ComboBox Force Validation -WinForms?

Dec 7, 2011

Is it possible to force a combobox to run it's validation event without moving the focus out of the ComboBox?

I need the event (or an event) to trigger when an item is selected with the mouse or an entry is typed into the combo box. I tried using SelectedValueChanged and SelectedIndexChanged however, these events do not fire if the user types a value that does not exist in the list source. I know I can change the DropDownStyle to DropDownList however, I still want the users to be able to type entries in the combobox (with auto complete).

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ADVERTISEMENT - From Client, Force Whole Page Validation

May 14, 2010

I have an ASP button for which I have set the OnClientClick property to display a javascript confirm message. However, I only want this message to be displayed AFTER all of the client side validations have passed. How can I do this? Essentially, I believe that I need to force Page level validation from the client and then, only if it passes, display the confirmation box.

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Force Prompt For Windows Login On WinForms Startup?

Dec 9, 2008

Is there a way to force the Windows Login prompt, just like in web applications, in the startup of a WinForms application (see attached image)?I'm creating a WinForms app that is going to use NT Authentication, but some machines in the company are shared, and logged in with a common login account.I don't want my app to run under the Identity of the common login account. Rather,I want to use Impersonation and prompt for the user to enter their actual domain account name and password.Googling for this in the context of a WinForms application has produces curiously useless results so far.

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Run Validation On A WinForms UserControl?

May 8, 2009

I have an WinForms app that requires Name/Address data in lots of places, so I decided it would be a good idea to create a User Control. So far, so good. My problem is this: Let's say that my UserControl presents 2 text boxes (txtFName and txtLName) and txtLName is mandatory. What I want to do is put the validation code, e.g.: Code:If txtLName.Text.Length = 0 ThenMessagebox.Show("Enter a last name")End If


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Winforms - .NET Multiple Textboxes Validation?

Dec 1, 2010

validating a form with multiple text boxes? User would be informed what was the problematic field.The source of the form:

Private Sub btnNewUser_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnNewUser.Click
'If txtEmail.Text.Contains(" "c) Or Not(InStr(txtEmail.Text, "@")) Then
'ElseIf txtPassword.Text.Contains(" "c) Then


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Winforms - TextBox Validation In .NET And Windows Forms?

Mar 5, 2009

I'm using the following code to validate the text entered by user. It works perfectly fine. But I want to add the backspace feature so as to allow the user to delete the wrongly entered number.I have tried a couple of things and they worked but before last digit (after the decimal point) i.e. it does not allows to delete after the number has been completely entered.number is being entered in the format: 12313213.45

What shall I do?Private Sub TextBox5_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox5.KeyPress


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Force User To Make Combobox Selection?

Jun 30, 2011

I'd like to force a user to make a selection from a combobox.I've tried to test it by Combobox.SelectedText = String.empty as well as another version similar to this but a little different.When I test it, it will tell me that it is still unselected/blank even when I selected something.

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Databound ComboBox Need To Force Update In Datasource When Selection Changes

Apr 5, 2010

I have a combobox where the SelectedValue on the combo is bound to a property on a business object.Everything works fine, but the property that's bound to the SelectedValue on the combo only gets updated when the focus leaves the control. I understand that the property doesn't get updated until the control is validated (loses focus), but I need it to update the datasource as soon as the dropdown is closed.I know I could probably leave focus from the control on the DropDownClosed event but I'd prefer something a little less kludgy.What's the best way to immediately update my datasource when the dropdown is closed?

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Force The Fill Event To Fire Everytime When Click The Combobox?

Dec 16, 2008

I am having a problem with data in a combobox not being refreshed (using 2005 by the way). Right now I have a windows application with several forms. I have a Template form that contains the cboActivity combobox. This combobox is filled with data from a SQL database. I also have an Activity form. This form allows me to enter new activity information and save it to the database. If I load up the Template form, click the cboActivity combobox, the Fill event is triggered and my combobox is filled with the activity data from the database. But if I leave this form open, go to the Template, add new activity information, and save it...when I go back to the Activity form the combobox has not been update to contain the newly added data. Is there a way I can force the Fill event to fire every time I click the combobox?

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How To Add Validation To ComboBox

Jun 15, 2012

I have decided to add some validation to my combobox, what I'm trying to achieve is to make sure that the user can ONLY enter fields that are in the combobox but the problem I have now is that if the user clicks on the combobox and doesnt enter anything and tries to leave the combobox the message box appears.

Private Sub Combobox1_Validating(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles Combobox1.Validating
If Combobox1.Items.Contains(Combobox1.Text) = False Then
e.Cancel = True
[Code] .....

As stated before the coding does work, but I was trying to make sure the message box does not appear if the user doesnt enter anything in the combobox.

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ComboBox Validation - Entry Havent Been Used Twice In A Selection

Jun 5, 2011

If there was any easy were to make sure that an entry havent been used twice in a selection of ComboBoxes. Heres the start for what id have to do if there isnt.

Private Sub ComboBox9_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox9.SelectedIndexChanged
If ComboBox9.Text = ComboBox1.Text Or ComboBox2.Text Or ComboBox3.Text Or ComboBox4.Text Or


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Combobox, Textbox , NumericUpDown And MaskTextBox Validation In VB?

Mar 27, 2011

Combobox, Textbox , NumericUpDown and MaskTextBox validation in VB?

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ComboBox Problem - Combo Box Won't Drop Down After Cancelling Validation?

Feb 24, 2012

I've found some unexpected behaviour in my ComboBox, which I'm hoping someone can help me with. If focus is lost by pressing the Return key on a form which has AcceptButton set, then after handling the Validating event and cancelling the validation,the ComboBox will not drop down any more. When you click on the drop-down arrow, the list drops down momentarilly then goes away again To reproduce this, create a new VB.NET Windows Forms application. Drop a Combo Box and a Button onto the default form, then add the following code:[code]....

Run this application, click on the Combo Box, enter some random text (e.g. "asdf"), then press Return. After this, click on the drop-down arrow on the Combo Box.I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express on Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Winforms - DataBinding To ComboBox In .Net?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm trying to bind CheckedListbox's Cheched items to Combobox my code is given below

Private Sub chklColumns_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chklColumns.SelectedIndexChanged
cmbSort.DataSource = chklColumns.CheckedItems
End Sub

whenever I check an item first time it loads one item to the Combobox, but when I select second item still I have single item in the Combo...

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Binding Label And Value To ComboBox Winforms

Sep 23, 2010

I have this code
Public Sub FillCategoryCombobox(ByVal categoryList As List(Of tblCategory), ByVal LvName As ComboBox)
Dim itemValue = New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)()
For Each category As tblCategory In categoryList
itemValue.Add(category.CategoryID, category.CategoryName)
Next category
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
LvName.DisplayMember = "Value"
LvName.ValueMember = "Key"
End Sub

I receive an error on
LvName.DataSource = New BindingSource(itemValue, Nothing)
Value cannot be null

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Implement A Checked Combobox In WinForms?

Jan 11, 2012

Does anyone know of a simple implementation of a checked combobox in WinForms? I haven't been able to find anything when googling.

I want something that behaves like this windows scheduled task trigger edit:

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Windows - Rebind A Combobox In Winforms?

May 4, 2009

I have a Winforms application and a combobox has it's datasource set to a DataTable when the form loads. The data displays fine in the combobox. then after a user clicks a button I want to create a new DataTable and assign that datatable as the datasource for the combobox.

The problem is that after setting the datasource to be the new datatable the items in the combobox don't change. Here is the code I'm using.


Does anyone know how to make the correct data be displayed in the combobox the second time I assign the data source for it?

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Winforms - Set Tooltips To Combobox Items?

Jul 15, 2009

I have a combobox with a given width.
It may occur that one row of the data is partially hidden (the combobox might be too narrow). I'd like to show the whole line by using a tooltip or right-click context menu.

Currently I can't find how to 'catch' the row that I'm currently holding on or passing over by mouse.

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WinForms ComboBox Selection Color?

Jan 23, 2012

I have a Win Forms app written in vb.neIn it, I have a combo box with an OwnerDraw Item routineUsing this routine, I am able to implement an application-wide default value for a selection color like shown below:This works great except for one tidbit:ction color again in teh textbox portion of the control

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Colour Individual Items In A Winforms ComboBox?

Jan 12, 2011

I have a dilemma whereby I have a form which contains a number of comboboxes that contain information/options/items that may be invalid/out-of-date in certain circumstances.I can't simply remove the out-of-date information from the items, but I do want to give the user a visual-clue when options are invalid.

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Winforms - Bind A ComboBox To Related Tables?

May 14, 2012

I am developing a Windows Form Application against a SQL Server relational database. An example of the database schema is:

PK A_ID uniqueidentifier
A_NAME varchar(254)


In the form I have a ComboBox (cboA_ID) to select the TableA record (DataSource = TableA, DisplayMember = A_NAME, ValueMember = A_ID) and a TabControl where controls on each tab are bound to fields in either TableB or TableC.My question is, is it possible to bind cboA_ID to TableB.A_ID and TableC.A_ID?This is my first database application so if there is a better way to do this I'm all ears. I have set everything up using the wizards in Visual Studio 2010, so I'm still not 100% familiar with what all the various TableAdapters and DataSets do.

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WinForms TableLayoutPanel ComboBox Not Resizing Properly?

May 14, 2012

I'm trying to use a TableLayoutPanel to align a few controls on a form next to their labels like so:

Label1 [combobox ]
LongerLabel [longer combobox]

But when I run the project and grab the right hand side of the form and shrink the form, the combobox doesn't resize, it gets cut off... Now, I were to not use the TableLayoutPanel, but just anchor a combobox to a form's edges, it will resize properly. What am I doing wrong with the TableLayoutPanel?

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Allow Each Item To Use Multiple Lines In A Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

Oct 22, 2010

Allow each item to use multiple lines in a Winforms Combobox (or Listbox)

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Winforms - .net, Combobox.datasource Will Change Selected Index?

Mar 1, 2012

Let me try to describe my problems in the simplest way: I have combobox1 and combobox2. I hope to achieve two things: Combox1 is bound to list1 (a list of string). When a user selects an item in list1, list2 (a list of string) will be obtained from database and combobox is bound to list2.If user specifies text1 in combobox1 and text2 in combobox2, then these two values will be shown in the comboboxes regardless of the bound lists.


So the results of above code is that goal 1 is achieved, but goal 2 is never achieved. combobox1.selected index is always 0 and combobox2.selected index is always 0 too.

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.net - WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue

Mar 23, 2012

I have a WinForms app built with VB.Net in VS 2010, and I'm scratching my head over the following issue.I have a form with a combobox which gets bound to a datasource when the form is loaded:

With Me.cboCompany
.DataSource = Me.m_dsBidResults.Tables("Company")
.ValueMember = "company_id"


This seems to work fine, as long as the user doesn't switch focus to some other control and then go back to the combobox. After switching focus, if the user then changes the combobox selection to the first item in the dropdown list (SelectedIndex = 0), the SelectionChangeCommitted event fires, but the SelectedValue remains set to the previously selected value. I've verified this by adding a message box in the above event handler, displaying SelectedIndex and SelectedValue side-by-side.

'add this to SelectionChangeCommitted event handler MsgBox(String.Format("Selected Index: {0}, Selected Value: {1}", cboCompany.SelectedIndex, cboCompany.SelectedValue))

This does NOT happen if the user changes SelectedIndex to anything other than 0; everything behaves as expected. I've verified that the table I'm binding to contains unique values for company_id and company_name.Do I need to use some other event to verify that the SelectedValue has actually changed?

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WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted Event Doesn't Always Change SelectedValue?

Sep 29, 2011

WInforms Combobox SelectionChangeCommitted event doesn't always change SelectedValue

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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Add Parameter Not Force

Sep 1, 2009

I want to add a parameter to my function but it is not force. Example : Public Function fct(Byval str as string,byval bol as boolean) End Function I want to when i call function, i can pass value for bol or not. it still ok. How can i do that.

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Force An ASP Page To Postback?

Feb 18, 2009

I've got a handful of dynamic controls populating an ASP page, with VB.NET in the back-end.What I need is when the user changes the .TEXT value of a textbox and the page posts back, the .TEXT value of a Table Cell changes to reflect that change (it multiplies the value of the textbox by the value of another cell).But a Table Cell can't be set to AutoPostBack, and I can't for the life of me figure out how to programmatically refresh the page (force a postback) in the TextChanged event for the textbox.

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C# - Force Documentation In VS(2010)

Mar 13, 2012

I am simply searching how to obtain errors/warning for each function/member that isnt documented. Im pretty sure I managed to do this on one of my projects, but cant find how to do it here on my workstation. I have looked into the project props, the solution props, but cant find it. I must have missed something, or maybe I could do this at home with an extension.


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