Sql - Get A Single Query To Update Based On The Id?

Dec 5, 2010

i need to update the table based on the two user.

for eg:

update table1 set rating=@rate where User1=@userid / user2=@userid

so i need to write a single query which satisfy the condition for both the users user1 and user2.if i pass the @userid ,if it matches the user's id it should update user1 record. if the id whcih i pass is user2's id then it should update the user2 rec.How to check for this condition in a single query...

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Update Two Tables By Single Query?

Jul 28, 2011

I want to update two tables by single query

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Asp.net - Update / Delete The Table Records In ASPNETDB.MDF In Single Update / Delete Query?

Nov 29, 2010

I want to know how to Update / delete the table records in ASPNETDB.MDF in single update / delete query ?

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Update One Entity Based On Results Of Another LINQ-to-Entities Query

Apr 9, 2011

I have the following LINQ-to-Entities query:[code]This will give me all the resident assignments for the current year/term. Then I have this LINQ-to-Entities query:[code]This will give me all the rooms. I want to iterate through the assignments and based on what room is assigned update the occupancy in reset_occupancy. I'm not 100% sure how to accomplish this. Here is my pseudo code of what I want to accomplish:[code]

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Update One Entity Based On Results Of Another LINQ-to-Entities Query?

Dec 15, 2009

I have the following LINQ-to-Entities query:

' Get all the residency assignments that match the term/year.
Dim assignments = From p In dbContext.Residents _
Where p.semester = term _


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Update A Single Row And A Single Cell In Ms Access Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to update a row or a single cell in ms access through vb.net. But when i update the text box named NRIC, say for example i want to update "s4522147B" to "tr4521856C" and mean while leaving the other fields the same.

But the thing is when i make the changes in nric.text (textbox), the dataset actually updates the whole column in the table instead of the selected textbox.

Below is my code for the update part


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SQL Query - Execute A Sql Query That Will Display The Top 5 Based On Average?

May 17, 2012

I have a data table that looks like this:

LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012
LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX04 4598 1555 05-07-2012
LAGX05 2589 3245 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX07 3698 3458 05-07-2012
LAGX08 2589 4587 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX10 3156 1987 05-07-2012
LAGX11 5547 2011 05-07-2012
LAGX12 9456 3459 05-07-2012

Now, I want to execute a sql query that will display the top 5 based on average, so i did this:


LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

Now, I want to numberize my query result, so it will look like this:


1 LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
2 LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
3 LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
4 LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
5 LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

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Way To Create Empty Data Table / Update Its Contents Based On Columns Not Add Data Based On Addition Of New Rows

Apr 6, 2011

I am creating a project in VB.NET in which one of the reports require that the name of employees should be displayed as column names and whatever work they have done for a stated period should appear in rows below that particular column.Now as it is clear, the columns will have to be added at runtime. Am using an ODBC Data source to populate the grid. Also since a loop will have to be done to find out the work done by employees individually, so the number of rows under one column might be less or more than the rows in the next column.Is there a way to create an empty data table and then update its contents based on columns and not add data based on addition of new rows.

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Update Control On Win Form: Windows-based-timer Vs Server-based-timer

Feb 24, 2011

In a vb 2010 project, I have 2 win forms: Form1 and Form2.

In the Form1 class there is a server-based timer: when the "elapsed event" fires, then I update the text of a Label1 on the Form2. A very simple code:

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Update Particular Record Using Update Query In SQL Server With Program?

Dec 2, 2010

How to use this query to update record [code]....

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Update Query Executes But Doesn't Update

May 27, 2010

[code]The query executes fine but the problem is that when this query executes, it doesn't update the percentage field. What might be the problem?

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.net - DataRelation From A Single Query?

Apr 4, 2009

i have the following piece of VB.NET code:

Dim conn As New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim sql = "SELECT * FROM users"
Dim com = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(sql, conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet("dsUsers")


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Query - Pull Single Value Not Dataset

Jul 27, 2009

I've written a bunch of queries that bring back a set of results that look like the following. I have a user level column in an employees table which I'm trying to pull the value from. Only one result (number) will ever be returned. For instance the query will be like: Select username, userlevel from employees where username = "joe" So i'd be bringing back just the level, say 7.


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Sql Server - Linq - Limit List To 1 Row Per Unique Values Based On Value (minimum) Of Single Field

May 3, 2012

I have a stored procedure (I cannot edit) that I am calling via linq.

The stored procedure returns values (more complex but important data below):

Customer Stock Item Date Price Priority Qty
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £30 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 05-04-2012 £33 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £29 20 31 - 99
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £28 10 1 - 30

I am trying to limit this list to rows which have unique Dates and unique quantities in LINQ. I want to remove items with the HIGHER priority leaving rows with unique dates and qty's.

I have tried several group by's using Max and order by's but have not been able to get a result.

Is there any way to do this via linq?


Managed to convert brad-rem's answer into VB.net.

Syntax below if anyone needs it:

returnlist = (From p In returnlist
Order By p.Qty Ascending, p.Priority
Group By AllGrp = p.Date, p.Qty Into g = Group
Select g.First).ToList

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DataTable.Select With ' (single Quote) Character In The Query?

Oct 19, 2011

I have a string like "Hello'World" and a Data Table with some records in it. One of those records is "Hello'World".he problem is, when I do a .Select in the Data Table, it only tries to search for the "Hello" part and throws an error on "World" because it interprets the ' (single. cuote) like the closing cuote on sql.DataTable.select("text = 'Hello'World'")I have gone through msdn doc, and it says I can escape some characters with [] brackets or f.slashes , but I just can't figure out: .select("text = 'Hello[']world'")

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DB/Reporting :: Display Single Record From Linq Query?

Mar 24, 2011

For a school programming project we are supposed to create a database with 2 tables country, and continent.then we populate country with every country name, population and continentID. For continent we populate with each continent name.

i have completed this step, and i am able to run a linq query to display all countries and corresponding continent into a datagridview. My problem arises because we are supposed to display each record one at a time, and be able to cycle through one at a time. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this.

for example if i made a query to select all countries in africa, i want to beable to display the name of the country, and population in textboxes. then have a next button that will go to the next record.

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DB/Reporting :: Single Character With In A String Search In SQL Query?

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to do a SQL query that checks for the presence or absence of a character's occurance in a field / column as a condition to retrieve the row. In this case I only need to test for existance of the specified character and in a similar query to test for the non existence. Not where it is or how many, just is it there or is it notI am using VB express.net 2008 and it uses, I think, MS SQL Server 2008.Using VB's instr() I can tell straight away if a string does or doesn't contain a character, but I would like to know this before I retrieve the row.

using the

WHERE .... and [mytable.myfield] LIKE 'Q'
WHERE .... and [mytable.myfield] NOT LIKE 'Q'

produces a result, but not a correct result. It does something but I can not say that it is working even part way.CHARINDEX gets an undefined function error MATCHES also gets an undefined function error?CONTAINS looks like it should work but I am still getting sytax errors with it, so I don't know how to use that predicate yet.

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Inserting Multiple Records In Database Using Single Query?

Apr 11, 2011

I am using vb.net and sqlite as database. I am using below scenario to insert multiple records in database using a single query.

INSERT INTO TableName (FirstCol, SecondCol)
SELECT 'First' ,1
SELECT 'Second' ,2
SELECT 'Third' ,3
[Code] .....

For less records it is working very well.But when I am inserting about 800 records at a time, executenonquery is throwing the following exception:
SQLite error
Too many terms in compound SELECT.

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Query To Insert Records In A Single Row Rather Than Multiple Rows

Mar 18, 2010

I am using datarepeater on my windows form to populate records from a temp table. I want to write query to insert records for an employee in a single row rather than multiple rows. For example: I am displaying records of one month only. so i know the definite number of columns. Normally if we use select * from Temp ' it will display and i can populate in a datagrid.


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Update CheckBox In Update Query?

Jun 4, 2009

I'm using the following update method.. I'd like to be able to update the value of a checkbox into the existing query if possible. how to do this the correct way?

Public Shared Function SaveMemo() As String
Dim sConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and Settingsdiw07My DocumentsDaily Backupsphone memo backend.mdb"


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Update All The Rows In A Single Column?

Aug 20, 2009

I can't seem to figure out how to update a single column for every row in my database...

Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
cmd.Connection = con


What I'm looking to do is to update add a value to the given value already in the row. for instance:

id name value
1 peter 8
2 paul 10
3 mary 16.25

I just want to add a specific value to each row, such as "8"

id name value
1 peter 16
2 paul 18
3 mary 24.25

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Create A LINQ Query Based On SQL?

Sep 25, 2010

i try to convert this kind of sql query into linq in visual basic, but i get stuck on how to make a percent.. I also don't know how to use linqpad for creating this linq

WHEN '(P)' THEN 'Problem'
WHEN '(R)' THEN 'Request'


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Query Database Based On A Value In A Label

Mar 11, 2010

i have a problem trying to query my database based on a value in a label. Here is the code for the query,


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TableAdapter Query Based On A Textbox Value?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a tableadapter where the select query is as follows:

I want to select only those rows where the value of orderno is in the TextBox1.text. How can i do this?

SELECT CustomerID, Orderno, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax
FROM Customers

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VS 2005 Perform A MySQL Query To Get A Single Record (searched For By ID?

Jul 8, 2009

I want to know if it is possible to perform a mySQL query to get a single record (searched for by ID) and then split each field into a seperate text box.I think im ok with the SQLQuery to get the record. its the splitting it into individual text boxes that im strugling with.

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VS 2008 - LINQ Query - Groups And Counts On A Single Dgv Cell ?

Aug 11, 2010

I have a LINQ query that groups and counts on a single dgv cell. What I want to do is group and count on 2 dgv cells. So I modified my existing query by adding a SELECT statement highlighted :


But I am getting an error on the second select variable stating: Range variable 'Value' is already declared

What I have read shows that I can select more than one variable.

What I am trying to achieve is this:





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Update A Single Cell Of A Database Table?

Jan 5, 2012

I am using MS Access Database. Now I have to update a particular cell value. Here is my code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim str As String
Dim Presc As New System.Text.StringBuilder
Dim prs As String(), j As Integer


This code updates all the cells in that column. I want to update only the particular cell having Case_ID = str Where I have to add the WHERE clause (WHERE Case_ID = " & str & "

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Update Date & Time Together To A Single Field?

Sep 17, 2010

I am trying to upate date value as well as time value to a single datetime field.I can update date or time by using today.date or today.time separately.But I don't know how to update both to one field.

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Convert This String-based Sql Query To Use Linq?

Feb 3, 2011

I have the following routine (that works) but which is messy to update owing to the hand-typed strings it uses:

Private Sub ListDefaults()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection( _
"server=bas047AUTODESKVAULT;Database=DWGDetails;Integrated Security=SSPI")
'Dim conn As New SqlConnection( _


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Copy Files Based On Query Results?

Mar 19, 2012

I have created a database that allows me to sort through the hundreds of pictures I have based on certain criteria. The file path for each picture is stored in a text box in the database (file path). I am currently using this code to copy the files to a new folder:

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(file_pathtextbox.text, �E:photo_gallary�)

However, this only copies the first file in my query not all the others. I am at a loss as how to loop through them all so they all end up in their new destination.

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