Print Click On The Quantity Of Copies Informed Skirt With Sequential Numbers Without Repetition?

May 24, 2010

What is missing is a way that when I give a print click on the quantity of copies informed skirt with sequential numbers without repetition


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Print PDF From Javascript - Make The Last Page Print Only 1 Copy Instead Of Two Copies

Nov 17, 2009

I am using the below mentioned code in my application to print two copies of pdf document.


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[2008] Randomize Numbers Without Repetition?

Jan 20, 2009

The goal is simple... generate a set of random numbers with a certain range (e.g., 1-6, 5-10) with no repeats. I tried using a system with arrays where everytime a number has been generated, its marked as "used" and then the program is required to generate a new number. But it doesn't work!

Public randomnumgen As New System.Random
Public randomnum As Integer
Public iCounter As Integer
Public GotIt(7) As Boolean


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Print No Of Copies In A4 Paper?

Nov 15, 2010

I already have barcode created for each stock. And when user click on the print button, it will prompt user how many copies to be printed out.How to do the print out of barcode?

Question Two How to code something to check how many copies of the current barcode size can fit in A4 paper?

I want to fully utilise an A4 paper size before a new A4 paper is used.

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Print Two Copies Of The Same Data?

Oct 9, 2011

I've a Crystal Report of one page. Only one.

I want to clone that page, so when you print that report, you get 2 copies with the same data.

I know can be done manually, but i want to avoid of setting up the printer and write "Yes!, i want 2 copies of this".

Timelines ->
NOW ->

Use software, generate Crystal, go to in-built crystal viewer print button, write '2' in copies, print.


Use softwre, generate Crystal, print dialog come up (this is done), you hit 'Enter' and 2 copies will be printed (a.k.a 2 pages which are the sames)

I looked up for sub.reports but i don't want them in the same page.

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Get Number Of Copies In Print Queue?

Jan 12, 2012

I'm developing an application to monitor print queue and pause it to check some conditions, then resume or cancel print job. I can get total pages for printing document but can't get number of copies, how can i get this parameter.

Ex. If someone print 5 pages document for 2 copies, the total pages i got is 5 not 10 pages. (how can i get the real total pages)

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Get The Exact Number Of Copies Of A Print Job?

Nov 29, 2011

I am Trying to get the exact number of copies of a print job but I can't here is my code, any ref,its urgent. the bellow code returns only one all the time. I am not sure weather is it the correct code I am using or may be something else.

NumericUpDown3.Value = defaultPrintQueue2.UserPrintTicket.CopyCount

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VS 2010 : Print Multiple Copies?

Mar 7, 2012

I have the little recipe program that lets you print the selected recipe on to a 3x5 or 4x7 card. It works but only the very first time you open up the form. Once I click on the 4x7 menu and it brings up the recipe to print, I click the print button, it prints, but if I click the print button again it prints but it cuts the recipe off and only prints like a few letters of the ingredients and that is mostly off the left side of the page. The class is below used to print the 4x7. it basically just takes a screenshot of the form and makes it a bitmap. Is there a better way maybe?

Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.IO


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How To Check For Sequential Numbers

Jul 9, 2009

I have a working piece of code that checks that 4 out of 5 random numbers are in sequence. The numbers correspond to 5 dice rolls. I'm trying to learn VB and I think the code can be improved since it's so cumbersome. The sub checks to see if any of the numbers are duplicated and reassigns one of the duplicates to an arbitrary "11" which is outside of the 1-6 range of a single dice roll. Then the values are inserted in an array and sorted and the sequence check takes place. score of 30 is assigned if 4 of 5 of the (sorted) numbers are in order. If not in order, a score of 0 is set.

Code follows:
Private Sub OtherScores4()
'Check if any of the rolls are duplicated and reset one of the die to arbitrary "11".
If Dice1 = Dice2 Then
Dice1 = 11
End If
If Dice1 = Dice3 Then
Dice1 = 11
[Code] .....

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Clean Up Code - Use A For...Next Loop So Can Fill A Text Box With Sequential Numbers

Sep 10, 2011

I've got Visual Studio 2010 and I am looking to clean up my code technique, since I've taught myself and now I'm taking classes.

I'm trying to use a For...Next Loop so that I can fill a text box with sequential numbers. For some reason, all I can get in the text box is the last number and I feel that at this point I'm probably overthinking it...

All I want is on the button push the text box shows:

Here's what I have:


Once I grasp this simple concept, I can move on to the actual challenge ahead of me, but I really want to know the proper way to handle this with out going all spaghetti code.

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Class -program Where Enter The Description, Price, And Quantity Of An Item, Then Click On The Add Button

Aug 13, 2009

I have to create a program where you enter the description, price, and quantity of an item, then click on the Add button. It will then put the description, price, quantity, and total for that line (including tax) in a listbox. The tax is determined by what you put in a text box labeled tax:. When you press Submit Order, it should show a grand total in a text box called Grand Total. It should have a class that is called Items that has a function called GetTotalAmount() that figures out the total including tax. I have started it, but am having a tough time with how to get the subtotals into the text box, then also show the amount including the tax PLUS then do the grand total.

Heres what I have so far:


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Click A Button In VB And Highlight A Text Box And Copies Content To Clipboard?

Feb 2, 2012

having a button and text box. And when you click the button, the text in the text box highlights and is copied to your clipboard it one quick move. I'm building this code in VB (Microsoft, Visual Basic 2010).

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub

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Passing Array Values (sequential) To A Range (non-sequential)?

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to copy the values to another sheet but not in any sequence eg.A1,B2,C4,D7 ........and so on. I am trying this slick way of doing it by the code below ( found on the web) without success so far but I got a feeling I am close to the solution. I am new to any kind of Programming. This is my first attempt. (so a chuckle or two is ok after seeing my "difficult" problem)

(This is an excel VBA Prblem)
Sub justdoit()
Dim s As Variant


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Get Informed When A New Form Is Created?

Mar 16, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010 I have a project, which has a Main Form.Out of this Main Form, I create/dispose over 100 other Forms (when the user clicks on to a menu).So, there are some design changes, which I want to made by code. - This Changes have to been written in to the Load Event of each form.Is there a possibility to get informed in the main form, when a new Windows is going to be created, and add the code by this routine?

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Disable Print, Print Screen, Right Click Using

Jan 4, 2011

How to Disable print, print screen, right click using

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IDE :: Using Do While And For Next Statement - To Print The Numbers

Sep 2, 2009

how to write a program that uses a Do while statement and a For ..... Next statement to print the numbers from 1 TO 10 step 3

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Using DrawString To Only Print Numbers?

Jul 11, 2009

I have noticed that when I use drawstring to only print numbers, it just prints nothing. However if I put a letter in the string, it prints. So, "12345" will not work, however
"a12345" will work.

Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics
g.DrawString("12345", myFont, getBrush(Color), X, Y)

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When Use Drawstring To Only Print Numbers It Just Prints Nothing

Jul 11, 2009

I have noticed that when I use drawstring to only print numbers, it just prints nothing. However if I put a letter in the string, it prints.


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Error - Scenario: Printing - 6 Different Things To Print Including "Permit" And "Permit Copies"

Mar 19, 2009

I'm a little baffled why I get this error. Scenario: Printing - 6 different things to print including "Permit" and "Permit Copies". "Permit" looks like a drivers license including a photo."Permit Copies" is exactly the same except it has a piece of text at the bottom that says "Sheriffs Copy".

The problem is when trying to print "Permit Copies". Very few of them shows the print preview - most just display the FileNotFoundException error. If "Permit" pulls up the photo just fine, why not "Permit Copies?" It should be trying to pull up the same photo as "Permit" - same file path/name. Where is it wrong in my code?


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Load An Array With 30 Numbers That Print To A List Box?

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to learn about arrays and the for next..loop. This is a noob question but I cant seem to get it to work. I am trying to load an array with 30 numbers that print to a list box.

Dim a(29) As Integer
Dim strVar As String = "{0,-5}{1,5}{2,5){3,5}{4,5}"
Dim x As Integer


For some reason I keep getting errors in the output statement that says "Input string was not in a correct format."

The output should list 1 to 30 in the list box

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Excel Code To Print Invoice Numbers On Stationary

Apr 24, 2012

I am looking to print invioce numbers on stationary. So, for example, the invoice number is located in cell I1 of the excel spread sheet and starts at 100600. I want to print 150 invoices with the invoice number going up by 1 in each increment. So, I have thus far written:


What i need to achieve as you can now see is that the macro picks up the invoice number and does this however many times (or however many invoices I want to print.

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Homework - Write A Program To Print Only Even Numbers Between 6 And 16 Using Events

May 22, 2011

I was given an assignment to "write a program to print only even numbers between 6 and 16 using events", but I don't even know where to begin. The main thing I am having difficulty with understanding in this assignment is how I am supposed to specify that it only print even numbers in the given range of numbers.

Am I going to have to do a Mod2 code for each individual number and have it exclude any with the result of 1? Or is there another piece of code specifically designed for such an occassion? Perhaps there is some type of equation I can have the program read in terms of a variable, which holds the values of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16? I am just genuinely confused on how this is supposed to be programmed.

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VS 2010 Saving Print Screen Image To File With Numbers

Aug 22, 2011

I'm making a simple little program. It's going to save the image in the clipboard (from pressing Print Screen) to the folder that the .exe is in. My problem is trying to find out how to save the image file with a user-specified name, such as "Image", then adding numbers to it. So it would be like Image_00001, Image_00002, etc. I would like to make the name be specified using a textbox (pretty easy). I know how to get it to save as different image formats and all, and I know how to get it to save as a hardcoded name in a hardcoded location, but that it isn't what I'm aiming for. If you've ever used the screenshot function of Fraps or MSI Afterburner, then that's basically what I'm trying to make here.

I've already searched these forums and did some Googling, but couldn't find anything that I was looking for. Not even a sample program with something like this. I found something in the CodeBank, but it's all the stuff I've already gotten implemented.


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Erase Numbers With One Click?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 100 textboxes with different numbers on them how can i erase theses numbers all together not like this textbox1.text = "" Erase numbers with one click?

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Print Out An Textbox With A Simple Click Button?

Jun 23, 2009

How can i print out an textbox with a simple click button? i prefer it with a dialog where people can select there printer. This is what i found but it doesnt work

Private Sub Button84_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button84.Click
End Sub

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Get All Combination Without Repetition?

Jan 2, 2012

I have this code:

Dim combinations As New List(Of String)
Dim word As String = "abc"
For c1 = 0 To word.Length - 1


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Get Combinations With Repetition?

May 26, 2011

How can I write all possible combinations to the console? For example, if user enters abc, then it will write aaa, aab, aac, abb, abc, acc, bbb, bbc, ccc.

Here's some code:

Dim abc() As String = {"a", "b", "c"} '
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Enter the amount of characters")


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Print The Whole Webpage On Single Button Click Event Using VB?

Feb 8, 2011

how to print the whole webpage on single button click event iusing VB ?

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Print Windows Form When The User Click A Button?

Jun 8, 2009

i need to print my windows form when the user click a button. what is the method for this?

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Add Items In Combo Box But Without Repetition?

Jun 2, 2011

the code for adding items in the combo box but without duplicates. i have an assignment which is a simple web browser. the combo box will be the address bar. and everytime i input an address, it will be added in combo box and should not repeat just like in the browsers

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