Winforms - How To Hide Password

Dec 26, 2009

I dont have any idea on how to make the password like this--> How can I do that in so that the user will be more secured.

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Winforms - Change Caret Colour Or Hide?

Sep 13, 2011

I am making a program in VB.NET and need to hide the Caret in textboxes.

I could live with it being either completely hidden or just the same colour as the textboxes background colour. How can I go about doing this? I would prefer to stay away from Custom Controls if at all possible.

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Winforms - Hide A Form In Cross-Thread Operation?

Oct 13, 2009

I need a function to Hide a form in cross -thread operation. I write this code but it close the form and not only hide it:

Dim objHideMyForm As delegateUpdateApps = AddressOf HideFree
Private Sub HideFree()


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Way To Hide Password Of Database Inside Source Code?

Feb 15, 2012

Is there a way to hide the password of your database inside the source code? [code] As you can see the password is exposed, increasing the risk for the database to be compromise. Is there anything you can suggest how can I work around this one?

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Password Protect A Single Form In A Winforms Application?

Nov 21, 2011

I've a winforms application that is using SQLite database. There is no encryption on the database (data has to be shared with other user). It is a stand alone application with a stand alone local database.

The difficulty I'm encountering is when people go to bring all the data together.The databases are attached, data imported, but records are differentiated by a database GUID.At any rate I am desiring to have a database selection screen that is protected by a password to prevent users mistakenly switching databases (and some level of protection against malicious use).

Thinking it's probably not a particularly good idea to store the password in an unecrypted database.Security is not a large issue as this is only distributed to users that need the software.

What would be the best method to have the user type a password when they attempt to access the database selection screen? ShowDialog? Pop open a new child form with a password TextBox, then on validation (via button?) close the password form and open the protected form?I see a fair bit about protecting a whole application, but not so much about a specific form.

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Hide Form Label Text Like "password" Etc?

Jun 6, 2011

this is an exercise only but using VB2010 and trying to hide form label text like "password" etc. using the following functions ...

Public Function Encrypt(Value as String, nTip As Long) as String
Dim szTiped as String = ""
Dim nLen as Long, nInd as Long


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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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Hide/Show Items - Possible To Hide A Group Of Text Boxes From View In A Form

May 5, 2012

I'm curious if it is possible to hide a group of text boxes from view in a form until a particular condition is met, and to have a custom set of text boxes for that condition. To give an example; I want radio buttons offering choices for a manner of searching records, the user selects one and then a specific set of text boxes are displayed for the user to utilize, if a different option is chosen a different set of text boxes will be shown. Is this something that can be done?

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Hide Any Dotnet Exe Is Hide Into Taskmanager In Windows 7 Using .net?

Mar 5, 2012

how to hide exe into task-manager in windows 7 using windows application?I want exe is hide into task-manager in windows 7 & windows vista machine using application)

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Checking AD Password - Create A Password Change Form For My Company's Vendors

Jan 15, 2012

I'm trying to create a password change form for my company's vendors. There are a couple of scenarios I could encounter doing this:

1 - User enters invalid current password
2 - New passwords do not match
3 - User's account is locked
4 - User cannot authenticate because password is expired

It's case 4 that I'm struggling with, because their is no way for me to take the password the user entered and verify it against active directory without getting an error.

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Membership ChangePassword (hashed) Match Current Password Against Old Password Field

Jun 1, 2011

I am implementing a system where the user can Reset their password if they have forgotten it.Once it is reset I want to give them the option of changing the password so that it will be something more memorable to them.The password is hashed and if i enter in the correct old password and new password the password does change.If I enter in the wrong old password and new password the password doesnt change.Is there a way to match the old password with the old password field in code behind so I can throw up an error to the user to tell them what is wrong? [code]

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Password Characters - Get A Textbox Being Using For Password Entry To Display The Black Circle

Feb 10, 2009

How do you get a textbox being using for password entry to display the black circle that you often see in web forms, on the iphone etc etc?

I can change the PasswordChar property to an asterisk no problem and even copying and pasting symbols inserted into Word seemed to work - just couldn't find a symbol that looked like a bullet point!

Can this actually be achieved for a standalone exe, or is it something unique to web forms? Surely copying and pasting symbols from Word isn't actually the answer?

View 6 Replies

Pass Password If Excell Sheet Have Password And Enable Macro?

Jul 25, 2011

I read and write the cells from excell sheet sucessfully. now please i need a advise on the following

1. Where i save the file? at the time of project publishing it include also with the project?

2. how i check file exits or not?

3. How i pass the password if excell sheet have password and enable macro?

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Password Implementation - Program To Start With A Prompt That Asks For A Password

Apr 21, 2010

I'm currently working on a CRM project in I want the program to start with a prompt that asks for a password and if the user enters the correct password then the main form loads.Im having some problems wrapping my mind around this...

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Create A Simple Password Box That Will Ask The User For A Username And Password?

Jul 15, 2009

I am looking to create a simple password box that will ask the user for a username and pass, if the user is validated against the usernames and passwords in an .ini file the login box will close and launch a program also stated in the .ini file. I would also like to be able to launch different programs for different users.

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VS 2008 Hide The Taskbar O.o And Un-hide It?

Apr 20, 2009

Is there a way to to hide the taskbar o.o and unhide it?

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Password Encryption - Way To Inerlock Letters In A Password?

Dec 2, 2009

Is there a way to inerlock letters in a password. EX: lets say my password is 1234567password, is their a way to interlock or inject random letters/numbers /symbols/etc into the password? Ok so our password is = 1234567password is their a way to make it like this = g1i2h3h4q5d6g7rp4a7s;?s`w6o+r/d5

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Reset The Existing Password (topsecret) With A New Password

Jan 15, 2012

how to reset the existing password(topsecret)with a new password by using the "replace" keyword

in the below code shown

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Show Instead Of The Password It-self When The User Enters The Password?

Apr 10, 2010

I have a button on my Form called EditingButton that will have a DialogBox appear asking for a password. How can I have "*" show instead of the Password it-self when the user enters the password?[URL]...

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Validate The Given Password Is Same As The Current Users PAssword?

Mar 21, 2011

I have developed a task Using (windows Application). I want to create a Login window for the Current user only allowed to use my application.So In my Login window UserNAme textbox I have showed the curent Login UserNAme like,

txtUserName.Text=Environment.UserDomainName & "" & Environment.UserName
And I have set txtUserName.Readonly =True.
Now the User to type the Password in my application password textbox.


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IDE :: Set Project Default For Winforms Projects S/ Default Modifier For Controls Added To Winforms Is Private

May 28, 2010

Is it possible to set a project default for VB.NET winforms projects so that the default Modifier for controls added to winforms is Private (not Friend)?I know there's a "modifiers" property in the properties window so I can set it for each individual control however I would like to change the project so from now on myself and other developers have to specifically decide to change from friend to private. (Which I would strongly discourage them from doing).I believe there is no way of doing this, but on another forum a while ago someone mentioned it would be possible with an add-in (but didn't name the add-in or where to get it).

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Save Data (some Text That User Type [as Password Etc]) And Save That Password On Same Location Where Is Application?

Dec 25, 2011

how to save data (for example some text that user type [as password etc]) and save that password on same location where is application. After saving I want to have also Load option so we can load saved data.

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Auto-hide Label After 10 Sec And After Label Hide Redirect

Jan 15, 2011

I have a label and button on label in my webform.i want when i click on button then label1 will be visible with text "Success" and then it will hide automatically after some time say 10 seconds.I M using (VB)How to auto hide label after 10 sec and after label hide redirect to the ~/Default.aspx ?

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Change Password Box Password

Nov 9, 2011

I am making a password box with an if statement. I also want another form that I can change the password and if I close the password box, it will save the current password.

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Allow To Change The Password - Look For A Text File In The Same Directory Called "password.text"

May 25, 2009

i have made a program that needs a password to activate it but i would like it to look for a text file in the same directory called "password.text" as it will alow me to change the password.


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VS 2010 Turn Only Selected Characters Into Password Characters And Still Be Able To Get The Password Text From The Text Property?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm making a custom control suited for handling passwords. I have created a control that inherits from a text box and I have implemented a lot of things so far. But what i want to do now is create a system so that when a user types It will display his last character typed for a X amount of time.Is there a way to turn only selected characters into password characters and still be able to get the password text from the Text property ?

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"update Login SET Password=@password,username=@username Where Username=@user"?

Jun 21, 2010

send a solution for this "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user"

while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement "

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ASP.NET Vs Winforms App ?

May 11, 2009

I have a proto-type winform app designed by a colleague. My original plan was to create it using, but I'm not sure if I should just 're-create' it using or continue forward using the winforms. Either way, I'd use as the code-behind.

It's going to be a data collection app; originally it was going to allow the collection screens to by dynamically built, based on options selected by the end-users. However, that has changed to a one-size fits all approach.

I've never written anything using, so what I'd really like is some advice about what should I be looking for/at in this new app, in order to decide which way to finish it... OR winforms... Would there be any design/programming advantages to using over the winforms (other than the fact that my colleague already have about a dozen forms designed, but with NO code-behind)? Might there be end-user advantages to using vs winforms?

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WPF App Vs WinForms App

Aug 10, 2009

I'm currently studying for one of Microsoft's MCPD 3.5 certifications (VB 2008) and one of the things it makes use of is WPF applications. Based on what I've seen of them so far, they are basically like Windows Forms Applications. So my question about them is why was WPF created? What was Microsoft looking to accomplish with WPF since outside of the "web feel" in a windows environment, it basically looks like a WinForms application. What is the difference between the two and when sould I use one over the other?

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.net - Hide Files In USB From OS?

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way to store data on a USB file in a way that the OS cannot read it with the standard methods? I was thinking maybe with an uncommon filesystem, but then I 'd probably have to implement the IO myself, which sounds like a huge work.Another idea would be to access the disk sectors in a low level way and store data in an incompatible way? But I do not know where to begin.For the record, I am using VB.NET.

EDIT: Regarding the VALID security concerns you have raised: I agree, but assume that, all I need to do for the scope of my project, is to simply hinder the average and slightly advanced user. NOT the expert.

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