Sqldatasource Control - Read A Single Value From A Sql Server Database ?

Jul 17, 2011

Trying to use asp.net for the first time. I want to read a single value from a sql server database.

I have configured the SqldataSource as:


I have the above asp:SqlDataSource code on the website page. The connection string is in the web.config file. When I run the page it is all works but the required data is not shown. Am I right to think that where I dragged the sqldatasource entity is where the data result should be shown?

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How To Read Single Result From SQL Database

Jun 19, 2009

I am trying to read a single result from an SQL table. I tested my query in MySQL Query Browser and it returns a result of USER_ID=4. My query:
SELECT USER_ID FROM aaalogin where NAME = 'administrator'
I believe my error is due to some "double quoting". I have a "txtUsername" textbox on my login form. I want to inject the typed entry from this textbox into my SQL QUERY. Notice the end of this line, I have tried tons of combinations, nothing works.
myCommand.CommandText = "SELECT USER_ID FROM aaalogin where NAME = " & " ' txtUsername.Text ' "
The result is ALWAYS "0" though, which is useless to me.

Full code below:
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data
Public Class frmLogin
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCancel.Click
[Code] .....

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SQL Server - Possible To Get Single Value From Database?

Oct 27, 2011

Looking for the simplest way to get a single value from a database. This gets confusing when you consider all of the 9,000 ways that exist to do this in a .NET language. SqlCommands, DataReaders, Recordsets... Assume I already have a connection to the DB opened. I simply want to do something like this:
Dim age As Integer = <SQL statement here>

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Sql Server - Single User After Renaming An MS-SQL Database?

Oct 16, 2009

I am using help of SqlServer.Management.Smo to rename an attached MS-SQL database.

Dim db As New Database = ActiveSQLServer.Databases(OLD_NAME)

The problem is that after renaming the database is set as a Single User.So what am i doing wrong?

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Asp.net - Use Gridview Row Control In Sqldatasource Insert Command

May 18, 2011

I am trying to use a label from another row in the gridview and insert it in a table when the user clicks the button which is in its own column.

my problem is that i cant get bookno which finds the label set to the @bookno in my sqldatasource

Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim selectedRow As Button = DirectCast(sender, Button)
Dim bookno As Label = CType(selectedRow.FindControl("label1"), Label)


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MySQL Output Parameter With Asp.net And SqlDataSource Control?

Jul 19, 2011

I'm in the process of switching my application from MSSQL to MYSQL. When I was using MSSQL, I retrieved the last auto increment value via

Private Sub dsImpoundInformation_Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs) Handles dsImpoundInformation.Inserted
_impoundId = e.Command.Parameters("impoundId").Value
End Sub


ultimately, I'm just trying to get the last auto increment value but there are other sections of my code in other applications that I plan on switching to MYSQL that depend on output parameters. I have't yet explored using stored procedures but at this time I would like to get this to work in a similar fashion to how I had it with MSSQL.

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Read From A Server Database?

May 4, 2009

I have an SQL database set up on my web server. Is it possible to read from a table in that database and display a value in a textbox, for example? I want to store valid values in a server database and then check the entered values in the application against the server values.

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How To Read Pdf File From Sql Server Database

Jun 18, 2011

I want to read pdf file in the database sql server

but i want to read from my application or open adobe reader

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Sql Server - Read A Full Table From A SQL Database?

Jul 27, 2010

I hate to ask this question on this forum, but I'm having a lot of trouble finding it on these online tutorials. Basically, I'm learning about SQL, VB.NET, and how to glue the two together, and I've learned about using SqlCommand.executeScalar() to get the first entry in a table. But that's all it's really good for, right? Or is there something more to the story here?

Basically, I'm wanting to ask about how to pull in a FULL table from a SQL database while using VB.NET, as well as how to pry substrings and stuff from it. Again I'm having to ask this on this forum because all these online tutorials seem to ignore the subject completely.

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Read A SQL Server Database And Produce A Mailing List?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to create a VBasic executable to read a SQL server database and produce a mailing list.I have the SQL routine working fine and had set it up as a stored procedure, but I've just discovered the manager I've written this for is an Access-type and does not have SQL Server installed on her machine. So, I figured I'd make a front end in VBasic.

Dim con As New SqlClient.SqlConnection
con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=mySQLServer;User ID=Username;Password=myPass;"

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Create An App In VB6 That Read/writes To A Database Hosted On A Web Server?

Aug 31, 2010

I was just wondering if it's possible to create an app that interacts with a database hosted on a web server... or is it only possible using VB.NET? Also if it is possible, is there any good documentation or tutorials I could reference?

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Sql Server - Read Data From A Database Using LINQ To SQL In VB Using An IQueryable?

Dec 2, 2011

I know how to select items from an array with LINQ, but what I can't figure out how to do is access a database using an IQueryable. I connected the database to my project, added two classes from the database to the "LINQ to SQL" .dbml file and saved it. In my programming assignment, I am not supposed to create a data source (table thing) to display the data, but update my own interface manually. In order to do it, I was told to instantiate this:

Private dogs As System.Linq.IQueryable(Of Dog)

(Dog is a class that I added to my .dbml file from the database file)Also, I am told it involves using a method

.AsEnumerable.ElementAt(index As Integer)

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Update A Single Row And A Single Cell In Ms Access Database?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to update a row or a single cell in ms access through vb.net. But when i update the text box named NRIC, say for example i want to update "s4522147B" to "tr4521856C" and mean while leaving the other fields the same.

But the thing is when i make the changes in nric.text (textbox), the dataset actually updates the whole column in the table instead of the selected textbox.

Below is my code for the update part


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Console Application - Read A Text File - Save The Content Over To A SQL Server Database

Aug 10, 2011

I am trying to create a console application that does the following:

1) read a text file

2) Save the content over to a SQL Server database

3) Use command line arguments to allow user to specify any delimited file

View 6 Replies

Remote Control Program That Uses Mysql Database As Bound Between Server And Client

Apr 23, 2010

I'm developing a remote control program that uses a mysql database as the bound beetween the server and the client.The only problem is that cause of mysql being really varnuable to crashes i made it in a way that it checks for information every 10 seconds so things doesnt get messy. [code] For some reason after 10 seconds the connection is mysteriously aborted and the reader gives a fatal error.How can i extend the time limit to >10 seconds ?

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Visual Studio: Databinding With Random Control In Database (SQL Server 2008)?

Feb 29, 2012

i have this database format in SQL:

ID name add num
1 fel mn 201
2 john kaye 23
3 Kate mani 25

I used databinding to call the values on (SQL) to textboxes in visual studio 2010 and i have this code in NEXT command:

Inter is the name of the databinding
With inter1
If .Position = .Count - 1 Then


The code above display the information not on Random. How can i display those information in Random mode? And i need a msgbox when all the data has been already seen by the user. I mean no redundant data will be seen by the user upon random mode has been done.

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Read Single Lines From .txt File

Mar 4, 2012

I am using vb 2010 and a windows form in my Web Browser project. In my favorites bar I need to be able to import my users favorites (that he may add) through a .txt file. I realize one way of doing this is creating multiple files stored in one master folder and reading the whole file of each which would contain the URL, but I would much rather have them all in one .txt file, but for that to happen i must read line by line from that file to import the favorites. Therefore, my question is how can I code my project to read through a .txt file line by line and return each line in possibly an array? "We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit."

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VS 2008 Read A Single Line From A Db Using Where?

Feb 23, 2010

How do I read a line from a database using WHERE? I've read this post but it doesn't really cover it and the forum search throws out the words, 'From' and 'Where' as being common. This is my bit of code but it just skips over it as if it doesn't exist so presumably there's an error, I dunno. I'm trying to read an entire line from the database where it equals the value of 'getweek' where 'getweek' is a variable.


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[2005] Read The Email From The Mail Server That Is In An Intranet From An Application Server?

Jun 4, 2008

I need to read the email from the mail server that is in my intranet from my application server.

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How To Read Single Line From Text File

Oct 5, 2010

How can I read a text file so that each line in the file is added to a string collection? Also, if I would like to read only the 5th line in the text file, how could I do that?

View 4 Replies

Custom Single-Instance Application - Read-only Cache

Mar 14, 2011

I'm trying to build a single-instance application, but not in the traditional sence. Instead of a simple silent prevention of launching a second application, I want it to send a message to said application so it launches a second mainform in my original process.

(I want some read-only cache (language, style,...) shared, and a few sources like local settings shared, but other then that all resources reside in the mainforms and act as seperate applications.)

(I'm not looking for specific code, more for hints/tips and/or general directions, more specificaly on what parameters do you check process equality, and what method do you use to pass the message? Windows Messages? Sockets? ...)

View 11 Replies

How To Read Single Line Text From HTML Page

Jun 16, 2012

I have problem with getting a single line text from html webpage. I have searched for it but when I try that code:

Private Shared Function GetTitle(html As String) As String
Dim r As New Regex("<title.*?>")
Dim Title_start As Integer = 0
Dim Title_end As Integer = 0
For Each m As Match In r.Matches(html)
[Code] .....

Then it gives me a error: REXES IS NOT DEFINED. Also I am using Visual Studio 2010.

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Read A Single Character Each Time From A Text File?

Feb 1, 2011

How to read a single character each time, from a text file using vb.net? I mean that if the txt file contains code as " my name is...".It should be read initially as :'m'..after some time it should show 'y'. then 'n'.'a'..'m'.'e'.like that..

View 7 Replies

Asp.net - Populate Label From Single Field In Sql Server

Sep 15, 2010

I have a column in a table that contains a message and I want this message to be displayed in a label. Here is my code which currently doesn't populate the label.

Protected conString As String = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("sqldirectory")
Dim cnn As New SqlConnection(conString)
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("select message from [database].[dbo].[table]")


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Communications :: Multi Client - Single Server ?

Mar 21, 2010

Developing an application that will serve as an application server (Similar to 'Run Advertised Program' that is present in Windows Server). The downside to using Microsofts current system is that it a) requires Windows Server and b) Works only with systems setup in a proper Domain. I have a number of systems in my house and I'm fed up of downloading from the net or setting up network drives etc etc. I've tried using the code in a similar topic posted a few threads down, but it obviously doesn't support multiple client connections.

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Take Single Table Backup On Sql Server 2000?

Mar 11, 2010

i want to take single table backup on sql server 2000 how can i take only selected table backup ??

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Import Single Column Excel File To Existing SQL Server Table?

Dec 15, 2009

i need to import a Single Column Excel File to an Existing SQl Server Table.

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SQL Server 2005 - Select From Multiple DB's & Compile Results As Single Query?

Sep 25, 2009

Ok, the basic situation: Due to a few mixed up starts, a project ends up with not one, but three separate databases, each containing a portion of the overall project data. All three databases are the same, it's just that, say 10% of the project was run into the first, then a new DB was made due to a code update and 15% of the project was run into the new one, then another code change required another new database for the rest of the project. Again, the pertinent tables are all exactly the same across all three databases.

Now, assume I wanted to take all three of those databases - bearing in mind that they can't just be compiled into a single databases due to Primary Key issues and so on - and run a single query that would look through all three of them, select a given set of data from each, then compile those three sets into one single result and return it to the reporting page I'm working on.

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Read A Single Column Array From Bottom Up, Then Back Down, Filled With Decimal's, Into One Line Separated By Comma's?

Jun 14, 2011

Does anyone know how to read a single column array from bottom up, then back down, filled with decimal data, into one line seperated by comma's?

a = 0
Do Until a > decArray.Length - 1
test = decArray(a)


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Sql Server - Linq - Limit List To 1 Row Per Unique Values Based On Value (minimum) Of Single Field

May 3, 2012

I have a stored procedure (I cannot edit) that I am calling via linq.

The stored procedure returns values (more complex but important data below):

Customer Stock Item Date Price Priority Qty
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £30 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 05-04-2012 £33 30 1 - 30
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £29 20 31 - 99
CUST1 TAP 01-04-2012 £28 10 1 - 30

I am trying to limit this list to rows which have unique Dates and unique quantities in LINQ. I want to remove items with the HIGHER priority leaving rows with unique dates and qty's.

I have tried several group by's using Max and order by's but have not been able to get a result.

Is there any way to do this via linq?


Managed to convert brad-rem's answer into VB.net.

Syntax below if anyone needs it:

returnlist = (From p In returnlist
Order By p.Qty Ascending, p.Priority
Group By AllGrp = p.Date, p.Qty Into g = Group
Select g.First).ToList

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