Get Informed When A New Form Is Created?

Mar 16, 2011

I am using VB.NET 2010 I have a project, which has a Main Form.Out of this Main Form, I create/dispose over 100 other Forms (when the user clicks on to a menu).So, there are some design changes, which I want to made by code. - This Changes have to been written in to the Load Event of each form.Is there a possibility to get informed in the main form, when a new Windows is going to be created, and add the code by this routine?

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Print Click On The Quantity Of Copies Informed Skirt With Sequential Numbers Without Repetition?

May 24, 2010

What is missing is a way that when I give a print click on the quantity of copies informed skirt with sequential numbers without repetition


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Declaring A Object - Instance Of An Object To Be Created When A Form Loads Or Another Class Is Created

Oct 5, 2009

If you want a instance of an object to be created when a form loads or another class is created, you have two options:

Public class example

private IAmAObject As IAmAObject

public sub new()


Or like this:

public class example

private IAmAObject as new IAmAObject

public sub new()


I always use the first one. It's more type work but I think it's neater. How about you people and is there any real difference between the two?

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Access A Dynamically Created Control On A Dynamically Created Form

Jul 16, 2009

I have an application that dynamically creates winforms.

Dim NewS As New Form
Dim NewT as new Timer
NewT.Interval = 5000


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.net - Why After GroupBox Control Deleted From Form, The TextBox Is Not Created On The Form?

Jun 8, 2012

I need to create text box at a run time.

I found the following VB NET code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim textbox1 As New TextBox


When this row GroupBox1.Controls.Add(textbox1) and GroupBox control are being deleted from Form, the TextBox isn't created on the Form after the event is fired.

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Access A Component In Form From A Thread Created In A Different Form?

Jun 18, 2011

I have 2 forms main_frm and copying_frm. In main_frm, there is a list view that is populated with file names. The user then clicks save and all the files in the list are copied to a folder that they choose using a folder browser dialog. When this happens, I do copying_frm.ShowDialog() to display the copying_frm. The copying_frm contains a progress bar and a cancel button. I can get the progress bar to indicate how much has been copied. But that freezes up the application. To get around this, I create a new thread (called copyingThread) that copies the files. When that thread runs though, it can't access the waitingList_lvw in main_frm. For example, in the function that the copyingThread executes, if I have this line of code: MsgBox(main_frm.waitingList_lvw.Items.Count.ToString()) the result is 0. Also, I don't get any errors and no files are copied. How do I access waitingList_lvw in main_frm from a thread called copyThread that was created in copying_frm?

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Get All Form Name That Is Created On Project

Feb 21, 2012

For Each FRM As Form In Application.OpenForms MsgBox(FRM.Name) Next only getting open form name... i want all form name used in project

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Creating Single Instance Form In MDI Application - Check Whether Form's Instance Created Or Not?

Feb 8, 2012

creating single instance form in MDI Application. How to check whether form's instance created or not?

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Close Dynamically Created Form

Dec 8, 2008

I have a form which when button1 is pressed creates and displays a new form. From this form a user has the choice yes or no buttons. Each button has its own handler and script it executes. If yes is clicked i want to run the script and then close both forms. I used me.close() and that only closes the orriginal form and leaves the dynamically created on open. If I place a call to form2.close() in the yes handler sub I get an error that it is not declared. How can i close this second form?

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Created A DetailView Of A DataTable In A Form?

Jul 2, 2010

I created a DetailView of a DataTable in a Form. This also created a BindingNavigator and all of this works fine.However, one TextBox in the Form shows the LangaugeCode and I'd like to use my refLanguage DataTable to show the LanguageName instead. How do I go about doing that?

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Created A Form With Three Comboboxes And A Datagrid ?

Jun 5, 2011

I"ve created a form with three comboboxes and a datagrid. I've connect the comboboxes to the database and they all work but when i try and fill the datagrid based on the final selection from the last commbobox but it will not populate the datagridview..


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Move Text Box On A Form Created Using WPF?

Jul 22, 2011

I am finding it a little difficult trying to find the syntax on how to move in this case a tree view at runtime, I have a Combo box that if let's say "Void"is selected hides a description text box, I need to move a Tree view containing a list of parameters to the same place on the page the text box once occupied

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Prevent A Second Instance Of A Form To Be Created?

Jul 29, 2010

I need my program to open just one instance of each form, and if the person clicks again on the button that opens a form that is already showing, the form should only be brought to front (probably with the "bringtofront" method). How do I do this?I tried checking if the form "is nothing" before showing it, but if I close it and then try to open it again it doesn't work.

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Reference A Form Created From A Template

Jun 10, 2011

I have a VB.NET App that creates forms from a template.I am having problems getting them to communicate with each other.Is it possible to send data from one textbox in the first instance to the same textbox in another instance.[code]Lets say i put the name in the wrong window by mistake - is it possible to send that text to the correct form.Issue is all forms seem to be called FormNameWindow - and i can't reference them by potential form name.

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Reference A Form Created From A Template?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a VB.NET App that creates forms from a template.I am having problems getting them to communicate with each other.Is it possible to send data from one textbox in the first instance to the same textbox in another instance.EG

Names By Letter.
Dim NewNameWindow As New FormNameWindow()
NewNameWindow .Text = "Starts With *"
NewNameWindow .Show()

Where * would be the letter you click on.Lets say i put the name in the wrong window by mistake - is it possible to send that text to the correct form.

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Saving A Dynamically Created Form

Apr 24, 2012

I have created a sample form as


Now I would like to save this form as .vb file and include it in my project. Similar I have created in PHP where output html and saving as .php file is easy. This I have used as a initialize function as i start doing some project whose database has been created already.

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Adding Controls To A Code Created Form

Apr 28, 2010

What I am trying to do is create a form in code that runs while the BackGround worker is running.I created a form the normal way with a label and progress bar but I want to update the label with what is going on in the BackGround Worker.Doing it the standard way isn't updating the label on the form.So my next idea is to create a form in code which I have done, but now I can't remember how to add controls to that form at runtime.Here is the code I have so far.[code]So from here I have tried the CreateControl() and the Controls.Add() and neither one is working for me.

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Connecting Form Created Using .net To Sql Server Database?

Jun 21, 2010

how can i link form created using to sql server database.I created a database with sql server 2000 now i want to connect form created in to sql server database

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Created A Form With 2 Labels 2 Textboxes And A Button?

Feb 10, 2009

I created a form with 2 labels 2 textboxes and a button. Basically it is a login from. When I launch the form it shows the blinking cursor in the 1st textbox(this is ok) but when i try to type nothing happens. Once i click the form(not the textbox-textbox works too but wanted to note it was the form) it works. I have tried doing textbox1.focus(). I have tried doing the form.focus(). Neither were successful. It may have nothing to do with focus but it seems to be that to me.

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Created A Form With Two Check Boxs And One Button?

May 28, 2012

I've created a form with two check boxs and one button. I added this code Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Bg1.txt As String = "C:UsersJoshDocumentsBg1.txt"
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(Bg1.txt)
TextBox1.Text = objReader.ReadToEnd
End Sub
End Class

to the button thinking it would open Bg1.txt when clicked but it's not working?

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Created A Logon Form For DDP World Project?

Feb 15, 2010

In visual basic 2008, I've created a logon form for my DDP World project. I was wondering, how do I create a uesr profile? For example:

Username: Admin Password: 9cookies1 (never used that password before, so dont try using it)

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Created A New Windows Form And Put A Button On Taskbar

Jan 25, 2009

I want to have multipul fourms on my webbrowser and i've never done it before so I created a new windows form and put a button on my taskbar that would show the form this is my script Show(Form2) but when I click the button my whole project closes. it also did this with an about box.

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Created The Database And Bound The Fields To A Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I am an experienced programmer but am new to VB. To start, I am trying to create a simple database program. (My ultimate goal is writing a comprehensive database program in 6-8 months)I have created the database and bound the fields to a form.

But what I want to be able to do is add a field to the database and then also bind that new field to a textbox on the form.The new field appears on the list in the Server Explorer window (on my left) but not in the data sources window (on my right.) The data sources windows has a "refresh" option but that does not help.When I manually add a textbox and try going to DataBindings in the property window the new database field is not listed.

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How To Reference Form From Class That Was Created In New Thread

Feb 14, 2006

I have an app ( that sues multi threading and have tow problems.

1. The program is used for trading currency markets and mointers prices all day. When a signal is generated it wil place a trade in a new thread. In the new thread it checks to see if a trade is on already and if so it will not place another trade.The problem is it can be too fast and place another trade before the server has processed the first trade. So trade count returns 0. As the system watches 6 accounts I can not just pause the other thread to make sure it has finished before trying ot place another trade.How to i check to make sure the first thread is finished so when i check for trade count it retuns 1?

2.The new thread is inside a class and has a logging class as well. The problem is writing to the text box on the main thread. As the logging thread is created in the new thread it has no access to the textbox. I have tried using invoke but it still does not write to text box as it does not exist in the new thread.How do i reference a form from a class that was created in a new thread?

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Pass Data To Form Created Through ContextMenuStrip

Jan 26, 2011

I have a form that holds dynamically created pictureboxes. I have a ContextMenuStrip that is opened when the user right-clicks an individual picturebox that allows them to change the Tag of that specific image. When they click the "Change Tag" item from the ContextMenuStrip, a new form is brought up allowing them to change the Tag in a Textbox.

My problem is, I can't figure out how to pass the specific picturebox's (that was right-clicked) Tag into the new form so that the user can edit it and set when they click the "set" button. (Named "Button1" below)

Here's what I have so far:

Form 1:

Private Sub ChangeURLToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangeURLToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim myItem As ToolStripMenuItem = DirectCast(sender, ToolStripMenuItem)


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User Created Control Not Working In Form?

Dec 30, 2010

I created a user control with a label and 2 combo boxes, and a public property called ControlDataSource that accepts a dataset - which it populates the combo boxes with. I added the reference to the VB project I want to use it on and to the toolbox. I was able to draw it on the form with no problem and use it. However, after changing the backcolor on the control and recompiling it, it is no longer seen by the form. When I bring up the form it's used on, I get a white screen with a bunch of xml. The problem seems to be in the designer, and I get an "object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Here is the code from the designer:


The reference error is pointing to the line: Me.UcDx1.ControlDataSource = Nothing

Here's the wierd part. If I hover the cursor over that property, it correctly identifies it as a dataset. So it does know what it is, but it can't seem to use it.

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VS 2008 Accessing The Controls On A Form Which Is Not Created?

Jan 30, 2011

When I try to access the controls of a form which is not yet created (i.e. to modify the contents of a text box , to press a button etc) , I fail , usually without even an error message . I found out that the only way to make my program go right is to take care that the form is first created before I try to access anything on that form . However this means I must use the Show method to create it and then to Hide it , which leads to an instant awful optical effect . I remember back in VB6 there wasn't such a problem ; it seems that in VB6 each time I accessed a control on a not-created form led to the form being created silently . Is there any way I could do that in .NET too in order to access my precious controls ?

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Assign Values To Txtbox Created At Form Load?

Nov 15, 2011

I have a bunch of text boxes that get created on form load depending on a value in a combo box. The text boxes get named in the fasion txtBx1, txtBx2, ect. Then I want to assign values to those text boxes with a button click. However when I try to write the txtBx1.text = "Blah" code under button click, I get 'txtBx1' is not declared. [code]...

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Centering (Perfectly) Dynamically Created Buttons On Form?

Jul 31, 2011

I am currently developing a simple menu application that has a control array of buttons and I am having a hard time with re-sizing the form and centering the buttons. These buttons are created at compile time (with parameters from an INI file) and my current centering algorithm seems to slightly set them to the right. I am using the "button.location = new Point(...,...)" method but after reading about this it says the values locate the buttons left upper corner rather than center, thus accounting for the slight offset to the right.

My two questions are this:
How can I perfectly center these buttons at compile time? I have tried accounting for the difference by subtracting half of the button's width but the button width and point properties seem to be incompatible and the button gets heavily offset.

And... my other goal for re-sizing the menu is to have the buttons perfectly expand and contract when being re-sized. It seems as though anchoring is ineffective when the buttons are created dynamically so I have been forced to write ratio algorithms... Is there a way to get anchoring to work?

Here's what I have in the load up :
MyControlArray(i).Location = New Point(CInt(((Width - ButtonWidth) / 2) +_
(ButtonWidth / 2)), CInt((Height - MyControlArray(i).Height) / 2))

I have already tried:
New Point(CInt(((Width - ButtonWidth) / 2)), CInt((Height - MyControlArray(i).Height)_
/ 2))

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Create A Button Or Label That Is On A Form That Has Also Been Created Programmatically

Sep 11, 2009

I have code that refers to controls like buttons and labels and textboxes (obviously), but i want to create them programatically, how can i create a button or label that is on a form that has also been created programatically. Here is what i have:

Dim frmIndashone As Windows.Forms.Form
Dim vscPage As Windows.Forms.ScrollBar
Dim lblPageNum As Windows.Forms.Label
Dim txtVector As Windows.Forms.TextBox
Dim txtPageCode As Windows.Forms.TextBox

I am asking because i have a With statement that assigns different values to the different things that looks like this below:

RaiseEvent Load(frmIndashone)
With frmIndashone
.vscPage.min = 1


But i am told on everyline of the second snippet that vdcPage, lblPageNum, txtVector and txtPageCode are not members of windows.Forms.Form, How can i make them members?

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