TableAdapter Query Based On A Textbox Value?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a tableadapter where the select query is as follows:

I want to select only those rows where the value of orderno is in the TextBox1.text. How can i do this?

SELECT CustomerID, Orderno, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax
FROM Customers

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Textbox Value To Increment Based On Mysql Query?

Sep 27, 2011

i am trying to insert/save the listview item/s on the database.what i am trying to do now is if the product is being entered/saved for the first time.the fcode should be 1, and increments after that.i have a combo box and a text box.the combo box items are from the database [ product table ]

let say user choose product 1

and the list view has 2 items [ a, b ]

and then save

the table would look like

fcode -- prod_id -- prod_name -- item
1 1 product 1 a

1 1 product 1 b[code]......

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Populate A GridView With Query Based On TextBox.text?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a form which populates a TextBox I want to use the textBox.text to then load a gridView with the results


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DataGridView Based On 2 Tables In A TableAdapter?

Mar 17, 2012

so ai have created this new TableADAPTER in my dataset, and it pulls data from two different tables namely card and transaction. I have created a datagridview to see the result, however when I try to filter the result, nothing is returned to fatagridview.


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Use A Parameter For IN In A Tableadapter Query?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a query in a myTableAdapter that ends with WHERE column IN (@S). This works fine when I use myTableAdapter.Fill(dataset.table, "text") but I can't find any way that works to provide multiple text strings such as "text1, text2" for the IN parameter.

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DB/Reporting :: Executing Query In TableAdapter

Jul 17, 2008

I have a string qText with the text of a query in it, say qText = "select * from Data". how can I execute it to fill a TableAdapter I have in my form with the resulting data?

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LIKE In SQL In TableAdapter Query Config Wizard

Feb 18, 2011

Here's what I need the query to be like.


How can I make this work in the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard?

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Tableadapter Query Configuration Wizard?

Jul 18, 2012

i am putting this query in my querybuilder in the table adapter but i need to make the query only return the transaction done today!! i dont know the syntax to get the cuurent date today. this query should work in the tableadapter query configuration wizard!!!

SELECT Trans_ID, Trans_Cash, Trans_Deposit, Trans_Mtc, Trans_Alfa, Trans_Desc, Trans_Delete_Flg, Trans_Date, Trans_User_Name, Trans_Admin_Flg,


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TableAdapter Use Input To Query Table?

Nov 2, 2009

ive been learning at uni. Ive never used it before and im finding it a little difficult ( supposed to be easy )i usually code in c++ and MFC Problem I have craeted the database and added all the fields to the form.

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Create Parameter Query Using Tableadapter Wizard?

Feb 24, 2012

Unable to create a parameter query using the table adapter wizard to process an access db file. Went online and attempted to create an instance for new adapter with out success, when I click finish the wizard does not like the in the query WHERE (Last_Name LIKE @Last_Name). Also receive a warning that my code contains to many arguments for 'txtLastName.Text' Tried to paste screen

Public Class FindMemberForm
Private Sub FindMemberForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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DB/Reporting :: Create The Query As Part Of Tableadapter?

Apr 16, 2008

What I want to do is be able to active a query for my datagrid by clicking on a button. How would I do that? Would I create the query as part of my tableadapter???

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VS 2008 Dynamic TableAdapter Query Possible WildCard

May 17, 2011

Im working on a project that includes a TableAdapter for filling data. I usually use parameters for queries I create, but what would be the best way to create a query that may have a wildcard without creating a bunch of queries?


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Added A TableAdapter And Made A Query With Users And There Passwords?

Sep 24, 2011

i'm asking a lot of question here, because i have finally found a real helpful place to ask,and i have a lot of questions, anyways i made a login system in which i used an access database, everything is working fine, I Added a TableAdapter and made a query with users and there passwords, this is the code i used:

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click

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Binding DataGridView To TableAdapter Query That Takes Parameters?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm trying to bind a datagridview to a tableadapter which contains a query that requires parameters (for the WHERE statement of the query). The datasource is a SQL Server database. When I bind the datagridview in design view, it does not let me choose which tableadapter method I would like to use. The way I've been fixing this is to go into the code behind that form, where Visual Studio puts in some auto-generated code that fills a datatable in the dataset and I change the method that it's using there and put in my parameters. I don't think this is the proper way to do it, however, especially because sometimes that code doesn't even get generated! My other solution is to just programatically bind the datagridview to a datatable which I have filled using the tableadapter. This seems like more work than it should be, though.

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TableAdapter FillBy Query With Parameters Doesn't Work With LIKE Operator

Jan 19, 2010

Banging my head against a wall here. I have a query that looks like this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members

That works absolutely fine in query wizard and the DataTablePreview data window. However, when I do this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName LIKE ?

I get nothing when I run the fillby method. If I change the LIKE to =.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName = ?

Everything works great. I need to get LIKE working though so I can wildcard search.

I'm using the SQL server OLE db connections if that means anything.


Using the LIKE operator doesn't work at all. When I just swap out = for LIKE. Nothing is returned.

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SQL Query - Execute A Sql Query That Will Display The Top 5 Based On Average?

May 17, 2012

I have a data table that looks like this:

LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012
LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX04 4598 1555 05-07-2012
LAGX05 2589 3245 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX07 3698 3458 05-07-2012
LAGX08 2589 4587 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX10 3156 1987 05-07-2012
LAGX11 5547 2011 05-07-2012
LAGX12 9456 3459 05-07-2012

Now, I want to execute a sql query that will display the top 5 based on average, so i did this:


LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

Now, I want to numberize my query result, so it will look like this:


1 LAGX03 1698 1112 05-07-2012
2 LAGX09 1598 1142 05-07-2012
3 LAGX06 3321 1155 05-07-2012
4 LAGX01 1245 1245 05-07-2012
5 LAGX02 2211 1422 05-07-2012

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Pass Dbnull Or Nothing Value To Sql Server Using Tableadapter If Textbox.text Is Empty

Aug 17, 2009

I have a form with the following on it [code]then everything works as it should (as long as there is data in the text boxes) If there is one of the text boxes is left empty then an error is returned. The text boxes are not bound and the db is set to allow nulls. Is there an easy way to suggest that if name.textbox is empty then input "nothing" or dbnull etc.I have a lot of text boxes (approx 30) and ideally dont want to write if statements for each one. But will if i have to of corse.

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Results From Query - Populate Textbox Controls With Query Result?

Mar 11, 2010

how to take a query that returns a single row of data and load that data into textbox controls.I know about ExecuteScalar but it is only good for a single column of data from the query.

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Create A LINQ Query Based On SQL?

Sep 25, 2010

i try to convert this kind of sql query into linq in visual basic, but i get stuck on how to make a percent.. I also don't know how to use linqpad for creating this linq

WHEN '(P)' THEN 'Problem'
WHEN '(R)' THEN 'Request'


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Query Database Based On A Value In A Label

Mar 11, 2010

i have a problem trying to query my database based on a value in a label. Here is the code for the query,


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Sql - Get A Single Query To Update Based On The Id?

Dec 5, 2010

i need to update the table based on the two user.

for eg:

update table1 set rating=@rate where User1=@userid / user2=@userid

so i need to write a single query which satisfy the condition for both the users user1 and user2.if i pass the @userid ,if it matches the user's id it should update user1 record. if the id whcih i pass is user2's id then it should update the user2 rec.How to check for this condition in a single query...

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How To Refer To Textbox In An SQL Query In The Query Builder

Aug 24, 2009

I want to query an access database with variable data defined by the user. The "Search" criteria would be in a textbox. I made a query like

SELECT askID, Question
FROM chita
WHERE (askID LIKE 'Textbox10.text%')
and referring to this query as

Form1.ChitaTableAdapter.searchrec(Form1.ChitaDataSet1.chita)But id does not take the value of the textbox, instead it takes the Textbox10.text as a value. Is it possible to refer to it like this, or should I Linq?


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Convert This String-based Sql Query To Use Linq?

Feb 3, 2011

I have the following routine (that works) but which is messy to update owing to the hand-typed strings it uses:

Private Sub ListDefaults()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection( _
"server=bas047AUTODESKVAULT;Database=DWGDetails;Integrated Security=SSPI")
'Dim conn As New SqlConnection( _


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Copy Files Based On Query Results?

Mar 19, 2012

I have created a database that allows me to sort through the hundreds of pictures I have based on certain criteria. The file path for each picture is stored in a text box in the database (file path). I am currently using this code to copy the files to a new folder:

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(file_pathtextbox.text, �E:photo_gallary�)

However, this only copies the first file in my query not all the others. I am at a loss as how to loop through them all so they all end up in their new destination.

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VS 2008 : Build Query Based On Two Variables?

Dec 29, 2010

In my program I have a combo box that the user selects a date from and a list view that the user selects an employee ID from. How do I properly design my database query string to use both the date selected and the employee ID selected? The date is stored in a variable called YearMonth and the employee ID is stored in a variable called EmpID.

Here is what I am trying to do with my query:

Dim ExactQuery As String = _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM[JobTypeExact_Query] WHERE (EMPID = ?) AND WHERE (YEARMONTH = YM)" 'Define Exact job type query


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VS 2008 Inserting Records Based Upon A Query In .net?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm getting an error on my index simply setting a string field prior to using it and entering the loop. When I set this field within the loop I get a error still. how to go about Inserting records based upon a query in vb .net? The following is the code that I have:

Public Sub Insert_RunsizeUPCs()
Dim Command As SqlCommand
Dim adapter As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim dsin As New DataSet


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VS 2010 Table Adapters Based On Query?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like to know if it is possible for a Table Adapter to reference a query as opposed to a table. Currently my Table Adapter references a table in my SQL database, but I wanted to know if it was possible to have it reference a query, which selects a table from another database?

View 5 Replies - Select Query In LINQ Based On Foreign Table

Mar 2, 2011

I have 2 Tables , OrderDetails and Requests In my LINQ to SQL dbml file. OrderDetailsID is a foreign key in Requests Table.

I want to write the query to get the sum of UnitCost from OrderDetails based on OrderId. And If there is a row in Requests Table for each OrderDetailsID, and the Requests.Last.RequestType="Refund" I want to reduce the total refund amount from the main sum otherwise If there is no row based on OrderDetailsID, add to sum.

Here is the way I implement that. I am looking to prevent using "For each".

iRefund = (From od1 In dc.OrderDetails _
Where od1.OrderID =1 _
Select od1.UnitCost).Sum


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Cannot Filter A Binding Source Based On A Linq Query

Feb 3, 2010

I've got a datacontext and created a binding source using LINQ to sql but cannot filter said bindingsource. The supportsfilter of the bindingsource is set to false ? why ? I can't find any info to say that I cannot filter a binding source based on a linq query.[code]

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Change Button Color Based On Query Results?

Aug 18, 2010

In an application for a Storage company, I have a form with 107 buttons in five Group Boxes. Each Group Box represents a Building and each Button represents a Storage Unit. They are layered in Table Layout Panels, bottom TLP has 5 columns, one for each Group Box, each Group Box has a TLP with 2 columns and 10 rows, where each button is located. What I would like to do is change the color of any button based on the results of a query.

Buttons are called btn1, btn2, btn3..... Text on the buttons is 1, 2, 3, 4,.... I have a table for the buildings and one of the properties is "Available" set as an intger and is either 0(No) or 1(Yes). I have a query that I run on form load that returns the correct results, to test I put a DGV on a form and set the DataSource to the DataSet returned. Returned is the "Available" Buldings Number(1-107)[code]...

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