.NET Programs Don't Run At Logon Screen

Oct 3, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Pro (32bit) and have .NET 3.5 and 4 installed.I have written a .NET screensaver and have enabled it to run on the Windows logon screen.[code]BUT when I'm logged in the screensaver works.So it isn't a faulty installation of the .NET framework, or else it wouldn't work fullstop.

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Make Programs Like A Sreen Logon Changer For Windows 7?

Oct 7, 2011

i want to do is start to make programs like a sreen logon changer for windows 7 i know already been done but i want to start to learn or a branding logo changer witch has been done also branding logo= windows 7 text at bottom of logon screen just want to edit some system files like that instead of doing it in resource hacker if you know wot i mean so wot i want is a bit of codeing to get me to system 32 folder and little bit of guidance on how to change a picture in a dll file via vb instead of using a resorce hacker..

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Replace The Logon Screen?

Jan 24, 2010

I was thinking about replacing my log on screen. I don't just mean changing the background style or whatever, I mean a totally different app, which would allow users to log on and off. I'm prepared to spend a serious amount of time on this, and I just wanted to know if it is concievably possible, and if anyone's ever done it before? I want to do this because I'm sick of the Vista log on screen. This doesn't neccesarily have to be made in vb, I could de-compile the .dll files which make up the logon screen and then re compile them.

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Way For Service To Detect When Logon Screen Is Present And When It's Gone?

May 25, 2010

I am planning on creating a service that measures the bootup time for a computer. It would go something like this:

1. Service starts and waits for CTRL+ALT+DEL screen
2. Timer starts when logon screen appears
3. User logs in and timer stops
4. Service waits for process X to start
5. Process X starts and service gets System.Environment.TickCount
6. Service subtracts step 3 ticks from tickcount

The reason for the logon screen timer is I don't want to measure if the user booted up and went for coffee or something and shows up 20 mins later to log in. Is there any way for the service to detect when the logon screen is present and when it's gone?

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File I/O And Registry :: Developing A Software Called Logon Screen Changer Xp?

Jun 11, 2010

and i am developing a software called logon screen changer xp but i get this error

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Create Logon Using SQL Server Similar To The Windows Live Logon

Aug 20, 2011

I am wanting to create a logon similar to the Windows Live logon, so in other words. user has frmLogon and is located in Australia. The user enters his/her details and then the program connects to a server in the United States and checks the Username and Password to make sure it is correct if it is correct it allows the user to logon and move to the next stage, if it is wrong it will give him an error message. I am wondering if anyone has a tutorial or source code laying around that I can rip apart and see how it works. I want to put the database on my server and connect to it from my desktop using the logon form.

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Determine Programs Build (or Compile Or Publish) Date For Splash Screen?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a "ClickOnce" application and on the Splash screen I display the Version. I am also displaying the "CreationTime" (see below) that I thought was when the Build or Publish was done. Today I realized it is displaying the date/time when the application is actually installed on the PC. How do I pull the date when the this version was compiled, Built, or Published? I really do not care which -I just want a constant date the sticks with that version. I'm using VB 2005.


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Build A Class Or A Part Of A Program That Can Be Add Into Other Programs To Be Used In That Programs?

May 27, 2011

I am sure this can be done, as Visual Studio is basically built this way. What I want to do is simply make a class that my other workmates can use. But rather than have it in a code form, I want to build it (partially), and then my workmate can add it into their programs (sort of, like the add reference for the .NET stuff).

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Coding Programs That Interacted With Other Programs?

Feb 2, 2010

I started with VB 6.0 back when i was 14, I was mostly into coding programs that interacted with other programs. Recently I installed VB.net 2005 pro i got from school, and i grabbed few source codes that teach show interaction, I feel so dumb, i dont remember anything lol. It be great if you guys can share some source codes and other stuff in this field. also other day i was in dream spark and i am able to get copy of VS.net 2010 ultimate edition, are there a lot of major changes, cause i got 2 thick book for VB.net 2005..

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Distributing Programs: Getting Programs To Users Who Might Want Them?

Feb 23, 2009

When you've finished a program and you're trying to distribute it to the mass public. How is the best way to go about doing this? What sites would you post your program on and getting the word out that there is a new program on the block and it does xyz. This is directed to freeware so there wouldn't be any advertising.

Sorry for not explaining it very well the first time.

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Screen Blanks After 1 Min Of Processing (of Excel File) / Refresh Or Freeze Screen To Avoid Blank Screen?

Jun 29, 2011

BTW this issue occurs in any MS office program when the VB.Net (or even VBA) is processing information.Example: In Excel, a worksheet is displayed on the screen. I start either, a VB.Net or VBA procedure and within 30 seconds the Excel worksheet (previously displayed) blanks out. In both VB.Net and VBA,ScreenUpdating = False. My expectation is that the previously displayed screen would stay static as if I left my desk to get a cup of coffee; came back and the same ole Excel worksheet was still there?Of course, setting VBA Screen Updating = False accomplishes two goals: 1) speeds up processing and 2) saves the user from seeing unnecessary "garbage-processing" steps.Why does VBA or VB.Net ScreenUpdating = False not freeze the screen at the time of its invoking?

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.Net Logon Using SQL Server?

Aug 19, 2011

I am wanting to create a logon similar to the Windows Live logon, so in other words... user has frmLogon and is located in Australia. The user enters his/her details and then the program connects to a server in the United States and checks the Username and Password to make sure it is correct if it is correct it allows the user to logon and move to the next stage, if it is wrong it will give him an error message. I am wondering if anyone has a tutorial or source code laying around that I can rip apart and see how it works.

I did a quick google search however all I could find are tutorials that make the form and database in the same project which localizes the database.. I want to put the database on my server and connect to it from my desktop using the logon form..

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Ask Logon Info Again

Apr 7, 2011

I created a report by using crystal report. I used ado.net connection for this. I created a dataset and joined report.[code]This is OK in first load time. And when I clicks print button in report view, the report view ask logon information.

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Can Service Run .exe Without User Logon

Oct 8, 2009

This might seem obvious but I was doing some research and I was wondering if a service application start an executable. I know an .exe cannot start without some sort of logon but I was wondering if it was possible to work around this by having my service call it.

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How To Set User 'logon To' AD Attribute

Feb 8, 2012

I'm working on upgrading a solution in VB.NET that is heavily based on Active Directory. As of now, I'm trying to add a PC restriction to a new AD User upon user creation. Essentially, I need to update the Logon To attribute to include 1 or more PCs, how do I go about doing this? I learned that I am interested in the IADsUser property "LoginWorkstations" url...). As of now, I have code that can fetch this attribute from any AD user, but I cannot set it. [code]I've tried testing this approach with a different attribute and it works just fine. Not much out there on Google either unfortunately.

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Logon To A Remote NAS Drive?

Sep 23, 2008

I need to logon to a NAS Drive to query directory listings. All users will be logging into a domain. The NAS also has security set up on it with a different username password.

I will have a handful of users (maybe 10 - each logging into the same domain, but from different pc's) that will need to access a NAS Drive to query a directory structure. All will have physical access, and can connect via windows explorer (manually entering a user and pass).

During my first attempt via my app - I get the error "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password" Which is good cause I only want a handful of users logging on to this drive. If I logon to the drive via Windows Explorer and then go back to the app and it works.

So what I did was create a multi form app.

- At launch the parent form loads (as well as a logon window within that form). The logon window auto fills a text box with a username. That is pulled from the current logged on user - or can be replaced. I would like each user to then enter a password -> send that to the NAS for authentication -> then either open the app (mentioned above) or give some kind of a message box saying they now have connectivity to the drive.

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Logon To Print Server

Sep 7, 2011

I am writing a app to list the printers on various print servers and map the printer.My only problem is that I need the user to enter their domain credentials to gain access to the print server.I cant figure out how to connect to the print server using those credentials.If I try this:dim My PrinterServer as New PrintServer(\PServer1)I get a logon failure.How do I pass the credentials?

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.NET - Startup Class Before The Logon Form?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a VB.NET project and I want to know how I can call a class called StartUp.vb BEFORE my logon form.

Here below is the coding of Startup.vb class


The problem is: I couldn't find a way to call this StartUp.vb file and therefore I am unable to call my LogonUI form, I also try to "right click" the vb project and select "properties" and go to "Startup form", couldn't see the class of "Startup.vb" showing up

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.net User ID One Time Logon And Save?

Jul 7, 2011

i could use some help with this program i'm making, Script:

Public Class logon

Private Sub logon_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim client As New Net.WebClient
RichTextBox1.Text = client.DownloadString("ftp://null:null@null.com/users.txt")


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Crystal Report Logon Message?

Jun 21, 2010

I have tried my best but failed so i have decided to discuss with u all about this matter.when i run Given below code on my current system it's OK but when i install this on my client machine then it gives my a window during call Print button event that ask for User Name and Password which are filled according to my setting.But there is no database name that is given by me. Any one can help me about this problem.

Thanx for this.Private Sub btn_PrintOC_Click( ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_PrintOC.Click


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LDAP : Getting A List Of Logon Names?

Dec 8, 2009

I have the need in my program to get the list of user logon names in a group. This is what I have so far but it only returns all the users...which I need cut down to those in a group, of which i have the name of.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory


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Set The Logon-Script In The AD For A User With Putex?

Jul 12, 2010

I do have a VB Problem that is reflected in the followin code fragment: (currently using Visual Studio 2005, error is the same in VB6)


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Active Directory Logon Doesn't Work On XP?

Oct 10, 2011

I have some code which queries the AD for a users information. On Windows 7 this works as expected but on XP it returns the error: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

This seems to be across the board on XP machines, except the development was done on XP and tested on a different XP machine and they were fine. I don't have access to these 2 machines anymore so I can't test to see if it still works on them. don't know if it is a problem because of XP or a different reason but all I know is it doesn't work and XP seems to be the common denominator.

The error is thrown at this line:

Dim entry As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://ldapString", "username", "password")

As I say, this works on 7 but not on XP, it also works when logging in through ADExplorer. What could possibly be the problem?

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Authenticode Signing Going To Prevent The UAC Logon Request?

Oct 26, 2009

Hi guys, we have an application which requires elevation to admin rights on VISTA/Windows 7 machine because it provides an ActiveX interface. We can't at present get around this requirement. With a manifest file and on a VISTA machine we get the UAC administrator prompt 'An unidentified program wants access to your computer' and logon request. Disabling UAC is not an option with our clients. I believe that authenticode signing the EXE will at least make the program trusted and thus remove the logon request. But I believe we will still be left with a grey prompt that asks something like 'Did you run this program, do you want to continue' - is this correct? Is there any way of getting rid of the prompts completely?

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C# - Failed Logon Counter For Local Users?

Jun 30, 2010

Is there a way to programmaticly get the failed logon count for local Windows users in XP and later? Alternatively, is there a way for my service to get a message when a failed logon occurs? Currently coding in VB.NET, but will take any suggestions in any language.

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Capture Windows Logoff And Logon Time?

Nov 4, 2008

i want to capture the system logoff time and i have to store the time in .txt file. when ever the user logging in and logging off i have to capture the time and store the time in .txt file.i konw how to use windows services.but how to capture the log off time and log on time?

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Change Logon Hours In Active Directory?

Jan 11, 2010

How to change logon hours in Active Directory Users and how to find "Memberof" users this example for find memberof but does not work

Private Function FormFilter(ByVal objectCategory As String, ByVal filter As String) As String
Dim result As [String]


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Created A Logon Form For DDP World Project?

Feb 15, 2010

In visual basic 2008, I've created a logon form for my DDP World project. I was wondering, how do I create a uesr profile? For example:

Username: Admin Password: 9cookies1 (never used that password before, so dont try using it)

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Fire An Event On Windows User Logon?

Nov 5, 2011

I want to create a service that sets up a user specific environment. So I would like to know when a user has logged on to the computer.

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Jan 5, 2012

I just setup my old pc to run SQL Server and VisualSVN. I have a laptop and another pc that i need to work on a website and that is why i setup subversion and sql server on a seperate pc. I have set up VisualSVN and ToirtoiseSVN but im getting SQL Server Problems below is how im connecting to the DB[code]...

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