Way To Fire Events When A User Clicks A Specific Tab

Aug 3, 2010

I looked everywhere for this but not sure if it can be done. Is there a way to fire events when a user clicks a specific tab. Here is the image to show it better:I am trying to have the program execute a special function when the user clicks on customer info.

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VB2008 Get The DataGridView CellMouseDoubleClick To Fire When A User Double Clicks On A DGV Cell?

Oct 29, 2010

how to get the DataGridView CellMouseDoubleClick to fire when a user double clicks on a DGV cell.I currently have both DGV.CellMouseClick & DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick implimented in my code.The DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick never fires and the DGV.CellMouseClick always fires. The only exception is when I position the cursor between DGV cells and get the double arrow. If I double click with the double arrow then I get the DGV.CellMouseDoubleClick to fire.I need to take different actions for users RT-Click, RT-Dbl-Click, LT-Click and LT-Dbl-Click.

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Asp.net - How To Stop Events Fire In Pageload

Apr 11, 2011

I have little problem. I change the textbox value in pageload time. the textbox change event calling automatically. how to stop that?


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FileSystemWatcher Won't Fire For Directory Events?

Mar 9, 2010

I trying to be notified when a directory is created, deleted, renamed or moved. The VB.NET code below only shows the Rename event.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1


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X Does Not Fire Closing / Closed Events

Mar 6, 2009

I have a very simple app working well, problem is that it does not close properly. If the user uses the little "X" to close it, it still remains running, just becomes invisible. The X does not fire the closing/closed events..All I can figure out is that to get it to properly close I need to use "Me.Close()" with a button or menu item.I could remove the standard X and force them to use my own close button but that is rather silly..

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Asp.net - Render .net Controls To String And Get Events To Fire

Jul 28, 2011

I have this issue where I'm trying to generate HTML to display on the page that is coming from the database in form of a template that has different curly brackets that get replaced with dynamic content at run time. For example curly bracket {Content} gets replaced with a few checkboxlists, radiobuttonlists, textboxes and a submit button. The way I'm doing this is by creating controls dynamically and rendering them as string and then outputting that string to the browser. But what this does is, it doesn't recognise the events assigned to the controls when they are generated. I may be taking a wrong approach to the issue, but I don't really see how else this can be achieved. I have put up some sample code below to show what I'm trying to achieve.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then


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IDE :: Watching Events Order That Fire While Debuging?

Apr 23, 2011

I have some error in my code which causing my WinForm Data application to give Exception. First Record gets saved successfully but while saving 2nd one Exception occars.For this i want to See The List of Events & Subroutins that are called as soon as i hit Save Button in the Order they have Called.

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Record The Screen When My User Clicks Start, And Stop Recording When He Clicks Stop?

Jul 27, 2008

I need to record the screen when my user clicks start, and stop recording when he clicks stop.I've searched for a while on this subject, and I have found nothing.I want to do this without adding any files to my project, I just want to use some built in function in Visual Basic, and start recording, or even take a snapshot and add it to an AVI file or something...These are some sites I have found:


This code is in VB6, but I am not sure how to even start using it?

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DragEnter And DragDrop Events Fire Multiple Times In VB?

Jul 8, 2010

I've got a research application that is hosting a webbrowser control and I'm implementing a feature that allows the user to select text from a web page and drag it to various research note fields. The issue I have is the dragenter and dragdrop events continue after the initial drop, inserting the text multiple times. Here's the test case on my box and the result.

Select Text in Browser Drag to Text Box Drop Text What happens is after the drop event is fired and the text inserted to the drop target, when you move the mouse after dropping the text, the drag enter event is fired, followed by the dragdrop event, then another dragenter and dragdrop. So, selected text such as "Selected Text" becomes "Selected TextSelected TextSelected Text".

Note: The dragenter event is properly raised once when the mouse enters the textbox, however the mouse does not have to leave the textbox after the dragdrop event fires. i thought there was something wrong with my application so I created a simple test app, containing a Webbrowser and a multi-line text box. This test app generates the same results and the code is below. This is the first time, I've implemented
drag and drop operations and I followed the guidelines noted in this MSDN article. While I did what the article suggests, I'm thinking I need to note the event was handled somewhere.


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Mouse Movements To Fast To Fire Events Accurately?

Jul 8, 2011

I'm working on a custom scroll bar. When dragging the slider, things work smoothing with what I have... that is if the users movements are smooth and slow-ish. When moving quickly the mouse move event doesn't seem to fire as accurately as I had hoped.. I attempted using the up and down buttons enter event for re positioning or "resetting" the slider whenragging is activated but still those events don't even fire when the mouse move event is firing. So I believe I hit a barrier of my .Net knowledge and hope someone here knows a way around this little issue.

Public Class Form1
Dim Dragging As Boolean
Dim mPointY As Integer


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SerialPort Events Won't Fire On Windows Server 2008 Using .NET 2.0 Application

Jul 9, 2010

I have a program that reads data from a scanner via the serial port.This program works fine on Windows XP.We have a terminal server set up running Windows Server 2008.I run HyperTerminal on our test terminal, it connects and reads the scanner data fine through COM1.I run my app on that same test terminal and get nothing when I scan.My app connects to COM1 without errors and disconnects without errors.BUT, the DataRecieved event is NEVER getting fired.Neither is the ErrorReceived event.I have played with the Handshaking, with the RecievedBytesThreshhold and pretty much every setup setting I found.Set it up exactly like the settings on Hyperterminal.I have even tried starting a timer on a different thread to call ReadByte every second to try to KICK this thing into doing SOMETHING.Nothing has worked.

I have been trying to fix this for an entire day now.Added events to my class trying to see EVERYTHING that is going on. All I know is, it connects to the port and it disconnects from the port correctly but nothing happens in between.No data when I scan.No event fired at all between connecting to and disconnecting from the port.I have also downloaded other's simple serial communications applications.Nothing in .NET works.[code]

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Waiting For Process 30secs - Three Events To Fire On Button Click

May 20, 2011

I have three events to fire on button click. after running the first event i want to wait for 30sec to wait for nex event to fire. how i can wait( i mean looping for 30 secs).

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Open A File And Change Stuff, Then Close It Without Saving The Changes, The Events Still Fire?

Mar 17, 2010

I am using about 5 different filesystemwatcher routines total. I am using the following

filewatch.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime Or NotifyFilters.LastWrite
AddHandler filewatch.Created, AddressOf addfile
AddHandler filewatch.Changed, AddressOf addfile
filewatch.EnableRaisingEvents = True

However, there is one problem with it... whenever I open a file and change stuff, then close it without saving the changes, the events still fire. I am opening excel workbooks in code, then use xlsWB.Close(SaveChanges:=False) to close them, and the event still fires, where the file isn't really changed so it should not fire.

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.net - Two Methods Handling Me.FormClosing; Why Do They Fire In This Specific Order?

Aug 11, 2011

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
Handles Me.Load, Me.FormClosing

While closing the form I observed that the Form1_FormClosing method is fired first, and then Form1_Load second. Why is this order chosen? Why doesn't Form1_Load get fired/entered first, and then Form1_FormClosing second?How does .NET choose which method to fire first, of the two that handle the same event?

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Clicks Or Mouse-up On A Specific Date On The Monthly Calendar?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a process that takes 3 seconds which needs to be run when someone clicks or mouse-up on a specific date on the monthly calendar. However, I do not want the process to run as one moves from month to month by clicking on the arrow keys.

I have tried the date-change and mouse-up events and both of these fire when I move between the months.

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Making A Program To Open Specific Web Pages With Button Clicks?

Apr 16, 2011

I'm making a program to open specific web pages with button clicks. I have a form with the buttons and 'WebBrowser1'. Everything works ok, except that when clicking on certain links within a website, it opens a full-screen window of Internet Explorer.How can I prevent it from opening a new window. It should just navigate to the link within the WebBrowser1 window.

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Create A Global Object But Have The Events Within That Object Fire On A Separate Thread?

Oct 26, 2009

I have an object that is defined as a global variable based on custom class. Within that class I have an event that gets fired a certain intervals. These events are fired on the same thread as where the object is declared. How do I create a global object, but have the events within that object fire on a separate thread?

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Button Event Of A Web User Control Does Not Fire

Jul 31, 2011

My web user control is [code]...

The problem now is that the click event does not fire upon clicking at the button.

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Fire An Event On Windows User Logon?

Nov 5, 2011

I want to create a service that sets up a user specific environment. So I would like to know when a user has logged on to the computer.

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Wpf - Fire A Custom Event From User Control?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a user control (SomeUserControl), that I am using in a Main Window. I write my application entirely on SomeUserControl, and Main Window is hosting SomeUserControl and nothing else.

Right now I have a shutdown button (in SomeUserControl), that is supposed to close the Main Window. The reason for this is that I do not want anything from SomeUserControl to close the application itself, but to fire an event from SomeUserControl, and Main Window receives it, and Main Window will close the application instead of SomeUserControl.

How do I do it? I am not familiar with the concept of creating and handling custom events, so if someone could explain it in words and in code as an example, I will be very grateful to you!

Edit: Here's my code so far.

(in Window 2)

Public Event CloseApp As EventHandler
Private Sub CancelButton_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles CancelButton.Click
DialogResult = False


I want to close the application when I click cancel in Window 2, but I don't want to do it in such a way that Window 2 closes itself, but by sending some notification to Main Window, and Main Window closes the application.

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Detect Whenever User Clicks The Mouse?

Jun 8, 2009

I need to detect whenever user clicks the mouse, no matter what form is selected at the given time.

I know that detected keypresses globally can be done through a Keyboard hook so I assume that i am going to need some sort of Mouse Hook.

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See If The User Right Clicks On A Link In Webbrowser?

Oct 28, 2009

Im trying to check and see if the right clicks on a link in a webbrowser, if so enable a button on the contextmenustrip that allows him to open it in a different tab.

Dim Oelement as HTMLelement
Private Sub ContextMenuStrip1_Opening(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Opening
If oElement.TagName = "A" Then


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User Clicks On A Treeview Item?

Dec 19, 2011

When a user clicks on a treeview item, how can I detect if it is a child item or not?

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Get Form Click Or Form Control Mouse Events To Fire DURING Form LOADing

Aug 26, 2011

Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.


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Detect When The User Clicks The X Or Closes The Console App?

May 24, 2010

I have aconsole application that executes 2 other processes, and then closes the processes once it's finished its work.

If the user closes the console application prematurely, the 2 other processes go rogue and sit idle (As they are expecting to be closed by the console).

Is it possible to detect when the user clicks the X or closes the console app in another fashion, so I can also destroy the spawned processes?

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Print A Richtextbox When The User Clicks A Button?

Jun 10, 2011

I'm trying to Print a richtextbox when the user clicks a button, and despite my many attempts, I am getting nowhere.

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Print A Richtextbox When User Clicks A Button

Aug 2, 2011

I'm trying to Print a richtextbox when the user clicks a button, and despite my many attempts, I am getting nowhere.

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User Clicks On A Picture Box It Moves Around With The Mouse?

Mar 4, 2009

Basicly If a user clicks on a picture box it moves around with the mouse, How can I make it so the user has to be holding down mouse1 (draging the picture box) and if they are not holding down mouse1 it drops

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VS 2008 Pop Up Message When User Clicks 'Ok' With Out Checking Something?

Sep 4, 2009

Do something like this

-User Opens program
-User goes to settings.(Settings has a bunch of RadioButtons)
-User Customizes settings, checks certain buttons. (How would I pop up a msg when the user clicks "Ok" with out checking something?
-When "Ok" is pressed, it will "save"
-When settings is opened again, the same RadioButtons will be checked.

Right now, if I exit the settings form, and open it again, the radio buttons are cleared

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When The User Double Clicks On An Icon In A ListView

Dec 14, 2009

what the Equivalent is in .net of the following Event


Private Sub ListView_ItemDblClick(Item As ListItem)
End Sub

I need to know when the user Double Clicks on an icon in a ListView, there doesn't seem to be a matching event in .net.I'm running VS 2008?

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