Use A Text Box To Display Some Data?

Jan 19, 2011

I would like to use a text box to display some data.What I have to get me started is a button that writes some text to a text box.

when I press the button it writes some text but what I want is when I press it multiple time is to fill the text box with additional lines. I'm only getting one line.I'm using Visual Basic Express.

here's my

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
TextBox.Text = "write some text
End Sub


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Display Data Linked By A Data Relation In Different Text Boxes?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a data set with a parent child relationship between a patient table and an insurance table. There can be up to 4 insurances for each patient. I want to display them in 4 separate panels of a form. So if a patient had 2 insurances, then txtName1.text on panel 1 would have the company name of the first insurance, txtName2.text on panel 2 would hold the company name of the second insurance, and so on.

How do I display only the insurances related to the current patient? I've tried moving through the rows of the related table, but that gives me all the rows, not the ones I need. Everything I see on the internet suggest using a datagrid, but that's not an option in this case.

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Display Data From Datasource Into A Text Box?

Jun 12, 2009

I would like to Display a note from a column in the Notes_tbl to a text box this from an Access database.[code]...

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Display Text File Data?

Aug 17, 2010

I'm trying to develop a program which read from a text file data.Then display one data line per time with 2 sec delay in an lcd which is connected throught the internet.[code]....

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Auto Access And Display Text Box Data?

Aug 4, 2009

I have a textbox for each day of week and I need to access the data in the textbox for the current day. In other words, if it is Tuesday I need to display the text in Tuesdays textbox automatically on startup. The data has been saved and can accessed.

Private Sub Timer15_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer15.Tick
lblCurrentTime.Text =


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Display Data From Text File To Datagidview?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a datagridview which have 5 columns. The name of the columns are T,C,F,S,H.

I have a text file which contain lines like this.


So i want to display this data in datagried view. I must display the number beside T to T column, the number beside C to C column and so on. It should only display number in the respective column. It should not display the T,C and so on.

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Read Data From Comport And Display It In Text Box?

Dec 25, 2009

I am trying to read data from comport and display data in a rich text box.

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Display Data In Tabular Form For A Text File?

Dec 26, 2009

code that can display data in tabular form for a text file. vb 2005

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Multi-Line Text Box - Display The Data Vertically?

Jun 7, 2011

My application reads the following data below from an xml file into a multi-line textbox - also scrollbar enabled (vertical). The data read into the textbox displays as "A1A2A3A4". Can someone recommend how I can get the textbox to display this vertically instead?Using VS & VB 2010 as new developer.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Rows> _
<Row Sortorder="1"><Supplier Deleteme="false">A1


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Pass SQl Parameters From A Combo Box And Display Necessary Data In Text Boxes In .net?

Sep 14, 2010

I have designed my form like this it has a combo box and several text boxes. In the form load I want to load the customer IDs of my customer table into my Combo box.Customer IDs data type is varchar and this part is working in my form.The next thing that I want to do is if a user select a single user ID from the combo box I need to display the first name last name and there are several fields of that selected customer id in the text boxes.If anyone can help me in this it'll be a great help.I have designed my data base in sql server 2008 and I'm using visual studio 2008.I added a new sqldata adapter and I created the data set.But I want to know how to pass the selected id of the combo box as the select parameter of sql statement and how to bind data to the text boxes.

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Search Or Filter Mysql Data In Text Box And Will Display To The Listview

Jan 18, 2012


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Cross Reference The Source Data Value E.g. 1 To Display The Text "Not Hispanic" From The Cspopup Table?

Jan 22, 2009

I have several combo boxes that have a single Dataset and separate Table Adapter and Binding Sources to fill them.One combo box I have lists the Hispanic Origin of the client.The Data Source is bsCSpopup_HispOrg, the Table adapter name is taCSpopup_HispOrg.Below is the Table Adapter query if you can call it that and selects only the codes I want to fill the combo box

SELECT fcpopkey, fcpoptext, fcpopval
FROM cspopup
WHERE (fcpopkey = 'hispanic.origin')


I am doing just fine loading the dispay text when the form loads, and saving the data to the client table, but, when I load the clients values, how do I cross reference the Source data value e.g. 1 to display the text "Not Hispanic" from the cspopup table.

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Cannot Get List Box To Display Each Increment And Cannot Get Data To Save Correctly In Order To Display

Feb 28, 2012

Cannot get list box to display each increment and cannot get data to save correctly in order to display.

Public Class Projectile_Motion
Dim initialHeight As Double ' Holds beginning height
Dim initialVelocity As Double ' holds velocity


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Display Password In Invisible When Display In Data Grid?

Oct 29, 2009

QuoteI would like to display my password from database (MS Access)into datagrid but in invisible. Below is my coding retrieve data from database, but my password is visible,

con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " & connectionpath


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Display Text On Pole Display?

Jan 2, 2011

I do also want to know how can I Display Text on Pole Display. I write the code with 2008. Sample Code that I write is:


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Compare Data Input Into Text Boxes From Data Stored In A Text File?

Mar 28, 2009

i was just wondering if there was a way that i could compare data stored in a text file such as usernames and passwords with data input into text boxes in visual studio vb2008?

View 6 Replies

Label To Display A Word For 5 Seconds And Then Move Down The List In A Text File And Display The Next Word?

Nov 21, 2010

I have a label that is supposed to display a word for 5 seconds and then move down the list in a text file and display the next word.I'm oddly able to make it work in random mode, but not going down the list in order.. random would be ok if used words didn't come up again.

Dim DurHold As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath & "FlashWords.txt")
Dim DurDelimiters() As String = {vbNewLine}
Dim DurTextLines() As String = DurHold.Split(DurDelimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)


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Webpage Interaction - Read The Text Of The Site And Display A Certain Part Of That Text In Form

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to make an application which will log me into a site and read the text of the site and display a certain part of that text in my form. I'm stuck at the login, its a .php page with 2 text boxes, 1 check box and 1 button.Is there any way to manipulate those objects by using controls in my form?

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Can Retrieve VS2005 Sln Files And To Get 'convert' Button To Display Text In 2nd Text Box.

Jan 6, 2011

I am building a application with VS2010. The aim of the application is to change sln. files from VS2005/2008 versions into VS2010.I am using a Form with 2 text boxes and 2 buttons. When I click the 1st button it reveals the sln file in the text box. Then i have a 'convert' button that I want to use to 'convert' the file that appears in the first text box. I have come quite far with the source code but am just a bit puzzled as to how i can retrieve the VS2005 sln files and to get the 'convert' button to display the text in the 2nd text box.[code]

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Input Several Boxes Of Data On One Form And Display Individual Pieces Of That Data On Several Other Forms

May 22, 2009

I have just started with vb and would like to know if there is a way to input several boxes of data on one form and display individual pieces of that data on several other forms at timed events in the future?

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VB - Simply Link A Data Grid View To Display Data That Was Selected From A ComboBox?

Oct 14, 2010

I just want to display data in a DataGridView (from SQL - already made the connection) based on what is selected in a ComboBox (data that is also coming from SQL). The 2 are separete on the form. I am using VB 2010.

This doesn't work for me:
objCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, Size, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductCategoryID = " & cbCategory.SelectedValue


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Data Bound To ListBox - Display Two Data Items As A Single Item?

May 7, 2012

I have an Address Book project with a listbox. The listbox is bound to the database via the little arrow pop-up box in the corner of the listbox. I have the DisplayMember set to FirstName, and obviously only display the First Name of the contact in the ListBox. Is there an easy way to change it so that it displays the First and Last names? I can't change the binding because I need it to get the ID of the record selected.Here's the basis of my code...

Private Sub MainForm_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'CompanyDataSet.Contacts' table. You can move,


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Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text?

May 15, 2006

Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text

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Display Excel Data With The .xlsx Exstension In Windows Application Using Data Grid View?

Sep 28, 2011

I have an excel file that I would like to load into my form and display there.

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Forms :: Display Data In Grid View Using Code That Can Edit, Update And Delete The Data?

Oct 6, 2011

how to display data in grid view using code that you can edit, update and delete the i need to have a stored proc in this?

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C# - Make TextBox Text Display Like PasswordBox Text

Jul 31, 2011

I want to make a TextBox's Text display like a PasswordBox's Text. Is there any way by which I can do it? I think styling the TextBox may work. I tried to style it using PasswordBox's default style ([URL]) but it didn't work.

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Search Text File And Display Result In Text Box

Nov 27, 2011

I am trying to set a program that save information to a file(store number, state and name. Then once user put store number and click display it shows the founded result in each box. like state in statebox and name in name box. This is my code so far

for the display button

Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
Dim file As String = ""


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VB 2008 - Read From Text File And Display In Text?

May 26, 2008

how to do this for vb6 however i am using vb 2008 and the code for vb6 does not seem to work.

I have designed a form with a text box on it, and a command button underneath. The idea is to run this as a sort of stiky notes section.

I want the text box to read rich text into the textbox (C:\\stickynotes.rtf")

Then i have a command button underneath which i want to save the content of the rich text box to the rtf file (C:\\stickynotes.rtf). This is so that the user can edit and ammend information.

here is some code i have so far

Dim fileReader As System.IO.StreamReader
fileReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader("C:\\stickynotes.rtf")

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Display Data In Datagridview By Using Data Source In Vs 2008?

Jun 2, 2010

i'm got this sql query code in dataset designer

SELECT pkt.fldPackageID, pkt.fldPSID, pkt.fldQuantity, pkt.fldQuantityUsed, pkt.fldRetail, pkt.fldPK, ps.fldName
FROM tblPaketRow AS pkt INNER JOIN
tblProdukDanService AS ps ON ps.fldID = pkt.fldPSID
WHERE (pkt.fldPSID = @param)

I'm trying to display the results in datagridview,i drag from the data source in vs 2008..I can't figure out to do that.I use this code to set the @param on form_load event.

Me.TblPaketRowTableAdapter.JoinTable(SalonDataSet.tblPaketRow, modCommon.s)

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How To Display Text In Selected Text Boxes

Jun 22, 2010

I have Three text Boxes and i want to use Cut, copy, paste method.But the problem is when i copy one text box matter and then apply Paste option through menu control ,then matter is displayed all three text boxes.

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