[2008] Recovering A Project After Reformat?

Jan 9, 2009

My computer was running really slow so I decided to reformat my computer and reinstall Vista. I thought I had backed up everything I needed, but I COMPLETELY forgot to grab the Projects folder in my user folder, so this huge project I was working on is gone Does anyone know of any data recovery software that I could get for free (or even buy if it will definitely work) to get these files back? I can't afford professional data recovery.

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Resource File Disorder Recovering

May 31, 2012

I used to posted a question on the problem I've discribed for the resource file randomly disordering by VS 2010 (also seen in VS 2008). And there was no obvious key to solve the problem.Designer codes are messed up by VS..But today I have a good news for you all: there might be ways to recover the problem.So I hope the moderators and devs of VS would notice this topic.

1. Build a form, and lay several kinds of controls, (maybe must) containing several ContextMenuStrip, ToolTip, ErrProvider, etc.

2. Set Localizable = True, and set some text(maybe must) including tooltip on/errinfo on properties for the controls at another language eg. Chinese PRC.

3. Double click and open the resource frmxxx.resource.zh-CN from the right or left (of your layout)panel by showing all files. Where frmxxx is the form we are just designing with languages.

4. From the opened resource file grid, remove some items. This is a not-common action (and I suppose this would be the reason why ppl were replying that they had never met the problem I've posted above), right, but it does very useful when the devs who want to remove some localized strings that no longer needed. Disgard the prompt and click OK.

5. Save the project or not. That does not matter.

6.0 DO NOT CLOSE VS NOR close your project. Just continue to go back to the form designer, and make more changes to the controls'text/tooltip/errinfo properties.

6.1 OR, IF YOU NOW CLOSE YOUR PROJECT and/or reopen later, the problem WILL NOT HAPPEN.

7. Save the project. Now check carefully, and you may found some properties are already messed up cross-controls!What is worse, this is just a beginning of the story. Developing the project in the first couple of days is alright if you don't care about the disordering of properties. But a nightmare would come to you someday, sooner or later, when you could never solve the problem but only to restore or giveup.

I don't mean that this would happen on every project everytime, and not sure if it's the only way to go, but it really taking occur by following these steps now. Fortunately I have just created a backup of my project so I can have it restored without any lose of work.

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VS 2010 Recovering Bytes From A File?

Aug 1, 2011

Well basicly i have a file from which i extract bytes and save them to a text file using this code :

Private Sub browse_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles browse.Click
Dim oFile As System.IO.FileInfo


Everything works well, but I don't know how to recover this file using the extracted data from bytes ! I Know for example the first byte of that file is 39 But i just can't do :

dim mybytes() as byte

You see what im talking about? I Want to recover those bytes from the same file I saved

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C# - Recovering From Memory-Leak Crashes In WinForms?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a WinForms app that is relying on several libraries over which I have limited control, such as Forms.Images and Forms.WebBrowser. Sporadic sudden memory leaks cause my application to crash. These are not over-time memory leaks that build up. They are random, often different COM exceptions and are impossible to predict -- sometimes they happen after one hour, sometimes after a day.

My current methodology to at least temporarily cope with the problem is to have another application verify that the first one is running by using GetProcessesByName(). However, this is problematic because the ongoing process sometimes crashes but does not close. I just get a WER message (despite the fact that WER is turned off on the computer). What's worse is that when the first process crashes and the memory leak builds up, the second process-checking application ALSO crashes. And then nothing works until I manually reboot the whole shabang.

1) Does anybody know an effective way to have Process A check if Process B is running without having Process A subjected to the memory problems that made Process B crash?

2) If the above is not possible, or too difficult, does anybody know any good third-party tools that can be used to ensure that processes are running without any outstanding WER errors, that restart processes if WER faults are detected, and that can withstand maxed out RAM?

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Gathering Data From Several Different COM Ports And Reformat?

Apr 28, 2010

I have written a program that will gather data from several different COM ports and reformat the data before sending it to a web site. This program is intended to run 24/7, but only send the information at user specified intervals. I have the routines to gahter data, but I only need it to perform this task at the specified time (5 minutes to each hour). At startup the dialog minimizes to the system tray. I would like a balloon message notifiy anyone watching that the data is about to be sent, and allow them to add additional comments if they choose (by clicking on the balloon). The system tray icon has several context menu items that the user may need. Is this the proper use of a background thread? I would also like opinions on the best method for pausing execution until the specified time.

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Formatting :: Reformat A Large Text File?

Dec 10, 2011

I am faced with a rather large text file (200-400 lines)The file displays a lot of data however the problem is that it is not lined up. The data at the moment resembles this

Column1 Column2 Column3 Column4
Bobby Fisher Virginia Rural
Willis Johnson Oklahoma City


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Way Of Re-ordering Handles Without Having To Completely Reformat Form

Jan 31, 2011

finally my programme works. It will test the other programme, which is a Bid Tabulation programme allowing up to 10 Supplier Quotes each one having up to 500 line items; handling mixed currencies; many additional lines of specific information; etc.; using any combination of Suppliers and Line Items.However, I thought that I would let you know about some of the things I had to do to make it run.Obviously, the programme can bring up the Bid Tabulation programme very quickly, and then moves on to obtain the handle of the first form. But I had to insert a timing delay in order for the programme to report that it had found the handle; I also had to add the same delay all over the programme in order to see a valid handle number instead of "0".In addition to this I had to cycle through the ChildHandles, as you had indicated in order to get to the handle I needed. This raised another problem. I wanted to enter information in the same sequence as the tab order, but I found that the ChildHandle order was all over the place; generally back to front. In other words the tab order which went from top to bottom, and left to right, whereas the ChildHandle order was sometimes all over the place.

Is there a simple method of rearranging the ChildHandle order, as there is for arranging the tab order? I had to reformat several of my forms in order that entries would make sense. Imagine the table below is a form with 23 TextBoxes. The order that I need them to be filled is from top to bottom, and left to right, but the actual order of the TextBoxes is as below: [code] This message does not really require a resolution to a problem, unless there is a way of re-ordering the handles without having to completely reformat the form.

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Tool To Reformat Code / Specifically Line Breaks

Jan 6, 2010

Are there any tools available for automatically formatting vb.net code - specifically for adding line breaks at a predefined line length? I'm working with a lot of code with long lines (thousands of lines), and manually reformatting it is quite time consuming. I've seen a number of tools for rearranging code into regions etc., but haven't found any that reformat with line breaks.

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Parsing - Extract Characters From A Long String And Reformat The Output To CSV By Using Keywords With .net?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a task to resolve, it is regading extracting characters from a long string to the console, the extracted text shall be reformatted and saved into a CSV file. The string comes out of a database.

It looks something like: UNH+RAM6957+ORDERS:D:96A:UN:EGC103'BGM+38G::ZEW+REQEST6957+9'DTM+Z05:0:805'DTM+137:20100930154

The values are seperated by '.I can query the database and display the string on the console, but now I need to extract the Keyword 'ORDERS' for example, and lets say it's following 5 Characters. So the output should look like: ORDERS:D:96A then I need to extract the keyword 'BGM' and its following five characters so the output should look like: BGM+38G:After extracting all the keywords, the result should be comma seperated and look like:

ORDERS:D:96A,BGM+38G: it should be saved into a CSV file automatically.

I tried already:

'Lookup for containing KeyWords
Dim FoundPosition1 = p_EDI.Contains("ORDERS")

Which gives the starting position of the Keyword.I tried to trim the whole thing around the keyword "DTM". The EDI variable holds the entire string from the Database:

Dim FoundPosition2 = EDI
FoundPosition2 = Trim(Mid(EDI, InStr(EDI, "DTM")))

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Add Project Setup Project For Project For Visual Studio 2008?

Nov 15, 2010

i was developing Voice Chat Application in visual Basic .NET 2008 i try a lot methods to make installer for it :

1- i add Project Setup Project for my Project for Visual Studio 2008 Deploy & setup Type Projects and make it with output option and detect dependices

2- i try make it with Setup Factory 8.2.1

3- i try with MSI Factory 2.0

4 i try with Setup Factory 6.0

and after making installer copying it to my test virtual Machine or my friend lap and install it i get this error when try to run my application :


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VS 2008 : Get Multiple Icons In A Project For Use With Shortcuts OUTSIDE The Project?

Nov 28, 2011

How do i get multiple icons in a project for use with shortcuts OUTSIDE the project..

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VS 2008 Export A File From One Project Directly Into Another Project?

Jun 28, 2009

Is there a way that you can export a file from one project directly into another project?

For example, in one project i have a file called authInvalid.vb and i need to export it into another project?

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Convert .NET 2005 Project To C# 2008 Project?

Jun 16, 2009

Is there a tool to convert a VB.NET 2005 project to a C# 2008 project. I am trying to convert our project to VS 2008 and mostly port all the vb.NET code in some projects to C# 3.0/3.5.

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VS 2008 How To Declare Things From BLL Project In UI Project

Apr 26, 2009

i'm doing a program, and i'm working with a guy (he's kinda like a teacher) and he's teaching me tiered coding, UI, BLL and DAL.i've been taught to have the UI in one project, and the BLL in another, but they're in the same solution. pretty much i don't know how to declare things from the BLL project in the UI project.

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VS 2008 Project Does Not Appear In Recently Viewed Project?

Jul 9, 2011

I emptied the recently-viewed projects from the registry but now the project which I'm working on does not appear there even though I've opened it many times. How do I get the project to appear in recently-viewed projects?

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How To Close One Form In A Project And Note The Entire Project When Using Me.close() In Visual Studio 2008

Mar 22, 2010

I am really new to Visual Studio and VB and I am having trouble closing a single form:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

End Sub

When I use Me.close() associated with this button it closes the entire project and not just the single form can anyone.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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Include Contact Project Into Another Project / Add More Items To Database / Forms In New Project?

May 6, 2009

I have a project that I have created, it something like a contact database.It is complete with its own sql server database, and controls and forms.I kinda of understand that I can include this project into another project.This is the tricky part,Can I include my contact project into another project and add more items to the database and forms in a new project?What I'm after is like using classes.My contact database would be like the base class, and the new project would be adding more features to that project.

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VS 2008 Visual Basics - 2008 - Open Up A Project Again?

Dec 5, 2010

I have put a ton of effort into my new project, and I have saved the coding and designer part. I never did publish it, and when I came back to open it later to work on it, I can't seem to get to the screen that allows you to move items, and edit the looks of the project. I have to files that say RSEB.Designer.vb and RSEB.Vb - So how do I open the screen that allows me to edit the damn project?

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.net - Creating A COM Dll In VB 2008 And Using It In A C++ Project?

Jul 28, 2011

create a COM dll in Visual Basic. [URL]I now want to use this dll in a C++ project. I used OLE/COM Viewer to create an .idl file as is described in the second half this tutorial.[URL]I compiled the .idl with the midl compiler and included the .h file that was created in my c++ project.Here is my Visual Basic Code

<ComClass(MyComClass.ClassId, MyComClass.InterfaceId, MyComClass.EventsId)> _
Public Class MyComClass
#Region "COM GUIDs"


I receive the following errors when I compile my c++ project

error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _CLSID_MyComClass
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_MyComClass

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2008 - Rename My Project?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm using vb.net 2008. can I rename my project?

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Convert VB 6 Project To VS 2008?

Mar 17, 2010

I am trying to convert an old VB 6 project to VS 2008, but it is giving me the following error:


Upgrade failed: Exception occurred: Could not load referenced component:TABCTL32.OCX (1.1.0)You need to install this component before you upgrade the project.It is recommended you install VB6.0, with all referenced components, and ensure the application compiles and runs before upgrading.I don't have VB6.0, so how do I work around this?

The files I am trying to convert are here:


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FTP In Vb 2008 - Unable To Add The .dll To Project

Aug 12, 2008

I know that wininet allows for FTP functions and whatnot, but I'm unable to add the .dll to my project. I've downloaded the .dll, and when I go to add it as a reference in my project I get this error message: "Please make sure that the file is still accessible, and that it is a valid assembly or COM component"

I know that I can use my.system.network to upload and download files from/to a server, but I want to be able to get all files and directories on a server, something I cannot do with that. Is there another way to do this that I haven't found?

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How To Run A .exe From Inside A VB 2008 Project

Oct 20, 2008

i was wondering if anyone knows how to get a VB 2008 project to run a .exe from withinside it???say i wanted a muti installer...with the installer packages embedded inside it....is it possible to call tghe .exe by clicking a button?

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Make Project.exe In VB 2008?

Feb 6, 2010

How can I make my project.exe in visual basic 2008 and how to load an image into PictureBox by clicking a CommanButton.?

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Moving A VB6 Project To VB 2008?

Dec 24, 2009

Have been doing well moving a VB6 project to VB 2008.Here's another question.I am making an onscreen keyboard.I have my qwerty buttons handled by the same Event, as recommended to me by someone in these forums. It works great, and it was easy to set up.In my VB6 project, when I designed the "CAPS" button, all I had to do was this:


Can someone take a second and explain to me how this is accomplished in VB 2008? Do I have to physically type every button into an array and then do something like I did in VB6?

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Rename A VB 2008 Project?

May 31, 2010

I have a VB 2008 project XYZ. It is in an XYZ folder. I want to keep it, but I also want a copy of it which I will call ABC which will be in the ABC folder. How do I do this? Just moving files to a new folder does not work. I have found a few places to make changes like the assembly name, but there seem to be many places and I haven't found them all. I found some old posts for earlier versions of VB but they are not applicable.

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Save As Project In VB 2008

Apr 26, 2010

I use Visual Basic 2008 to build my Application. How do I keep the previous one and upgrade the same project. I couldn't find Save as facility like before. Anything wrong with my VB 2008 setting? Any other way to do this so that I still keep my previous version. My intention is to have certain project with different capability so that I can give a choice to user. And also I can give different way of output to chose.

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Use Lambdas In An ASP.NET (2.0) Project In VS 2008?

Aug 13, 2010

I built a small chunk of code based around lambdas in a VB Windows form project earlier which works perfectly, but it gives me "expression expected" warnings (which block compiling... should probably be considered errors, no?) when I copy the code to an ASP.NET project. The only difference I can see is if I make a Windows form project vs a Web project... works in one, doesn't work in another.

Even something basic like this doesn't work:

delegate function stringify(byval x as object) as string
public sub test()
dim f as stringify = Function(x) x.ToString()
dim s as string = f(5)
end sub

Is there a way to get Lambdas to work in ASP.NET? Or is there a setting somewhere yanking my version of VB down a level or two (since they apparently only work in 9.0 or later, but I don't know how to tell which version I'm using)?

Edit: Bah! LinqBridge doesn't seem to work for me. I get the objects (Func(Of TResult)), but no lambda support. I suppose that's the death-knell to my hopes? Or is there something obvious I'm missing to use it (drag to bin, target in references, Imports System.Linq) ?

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