varStatus, varBagTemp As Integer
Dim myFont As New Font(grdResults.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In Me.grdResults.Rows
varStatus = row.Cells.Item("Status").Value

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Evaluates Loop Condition In Do...Loop Statment To Determine Whether Loop Instructions Should Be Processed

Mar 14, 2011

Makes the following statement about the code below:

**"The computer evaluates the loop condition in the Do...Loop statment to determine whether the loop instructions should be processed. In this case, the inputsales <> String.Empty condition compares the contenst of the input sales variable to the String.Empty value. As you know the String.Empty value represents a zero length, or empty, string if the inputsales variable is empty, the loop condition evaluates to True and the computer process the loop instructions. *If on the other hand the inputsales variable is not empty, the loop condition evaluates to false and the computer skips over the loop instructions.

Based on the code I think it is the opposite: ...that while the inputsales value is not empty it should evaluate to true and process the loop and if it is empty it should evaluate to false and skip the loop?

See below.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Globalization


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Add Forms To C# Project?

Dec 16, 2011

In, the Login Form, Splash Screen, and Dialog Form are nice to have. They are available through Visual Studio's Project > Add New Item... dialog. Is there a way to add these prebuilt forms to a c# project without jumping through hoops?If need be, the forms can be re-implemented or created in a project and then instantiated from the main (c#) project, but that is a lot of work if there's an easy workaround.

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