Receive A Web Page Without Loading Images For Lower Usage Of Bandwith?

Jul 14, 2010

How to receive a web page without loading images for lower usage of bandwith? I prefer to not using webbrowser component.

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Forms :: Optimize Code And Lower CPU Usage?

May 14, 2009

When my form first loads, it runs at about 30k CPU, but after about 10 minutes of use, it goes up to (and stays at) about 70k CPU.

What ways can i optimize my code to allow the CPU usage to stay low, or how can i lower it during the running of the program.

My most concerned areas of the CPU are:

1. I have a web browser, and when a user types in a url and presses go or enter, the CPU jumps about 4k:

Private Sub Go_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Go.Click


The second worry is when i open other forms, it boosts the CPU up aswell. the only code for this is:


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Receive Upper Bound And Lower Bound Of A Range

Sep 20, 2010

Is there anyone who can tell me the code for the below? Receive a lower bound and an upper bound of a range. Also receive a number of random numbers to generate. You must validate

1) the numbers are integers
2) the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound
3) the number to generate is positive (i.e., > 0).

Generate this many numbers in the specified range and keep track of how many of each are generated in an array of counters. Once all the numbers have been generated, display in a List Box the number, the raw count data, and the percentage of how many times the number was generated displayed with two decimal places of precision.

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Flash Player - CPU Usage 100 Percent When Loading SWF File

Oct 13, 2011

I am using flash player 11 in VB.Net when I load the swf file in flash player the CPU usage goes to 100%. Any other light weight flash player to use in

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Loading ScriptManager Only Once Either From Master Page Or Content Page?

Sep 6, 2010

I have an web application of 200 web pages and all has a single master page. Most of the content pages use AJAX controls so most of content pages has its own ScriptManager. Now I have a requirement to add a link with HoverMenuExtender control and for that I need to put ScriptManager in the Master page, but it is working only in the content pages where there is not ScriptManager.

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Get The Page Source Without Complete Loading The Page?

Sep 24, 2010

is there anyway to get the page source with out complete loading the page?

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Querystring Value Receive On The Same Page Tabs?

May 13, 2011

I have three pages: default.aspx, Registration.aspx and order.aspx.when sombody choose the items from the ddl default.aspx pages, it goes to registration pages as regristration.aspx?value=hyveeand on that pages there are three tabs: step 1, step 2, step 3 and finish. Those steps are for entering customer informations and finish for validate and submit the registration).

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VS 2008 : Why Does CPU Usage Jump So High When A WebBrowser Control Is Navigating To A Page

Jul 26, 2009

Why does CPU usage jump so high when a WebBrowser control is navigating to a page?Is there a way to drop CPU usage?

View 17 Replies

Receive Data From Serial Port To Page?

Feb 28, 2011

I am working on my project "PREPAID RESTAURANT CARD USING RFID TECHNOLOGY" in which i sent 12 digit number (rfid tag id) to serial port through my hardware and receive at my 2008 page.but i don't know how to receive data in vb page in the textbox using which cammand.

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Loading Images Into PictureBoxes?

Mar 13, 2009

PicBox(0, 0).Image = My.Resources.ship1
PicBox(0, 1).Image = My.Resources.ship2

View 13 Replies

Forms :: Web Browser Images - Save All Images Only Displaying On Any Web Page In My Browser?

Jul 5, 2011

i am creating a web browser using microsoft 2008 and i want to save all images only displaying on any web page in my browser. i have added check box to save images. browser.PNG when i click on check box , the browser will prompt to save only images files on web page.

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Loading And Viewing Images From ImageList

Jan 16, 2012

As you see the code given below is not very useful. Is it possible to shorten the code. Mousewheel back and forward give the same result (next image). Keydown cannot be configured.

Private Sub Images_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
count += 1
If count + 1 > ImageList1.Images.Count Then
[Code] .....

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Loading Images From Resource Into ImageList?

Nov 21, 2010

I have about 100 PNG images stored in a Resource. Sometimes I need to have the same images in an ImageList, but I do not want to store the images twice in my application, so I add the images from the Resource to the ImageList during runtime when I need them.

Is there an easier way to do this than having 100 lines of code, like the small example below?

imgItems.Images.Add("A", My.Resources.A)
imgItems.Images.Add("B", My.Resources.B)
imgItems.Images.Add("C", My.Resources.C)
imgItems.Images.Add("D", My.Resources.D)

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Out Of Memory Exception While Loading Images?

Jan 31, 2011

I am using the following piece of code to load images as thumbnails to a FlowLayoutPanel control. Unfortunately i get an OutOfMemory exception.As you already guess the memory leak is found at line

Pedit.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(fs)

So how could i optimize the following code?

Private Sub LoadImagesCommon(ByVal FlowPanel As FlowLayoutPanel, ByVal fi As FileInfo)
Pedit = New DevExpress.XtraEditors.PictureEdit
Pedit.Width = txtIconsWidth.EditValue


Update: The problem occurs while loading a number of images (3264x2448px at 300dpi - each image is about 3Mb's)

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[2008] Loading All Images On Startup?

Mar 1, 2009

Is there any efficient way to load all of the images that my program will use upon start-up such that when I load those images into pictureboxes during runtime regardless of what form I may be using, the images will load faster?Does that make sense?I've read about ImageLists, but do they actually load the images or is it just a way to manage image files?

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Loading Images To PictureBox And Saving In Database?

Feb 8, 2009

I want to load images into a picturebox, save them into a database and display them again in the picturebox. This is the code I'm actually having problem with:

Private Connection As String = _
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=C:UsersclientDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsSavingsLoansCalc.mdb"
rivate Sub UploadButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles UploadButton.Click
[Code] .....

I'm getting this error message:
"Type 'Connection' is not declared"
On this line:
oConn = New OleDb.OleDbConnection( _
New Connection().getConnectionString)

View 6 Replies

Loading Images With Different Filenames Using One Line Of Code

May 27, 2011

I am currently new to visual basic and I am using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010. I am trying to create a small game in which i want to use 8 images. These images are imported in my resources under images as _0.gif _2.gif up to _7.gif. I could write code for each of the imageboxes individually but i prefer doing it in an array as shown below. As you can see I use the variable "i" to run a for, next loop.
picbox(i).Image =
So that not every time it loads the image. _1.gif but it loads the images _0.gif through _7.gif, based on the "i" variable.

i As
= 0 To
picbox(i) =
[Code] .....

View 7 Replies

VS 2010 OpenFileDialog - Loading Images Into PictureBox

Jan 7, 2011

I have a 4 pictureboxes for a database I made but having a problem with loading images in to the picturebox. On my form I have a picturebox, 1 button, 1 textbox, and 1 openfiledialog.

My button click event code
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox1.Text = OpenFileDialog1.FileName
Pic1PictureBox.Image = Image.FromFile(TextBox1.Text)
End Sub

I can add pics but if I don't select any image (just close the dialogbox) I get an error and not sure what to do ..or what to add. Is there any code to tell it to just close..

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Loading Images In Picture Box From Listbox, Changes Image Colors?

May 26, 2009

mage from the open file dialog in a picturebox the image displays correctly..



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VS 2010 Loading Extremely Large(dimension) Images?

Feb 8, 2012

I'm trying to load this image file on a PictureBox but I get an "OutOfMemoryException was unhandled" error.

How do I allocate more memory for this? Or maybe use another container? My project's main feature is loading maps, unfortunately my boss wants to load the whole map and won't accept sliced version of the map.

View 8 Replies

Creating A Custom Media Library - Loading Images For Rendering?

Jul 22, 2010

i'm working on a project right now and I need to create a graphic library.The game I'm experimenting with is an RPG; this project is expected to contain many big graphic files to use and I would prefer not to load everything into memory at once, like I've done before with other smaller projects.So, does anyone have experience with libraries such as this one? Here's what I've came up with:

Have graphic library files and paths in an XML file Each entry in the XML file would be designated "PERMANENT" or "TEMPORARY", with perm. being that once loaded it stays in memory and won't be cleared (like menu-graphics)The library that the XML file loads into would have a CLEAR command, that clears out all non-PERMANENT graphics I have experience throwing everything into memory at startup, and with running the program running with the assumption that all necessary graphics are currently in memory.

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.net - Block Images From Loading In Web Browser Control With Site Exceptions Using Registry Key?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm currently blocking all the images from loading in the web browser control by using the registry key. I would like to find a way were I could allow images from some sites to be shown.

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VS 2010 Loading A Sequence Of Images From A Selected Folder Into A Picturebox Control

Dec 30, 2011

i have a simple photo viewer application where i want the user to click a "load sequence" button and then i want something like a folderbroswerdialog to appear then the user can pick a folder with images in it then the images get loaded into the picturebox and the user can click a "forward" button to go to the next image in the sequence and a "backward" button to go to the previous image in the sequence, it's kinda like windows 7 photo viewer.

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.net - Loading Html Page As Xml?

Mar 2, 2010

I use this to load html page by xml

Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
Dim xmldoc As XDocument
xmldoc = XDocument.Load(Server.MapPath("index.htm"))

but i got some errors like :

Expecting an internal subset or the end of the DOCTYPE declaration. Line 2, position 14.'>' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '"' or '''. Line 1, position 62.Expecting an internal subset or the end of the DOCTYPE declaration. Line 5, position 20.

all these errors came to me when i solve one another one show up.

i'm asking do i use the perfect way to load this file or is there another way for that?

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Know When A Web Page Has Finished Loading?

Feb 12, 2011

I've made a tabbed web browser and I'm using

CType(TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls.Item(0), WebBrowser).Stop()
instead of WebBrowser1.Stop() for navigating.

but I want to know when a web page has finished loading?

Normally the following works, but not with tabs

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
End Sub

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Page Not Loading In While Debugging?

Jan 21, 2010

i have a small 2 aspx page application. its has main.aspx with main.aspx.vb in back.first line on aspx reads


its completely blank. but when i try to debug it just to see design on aspx page it gives me this error -

Could not load type 'a1_main'.Line 1: <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" codebehind="main.aspx.vb" Inherits="a1_main" %>

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Javascript - Showing Loading Images Before Displaying Any Control On Button Click Event?

Nov 8, 2010

Display ajax loading image before loading anycontrol .... means if i wanna show textbox on button click after showing loading images using ajax toolkit or ajax extension in ?

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Page Not Loading E.cancel = True?

Mar 22, 2012

Why would this not work? I get the new window to open yet it does not load. When I right click to veiw source it is empty.It will load without this in IE. The Address looks normal[URL]..Private Sub WebBrowser2_NewWindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser2.NewWindow


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Show Progress Of Page Loading?

Jul 11, 2010

my progressbar is retarded when i try to show progress of page loading

Private Sub WebBrowser1_ProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserProgressChangedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.ProgressChanged


Value of '-1' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'minimum' and 'maximum'. on e.currentprogress

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Variable Value Remain Same While Loading Page?

Jun 2, 2009

im using my logic in the page load fn. i have an variable id. while loading page the variable id want to increment by 1 and value remain same... initially the id have 0 while calling the page load 4 times this value have to be 4.

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