Windows - Rebind A Combobox In Winforms?

May 4, 2009

I have a Winforms application and a combobox has it's datasource set to a DataTable when the form loads. The data displays fine in the combobox. then after a user clicks a button I want to create a new DataTable and assign that datatable as the datasource for the combobox.

The problem is that after setting the datasource to be the new datatable the items in the combobox don't change. Here is the code I'm using.


Does anyone know how to make the correct data be displayed in the combobox the second time I assign the data source for it?

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Winforms - How To Load Binary To Windows Media Player In Windows Forms

Jul 24, 2011

I've successfully saved video files into SQL server as varbinary. Now, my problem is, how can I play those videos in Windows Media Player (embedded in my Windows Forms).

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Rebind Datagrid To Display Changes In .net?

Jan 19, 2012

I have the following code that refreshes the datagrid in the form after the update is made to the database. My question is why do I have to clear the datasource and then re-add it to get the changes to display. I would think that the refresh method would do this, but I can't seem to get that to work. Is there a more efficient way to refresh the datagrid rather than resetting the datasource?

Public Sub addPlan(ByVal planname, ByVal plannumber)
Dim planinfo As New changeDatabase(planname, plannumber, planAdapter)


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Rebind DataSource To DataGridViewComboBoxCell?

Sep 16, 2009

I have a DataGridView with two DataGridViewComboBoxColumns. I want to use the selected item in the first column to trigger a re-population of the items in the second column, on a per-row basis.

Here's the code I have so far. "addlInfoParentCat" identifies the first column, and currentRow.Cells.Item(1) is the DataGridViewComboBoxCell that I want to re-populate. ExtEventAdditionalInfoType is a type I defined that contains the string/value pairs.

Private Sub dgvAdditionalInfo_CellValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvAdditionalInfo.CellValueChanged
Dim currentCell As DataGridViewCell


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Winforms - DataBinding To ComboBox In .Net?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to bind CheckedListbox's Cheched items to Combobox my code is given below

Private Sub chklColumns_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chklColumns.SelectedIndexChanged
cmbSort.DataSource = chklColumns.CheckedItems
End Sub

whenever I check an item first time it loads one item to the Combobox, but when I select second item still I have single item in the Combo...

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Binding Label And Value To ComboBox Winforms

Sep 23, 2010

I have this code
Public Sub FillCategoryCombobox(ByVal categoryList As List(Of tblCategory), ByVal LvName As ComboBox)
Dim itemValue = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)()
For Each category As tblCategory In categoryList
itemValue.Add(category.CategoryID, category.CategoryName)
Next category
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
LvName.DisplayMember = "Value"
LvName.ValueMember = "Key"
End Sub

I receive an error on
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
Value cannot be null

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ComboBox Force Validation -WinForms?

Dec 7, 2011

Is it possible to force a combobox to run it's validation event without moving the focus out of the ComboBox?

I need the event (or an event) to trigger when an item is selected with the mouse or an entry is typed into the combo box. I tried using SelectedValueChanged and SelectedIndexChanged however, these events do not fire if the user types a value that does not exist in the list source. I know I can change the DropDownStyle to DropDownList however, I still want the users to be able to type entries in the combobox (with auto complete).

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Implement A Checked Combobox In WinForms?

Jan 11, 2012

Does anyone know of a simple implementation of a checked combobox in WinForms? I haven't been able to find anything when googling.

I want something that behaves like this windows scheduled task trigger edit:

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Winforms - Set Tooltips To Combobox Items?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a combobox with a given width.
It may occur that one row of the data is partially hidden (the combobox might be too narrow). I'd like to show the whole line by using a tooltip or right-click context menu.

Currently I can't find how to 'catch' the row that I'm currently holding on or passing over by mouse.

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WinForms ComboBox Selection Color?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a Win Forms app written in vb.neIn it, I have a combo box with an OwnerDraw Item routineUsing this routine, I am able to implement an application-wide default value for a selection color like shown below:This works great except for one tidbit:ction color again in teh textbox portion of the control

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Colour Individual Items In A Winforms ComboBox?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a dilemma whereby I have a form which contains a number of comboboxes that contain information/options/items that may be invalid/out-of-date in certain circumstances.I can't simply remove the out-of-date information from the items, but I do want to give the user a visual-clue when options are invalid.

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Winforms - Bind A ComboBox To Related Tables?

May 14, 2012

I am developing a Windows Form Application against a SQL Server relational database. An example of the database schema is:

PK A_ID uniqueidentifier
A_NAME varchar(254)


In the form I have a ComboBox (cboA_ID) to select the TableA record (DataSource = TableA, DisplayMember = A_NAME, ValueMember = A_ID) and a TabControl where controls on each tab are bound to fields in either TableB or TableC.My question is, is it possible to bind cboA_ID to TableB.A_ID and TableC.A_ID?This is my first database application so if there is a better way to do this I'm all ears. I have set everything up using the wizards in Visual Studio 2010, so I'm still not 100% familiar with what all the various TableAdapters and DataSets do.

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WinForms TableLayoutPanel ComboBox Not Resizing Properly?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to use a TableLayoutPanel to align a few controls on a form next to their labels like so:

Label1 [combobox ]
LongerLabel [longer combobox]

But when I run the project and grab the right hand side of the form and shrink the form, the combobox doesn't resize, it gets cut off... Now, I were to not use the TableLayoutPanel, but just anchor a combobox to a form's edges, it will resize properly. What am I doing wrong with the TableLayoutPanel?

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Trigger A Rebind Of Gridview From Javascript Or JQuery On Markup Page?

Sep 11, 2009

Is there a way to trigger a GridView rebind from an html markup page using jQuery or jscript?

I have an ActiveX download control which passes all events via jscript.

So, a have a download complete event on the markup page but not the code behind.

Here is the main aspx page:<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="Head" Runat="Server">

<script type="text/javascript" src="aurigmaiuembed.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function FileDownloader_DownloadStep(Step){
//The file list is going to be downloaded - "2 = About to Start"
if (Step == 2){


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Allow Each Item To Use Multiple Lines In A Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

Oct 22, 2010

Allow each item to use multiple lines in a Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

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Winforms - .net, Combobox.datasource Will Change Selected Index?

Mar 1, 2012

Let me try to describe my problems in the simplest way: I have combobox1 and combobox2. I hope to achieve two things: Combox1 is bound to list1 (a list of string). When a user selects an item in list1, list2 (a list of string) will be obtained from database and combobox is bound to list2.If user specifies text1 in combobox1 and text2 in combobox2, then these two values will be shown in the comboboxes regardless of the bound lists.


So the results of above code is that goal 1 is achieved, but goal 2 is never achieved. combobox1.selected index is always 0 and combobox2.selected index is always 0 too.

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ComboBox Reset To Select The Text Of The ComboBox In Windows Application

Aug 10, 2009

I had added the items

3 to the combobox.

Then I gave the "Select" to the text of the combobox.

How can I able to reset combobox to select the text("Select").

I had tried by giving -1 to the SelectedIndex. But it gives only Empty.

This is for VB.NET Windows Application

I have given an Image for your reference

Image path for the reference [URL]

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Reset ComboBox To Select The Text Of The ComboBox In Windows Application

Aug 11, 2009

I had added the items 1 2 3 to the combobox.

Then I gave the "Select" to the text of the combobox.

How can I able to reset combobox to select the text("Select").

I had tried by giving -1 to the SelectedIndex. But it gives only Empty.

This is for VB.NET Windows Application

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.net - WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue

Mar 23, 2012

I have a WinForms app built with VB.Net in VS 2010, and I'm scratching my head over the following issue.I have a form with a combobox which gets bound to a datasource when the form is loaded:

With Me.cboCompany
.DataSource = Me.m_dsBidResults.Tables("Company")
.ValueMember = "company_id"


This seems to work fine, as long as the user doesn't switch focus to some other control and then go back to the combobox. After switching focus, if the user then changes the combobox selection to the first item in the dropdown list (SelectedIndex = 0), the SelectionChangeCommitted event fires, but the SelectedValue remains set to the previously selected value. I've verified this by adding a message box in the above event handler, displaying SelectedIndex and SelectedValue side-by-side.

'add this to SelectionChangeCommitted event handler MsgBox(String.Format("Selected Index: {0}, Selected Value: {1}", cboCompany.SelectedIndex, cboCompany.SelectedValue))

This does NOT happen if the user changes SelectedIndex to anything other than 0; everything behaves as expected. I've verified that the table I'm binding to contains unique values for company_id and company_name.Do I need to use some other event to verify that the SelectedValue has actually changed?

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WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue?

Sep 29, 2011

WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted event doesn't always change SelectedValue

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.net - Gotfocus() Mdi Child Windows Winforms?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a mdi and 3 child windows.The program start with an empty mdi.With a menu you can open each child window once.When i open for example 2 windows. And close the one on top. The one left(the window under the one i closed) should get focus. How can i manage this?

why i need this?each childwindow has a event gotFocus. Depending on the focus my menu should change.

Private Sub frmMain_gotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.GotFocus

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

Jun 29, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server?

Mar 31, 2009

.NET Winforms App Under Windows 2003 Server

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Winforms - Bring Window On Top Of All Windows?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a window which should stay on top of Power point slide shows. So it should be on top of all the windows. I did this easily using VB 6 using Lib "user32", but it seems to be difficut with

Me.TopMost = True

This does not seem to work as it works only within the program.

Private Declare Function BringWindowToTop Lib "user32" Alias "BringWindowToTop" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Sub frmTmr_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated


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C# - Get An Utility That Can Monitor Open Windows/ In .net Winforms?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to find the framework class that enables one to choose an image at design-time. I can find the editor that is used at run-time - its the Drawing.Design.ImageEditor. At design time, however, a different editor pops up which allows one to choose an image from resources.I'm guessing I could run some kind of program, then open up the image editor, from the property grid, and see what new windows/classes have been created?

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Winforms - .net NUnit (2.5) Windows Forms Testing?

Oct 18, 2011

I am retrofitting unit testing into a fairly complex system designed and written by other developers in I am trying to develop unit tests for the GUI forms using NUnit and the NUnit Forms extension. (I've been looking at c# examples that are fairly easy to port over if you have a solution but don't know VB syntax as long as it uses NUnit classes)

I will try and explain what I am doing but first a brief description of the program. It basically monitors server activity. You need to connect to a server via a modal form with IP and Port fields(amongst others). Once you have connected to a server other parts of the program unlock and become usable (such as configuration of the server).

Desired process: Load program > click connect button > modal connect form loads > enter details > click OK to connect > main form updates to logged-in state > other functionality

The problem is that I cannot test the functionality of the connect form and then the logged-in functionality of the program. I can test that it loads the modal connect form correctly; enters the details and clicks OK (all fine so-far) but it does not appear to logically progress the program. The modal form just closes again seemingly without running the connect code from the program back-end and I'm back at the main menu not logged in to anything.

I have a feeling that I've either missed something really obvious or that it's simply not doable in NUnit.I have trawled the internet in search of anything similar but the closest was another SO thread that was really generic. Without being able to actually test the logged-in version of the program, I'm at a major hurdle.Another issue is handling message boxes that don't have unique identifiers (e.g. "are you sure you want to exit?"); these also seem to be a major pain in the arse with NUnit (If it makes any difference, I'm running the tests as a stand-alone project using a reference to the executable file of the built project, not the actual source)

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Winforms - NUnit (2.5) Windows Forms Testing ?

Jun 10, 2012

I am retrofitting unit testing into a fairly complex system designed and written by other developers in I am trying to develop unit tests for the GUI forms using NUnit and the NUnit Forms extension. (I've been looking at c# examples that are fairly easy to port over if you have a solution but don't know VB syntax as long as it uses NUnit classes)I will try and explain what I am doing but first a brief description of the program. It basically monitors server activity. You need to connect to a server via a modal form with IP and Port fields(amongst others). Once you have connected to a server other parts of the program unlock and become usable (such as configuration of the server).Desired process: Load program > click connect button > modal connect form loads > enter details > click OK to connect > main form updates to logged-in state > other functionality

The problem is that I cannot test the functionality of the connect form and then the logged-in functionality of the program. I can test that it loads the modal connect form correctly; enters the details and clicks OK (all fine so-far) but it does not appear to logically progress the program. The modal form just closes again seemingly without running the connect code from the program back-end and I'm back at the main menu not logged in to anything. I have a feeling that I've either missed something really obvious or that it's simply not doable in NUnit. I have trawled the internet in search of anything similar but the closest was another SO thread that was really generic. Without being able to actually test the logged-in version of the program, I'm at a major hurdle.Another issue is handling message boxes that don't have unique identifiers (e.g. "are you sure you want to exit?"); these also seem to be a major pain in the arse with NUnit(If it makes any difference, I'm running the tests as a stand-alone project using a reference to the executable file of the built project, not the actual source)

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Winforms - TextBox Validation In .NET And Windows Forms?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number.I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the number has been completely entered.number is being entered in the format: 12313213.45

What shall I do?Private Sub TextBox5_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox5.KeyPress


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Winforms - Word Wrap In Windows Forms (.net)?

Apr 25, 2009

how to do word wrap in drawstring in 2005.

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Winforms : Where Is Default Constructor Of A Windows Form

Jan 1, 2011

where can I find the default constructor of a windows form? I mean:

Public Sub New()

End Sub

I should say that I Use Visual Studio 2008 as my editor.

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