Separater Windows Application Project Into Two Parts?

Oct 8, 2009

I need helps on the following of my questions. I want to separater my Windows application project into two parts.(Currently how i code is all my class, module, form will be in one single project)

Now I want to separate them into two projects under one solution.That is One project will only include pure design which is win forms.And another project will include DB processing and background business logic.

Can I know how to do that??Currently only way I can think of is pass the required win form control to the Class Project. But I don't think it is a good way. And at some point, I may need to use all controls on the form to perform a single job. So, I end up passing all controls to the Class Project.

I want to try to google it but don't know which key words I should use to search. My vocab power is not that good in english.If you know how or have some samples (even a button click or display some text sample) , please kindly share me about this.

The reason I do this is because I want to separate my business logic with design. So, later me or other developer who handle my projects can focus on business logic if something went wrong. I think this can make the projects easier to debug and study.And also easier to pass to end user if we update or fix the error.In so, we don't need to give the whole set up package to user. we only need to pass them the dll class.

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Setup Of Windows Application Project?

Aug 4, 2011

i have made a window application programme in want to make a setup sothat it can easily install on another computer.plz help me....Pramod Gupta

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Use C# Class In Program Project In Windows Application?

Feb 8, 2010

I wanna use the C# code file in VB.Net project Which is windows based application. But that C# class is not using in VB.NET application. How Can I perform this task.

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Windows Xp Which Is Almost All Of Parts Disabled?

Jun 19, 2012

firstly i wanted to say sorry for my english. And my problem is a windows xp which is almost all of parts disabled. i'll try to explain with a screenshot

this is a sample pc not the real pc that has the problem All the start menu items , and the other stuff like group policy , run menu , task manager , my computer , control panel also internet access disabled except 1 or 2 site and internet explorer's Options menu also disabled

Local area connection's Options menu disabled too for change Icons on desktop like My computer , files disabled , and you can't access the C:/ folder via the browser it is disabled too which libraries do i supposed to use ? or could you guys give me some info for how to do ? i know i didn't explained myself enough but i really have to enable all options on that pc , including all start menu items , group policy access , and access to drives .

one last question , my first aim is surfing on the internet sites without restrictions , it is a router sided restriction i think , if i use softwares like Hotspot shield , can i surf on the internet without restrictions ?

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.net - Including A ASP Web Service Project In A Windows Forms Application?

Aug 25, 2009

I have a web service that I'd like to include as a project reference inside a windows forms application. (The application will be running on non-networked hardware.) I could simply copy the *.vb files I need into my forms project, but I'd rather not fork the code base.It wasn't hard to include the ASP project in the windows forms solution. However, I can't figure out how to reference it in my forms code.

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Send Event Handler From Dll Project To Windows Application?

Jun 7, 2010

I am having an Activex Application (dll) which contains a third party control ie a Chart Control, as well as a Windows Application(.EXE). I am using that dll project in my exe application in order to populate the Activex user Control. If i double-click on the Activex Control, how can i pass an event handler from this dll Project to Windows application? If this event gets worked successfully, i have to load a screen from that windows application.

When the user clicks on the Activex Control, ie the Chart Control, is there any way to send a event handler from dll project to Windows Application?

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Process Of Creating A Setup And Deployment Project For Windows Application?

Jun 22, 2010

Step-by-Step Process of Creating a Setup and Deployment Project for windows application

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Making Some Parts Of Windows Form Invisible?

Aug 12, 2011

i want to make some arears of my form invisible, i have 2 scenarios, one how to hide parts of a form that have specific color such as blue

the other scenrio is to make the for invisible and show only controls on it such as group box, also how to give the form different shape not rectangular

as an example same as startup form for VS 2010, and how to make its corners more rounded

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Finding Project - Create A Windows Application - Have Lost The .vbproj File

Jul 6, 2009

I am running in visual studio 2005 and i am fairly new to it all, whilst trying to create a windows application i have lost the .vbproj file and am only left with the .vb code that has been created whilst i have been using the toolbox to create the application graphically. Is there anyway for me to recover the .vbproj file without having to redo the whole thing?

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Visual Studio 2010 VB Windows Forms Application - Organization Of DLL Project References?

Mar 26, 2012

In my VS2010 VB project I have a lot of external references to DLLs, to the point that organization has become a major headache and I'm wondering if I am going about it the wrong way. My assembly references include common redistributables (SQL Server Compact 3.5 SP1, ReportViewer 2010 SP1, DataVisualization, as well as some useful 3rd party dlls from CodeProject and CodePlex.

Currently, I am copying each DLL into a 1st level folder (/dll_lib) under my named project folder (under the solution folder), and adding the reference from that path. However, I see that Visual Studio copies the DLLs to various other locations (/bin/debug or /bin/release) in my project when I build the project or solution, and some of the 3rd party DLLs come with instructions to copy them manually to /bin.

What is the "best practice" for where to put the DLLs? Can I just put all of them under /bin and let the build event copy to /bin/debug or /bin/release as required? Should I try to force a single reference path for the dlls in the project output?

View 5 Replies

Forms :: Create Separate Parts/winforms Of The Same Application?

Sep 19, 2011

is it a bad idea to create separate parts/winforms of the same application (using the same SQL Server DB) in different executable files. For example for a School IS: A Receptionist App, A Teacher App, A Principal App and so on.

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Using Objects With All "Shared" Methods In Multi-Project Windows Application?

Nov 23, 2010

Have a windows application that "got complex" and new products could use many portions of the existing application.Decided to break app into multiple projects to facilitate sharing the appropriate pieces with new products.One object in app provides a library of text phrases used in the production of output docs.Wondering if such an object should be a set of shared methods instead of instantiating it in every object that consumes these text phrases.

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Write An Application For Receiving Data (ascii Characters) From Microcontroller Through The Serial Port In Three Separate Parts

Jul 18, 2009

I need to write an application for receiving data (ascii characters) from microcontroller through the serial port in three separate parts. I've created three RichTextBoxes, but I do not know which commands I need to type. In first textbox I need to receive one byte... next six bytes need to be placed in second text box, and finally last seven bytes need to be placed in third textbox.

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Reference Windows Form Project From Another Windows Form Project In Same Solution

Dec 8, 2010

I have a solution with several projects most of which are code or control libraries. I have a main windows forms application that references and uses these libraries. What i am trying to do is create a 2nd windows application that extends the main one, but i would like to be able to deploy them as separate exe's.

When i try to add a reference to the new app referencing the main app; all seems fine until i try to run the new app i get several error msgs similar to below:

Error 1 Could not find file 'ADODB.dll' referenced by assembly 'D:Visual Studio 2005ProjectsXXXinDebugXXX.exe.manifest'. <newAppName>

i have tried adding references to all the dll's in the error messages and they are still listed when i try to run the new app. I thought of a few work arounds but they require user changes to maintain separate exe's at deployment. I would like to avoid this if possible.

View 2 Replies - Converting A Web Site Project To A Web Application Project .net App_code?

Jan 23, 2012

I am following the guidelines from [URL]..Mid way through the process they have you rename your App_Code to Old_App_Code folder and compile ... at which point i had DLL's in my BIN folder and i started to repair my aspx/ascx files.
Today i find the compiled bin files missing an now all my pages are sqwaking they cannot find the numerous Public Class - Public Shared Function's ... I have verified their build action to Compile but am unable to rebuild an have them regenerate on account of project errors.Advice on how to rebuild the bin or how to properly reference a Public Shared Function? My VB code includes an Imports statement taht used to find the class in app_code.

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VB 2010 (Windows Forms Project) Run On The Windows 8 Platform?

Jun 21, 2011

will a VB 2010 (Windows Forms Project) run on the Windows 8 platform?

View 3 Replies - Web Application Project Cannot Add Merge With Mvc Project

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to merge my Web application project with my c# mvc project not ideal at all but the project is too big to do it any other way.

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C# - Web Application Project Vs Web Site Project

Apr 17, 2012

ASP.NET: Web Site or Web Application?

I just wanted to get advice on which one I should use and why?

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Error In VS 2005 "The Project File Cannot Be Loaded The Application For Project -is Not Installed"?

Jun 12, 2009

How do I fix this error in Visual Studio? "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed" I have copied a whole project onto my PC, both into My Documents/Visual Studio and into inetpub/wwwroot, but when I try to open the project in Visual Studio, it tries to open just 1 file .vssproj and gives me error messages, like : "The project file cannot be loaded. The application for project ... is not installed.". What am I doing wrong? The VS edition is 2005 as are all the projects aI am trying to load.

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Access Denied To The Path While Writing A File In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a windows application. That downloads files from server and write into the local directory. It works fine. When we try the same appliication in Windows 7. IT shows an error Access to the path denied (While writing to the local directory).

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VB 2010 Application Works On Windows 7 Machine But Will Not Work On Other Windows 7 Machines?

Jan 22, 2011

I have developed a VB 2010 express application that works on my windows 7 machine, but when I deploy it to other windows 7 machines the application will not run at all. I created an msi script to install the software on other machines and it includes the .NET 4.0 framework an all of my application dll's and such. Any idea what might be he problem?

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Windows Media Player Not Working On Windows XP Using Visual Studio Application?

Aug 8, 2011

I have embedded the WMP control in my Visual Studio 2010 app which works on windows 7 (Framework 4.0), but installing the app on winXP, I get the following error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Interop.WMPLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'


WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.

Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure logging.To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftFusion!EnableLog].

I guess this is a reference issue, but I have added references to WMP libraries (axinterop.wmplib.dll and interop.wmplib.dll). The WMP works on the XP machine, but not when called from my application.I have searched the web now for 5 days and changed references, and reinstalled the media player on the XP machine, but nothing works.

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Form Controls Changes From The Windows 7 Format To Older Formats On Runtime While Running .net Windows Application

May 15, 2012

I have seen this happen before but am not sure how I resolved it in the past. On runtime the controls of my form change from the windows 7/vista format to an older version format as shown in the attached image.

How to display the controls in the format on the left (new windows format)

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C# - Windows Form + Database (Sql Server)+ Windows Mobile Application?

Mar 17, 2011

i am doing project of Order Accepting system for five star hotels.Scenario is Waiter will accept order using Window Mobile which is Connected to WiFi present in hotel.I want to communicate to database(Sql Server) present on My Machine (Computer present in kitchen) through WiFi and Add order into table present inside database. This should notify my application present on Compter and should print order. After completion of Order Application from kitchen will notify to waiter about completion. My problem is How to Communicate with database present on Remote computer using WiFi from windows Mobile.

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Code Works In A Windows Forms Application, But Not In A Windows Service

Jan 19, 2010

I'm porting code that I wrote for use in a Windows Forms application to a Windows Service, but for some reason, the code that worked in the Windows Forms application is now throwing errors in the Service

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Forms :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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Get The Current Windows Explorer Path In .net Windows Application?

Feb 15, 2012

how to get the current windows explorer path in windows application?

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IDE :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Mar 23, 2011

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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IDE :: Disabling BackGround In Windows Application Same As Windows Cardspace

Sep 24, 2010

I am making a System Tray Application when i minimize my form its hide itself in the tray but whenever i click on the tray icon my form shows now when my form shows up i would like to disable my Background desktop same as CardSpace when its shows up.

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VS 2008 Hide Exe Into Taskmanager In Windows 7 Using Windows Application?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide exe into taskmanager in windows 7 using windows application?

I want exe is hide into task-manager in windows 7 & windows vista machine using application)

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