Tableadapter Query Configuration Wizard?

Jul 18, 2012

i am putting this query in my querybuilder in the table adapter but i need to make the query only return the transaction done today!! i dont know the syntax to get the cuurent date today. this query should work in the tableadapter query configuration wizard!!!

SELECT Trans_ID, Trans_Cash, Trans_Deposit, Trans_Mtc, Trans_Alfa, Trans_Desc, Trans_Delete_Flg, Trans_Date, Trans_User_Name, Trans_Admin_Flg,


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Create TableAdapters With TableAdapter Configuration Wizard?

May 13, 2011

I was Created TableAdapter through Configuration Wizard , and i applied joins and Filters on the wizard. Finally i am getting the rows which i want, and now one table was created in my dataset.

If i update few records in my database, is there update also in this table?? why b`se this table is not in the Database right?

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LIKE In SQL In TableAdapter Query Config Wizard

Feb 18, 2011

Here's what I need the query to be like.


How can I make this work in the TableAdapter Query Configuration Wizard?

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Create Parameter Query Using Tableadapter Wizard?

Feb 24, 2012

Unable to create a parameter query using the table adapter wizard to process an access db file. Went online and attempted to create an instance for new adapter with out success, when I click finish the wizard does not like the in the query WHERE (Last_Name LIKE @Last_Name). Also receive a warning that my code contains to many arguments for 'txtLastName.Text' Tried to paste screen

Public Class FindMemberForm
Private Sub FindMemberForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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IDE :: VBExpress 2010 TableAdapter Configuration Wizard - "Refresh The Data Table" Option Dropping Value?

May 17, 2010

I am using the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard and under Advanced option I click on "Refresh the data table" and carry through to the end of the wizard. However when I run my code and want to update the dataset on the form I get the error message "Update requires a valid Update Command when passed with DataRow collection with modified rows". So, ok, when I look back at the Dataset with right click and configure I find that that the "Refresh the data table" under Advanced Options is no longer ticked, even though I had ticked it before and finished the wizard. Somewhere along the line the tableAdapter is losing this value.

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IDE :: Changing Connection Of A Wizard Created Tableadapter

Jun 16, 2009

I added an .xsd file to my project using the IDE After that, I right-clicked and chose Add->Query I chose a dummy connection and then >SQL statement->Update Then I changed the Query's modifier to public

Dim ta As New dsCC2000TableAdapters.UpdatesTableAdapter

The problem is... I can't seem to modify the connnection object at runtime (by using ta.connection = XYZ) It doesn't show up on ta variable's intellisense!

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IDE :: Changing Connection Of A Wizard Created Tableadapter?

Feb 9, 2012

I added an .xsd file to my project using the IDE After that, I right-clicked and chose Add->Query I chose a dummy connection and then >SQL statement->Update Then I changed the Query's modifier to public

Dim ta As New dsCC2000TableAdapters.UpdatesTableAdapter ta.UpdateQueryTest() The problem is... I can't seem to modify the connnection object at runtime (by using ta.connection = XYZ)It doesn't show up on ta variable's intellisense!

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Defining A Stored Proc For Use With Dataset Using Tableadapter Wizard

Oct 31, 2005

things look good till I reach the Bind Commands to Existing Stored procedures page of the wizard and I select my target spproc (rpt_IPR_...) then I hit the finish button and see the message: invalid object name '#TmpResults' now the dataset seems to setup correctly but was wondering why we are getting this message and should I be concerned. The same proc in Access had no issues. [Code]

Because we where not seeing info on the spproc parms we began to suspect that the query made by the IDE to get metadata was failing and that indeed is the case. (we also switch to non-production database to reproduce the issue)after some great SQL debugging from Kevin Currier here at Mindsolve the problem seems to be the SET FMTONLY OFF; SET FMTONLY ON; that the framework is using to get metadata info for the [Code]

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.NET 2008 Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Jun 21, 2010

I am currently working on a project that involves the use of data base sources, namely ODBC. The problem is I have designed a form using the Data Source Configuration Wizard that doesn't update. I've ensured that I have a primary key in my data and that the Copy to output is set to "Copy Always". The code generated by the wizard, is as follows: Public Class Form1


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Changing A Connection String At Runtime For A Tableadapter That Was Created Using The Wizard?

Jun 21, 2010

I've created two forms of which two separate datasets/tableadapters were created by adding a datasource and dragging and dropping the fields onto my form.I was testing the program using a db that was located on my local drive. Well after publishing the app to the users machines, I noticed that the binded information was still being pulled from my local machine and not the database that the user is working off of.I've set the connection modifier properties for both tableadapters to Public, and I have written the following attempting to change the connection strings:

Private Sub btnSaveSettings_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSaveSettings.Click
Dim pap As New frmPap
My.Settings.dbLocation = txtSettings.Text


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Access System Files (.SYS) Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Oct 1, 2009

New to VB... I am trying to access .SYS (system files) located in the following folder path (example) My Database NameVIEWSSYSTEM VIEWS in the Object Explorer of my SQL Database. In walking through the Data Source Configuration Wizard for data connectivity I select DATABASEVIEWS and the SYSTEM VIEWS sub-folder is not available for selection. In general: What is the best method to access System Files using VB Data Source?

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Connecting Visual Basic To SQL Server Using VB Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Dec 29, 2007

I am a brand new user of MS Visual Basic 2005 Express and MS SQL Server 2005 Express. I have familiarized myself with both programs but have one extremely frustrating problem. Once I open SQL Server, I can not establish a database connection from Visual Basic using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard (even if I close SQL Server). If I reboot and open Visual Basic first, I can then connect using the Visual Basic Data Source Configuration Wizard. But then I can not switch to SQL Server and open the database (even if I close Visual Basic). Again, I must reboot to open the database in SQL Server.I suspect there is a setting somewhere that needs to be changed, but I can not find it?

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VS 2005 Custom Connection String In Data Source Configuration Wizard?

Apr 17, 2009

I am looking to make a data connection with a network server(sql server 2005). When I run the data source configuration wizard, it allows me only to pick a local database file. I want to use a connection string like this "Data Source=SQLSERVER;Initial Catalog=mydb;User Id=username;Password=password;" I know I can do that programmatically. But I would like to know whether I can do that using the data source wizard so that I will be able to use Bindingsources and tableadapters.

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Use A Parameter For IN In A Tableadapter Query?

Apr 6, 2011

I have a query in a myTableAdapter that ends with WHERE column IN (@S). This works fine when I use myTableAdapter.Fill(dataset.table, "text") but I can't find any way that works to provide multiple text strings such as "text1, text2" for the IN parameter.

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Query IIS Configuration?

Jul 5, 2011

I'm a newbie to this, so hope I can explain myself well enough. I'm trying to develop an app that will need to query IIS configuration settings. This includes Default Website settings, Virtual Directory settings etc.

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DB/Reporting :: Executing Query In TableAdapter

Jul 17, 2008

I have a string qText with the text of a query in it, say qText = "select * from Data". how can I execute it to fill a TableAdapter I have in my form with the resulting data?

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TableAdapter Query Based On A Textbox Value?

Apr 24, 2010

I have a tableadapter where the select query is as follows:

I want to select only those rows where the value of orderno is in the TextBox1.text. How can i do this?

SELECT CustomerID, Orderno, CompanyName, ContactName, ContactTitle, Address, City, Region, PostalCode, Country, Phone, Fax
FROM Customers

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TableAdapter Use Input To Query Table?

Nov 2, 2009

ive been learning at uni. Ive never used it before and im finding it a little difficult ( supposed to be easy )i usually code in c++ and MFC Problem I have craeted the database and added all the fields to the form.

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Use Query Wizard And Display Results?

Jan 19, 2010

1. How to produce querry results within the application by user input. ( I want to acheive a similar function to querry in MS Access.

2. How to produce results in a form application from a preassigned querry triggered by a button click event.

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DB/Reporting :: Create The Query As Part Of Tableadapter?

Apr 16, 2008

What I want to do is be able to active a query for my datagrid by clicking on a button. How would I do that? Would I create the query as part of my tableadapter???

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VS 2008 Dynamic TableAdapter Query Possible WildCard

May 17, 2011

Im working on a project that includes a TableAdapter for filling data. I usually use parameters for queries I create, but what would be the best way to create a query that may have a wildcard without creating a bunch of queries?


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Added A TableAdapter And Made A Query With Users And There Passwords?

Sep 24, 2011

i'm asking a lot of question here, because i have finally found a real helpful place to ask,and i have a lot of questions, anyways i made a login system in which i used an access database, everything is working fine, I Added a TableAdapter and made a query with users and there passwords, this is the code i used:

Private Sub OK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OK.Click

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Binding DataGridView To TableAdapter Query That Takes Parameters?

Aug 3, 2009

I'm trying to bind a datagridview to a tableadapter which contains a query that requires parameters (for the WHERE statement of the query). The datasource is a SQL Server database. When I bind the datagridview in design view, it does not let me choose which tableadapter method I would like to use. The way I've been fixing this is to go into the code behind that form, where Visual Studio puts in some auto-generated code that fills a datatable in the dataset and I change the method that it's using there and put in my parameters. I don't think this is the proper way to do it, however, especially because sometimes that code doesn't even get generated! My other solution is to just programatically bind the datagridview to a datatable which I have filled using the tableadapter. This seems like more work than it should be, though.

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TableAdapter FillBy Query With Parameters Doesn't Work With LIKE Operator

Jan 19, 2010

Banging my head against a wall here. I have a query that looks like this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members

That works absolutely fine in query wizard and the DataTablePreview data window. However, when I do this.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName LIKE ?

I get nothing when I run the fillby method. If I change the LIKE to =.

SELECT FirstName, LastName, Address
FROM Members
WHERE FirstName = ?

Everything works great. I need to get LIKE working though so I can wildcard search.

I'm using the SQL server OLE db connections if that means anything.


Using the LIKE operator doesn't work at all. When I just swap out = for LIKE. Nothing is returned.

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'ConfigurationManager' Is Not A Member Of 'Configuration' Even When A Reference To System.Configuration.dll Is Added To Project?

Nov 16, 2010

Receive 'ConfigurationManager' is not a member of 'Configuration' in VS2008.I read all of the topics in the forum about this error Tried adding areference to System.Configuration.dll to the project and an "Imports System.Configuration" to the vb file.Still get an error

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Retrieve Keys From DLL Configuration File Not From Current EXE Configuration File?

Feb 7, 2011

I have 3 components :

1.Manager : dll containing Iterface definition and other things

2.Implementation: dll containing Implementation of the Interface

3.Executable: (maybe this one could be a external application or another dll using the libraries)

I have particular methods (iside the interface dll file) that extract information of real Implementation from AppSettings keys in order to instance it using reflection. I use the Manager inside the Excecutable, but when I try to retrieve a especific key defined in "Manager.dll.config" (appSettings), the value returned is empty because the configuration file used is "Excecutable.exe.config" I need this configuration information in Manager config file because this Manager will be used from other programs and the configuration must be centralized into that config file to replicate the possible changes to every app calling this dll.How can I to specify that the ConfigurarionManager.AppSettings must extract values from manager.dll.config file?

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.net 4.0 - ASP.NET 4.0 Custom Configuration Section: "An Error Occurred Creating The Configuration Section Handler"

May 2, 2012

I am creating a custom config section that will allow me to manage what ELMAH exceptions I want to ignore from my VB.NET/ASP.NET app. Here's my code. I made it easy to paste in a blank code file if anyone's up to the challenge of diagnosing the problem.


When I execute this code:


I get the error An error occurred creating the configuration section handler for IgnoredExceptionSection: Could not load file or assembly 'WEB' or one of its dependencies..

What boggles my mind is that this all works fine in my C# console test app after I convert the code from VB.NET using a web utility. However, when I paste the VB code from my web app into my VB.NET console test app, it doesn't work there, either, so it appears to be a C#/VB issue. What am I doing wrong here?

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Sql - When Run The Query In Query Analyzer, It Returns One Row But When Use The Same Query, No Rows Are Returned?

Aug 19, 2010

Here is the code:

Function getData(ByVal id As String)
Dim reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
Dim statement As String


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When Creating A Query Error "The Schema Returned By The New Query Differs From The Base Query"

Feb 29, 2012

When Creating a query using the sear Criteria Builder . I keep getting the error : "The schema returned by the new query differs from the base query" what does that mean and how do i avoid this problem in future

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C# - Same TableAdapter But Different Database

Mar 19, 2009

I have to work in two parallel environments, developement and production, I want to use the same TableAdapter to connect to different databases (two Oracle databases running on different servers) with the very same structure. How is this possible?

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