Store The Settings In A Text File Or Database?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm working on a project right now that basically prints a string to the field that has focus in internet explorer and there's quite a bit of user specified information that needs to load when the vb program loads. Should I use a text file to store and retrieve the settings or a database? I'm a new programmer and I don't really have a clear idea on when I should use a text file compared to a database or the registry to store info. Also, if I use a database like access 2007 for example, wouldn't an end user run into an exception if they don't have that software installed on their comp? Is there a universal database format? I've linked some screenshots of the prog if you want to get an idea of how much info I need to store.


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Use My.settings - Store Text From A Textbox?

Jun 3, 2009

I want to find out how I can store text from a textbox, close the form and next time when I start it again, I want to load the text into the textbox that was previous entered. I have created a new application setting thing as a string. then in the textbox1_textchanged event I wrote


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VS 2008 - Store The Connection String In A Settings Table In The Database?

Apr 20, 2010

I am storing my connection string in my app.config file. I am using sql server express 2005. The connection string on my dev machine is different from the ones at the clients. so each time I update I open the config file and edit the connection string setting. This is quite a pain.also I have now published my app to an ftp folder so that the clients can get the updates each time I make changes. saves me the hassle of going to them each time i update. so now i need it to be so that I won't have to change the setting all the time.Would the best way be to store the connection string in a settings table in the database?

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Using An .ini File To Store Settings?

Feb 26, 2009

I am using an .ini file to store my settings, so they are editable. But the thing is, it wont redirect? I had it working some minutes ago, but now, it just gives me a white page.. It didnt do that some minutes ago Here is my whole code, as it would take time to split it all that has with .Ini file to do.


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Create A Simple XML File To Store Settings For An Annual Process

Jan 13, 2010

Each year I have to create 1099s from a legacy system. So in the past I had Foxpro code that ran out of a directory near where the Foxpro dataware house was. In 2009 we moved to SQL so I have to convert the code to VB and SQL

But I need to still store the text files and the report and I wanted to save settings in this "working directory"


Does this seem like the propery way to do this?

Finding documentation on XML is really difficult, because there is so much yet all of the examples seem to do it a different way.

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Store Three Items In My.Settings / Where Are My.Settings?

Jun 28, 2010

I store three items in My.Settings. One is a serialized string, and the other two are GUIDs. When the main form starts, those three items are loaded into various places. On rare, and so far unpredictable, occasions, one of these GUIDs is notably absent. The others may or may not be, I have yet to be able to check. Since it happens so infrequently (twice this month, though I have been working on the code every day), I'm having a very hard time tracking down the problem. However, it got me wondering where these values are stored. I see one of them showing up in App.Config, though without a value. Is there a place I can see the others?

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.net - Use A Nchar Column - Store Czech Text In An IBM819 Database?

Mar 2, 2012

switching our database over to UTF-8 (multi-byte char, unicode) encoding from IBM819 (single-byte char, Latin1 subset), because of a new requirement to support text entry of Czech characters.I've just been reminded by a colleague of the nchar and nvarchar column types, which neither of us has actually ever used.

If I were to define the relevant columns as nchar and nvarchar instead of char and varchar, what would I have to do to allow my currently-IBM819 database to work with this new IBM819-incompatible text coming in from my .net application?Would all conversion be automatic? Would I need to write some scary conversion code?

EDIT: Right, I defined an "nchartest" table containing a single column, "ntest" of type nchar(500).I connected to that via .net code and confirmed that 500 chars of lorem ipsum could be entered:

Dim insertString As String = "INSERT INTO nchartest VALUES (?)"
Dim insertCommand As New IfxCommand(insertString, cConnection, tTransaction)
insertCommand.Parameters.Add("incident_recno", IfxType.NChar).Value = "[lipsum]"
Return insertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery

I then replaced the lipsum string with 100 or so chars of Czech text, and attempting to insert that caused an IfxException to be thrown by the .net Informix interface, with the message ERROR [HY000] [Informix .NET provider]Unspecified System Error = -21005.

Following up on some research I did yesterday, I tried setting my CLIENT_LOCALE setting in my connection string to en_US to match that reported by Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture, but that connection could not be opened due to ERROR [HY000] [Informix .NET provider][Informix]Unable to load locale categories.

Following that, I tried setting CLIENT_LOCALE=en_US.unicode, which produced an ERROR [HY000] [Informix .NET provider][Informix]Unspecified System Error = -31142.

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PDF File Display Store In Database?

May 5, 2011

I have Stored PDF file in a database i want to display this PDF file in my Window Form

How i display PDF in my Form..

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Store MP3 File In MySQL Database?

Mar 8, 2009

How to store Mp3 Files in Database and display it into a listbox? So that I can load the files and display it into a listbox if I start my MP3 Player.

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Where To Store Access Database File

Jun 4, 2012

I am building an application with an Access database, using Visual Basic 2010 and am not sure where the best place to store that database is. I am looking forward to creating an install file and want to make sure that the database is in the right place.

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How To Store Two Text Box Value To Single Text File

Mar 11, 2011

i want to do is i need to store two text box value to single text file..i hav checked other soluttions bt can't figure out wats goin wrong with this code..[code]multiple times in more than one text boxes???? n is it possible to store more than one data in the txt file? for an example i want 2 store phone number, message.

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Store Two Text Box Value To Single Text File?

Mar 11, 2011

i m jst a new bee in coding so i need a lil bit favour of urs ... all i want to do is i need to store two text box value to single text file!!!sry if the thread post earliar in the forum!!!i hav checked other soluttions bt can't figure out wats goin wrong with this code


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Store An Array In Settings?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to store a regular array in My.Settings. Not an ArrayList, not a StringCollection, just a string Array. Can this be done? If so, how is it done? I can't seem to find the string array datatype in the settings designer in Visual Studio.

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Store Bitman In My.Settings?

May 3, 2009

How I can store a bitmap in my.settings?

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Store Info In My.Settings?

Dec 2, 2008

I have a structure like this[code]...

How can I store this in my.settings? When I select browse to find the type, or simply type in "Register", it does not work.

View 1 Replies - Store Blobs / Rich Text Memos As Rtf Programmatically On Server Hard Disc Instead Of The Database?

Jan 14, 2011

is there a way to store blobs / rich text memos as rtf programmatically on server hard disc instead of the database ?

Update (1)

i want to write in a memo field and store it using identifiers like sessions and time stamps for example writing a memo with the session "subject" and session "dateANDtime" to be stored as "mysubject-12/12/2010-11:56pm.rtf"

how to retrieve the file. can i build hyperlink programmatically?

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Store Different Data Types From A Text File?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a question (suppose to be simple). The question related to reading text file which is in the below format.


What I want here is to store the first data column in the file to be stored in AreasString and 2nd column in Level, 3rd in Importance and so on untill the end of the data. In addition, How can I check the type of data? For example, if I want to say: If 10.25 is double then msgbox ("it is double") else msgbox ("it is integer")

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Store HUGE Strings Without Using Settings?

Apr 21, 2012

Is there a way I can store HUGE strings without using settings? Or storing it outside the program?

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Store Settings/Resources Internally?

Feb 1, 2009

Does anyone know how to store settings/resources internally?I have this code (example).msgbox(my.settings.message)But this method generates a .resx file with the application.

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Using My.Settings.something To Store Persistent Data?

Dec 27, 2011

You know how using My.Settings.something to store persistent data is done only for user settings and not application settings. This information is stored in the registry on the local user section.My problem here is that even if it is in the same machine, when a user changes some setting it is not reflected on other users. This is desirable for some of them but there are a few I would like to keep for all users.Is there a way to do it with the settings? Do I need to write to the registry in the machine section? or do you just recomend I create a configuration file?

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Where And How To Store Application Wide Settings

Oct 25, 2010

i need to store Application wide Settings in my Application like:

Connection to DB (Servername) Username/Password Registrar/Serial etc. I think there are basically two Options:

Store them in the Registry Store them in an Application Settings File Using one of the methods above is no problem, but under Windows 7 my Application running in normal user mode allows me only to store user specific data. For example inside UserAppDataRegistry, UserAppDataPath etc.

But when i want to use e.g. CommonAppDataRegistry to write my Data in, then i get no access to it, due to missing privileges.

Now my question:

Where and how to store Application Wide Data? How are others doing this? When i purchase an application and install it on my pc, it asks me for Uusername and Serial. When i insert it then it saves it somewhere without asking me for Administrative Privileges or something else.

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Where To Store Application Wide Settings

Dec 28, 2009

I have a license form that i wish to save the information or just system wide information for that matter,I know about the my.Settings - however this will only save for a specific user and the aplpication scope you can not write to.Where is the best place or the normal practice of saving application wide information?

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Read The Contents For Text File And Store Them In Array?

Feb 19, 2012

I am unable to read from the text file in VB. I want to read the contents for text file and store them in array. See my code below and the text file. How should I read this text file.

'Purpose : This program will read student name & final marks for a set of students from the text file and then calculate & display class average, class standard deviation, number of students above class average, name of student with highest mark, number of students with A's(90-100), B's (80 < 90), C's (65 < 80), D's (50 - < 65) and F's (<50).Calculate for standard deviation of a set of numbers:Step1. :Find the average Step2. : Square the difference between each number and the average


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Using The Split Command To Store Info From A Text File?

Apr 17, 2009

I am writing a program that lets someone click on a picture to vote for their favorite pet. The part I am stuck at is: when the application is opened and closed it needs to remember how many votes there were. To do so, when the program is closed I have the information stored in a .txt file. it looks something to the effect of:

name, type, votes
andy, bear, 0
bart, dog, 0
candy, cat, 0
hopsie, bunny, 0


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VS 2008 Settings Store A 1-Dimensional Array?

Feb 15, 2010

I'm working on a program that generates random values for a byte array thats length is 16.I have already devised the generation method, but I want to use My.Settings to store this...but I haven't seem to have located Byte() for My.Settings.

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VS 2008 Store Some Configuration Settings With Time

Mar 20, 2011

I am developing an application, and i need to store some configuration settings, with time, i will need to add some more configuration settings. Am thinking of three alternative to implement that will me easy to access without much coding and efficient sqlite, xml, and application configuration file..But am concerned about security, because some personal data will be saved together.

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VS 2008 Where To Store Settings For Windows Service

May 13, 2009

I've written a windows service in VB.NET 2.0 and the service needs to know a few file paths and other settings when it starts in order to be able to do what its supposed to do. These are settings that users of my service need to be able to configure themselves so I cant hard code them in.At the moment I just have the service look for a file named Config.INI in the same directory that it is being run from and if this file exists it attempts to read the settings in from there... this works perfectly, but it just feels a bit clunky and old. If it was a normal windows app I would store the settings in an XML file in the user's application data folder or something but as this is a Service then thats not possible as it is not run by any one user (well technically it is, the Local System account). I then thought about using the registry but I seem to recall people saying that you should avoid storing settings in the registry if you can really, especially with the new security in Vista and Server 2008.

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XML Writer - Store Some Settings For Program In An XML Document?

Nov 11, 2009

I'm wanting to store some settings for my program in an XML document. I've found plenty of places that allow you to write an XML document to somewhere on the hard drive although I'm wanting to link it in with the project so when the program installs it setups up the XML as well. This is also so when the program uninstalls it removes the XML.So I was wondering how I would go about writing to the XML document in my project, could it be done with Linq?

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[2008] Store Comnnection String In My.Settings?

Jan 12, 2009

how to store the connection string to my Access mdb in my project's My.Settings ?

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(merge - Remove Duplicate Lines And Store) Two Text File

Nov 24, 2011

this is the code working 100% for (merge , remove duplicate lines and Store ) two text file using Imports System.IO Public Class Form1


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