Read A Barcode In An Image In .Net?

Feb 2, 2012

How can i read a barcode from an image in VB.Net? Can I find a free dll or ocx for this work?

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Barcode Cannot Be Read By Its Scanner

Dec 12, 2010

I have downloaded the BarcodeLib.dll from[url]...

And however, my barcode scanner cannot read the hard copy barcode images that i have printed out as the following.[url]...

I have done research and some articles mention that dimension of the images will effect the readability of the barcode.

May i know what is the correct dimension to make my barcode images to be readable?

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.net - Read 2D Barcode Encoded With Base256?

May 25, 2012

I have to read a 2D barcode that's encoded with base256. When I scan the barcode, it sends different characters as it comes from the keyboard and it changes the focus, turns visual studio in full screen, give the command to send to printer from notepad++.

I guess it reads ALT + TAB, CTRL + P, ALT + SHIFT, etc. and i can't capture all the bytes from the barcode.

I tried to capture the event on textbox KeyPress method with e.handled = True and e.keyChar added to the bytes()

On form.load I set:

Me.KeyPreview = True

And tried also on form.KeyDown with no luck.

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VS 2010 Read 2D Barcode Encoded With Base256

May 25, 2012

I have to read a 2D barcode that's encoded with base256. When I scan the barcode, it sends different characters as it comes from the keyboard and it changes the focus, turns visual studio in full screen, give the command to send to printer from notepad++. I guess it reads ALT + TAB, CTRL + P, ALT + SHIFT, etc. and i can't capture all the bytes from the barcode. I tried to capture the event on textbox KeyPress method with e.handled = True and e.keyChar added to the bytes()


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Read Barcode Using A Scanner Through A Serial Input(com1)

May 10, 2010

I'm trying to read barcode using a scanner through a serial input(com1). Below you will see the code I'm working with, when I scan the barcode the code goes through the datareceived event and doesnt add the read barcode to the listbox. However when I use hyperterminal and scan the barcode it reads and displays the barcode.


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Display A Full Barcode Image In Application?

Mar 26, 2009

Ok I am designing an app in VB2005 and I need to now how to display A full barcode image in my app's. So far I have added a few Dll's but each one displays a "demo" pic over a portion of the barcode. Is there anyway to display barcodes in pic boxes or text boxes or a non demo dll somewhere.

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VS 2005 Saving Barcode As Image In Database

Jul 13, 2010

I've created barcode using barcode.lib downloaded from the net.i've used a picturebox in that picturebox i have created barcode using barcode.lib now i want to save that barcode as image in the database. There's a prblem while saving that image as bytearray in 2005 it takes null value of that barcode present in picturebox.i'am attaching both images

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Write Visual Basic Code To Read The Input From A Barcode Scanner?

Jul 19, 2009

I want to write software in visual basic that reads the barcode of various items into my program.

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Serial Port Barcode Scanner Delegate Sub Firing Twice Per Barcode Scan?

Aug 2, 2010

I am using Richard L. Grier's Enhanced Serial Port dll to read input from a serial port barcode scanner I notice that the datareceived event fires only once per barcode scan, but the delegate sub fires twice per barcode scan. Once for 1st half of Barcode , 2nd for 2nd part of barcode This makes it hard to capture the full barcode so it can be passed to routines in my 2008 windows application In Richard's example 'Test Enhanced Port' program he sends it to a textbox using .selectedtext and it works fine Richards Delegate code ......................

Public Delegate Sub DisplayData(ByVal Buffer As String)
'This delegate routine marshals receive data from the receive thread context DataReceived to the Windows Form STAThread context
Private Shared Sub Display(ByVal Buffer As String)


I am trying to set a variable to the full barcode to pass to routines, instead of writing to a textbox but am not having any success

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Make A Program That Will Use A Barcode Scanner Well Ofcourse To Scan A Barcode

Nov 27, 2009

I am a student and I am about to make a program that will use a barcode scanner well ofcourse to scan a barcode. My problem is i don't know what library to use and what certain things i need to do so that when i am going to scan a barcode it'll be something like show it on a textbox and pull something from the database. i've actually research some. i've seen mscomm1 (not so sure about that) and POS for .net (haven't fully understood its use) were those will help me develop my program?i have a metrologic ms9520 Voyager barcode scanner. and i am going to create a program for it in vb2005.

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Read The Data From Barcode Weight Scales By Serial Port And TcpIp Port?

Nov 27, 2010

I'm mohammed from Oman ,I'm visual programmer How I can Read the Data From Barcode Weight scales By Serial port and TcpIp port

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Read MemoryStream - Load Image Byte And Read It?

Feb 21, 2012

ok i have image that i bind info in it and i want to read the info now from file (FileStream) its workbut i want to do it not from file so i need to use MemoryStreamhere the example that work and how i do it now how i make it work with MemoryStream (with byte = My.Resources or PictureBox1.image)

Using FS As New IO.FileStream(image, IO.FileMode.Open)
FS.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.End)
While Not FS.ReadByte = Asc("|")


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Way To Capture Screen Image And Then Read Data (OCR?) From Image

Feb 13, 2010

I play a game and in the game you acquire skills which you can display on the screen in a box very similar to a data grid. The grid has 3 columns and X number of rows.Column 1 is the name of the skill, column 2 has a descriptive term like "Beginner" and column has the number of points you have acquired in that skill. So it would look something like this:[code]Remember that it is in a data grid so it has cells like an Excel spreed sheet.The program that I use is able to parse the skill name and the points and save that information outside the game to a n area in the program.My question is, is this possible to do something similar in VB? That is something like, Press a hot key, with will get a screen shot, parse the data and save to a data grid in my VB program.

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VS 2008 - Read A 16bit Binary File (tif Image) And Pixel Values Of The Image Ranges From 1200 To 4500 - EndOfStreamException Unhandled Error

Mar 18, 2012

I am trying to read a 16bit binary file (tif image) and pixel values of the image ranges from 1200 to 4500. I tried to use BinaryReader using ReadUInt16 but I get EndOfStreamException Unhandled error. ReadByte method works fine with an 8bit tif file. I do not know how to read a 16bit image file using binaryReader. Shouldn't I use ReadUInt16 since values of pixels range from 1200 to 4500?


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Read Image From A DX Window?

Apr 13, 2012

How can i get the image shown on a Directx Window (I mean a app the uses directx 5,8,9...) and then pic the image and transform this picture data in a text? I mean if there is any text or any number writen anywhere inside of it?

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Read Image From SQL Server?

Mar 27, 2012

Been away from coding for almost 10 years, trying to get back into it but am a bit rusty. I have been asked to write a program that will allow users on a network to write hire data, driver data, job calander etc to a SQL database. The program works perfectly at the moment apart from one thing.

The program must allow the users to add an image to a drivers record to have on file, I have read loads of different forums, tutorials etc on how to do this and have managed to get my program to size the image properly and store it as binary data (i think) in the SQL database. I am now having problems doing the reverse and making the program read from the database and display the image in a picture box, the following is my code to save to the database
Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles OpenFileDialog1.FileOk
Dim strm As System.IO.Stream


I understand that there may be easier ways to do this, this is simply the way I did this years ago, if any one can give me any pointers or any tips on how to read from the DB and display the image in a picturebox

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VS 2010 How To Read This Image

Dec 30, 2011

Imports System.Web
Imports mshtml
Public Class Form1


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.net - Read Image From Stream Database?

Dec 17, 2010

I have an issue in streaming database.I have already write an image there and now i want to recall and put it in a PictureBox.

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Load Image Byte And Read It?

Feb 20, 2012

I try to load image byte to memory and read it in memory (not from file - string)

with FileStream i do it like FileStream(image, IO.FileMode.Open) image = string of file path

so i want to do it with MemoryStream(image) image = image byte

i try many things but still cant get it [code]...

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Read Image Data From Sql Database?

Jul 1, 2012

I have data that was stored in a sql 2008 table in image format. I want read the data from sql with 2005 and put it into a character array or a byte array where I can access the data within the code. I can not use file stream to read the data because I have no ability to read files from a directory.

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VS 2005 Read Text From An Image

Aug 26, 2010

I am trying to create auto-login screen through i when i enter my email id pw and submit it i get logged in to my gmail id.
extending same idea,now,along with email id pw there is a verification code in a image.and i want that code into my text to read text/data from an image using code?

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Adding Attribute To Image Button - How To Read It

Dec 13, 2011

I'm adding in (vb) an attribute to an image-button:
imgButton.Attributes.Add("myAttr", "true")
This is working fine. Now I want to read the attribute, but it does not work:
If imgButton.Attributes("myAttr") = "true" Then
How do I get this thing working?

I have an repeater. In this repeater I have in each itemtemplate two image buttons.
If I'm clicking on an imagebutton, the other imagebutton in this row changes it's URL. I want that this URL is saved, after clicking on another row's imagebutton. So I'm adding in the repeater event
Dim imgButton As ImageButton
If e.CommandName = "imgBtn1" Then
imgButton = CType(e.Item.FindControl("imgBtn1"), ImageButton)
imgButton.ImageUrl = "myURL"
[Code] .....
While debugging, it still skips everything, because all Attributes are empty (but actually they are not)!

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Captcha - Read And Decode Image To Text

Nov 22, 2010

I want to read and decode image to text. Like megaupload captcha how I can convert the image to text or how to read it as words.

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Read A JPEG File For Image Dimensions?

Mar 25, 2009

I'm reading a folder to assess the width x height of jpeg's, to classify them in various ways. Opening each as a bitmap and reading the bitmap width and height works but of course is laborious and very slow .... I've read various JPEG file format papers but retrieving the image pixel width and height seems none too obvious. Is there a logical way in VB to get this info quickly? My jpeg's are bog-standard ones made using VB's "Bmap.Save(Fname, ImageFormat.Jpeg)".

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Read Tiff Image Header Information Using C#?

Jul 3, 2009

I want to know how to read tiff image header information using or C#.

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Android - C#.Net Fails To Read Some EXIF Data From JPG Image

Apr 25, 2012

I have written simple module in C#.Net which reads image property (i.e EXIF Data) and to do the same i have used below code:


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Using A Barcode Scanner In App?

Jul 21, 2010

I am writing an inventory control application in which a barcode scanner will be hooked up to a laptop computer in our shipping/receiving department. What I'm wondering is, whenever a shipment comes in and the receiving clerk starts scanning the products, what exactly do I need to do in order to setup our database so that the scanner recognizes which vendor/product etc. and puts the data in the correct tables. I've written inventory control apps before but never one that incorporated the use of a barcode scanner.

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VS 2010 Barcode Key Up?

Nov 23, 2010

So i bought a cheap USB barcode scanner to play around with. So far pretty simple to use, on theing thats baffling me though is after the keyUp event and the string parsing, how do i reset the value of the textbox that reads the string to make it wait for a new keyup event. Eventually i'm going to try adding rows to tables and autocompleting cell values based on the parsed string. So what would be the best way to start looking at this?


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.net - VB Webcam Barcode Scanner SDK?

Apr 9, 2012

Is there any Visual Basic SDK that will let me scan a barcode from a webcam, not an image? I have seen some that read from files, but this is not what I am looking for. If possible, I would love it if this is free!

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Barcode Generation And Printing?

Dec 12, 2009

I am working on a Point of Sale system using VB express 2008.I want to generate invoice with Barcode and also stock items with Barcodesort of Barcode system i should use for this and also how i can code to generate and pring the Barcod

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