Opening A Text File To Process And Order The Data In It?

Jun 10, 2011

i'm having trouble opening a text file to process and order the data in it. When i try to read the first line of characters an error message occurs saying: 'Variable words1 is used before it has been assigned a value.' I dont understand what i am doing wrong when opening the file. Also, I am sorry if this is a rather basic question.


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Parsing A Text File In Order To Extract Data For Subsequent Calculations?

Oct 21, 2010

I am using Streamreader to read a text file containing data such as the following:


The final goal is to use the numbers next to the PU and PD characters to perform specific calculations.

Essentially, I think the code needs to do the following:

1. Read each block of characters ending in a ";"

2. If the block commences with anything other than PU or PD, discard it

3. Extract the numbers in such a way that calculations can be performed. The following is an example:

x y


Essentially, there will be hundreds of these rows and I will need to sum up the deltas so that a specific formula can be applied.

I have tried doing this a number of ways but each seem very inefficient (using text boxes to store/swap data and creating additinal text files are 2 methods I have tried) and so I'm looking for some direction.

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Automating Process Of Opening MPP File And Saving It As CSV?

Mar 12, 2012

I need to find a way to automate the process when a user uploads a microsoft project file to a web application I already have created. The process will need to basically use the save as from project to save into a .csv file so I can use this to import the data to an SQL database (this is needed for custom reporting we already have set up using SQL). I need to automate this process because I will be receiving tons of project files, and if the process is automated the users will then be able to instantly see results.

Basically, is there any way to create or run an automated process that will save these project files as .csv files? Even if the csv files are not formatted correctly, I can find a way around that, just need to first get them into .csv files. The only way I could think of this is to follow the instructions listed below, but I would then need to automate a process to open the file and hit save so this works... [URL]

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File I/O And Registry :: Opening A Text File Into Multiple Text Boxes Using Loops And Arrays

May 20, 2009

So I'm in the final stages of finishing a program I've been working on for nearly a year now, and this is basically my final hurdle. The Save dialogue is working beautifully, with 'flags' in order to switch it over from the regular input into text boxes to the Listbox input protocol.

However, I'm having a *** of a time getting it to take lines from the text file and put them in the proper text box. Here is an example file:




So with the sample file I provided above, in the textbox named callNameText would appear "SHOWNAME", and so on and so forth. With this build, I get a NullReferenceException on the "Me.Controls(strboxNames(i)).Text() = strAllText(ati)" line.

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Error When Opening Text File - FileNotFoundException Was Unhandled - Could Not Find File At Xxx

Feb 15, 2012

I have a program that can save user's input into a text file and load it back, but whenever I try to open the file and exit without selecting the file I get an error.(if i select the file and open it i don't get any errors).

This is the code that handles text file loading:
Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
OpenFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "C:"
OpenFileDialog1.Filter = "Text Files ONLY (*.txt) | *.txt"


The error is :"FileNotFoundException was unhandled. Could not find file at xxx". also I would like to know how to make it so that the initial file name for file saving is today's date. I do not get any errors when I try to save the file.

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Opening An Excel 2003 File Then Searching That Open File For Data

May 22, 2012

I need to open an excel file from and then search it for specific data. I then need to take those data and insert them into text boxes on a form that i have created. This is all controlled by a button click. I already have some code that will open a file dialog box and let me navigate to the correct file, but I am having trouble with the search portion. I have tried the Find function but I am not sure of the proper syntax. I am using Visual Studio 2008 and Excel 2003.


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File I/O And Registry :: Opening Andwritie To Text File Via Buttons?

May 21, 2009

Ok what i want to do is have a user specify a directory when this for is opened and have it remembered everytime this for is open,Also i have a few buttons and whenever the user clicks on one of the buttonsa i want it to open a txt file delete everything in it and write a value that i specify

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Forms :: Call A Process Which Is Spliting A Text File Into Various Text File?

Oct 14, 2009

I am using a thread to call a process which is spliting a text file into various text file and folder using the , now when calling the Textsplit() with thread on click of a button i am getting the error below , how to use thread and why this error occurs.

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'txtbox_destn' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

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Words In Text File In Alphabetical Order

Sep 13, 2011

How do i put the words in a txt file in alphabetical order using code ?

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Re Order Column Order In A Data Bound DataGridView?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a databound Datagridview. The DGV is bound to a datatable of a strongly typed DataSet created using the wizard. Is there any way to re order the columns before displaying them eg: the Columns are displayed in the DGV in this other Col4, Col6, Col3, Col1,Col5, Col2

But I want to it to show as Col1, Col2, col3, Col4, Col5, Col6?

I realise that the display order followed the Column order in the database table and by extension, the datatable. I have re-arranged the columns in the Database but the Datatable still retains the old order.

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Opening A Text File In Use By Another Program?

May 22, 2012

I need to be able to view another programs chatlog while it is running. this is the existing code. right now for testing it just reads the first line of file. this reads the file just fine as long as the other program isnt running but if it is running i get an error stating that the file is in use by another process. I'm using vb 2010 express.


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Opening/writing To A Text File In ASP.NET?

Mar 12, 2009

I want to write some stats to a text file every time a person loads a page. But every once in awhile I am getting at 'Could Not Open File, Already in use' type of error. I can not 100% replicate this error it is very erratic. My code is

Public Sub WriteStats(ByVal ad_id As Integer)
Dim ad_date As String = Now.Year & Now.Month
Dim FILENAME As String = Server.MapPath("text/BoxedAds.txt")


how can I lock and unlock the file so I stop getting the erratic errors?

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Change Title Bar Text After Opening File

Jan 19, 2009

I'm trying to get my Applications title bar to change the text once the user loads up a file. So far I have gotten it so it will load up the File name into the title bar, but I would like it to show MicroText - OpenFileName... OpenFileName being the name of the file that was opened.


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VS 2008 Opening From A Text File Using Streamreader?

Jun 11, 2009

I have been working hard lately to build a database and well i have been experimenting with SFD, OFD and lately Streamwriter. I have finished and got streamwriter working as i want it to but know i need to be able to open the text file where all the data is stored into the one label, and not have certain pieces of text.I have attached a example of what the writer makes. The text which i would like removed when i open it is indented to the right

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VS 2010 Opening A File To Display Text?

Feb 9, 2012

I am new to opening files and using "StreamReader", when I try to open up a file it displays all of the numbers as 0 instead of what they are, and I am not sure where my mistake is.Also I am pretty sure I did not do saving right either..Imports System.IO

Public Class ClassAverage
Dim fileWriter As StreamWriter ' writes data to a text file
Dim FileName As String ' name of file to save data


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[2005] Opening A Rich Text File?

Jan 11, 2009

I have created a text editor that enables the user to create and open both txt files and rich text files.When it comes to opening files, the text files are opening fine, but when it comes to rich text they are opening like this
tf1adeflang1025ansiansicpg1252uc1adeff31507deff0stshfdbch31506stshfloch31506stshfhich31506stshfbi31507deflang2057deflangfe2057 hemelang2057 hemelangfe0 hemelangcs0{fonttbl{f0fbidi fromanfcharset0fprq2{*panose 02020603050405020304}Times New Roman;}{f34fbidi fromanfcharset1fprq2{*panose 02040503050406030204}Cambria Math;}


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Opening Excel File And Import Its Data

Feb 15, 2012

I have this program that uses OLEDB connection to open the excel file, and imports it's data. Then I use mysql connection to inserts all this data. Now my question is, is it possible that I can use mysql connection in opening the excel file, or only OLEDB connection is the most possible way to open it?

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Actual Text Disappeared On Opening Saved File?

May 19, 2010

I am programming the Save File Dialog Box. I've got the basic code but after I save the text file that I created, the actual text itself seems to have disappeared when I open the file.

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Opening Resources In Text File Format In Notepad

Dec 31, 2009

I'm having some trouble using resource files. In my project I'm using a bunch of bitmap files and two txt files. Bitmaps are used as backgrounds for controls, but .txt files I want to open in Notepad or WordPad. Till now I was accesing them from a file path on my machine:
ControlName.backgroundimage = New Bitmap(direcorypath & "/Map.bmp")
Process.Start(direcorypath & "/Instrukcje.txt")

And it worked fine. Now I added these files to my resources (it's practical for me to have them in executable file) And replaced those lines with:
ControlName.backgroundimage = New Bitmap(MyProject.My.Resources.Map)

For bitmap it works fine, but for txt file an error occurs saying that a file cannot be found.
Interestin thing is: when I type "MyProject.My.Resources.Instrukcje" in "Watch" it shows the content of the file. So it is there, only not as a file?

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Opening Text File From Specific Location Folder?

Nov 3, 2009

I have the following code used to enter the name of a text file and then display it in a richtextbox. This is working but I would like it so that I could take out the initial part of the filename detailing the location of the filename to simply set it to the project folder, is there any way of doing this using the App.path function?

My code is as follows:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


View 3 Replies - Detecting/preventing Error/deadlock When Opening/reading Text File?

Dec 21, 2009

I am reading file with text contents on it.sample dictionary.txt contents:


Snippet A:

Dim path as String = Server.MapPath("dictionary.txt");
Dim dictionary() as String = {}


Basically, I want to make sure that I can handle/prevent this error.Does Snippet B, solves the problem, if not is there other way so that I can prevent this error.BTW, this a web application and I am expecting multiple users.

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Opening The Saved Process?

Dec 30, 2008

I have developed a tool(, it provides you to save the process, the next time when the user click on the saved process(ie the saved icon thing), it should open the appropriate process, now it just opens with tht exe,, how it can be done i am not aware of the tech terms of the these process type.. I hope i conveyed wht is my requirement,, Take for eg, When we save a word doc, it saves as .doc Next time when we click on the .doc the document opens. Like that process has to take place..

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Process .Text Data Before Leaving Control?

Mar 16, 2009

I'm looking for a way to process the text entered into a textbox, before the the focus is lost from the control. Or a way to pass a reference to the control to a function/sub when the control has lost focus. In Access I would be able to use the AfterUpdate event. I have tried the following events, but have not figured out how to get what I want from either of these events:

- TextChanged (tried to capture the Tab key, didn't work)

- Validating (when fired for Text1, the ActiveControl name is Text2 which is the next TextBox control)

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VS 2010 Dataset Created A New Process In Order To Run An Exe And Pass

Jul 20, 2010

I am writing an application that is doing a file conversion.I created a new process in order to run an exe and pass it some arguments in order to do the file conversion. I ran this in the Submit button click event.I added an event handler for when the Process had exited and then continued my code, since I had to wait for the file conversion to complete before continuing.

Everything is running fine now up until the point where I am trying to call a FillBy for one of my datasets. My fill by is accepting a parameter UserID and filling it based on the user id, which is selected in a combo box in the program itself.I keep getting exceptions and it immediately exits the program whenever I try and use this fillby method, if I take it out it completes successfully; however, the new row I just inserted was not added.

I tried adding a tryparse for the value selected from the UserID combobox but I get this cross-thread exception, so I have a feeling the 2 are related.


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VS 2010 - Opening Process Then Back To Focus To App

Dec 17, 2010

I have Hotspot Shield and I want it to open the process, then back to focus to my application, and wait about 15 seconds and then kill the process. How do I do that

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Call A The Multithread Process In Order To Execute Querry In SQL Server DB?

Sep 3, 2009

I have simple web form. With a simple click on a button i need to call a the Multithread process in order to execute my querry in SQL Server DB. I know that my querry willl take up to 45 min to be executed. While the process is running i need to display some status information like: Starting time, Time elapsed, % of completed...So after running the process i got the following error message: "Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding."So i have 2 problems to fix:

Avoid getting timeout while processing/calling the stored procedure. I tried to add cmd.CommandTimeout = 1000 but it didn't work out!
Display correctly Time elapsed and % Completed while processing.

Here's my code in the main form:

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Configuration


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.net - Process Plain Text File

Apr 12, 2012

I'm trying to use VB.NET to process a very large plain text file (2 GB). It is a database and has a field delimiter of SOH and a record delimiter of STX.

I want to separate the fields and records of the file.

I would normally read each line of a text file and then use the split function to separate out the fields. I can't use this approach as there isn't always a delimiter on every line.

Is there any way to read a file until STX is found (rather than one line at a time)?

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Overwrite Text File That Is In Use By Another Process?

Dec 10, 2010

I have a log file that is open and in use by another program, and I read it's contents with the following:[code]This works for reading the text from the file while it is still in use by the other program, however, immediately after this I need to truncate the text file (without deleting it) so that it is blank again. But the file will still be in use by the other program.[code]But I get the "in use by another application" exception. I've tried looking in StackOverflow and googling but I can't seem to find an answer, and I can't find a way to do this with filestreams either, or I would try to use Dim fs As New FileStream(FullPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite)

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Reading A Text File While A Process Is Using It

Jun 30, 2012

I am trying to create a program that will refresh a *.log file within the program itself (in a RichTextBox), but while the actual application that is writing to that *.log file is open and is utilizing that file as well.

I have tried multiple things with StreamReader, but I can't seem to get anywhere...

Simply, I want to be able to read a *.log file in my Visual Basic 2010 program, but while the actual application that is writing to it is running itself.

How can I do this, as I keep getting the error that another process is utilizing the *.log/text document?

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Text File Being Used By Another Process Error

Jul 25, 2009

I have an App that saves one line of data to a textfile like this[code]...
If I try to overwrite that file or delete it I get the error "The process cannot access the file 'c:windowsDScatalog.ini' because it is being used by another process."

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