Write A Program In Which Fluidly Changes The DWM Window Colorization Colors In Windows 7?

Dec 19, 2011

I'm currently trying to write a program in VB.NET which fluidly changes the DWM window colorization colors in Windows 7.I first tried to edit Registry values directly, but I had to restart the UXSMS service. This solution was unsatisfying, because of the toggle of the taskbar.

I'm now searching for a function in a DLL such as user32.dll or themecpl.dll which can reproduce the behaviour of control panel when setting the window color.I'm now on IDA, searching for the adquate function (CColorCplPage::SetDwmColorizationColor seems good!).

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Write A Program In Program That Works In Windows ME?

Jan 24, 2011

How do I write a vb10 program that works in windows me. I am getting an err message saying MSCOREE.DLL expects a newer version of windows.

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Write A Small Program For ITunes Using Windows COM?

Apr 20, 2010

I are trying to write a small program for iTunes using Windows COM. We are able to talk to iTunes and create popup boxes that show the current track, and a few other small things. However, when we try to set this info to a Label for example, we get:

InvalidOperationException was unhandled by user code Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'Label1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

The program then hangs and locks iTunes from closing. I believe the issue is the event handler I have created, which I know very little about. We are using VB 2010, so that may change some things. We followed a rough example from a forum post HERE. If you scroll down the orange text, you will see a reply right after by Will Hughes with a "Handles iTunes.OnPlayEvent". If I add this to the end of my event handler, I get:

Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types. Not sure if its important to the issue or not, but I found it curious. Our code is shown below.

Imports iTunesLib
Public Class Form1
Private iTunes As New iTunesApp


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Create An Enumeration For Colors In Window Forms Application?

Jun 21, 2009

I am building a simple windows form (using VB.NET) for a friend to use at work. His company has about 10 specific colors schemes (they have list of RGB values) that they use for the company logo, website etc.

I want to follow this color scheme in my application and, to simplify development, would like to build an enumeration of these colors to avoid hard coding the RBG value for every label, panel etc.

My initial thought was to do the following:

Enum ColorTypes
CompanyDarkBlue = Color.FromArgB(0,56,147)
CompanyBlue = Color.FromArgB(0,111,198)
CompanyLightBlue = Color.FromArgB(0,145,201)
End Enum

However, it's not that simple as a constant is required. I looked around on the internet and I found an example of how to achieve what I need but it seemed inordinately complicated for what seems like quite a common requirement for application development.

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IDE :: Why Is Operator Colorization Working Only In C#

Jun 29, 2009

Why is Operator colorization working in C#, but not in VB.NET? The color settings for "Operators" in the "Fonts and Colors" section are not being applied to operators in VB.NET. Instead most operators are treated as either a keyword or as plain text.


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Change Colors While Retaining The Look Of A Windows 7 Progress Bar

May 16, 2011

how I can make a progress bar change colors while retaining the look of a Windows 7 Progress Bar. What I mean is, default it show the green. However, setting backcolor and forecolor does not affect the progress bar while XP styles is enabled.

What I am trying to do is make the progress bar the red progress bar if an error is encountered. I have the error solution set up, I just need it where the progress bar turns to red if the event of the download is stopped by internet connection being disconnected.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Information
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) MSDN Forum
Convert C# to VB.Net

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IE Window - Size The Window, But Not Change The Windows Location On The Screen?

Jun 21, 2011

im using vb.net to open IE and go to a website... i can figure out how to size the window, but not change the windows location on the screen... how can i make the IE window position always 0,0

Dim oIE As Object
Dim hWnd As Long
oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")[code].....

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window

Apr 14, 2009

how to retrieve microsoft access filenames from a particular folder on my computer? Within my project the user can create a database, and i want to be able to display all of these databases in a combo box?

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Switch To The New Window Not To The Main Windows Properties Window?

Jan 23, 2012

I have application with 2 forms (Form1, Form2), when i click in a button in form1, form2 open.when form2 opened & I switch to other window and try to switch back to my application (By clicking in its icon in taskbar), it switch to form1.I need when form2 open & click in taskbar, it switch to form2 & also when form2 open I can't edit or type anything in form1.Exactly the same as the below scenario in windows:when I open any new window from "Windows Properties" (Right click my computer), and switch back to windows properties, it will switch to the new window not to the main Windows properties window

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Invert Entire Screen Colors In Program?

Jun 19, 2009

Invert entire screen colors in vb?

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Paint Program With Radio Buttons To Change Colors?

Sep 11, 2010

I am trying to create a simple paint program with radio buttons to change colors and size of the brush and draw within a panel on my form(VB 2008 Express).I cannot get the buttons to work. What do I need to put in the radion button event to change brush color and then also brush size? Following is the code I have so far, with nothing in the radio button events, because everything I try does not work.

Public Class PaintForm

Private shouldPaint As Boolean = False ' determines whether to paint

Private Sub Panel1_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, _[code]......

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Unsure How To Write In Message Box Functions For A Pop Up Window?

Nov 10, 2010

I am unsure how to write in message box functions for a pop up window. I need OK and Cancel buttons to display with my message box. The Ok button needs to close the message box and the Cancel button to close the entire program. Here is what I have so far

Public Class Form1
Public scoreA, scoreB As Single
Private Sub txtboxa_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtboxa.TextChanged
scoreA = txtboxa.Text


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Write A Program To Write In A Xml File?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to write a program to write in an xml file in this format:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <Orders>
<Item id="1" SKU="998123" Description="Super Widget" Quantity="100" />


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Output Window Is Not Displaying Messages Sent By Debug.Write()?

Feb 26, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional in trial mode... and suddenly the Output window won't show my Debug.Write() stuff. It had been showing it for the past month.I have been using the 2010 version for 30 days (after upgrading from Visual Studio 2003) in trial mode. I just renewed the trial for the extra 60 days, and the "About Visual Studio" window says I still have 59 days left.

I have verified that the application is running properly, without errors. When I purposely generate an error, the Output Window properly shows the error and the stack trace I've already checked my Build>Configuration... it's in "Debug" mode, not "Release". The Debug.Write() text is not going to the Immediate window, either.One other point, I tried running the same application in the Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition, and it complained that it could not debug the specified code, though it did properly build it so that it would run in the build. Could Visual Studio 2010 Express have modified something in my project files to disable the debugging output?

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VS 2010 Use Window Form Application To Write This Game?

Mar 27, 2011

i want to use window form application to write this game?

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Write Code On Network Programming That Is Window Based?

Aug 24, 2010

how to write code on network programming that is window based. most of the code i read are console application.

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VS 2010 - Hook Into MSN And Write To Contacts Without Having The Conversation Window In The Front?

Apr 24, 2010

Is there a way I can hook into MSN and write to my contacts, without having the conversation window in the front? a API or something?

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VS 2008 Write A Program To Create A Shortcut In The Startup Folder Of A Different Program?

Jun 15, 2009

how i can write a program to create a shortcut in the startup folder of a different program. So i have one program on my computer that should run at startup, i just need another program to create a shortcut to it, and then copy this shortcut into the startup folder.

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Write A Program For VB Class That Consists Of A Resistance Checker Program?

Sep 20, 2010

i have to write a program for my VB class that consists of a resistance checker program. I've searched like a madman to help me through this and I have found nothing >. The program consists of 2 combo boxes, the first one is the nominal resistance drop down list of the numbers :100, 150, 220, 330, 470, 680, 820 and 1000. The second list is of the tolerance numbers; +/- 0.4%, +/-0.6% and +/-0.8%. Now what i want to do is select a number from the first combo box and select the tolerance level of the second combo box and i input the resistor of said value into the text box. when i click the check resistor button it should display a message saying if the resistor is in or out of tolerance. For now I have the form all laid out and the values inputted into both combo boxes and i can go to run the program i am able to select said values. Now my problem is trying to get the right code so that i can check the resistors value.

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Read And Write To A Python Program Through Program?

Aug 10, 2011

I am currently making a GUI for Minecraft Coder Pack. MCP works off a system of batch files that launch python programs. I want to be able to read and write to these cmd windows throught vb.net. So that I can tell when a process has finished or to answer a yes, no question i nthe python program, with a gui from vb.net[code]\...

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Registry Program - Moving Applications From Windows 2000 To New Server Windows 2003 ?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on moving applications from Windows 2000 to new server Windows 2003 R2(64 Bit). I noticed that there are some VB programs and config files for those programs have been placed in Windows 2000 Registry. Some other applications are using them from different servers.Why do we use registry here? How can i move these to registry in windows 2003? Can I just move these or do I have to write VB programs to place them in 2003 registry?

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Windows Service Unable To Access A File In Program In Windows 2003 Server

Mar 12, 2010

I have a .net Windows Service developed in VB.net. I have a settings file in the root directory called Connections.XML and I am setting the basedirectory [code]...

When I schedule the service this is working absolutely fine in my Windows XP machine. But when I installed the same service in our development server (Windows 2003 64 bit Server) for some reason it is not able to locate this file.

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Will An Program Built On Windows 7 Using Vs 2008 Or 2005 Have The Compatibility With Windows Xp Or Vista

Nov 15, 2009

will an program built on windows 7 using vs 2008 or 2005 have the compatibility with windows xp or vista

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.net - Change The Window Area In Windows?

Sep 16, 2011

I have an application (chat) that I am developing for our company (special requirements). We are mostly using WinXP computers. I want it to be topmost and docked to the right, the problem is, I don't want it to overlap other windows that people are working on.

Is there a way to change the default area that other programs can maximize to? Basically, I want it to look something like this: Is something like this possible? I'm using VB.net so all .net answers are accepted.

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.net - Set Z-Index Of Window Comparatively To Other Windows

Jul 11, 2011

How can I, in VB.NET, set a window's z-index comparatively to other windows?

My program runs in the background of other programs, and when a specific event happens, my custom class pops up. However, sometimes, this window is in the background of other apps. How can I make it such that my window always comes to the front? I realize that there are questions like mine, but I cannot find any in Visual Basic.

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Get URL / Window Name Of All Open IE Windows / Tabs

Aug 20, 2010

I find myself with the dilema of opening massive numbers of IE windows/tabs on subjects. This is really great content, but then I need to restart my computer. Rather than going into each and recording the URL/window name (which is listed in the window title bar, relating to the content of the web page), is there a way to capture that information within VB.NET (in a WinForm app)?

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Set Window Focus While Using Other Active Windows?

May 6, 2009

how to set either a focus window or active window or something, but still able to move around in other windows with out my SendKeys function sending keys to any other window. This is the code I have to set the active window to the window I need to sendkeys to:

Dim targetWnd As Long = FindWindow("ncrwgst1.wal-mart.com - PuTTY", vbNullString)

Now anytime I have like notepad or even my Remedy window up, it sends the keys to that window. how to set it where it JUST sends to the targethWnd I have defined and still move around in my other windows?

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Winforms - Bring Window On Top Of All Windows?

Dec 17, 2011

I have a window which should stay on top of Power point slide shows. So it should be on top of all the windows. I did this easily using VB 6 using Lib "user32", but it seems to be difficut with VB.net.

Me.TopMost = True

This does not seem to work as it works only within the program.

Private Declare Function BringWindowToTop Lib "user32" Alias "BringWindowToTop" (ByVal hwnd As Long) As Long
Private Sub frmTmr_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated


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Create Windows Service Using Windows Form Controls In Program?

May 3, 2012

It is possible to create windows service using windows form control in vb.net.If yes then please give me the url or links.

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NET Programmer Write Code For Windows CE?

Sep 12, 2011

A job recruiter asked me if I could take over writing code for a device that uses Windows CE. He didn't know much about it except that he thought the previous programmer was using Visual Basic, and he thought it might be Visual Basic.NET, along with SQL Server. I'd like to take over this programming job if I am qualified, but I don't know if I am. I have developed code using VB.NET, C#.NET, SQL Server for standard Windows. I used .NET to build programs that run on Windows desktop, and also the WPF platform. I also built ASP.NET and Silverlight programs for the web. In addition I have written programs that interface with machinery using serial and TCP coimmunications.

Would I be able to get up-to-speed on taking over the coding of a program that targets Windows CE? Does Windows CE allow .NET managed code or just C++ and VB6? Would it be advisable to try to get this job or would taking it lead to problems and disappointment?

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